James40221 - Building a Big Cock

Day 4 complete. I am in the fatigue zone and ready for 2 days off. Great week getting back into the swing of things despite only having 1 training day last week
Today I broke up my length and Girth and I think I had better results. For length I was down to 21.4 from the weekend but got to 22 bpfsl after my heat stretcheing. That 22 is a tough one to crack for me but it is going to happen. 22 cm whatch out I am creeping up on you.

after 2 days off I started at 13.9 and got to15cm after my 5x5x3. I am getting expansion but getting past that 15cm mark is also tough.

the grind is on, but I will persevere. Let’s get gaining brothers
Hell yeah, we got this one year is coming up and I want something to show for it.
Well I want to post a demotivating post unfortunately. My girth is expanding but my bpfsl is getting less. I have lost about .5 cm in bpfsl despite consistently stretching and using heated extending. My girth is up to 14 cm though which rocks. I think this is somewhat normal as my penis is robbing some length as it is expanding girthwise. I am continuing to increase my bpel as I have hit 20cm (my current bpfsl before training is 21.1 now, lower than the 21.6 I have been at), so my gap is narrowing. My penis is definitely thicker as I am growing out of my size genetics the shaft is starting to touch both sides even flaccid.
Gotta trust the process going to get my 23 cm.
I did and i have gained .7 cm so far in girth. I am working on the heat therapy as well now in the morning with girth in the afternoon. My 1 year in pe is up end of November so I am trying to squeak out as much gains as I can.
I just finished back up to 21.6 so my strain is at 2.3 so I know it is still working. 2 steps forward 1 step back I seems
Got 4 days of solid training i this week with the above program. I did not use the LENGTHMASTER this week as I am incorporating more ads into the routine and I was sore for 3 days last weekend. That tool is amazing for results. Still only getting the 21.6 bpfsl whiz is discouraging but I am going to keep heating and keep stretching. In 2 weeks is measuring time so hopefully good news. Let’s get gaining
Hey guys I just wanted to check in. I have been training consistently on girth. I have an observation that I am losing some length and I am gaining girth, something I did not expect. My 1 year of pe ends on November 23 so I am hoping on finishing strong. Still chugging along 4 to 5 days a week. I am going to up my ads to start gaining back the length I have lost during this girth period. I am starting to work on goals for next year and training regimes. Can’t wait for my measurement in November 23rd and my 1 year newbie wrap up. Let’s get gaining brothers
Updat I was able to log 140 hours in the silistretcher at moderated tension in October. Working that band the 5x5x3 routine to keep girth moving up. I stopped US training 2 weeks ago as my gains had stopped and actually went backward due to working girth. Going to bring the last few weeks in strong. Then taken a week off. Let’s get gaining
Hey brothers checking in. I am still getting 19 hours per day ads and 3 to 4 days of
5x5x3 in. Still perfecting my technique but I am consistently getting 1.5 cm in expansion in a session. I never go above 7hg for the pump and am continuing the low pressure work outs to maximize my gains.

indi have a question as in hours in an ads, I know there was a thread that equated hours to inches and I cannot find it. From my memory I think it was 1000 hrs per inch? If anybody knows the general time to an inch in an ads that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you brothers let’s get gaining
The general rule of thumb is, on average a1000 hours per inch...
....providing the PE-Extender is being worn properly.

Personally, I have never found it to be true.
Thanks thr??? that’s what I was thinking. I really want to hit the ads hard for the next 6 months which in theory will give me about 2000 hours. My end goal is to be at a strong 21cm in my 2.25 cylinder. I only pump to 7 hg so I want to continue with the same pressure. I want to continue reaching towards the end of the cylinder while continuing to experiment with girth work. I know there are much faster exercises out there but I am training flaccid hard as well and this hits both. I need 1.4 cm of nbpel to do this so that 2000 hours should get me there. I am hoping by the end of this my flaccid will also be huge most of the time as well.
Here is a log from a MOS member, @zerotohero33, on his PE-Extender for 13-weeks and nearly completed 1000-hours
As you can see, he averaged 11-hour days to stay on schedule for 1000 hours in 90 consecutive days

If you stay diligent to your strategy, 2000 hours in 6-months in a doable PE-endeavor​
Nice I like it do you happen to know how much he gained?
I tried to look him up but was not able to find anything
Hey brothers checking in. Got to a milestone today in girth training for up to 16cm for expansion using the 5x5x3 method with heat. That is a full 2cm expansion, the best I have ever gotten. I am still chugging away with the silistretcher, I stop myself at 10 hours a day, I feel it keeps me wanting more and makes it easy to strap in the next day. Haven’t taken a day off so hopefully I can get a full month with 10 hours per day in. My official 1 year is 23 November so I will do an official measurement then. I am working on some goals for the last half of my commitment to pe, to 2022 year of big gains. Let’s get gaining
Next week is 1 year if consistent PE. It has been quite a journey so far. I am consistently getting 10 hours per day in of silistretcher and 3 rounds of heat therapy sessions and 3 rounds of a 5x5x3 for girth. I am experimenting with clamping a little I want to work that into my routine in the near future to keep the girth gains going. Still chugging along and developing goals for the next year. Let’s get gaining
one year follow up-
I have put in 1 year of PE from newbie to now. I purchase the srt bundle and have used everything in it on my journey. I have had blisters, soreness and a lot of just getting to know how far to push my body to the point of growth. Well what did all the work get me? I went 3 days no PE to get my absolute cemented gains. I have been longer during my heat therapy and am currently reworking my us protocol to reach my original goals of 23 cm bpfl . I have spent 3 months on girth, only in the first year as gaining length was my first priority. So here are my stats

16.5cm-> 21.2cm bpfsl
16.5cm-> 19.8cm bpel
13.3cm -> 14.2mseg

I do find that my bpel does lag behind my bpfsl quite a bit due to having an upward curve in in my penis. Measuring with a straight ruler is the most accurate. I have measures as high as 22.2 bpfsl during my us trials, but have found that working girth there is a definite robing of length.

In summary the big question, does PE work, absolutely. I have gotten comments from partners about my dick ranging from awesome to “ you need to clone your dick because it is amazing.”

Future goals-
23cm bpfsl
21.6 bpel
16.5 cm girth

this next year I am going to continue my us therapy trials, while achieving 2000 hours my may in my ads. I want my flaccid to hang long and thick all the time, and I will train this by wearing an ads all through the winter, the time I turtle the most. I am going to really work my girth routines and keep experimenting and growing in that area.

the last goal I want to really work on is cul de sac trading with women. I hit bottom fairly regularly but am working on getting into the cul de sac with my upward curve. I want to be a master at hitting these deep spots and getting women to squirt orgasm, more of a fun goal but one I want to hit nonetheless. It has been a great year, thanks to all the brothers for all the help and support they have provided especially DLD. He has been inspiring and incredibly helpful. The future growth starts today let’s get gaining!
one year follow up-
I have put in 1 year of PE from newbie to now. I purchase the srt bundle and have used everything in it on my journey. I have had blisters, soreness and a lot of just getting to know how far to push my body to the point of growth. Well what did all the work get me? I went 3 days no PE to get my absolute cemented gains. I have been longer during my heat therapy and am currently reworking my us protocol to reach my original goals of 23 cm bpfl . I have spent 3 months on girth, only in the first year as gaining length was my first priority. So here are my stats

16.5cm-> 21.2cm bpfsl
16.5cm-> 19.8cm bpel
13.3cm -> 14.2mseg

I do find that my bpel does lag behind my bpfsl quite a bit due to having an upward curve in in my penis. Measuring with a straight ruler is the most accurate. I have measures as high as 22.2 bpfsl during my us trials, but have found that working girth there is a definite robing of length.

In summary the big question, does PE work, absolutely. I have gotten comments from partners about my dick ranging from awesome to “ you need to clone your dick because it is amazing.”

Future goals-
23cm bpfsl
21.6 bpel
16.5 cm girth

this next year I am going to continue my us therapy trials, while achieving 2000 hours my may in my ads. I want my flaccid to hang long and thick all the time, and I will train this by wearing an ads all through the winter, the time I turtle the most. I am going to really work my girth routines and keep experimenting and growing in that area.

the last goal I want to really work on is cul de sac trading with women. I hit bottom fairly regularly but am working on getting into the cul de sac with my upward curve. I want to be a master at hitting these deep spots and getting women to squirt orgasm, more of a fun goal but one I want to hit nonetheless. It has been a great year, thanks to all the brothers for all the help and support they have provided especially DLD. He has been inspiring and incredibly helpful. The future growth starts today let’s get gaining!
So I just surpassed 370 hours yesterday and wow my flaccid was 5.5 inches nbp long consistently for 5 hours at night and all the way till morning when I put my ads on at 0730. It is an awesome feeling having that bouncing around. Going for 2000 hours I will keep you updated as I progress, Happy thanksgiving and Happy gaining
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