James40221 - Building a Big Cock

Had a great PE week.

21.4 is my longest measurement ever so a big win for me. I only got a 1 mm increase in my longest measurement this week so I wonder if my gains are slowing down. I will know more in a couple of weeks. I am 1.6 mm away from my goal of 9 inch bpfsl so I will have another trial after this one at least. Still working forward with the heat therapy. Let’s get gaining
Had a great PE week.

21.4 is my longest measurement ever so a big win for me. I only got a 1 mm increase in my longest measurement this week so I wonder if my gains are slowing down. I will know more in a couple of weeks. I am 1.6 mm away from my goal of 9 inch bpfsl so I will have another trial after this one at least. Still working forward with the heat therapy. Let’s get gaining

Hallelujah my brother! Congratulations and I wish you even greater growth as you continue on your path to greatness
This week was a huge step forward. My starting length went up to 21.1 cm 3 days running here are my stats
I measured the 21.6 3 times to make sure it was legit and it was. I thought the gains were coming to a stop but I was able to get to 21.6 for this week. Still on the .2 cm per week schedule. I will take 3 days off and come back on Monday. Let’s get growing
This week was a huge step forward. My starting length went up to 21.1 cm 3 days running here are my stats
I measured the 21.6 3 times to make sure it was legit and it was. I thought the gains were coming to a stop but I was able to get to 21.6 for this week. Still on the .2 cm per week schedule. I will take 3 days off and come back on Monday. Let’s get growing

Still chugging a long my gains seem to have slowed I got a consistent 21.1-21.6 3 times last week for my sessions. Looking like a length Decon is in order. Have 2 weeks of the left then it will be a 6 week Devon focused on girth. Let’s get growing
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Still chugging a long my gains seem to have slowed I got a consistent 21.1-21.6 3 times last week for my sessions. Looking like a length Decon is in order. Have 2 weeks of the left then it will be a 6 week Devon focused on girth. Let’s get growing

Are you going to go with a girth only routine?
So I Jan thought that I had stalled and this week today I made some growth. I did 3 heat sessions at 21.1-21.6
I knew as soon as I measured I was longer after heat trial. Still gaining my 2 mm but the gains are slowing down. I will see what Monday brings. Let’s get gaining
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If things start to slow down it simply means we need to either add to the routine in exercise and time or completely change the work out. There are wonderful ways to break plateaus so if you need any help please let us now
I was going through my routine and re-
Cementing my goals tonight. This is the year of BIG GAINZ! For me! I have 1.2 cm to hit the 9 inch bpfsl and I have 6 weeks to accomplish my task. I am going to add a LENGTHMASTER session after my heat session 4 days a week to see if I can get my gains back on track. I will be holding a 9 inch cock at the end of this trial September first. I am visualizing it and I will do whatever it takes to get there. All aboard the gain train 9 inch here I come
I was going through my routine and re-
Cementing my goals tonight. This is the year of BIG GAINZ! For me! I have 1.2 cm to hit the 9 inch bpfsl and I have 6 weeks to accomplish my task. I am going to add a lengthmaster session after my heat session 4 days a week to see if I can get my gains back on track. I will be holding a 9 inch cock at the end of this trial September first. I am visualizing it and I will do whatever it takes to get there. All aboard the gain train 9 inch here I come

This is awesome news and getting to that 9 inch mark is an amazing accomplishment. You would be in the one percentile!
Day 1 of my six week challenge. I added 15 min bundled before my heat therapy and hung 5 lbs for 30 min with heat in a later session. I am going to break this plateau I need to get to 22 cm even this week to stay on my 2 mm per week goal. It is going to happen let’s get some gains
Day 1 of my six week challenge. I added 15 min bundled before my heat therapy and hung 5 lbs for 30 min with heat in a later session. I am going to break this plateau I need to get to 22 cm even this week to stay on my 2 mm per week goal. It is going to happen let’s get some gains

maybe adding a new exercise to get to that point. Let’s try something that you’ve never tried before, some of the more obscure stretches available. If you hit a different angle you may find growth there. You can look up some of these exercises which really give a different type of a stretch. The first and best way to add to the routine is to add in the LENGTHMASTER. You want to use the Powerassist portion of the LENGTHMASTER To do fulcrum stretching. If you do not have a Lengthmaster what you can do is get a piece of PVC pipe and use that to do the fulcrum exercises. Here is the links for all video:
Power Assist A-Stretch
Power Assist Base Twist Stretch
Power Assist Body Rock Stretch
Power Assist Bow & Arrow Stretch
Power Assist Double Handed A-Stretch
Power Assist Down and Out Stretch
Power Assist Rocking Stretch Video
Power Assist Side Fulcrum Stretch
Power Assist Sling Shot Stretch
Power Assist Tunica Fulcrum Stretch

3 sets of each stretch for 60 seconds.

Video for PA Stretches

The Power Assist Videos! Get a Power Assist and Get Started! - Matters of Size | Male Enhancement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

Additional Video for PA Stretches
Power assist videos - Matters of Size | Male Enhancement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

You could also look through a few other stretches that will hit angular growth. Check out the DLD sock stretches, they are awesome too.
maybe adding a new exercise to get to that point. Let’s try something that you’ve never tried before, some of the more obscure stretches available. If you hit a different angle you may find growth there. You can look up some of these exercises which really give a different type of a stretch. The first and best way to add to the routine is to add in the Lengthmaster. You want to use the Powerassist portion of the LM To do fulcrum stretching. If you do not have a Lengthmaster what you can do is get a piece of PVC pipe and use that to do the fulcrum exercises. Here is the links for all video:
Power Assist A-Stretch
Power Assist Base Twist Stretch
Power Assist Body Rock Stretch
Power Assist Bow & Arrow Stretch
Power Assist Double Handed A-Stretch
Power Assist Down and Out Stretch
Power Assist Rocking Stretch Video
Power Assist Side Fulcrum Stretch
Power Assist Sling Shot Stretch
Power Assist Tunica Fulcrum Stretch

3 sets of each stretch for 60 seconds.

Video for PA Stretches

The Power Assist Videos! Get a Power Assist and Get Started! - Matters of Size | Male Enhancement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

Additional Video for PA Stretches
Power assist videos - Matters of Size | Male Enhancement, Body Modifications & Peyronies Forums

You could also look through a few other stretches that will hit angular growth. Check out the DLD sock stretches, they are awesome too.
Ok I will take a look at those thank you for the suggestions. Got to break this plateau and hit my 23cm mark 1.2 cm to go
I am doing the us therapy. My gains have diminished so I am starting to bundle stretch with the length master and doing a couple sets of heated hanging to cement gains and to see if I can eek out a few more mm this trial. This week my measurements were 21.4-21.8, 21.4-21.8, 21.5-21.8.My pre-bpsl is moving up but I want to hit that 22cm mark, and I am going to. I will then work to increase my bpel to get as close as I can. I was hoping to hit my 23 mark this trial but my gains are really slowing. I will have to go to a Decon soon I just want to hit 22 so I will have 1 cm left of my length goal.
It goes against the us protocol but I am still in my first year so hopefully getting this last little bit will not toughen my tissues to much. The have about 4 months for my first year and I want to hit a bpfsl of 23 cm. This is my length goal so then I will start to hit girth hard next year to get to my 6.5 inch. I guess I am just going to have to have patience and do one more heat trial
It goes against the us protocol but I am still in my first year so hopefully getting this last little bit will not toughen my tissues to much. The have about 4 months for my first year and I want to hit a bpfsl of 23 cm. This is my length goal so then I will start to hit girth hard next year to get to my 6.5 inch. I guess I am just going to have to have patience and do one more heat trial

Heat + Bundles = no tissue will toughen and if it has this will be the solution to correct it
Well after 3 days of rest I have reached my goal of 22cm actually 22.1. My pre bpfl was 21.6 and post was 22.1. I measured multiple times to make sure and it was a true measurement. This will conclude this us therapy trial. I am going to use ads to keep the length as much as I can through Devon and start the other side to continue bpel to catch up. I will have 1 more trial of the us to get to my 9 inch bpfsl which is my final goal, the switch to a girth only routine. Starting my 5x5x3 and erect stretching to close the gap. Looking forward to starting my first girth focused routine. Let’s get growing
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Well after 3 days of rest I have reached my goal of 22cm actually 22.1. My pre bpfl was 21.6 and post was 22.1. I measured multiple times to make sure and it was a true measurement. This will conclude this us therapy trial. I am going to use ads to keep the length as much as I can through Devon and start the other side to continue bpel to catch up. I will have 1 more trial of the us to get to my 9 inch bpfsl which is my final goal, the switch to a girth only routine. Starting my 5x5x3 and erect stretching to close the gap. Looking forward to starting my first girth focused routine. Let’s get growing
Might have understood this wrong, but 22 cm BPFL:O or 22cm BPFSL?


  • How many weeks have you been using the UT therapy? 6 weeks max as stated by jackxxx, or different approach?
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