James40221 - Building a Big Cock

Well after 3 days of rest I have reached my goal of 22cm actually 22.1. My pre bpfl was 21.6 and post was 22.1. I measured multiple times to make sure and it was a true measurement. This will conclude this us therapy trial. I am going to use ads to keep the length as much as I can through Devon and start the other side to continue bpel to catch up. I will have 1 more trial of the us to get to my 9 inch bpfsl which is my final goal, the switch to a girth only routine. Starting my 5x5x3 and erect stretching to close the gap. Looking forward to starting my first girth focused routine. Let’s get growing

Is this going off the routine I wrote for you?
Might have understood this wrong, but 22 cm BPFL:O or 22cm BPFSL?


  • How many weeks have you been using the UT therapy? 6 weeks max as stated by jackxxx, or different approach?
I went for 7 weeks, I really wanted that 22 so I pushed a little. So it was not exactly to standard. I also started to bundle the last week to break my plateau, again not to standard but I figure I am still in my first year of PE I wanted to push a little
So after crunching some numbers with the us therapy I was able to achieve an average of 2.25 mm per week. This exceeded my goal of 2mm per week, which is awesome. After my first year at the end of me ember I am going to get all the data into a more organized structure to show my journey.
Plan moving forward- I am going to spend the next 8 weeks working girth and closing the gap between el and bpsl. I have over 2cm difference right now so I am going to use girth exercises to close it. My girth workout will be 10 min bundled stretches, with Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine. I will be applying heat to the outside is the tube and using the MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY to keep things heated. The mos red only has the ability to reach temps of 102 degrees, but I am hoping the combination will take me up to the 104 threshold for heat. I have never done an exclusive girth routine before so i think heat and 5x5x3 will be a solid combination for 8 weeks. Let’s get growing
Well I gotta say pumping is awesome. I started at 13.3 cm and got up to a 14.8 cm girth right below the glands. It is amazing to see my sick that size. I know it is temporary but it tells me there is room to grow. I only go up to 5hg to get used to it and plan on stay with that pressure as I am getting good expansion. I did have a worry though, I was only able to get up to 17cm length in the tube? I measured my boel and it is at 19.1? I measured the tube and it is .5 cm short so I got to 17.5. I am wondering where the last 1.5cm went? The only thing I can think of is my turkey neck is holding back my length, I did feel a lot of tightness on the bottom skin? Well I will keep working and maybe this pumping will take care of my turkey neck as well? Let’s get gains brothers
Well I gotta say pumping is awesome. I started at 13.3 cm and got up to a 14.8 cm girth right below the glands. It is amazing to see my sick that size. I know it is temporary but it tells me there is room to grow. I only go up to 5hg to get used to it and plan on stay with that pressure as I am getting good expansion. I did have a worry though, I was only able to get up to 17cm length in the tube? I measured my boel and it is at 19.1? I measured the tube and it is .5 cm short so I got to 17.5. I am wondering where the last 1.5cm went? The only thing I can think of is my turkey neck is holding back my length, I did feel a lot of tightness on the bottom skin? Well I will keep working and maybe this pumping will take care of my turkey neck as well? Let’s get gains brothers

Turkey neck is something that needs to be avoided. Turkey neck happens when you do not anchor one hand against the base of your penis when you’re stretching. You should always have one hand at the base holding back the scrotum while the other hand stretches the penis. If you stretch without anchoring the hand back you’ll end up with turkey neck. There’s only one way to get rid of turkey neck that is not surgical and that’s doing the testicle health massage and stretch every day consistently. Eventually the turkey neck will become displaced traveling down your scrotum.
Turkey neck is something that needs to be avoided. Turkey neck happens when you do not anchor one hand against the base of your penis when you’re stretching. You should always have one hand at the base holding back the scrotum while the other hand stretches the penis. If you stretch without anchoring the hand back you’ll end up with turkey neck. There’s only one way to get rid of turkey neck that is not surgical and that’s doing the testicle health massage and stretch every day consistently. Eventually the turkey neck will become displaced traveling down your scrotum.
Yes I have confirmed that it is the turkey neck that is keeping me from getting to 19cm in the mitivac. I did some experiments and used a little more skin on the bottom in the tube and i was able to get to 18.5 cm and my skin was still tight on the bottom. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I will be focusing on closing the gap between my bpfsl of 22 and my bpel of 19cm. That is a gap of 3 cm pretty significant.
The good news is I have done 3 5x5x3 workouts and wow does that cause expansion. My starting girth was 13.3 cm and I got up to a consistent 14.9 to 15 cm at the end of my workouts. I just measured 24 hours after workout and I measured a 14cm so it looks like girth work will stick hopefully. Not bad for my first week.
I do have to say I like focusing on either length or girth, one at a time. In my opinion it makes each workout more intense. I will update in a week after getting 4 sessions of 5x5x3 in next week. Girth train on a role woot woot
Spent the weekend getting a good pumping routine together.
warm up with mos red 20 min while doing testicle health massage for 10 and erect stretching for 10
Heated 5x5x3 with heating pad around tube and mos red on
Cocking for 2 hours

this will be my routine for the next couple of weeks, I am getting 1.7 cm expansion in the 5x5x3 with very little fluidretention. The erect stretches I am really feeling at the lid so this will increase my bpel. This will go on until my next length phase in 6 weeks starting the 2nd week of September. Let’s get gaining
Spent the weekend getting a good pumping routine together.
warm up with mos red 20 min while doing testicle health massage for 10 and erect stretching for 10
Heated 5x5x3 with heating pad around tube and mos red on
Cocking for 2 hours

this will be my routine for the next couple of weeks, I am getting 1.7 cm expansion in the 5x5x3 with very little fluidretention. The erect stretches I am really feeling at the lid so this will increase my bpel. This will go on until my next length phase in 6 weeks starting the 2nd week of September. Let’s get gaining

Looking good my brother I am very proud of you for sticking to a great routine. I look forward to your first measurements and the incredible gains I expect
So my rhythm is this
20 min bundled with LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging
10 min erect stretches
10 min testicular health massage
5x5x3 and never going over 6 hg
2 hours cockring

So my dick is hugely sore after this workout and I have to take a day off, is this normal for girth to do 1 day on and 1 day off? Or do I need to acclimate more?

when I put the cocking on it is uncomfortable, should I just continue to get used to it or should I do a full package cocking? Is this more comfortable, more effective?

thanks for all the help and feedback, this is my first time focusing on girth and it is kicking my butt. The am getting good expansion at 1.7 Cm which brings me to 6 inches even and I love the look of it, just working to bring about gains efficiently thanks for the help
So my rhythm is this
20 min bundled with lengthmaster
10 min erect stretches
10 min testicular health massage
5x5x3 and never going over 6 hg
2 hours cockring


So my dick is hugely sore after this workout and I have to take a day off, is this normal for girth to do 1 day on and 1 day off? Or do I need to acclimate more?

That’s pretty normal with girth. A lot of men after their girth workout find themselves in the state of fatigue where it’s difficult to gain a good erection. That is normal but what you can do during these times and stretch the hell out of your penis because when you’re in the state of fatigue your pelvic floor muscles cannot hold back stretch and you get the best possible.

when I put the cocking on it is uncomfortable, should I just continue to get used to it or should I do a full package cocking? Is this more comfortable, more effective?

Hard to tell without you. It should not be painful but there should be some good pressure. When you say painful is it pressure or is it actually sharp shooting pain?

thanks for all the help and feedback, this is my first time focusing on girth and it is kicking my butt. The am getting good expansion at 1.7 Cm which brings me to 6 inches even and I love the look of it, just working to bring about gains efficiently thanks for the help

Never a problem my brother.
Update last week I got 4 solid days trading in and had to take Friday off due to penis being super sore. The good thing is that it is sore in the middle of my own is so I know I am expanding the tissues inside. I am working my cock ring game so I can get up to 3 hours per day. This will be my 3rd week focused on girth so at the beginning of my 5th week I will take a measurement to see if I have any gains. Still trucking update in a week
I was only able to get in 3 workouts this week of the 5x5x3, but did everyday of the erect stretches and the testicule health massage. It does seem that I am hanging much more heavy and my turkey neck is getting less and less. This week has been 3 weeks of Decon for length. I am at a 21.6 bpfsl so I think that is permanent. I lost .5 cm off of my longest of 22.1. With the way my girth is going I am going to mix in some heated length work. This is the most Devon I have had from length and I am losing my rhythm with the intensity of girth work. Here’s to getting the 9 inches next trial. Let’s get growing
Maybe we should consider a length only routine or perhaps a different timing and approach to your girth routine. Many brothers find it difficult to get everything in every day and this ends up becoming stressful. Some men will go for length first and once they reached their goal they switch over to girth. So there are many options for you to choose from, I hope one of these help you
Hey brothers just wanted to update the progress log. Motivation has been down but was able to get 2 girth workouts this week and to continue with the testicles health massage and erect stretching for 5 days. I am taking measurements on Monday to see what the first 4 weeks have brought to my girth and erect length. My intensity is not where I want it to be, I am just being lazy no excuses. Let’s get going for a good week next week let’s get on the gain train ?
1 month update. After 3 days of no training I have gained 4 mm of girth. Heck yeah! I went from 13.3 to 13.7 before training. This is doing the 5x5x3 routine with a maximum of 3 times per week. I had a thrombosed vein for last week I let heal which took out a few sessions but better safe then sorry. My pressure never goes above 6 hg, keeping the pressure low in the beginning getting the newbie gains. After trading I was a solid 15mm, a 1.3 mm increase so I know I am getting the expansion I need.

In other fronts I am doing my erect stretches and testicle health massage and measure 20cm bpel. This isa 1 cm increase in a month, definitely keeping that going. I am at a steady 21.6 cm bpfsl and will be working my us protocol this week. Going to hit and cement my 23cm 9 inches in this trial let’s get gaining
Had a solid 4 days of girth and length this week. I am rocking the 5x5x3 routine for girth. I was able to get 3 heat sessions this week with some not so great numbers.

I have to get more effective and efficient in my length train I feel rusty after my decon and it shows in my numbers. My goal is to get to 23cm for my bpfsl this time around. Back to the grind my 1 year is up in November and I want to hit my 23cm cemented. Girth I am still getting used to it but I am getting 1.3-1.4 cm expansion after training so I know I am headed in the right direction. Let close 2021 string brothers let’s get gaining
Had a rough last week and only 1 day of training. Unfortunately my privacy went to zero last week, but I am back and my goal is to get 4 days of hard training in this week. Still rocking 21.6 bpfl and 13.9 cm girth after 5 days off.
Workout is as follows
20 min erect stretching and test health massage in front of mos red

20 min bundled lengthmaster stretches

45 min extender with heat hitting therapeutic tens for 25 min 10 min warm up 10 min warm down

5x5x3 routine in MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System

let’s get gaining I will update in a week
20 min erect stretching and test health massage in front of mos red

20 min bundled lengthmaster stretches

45 min extender with heat hitting therapeutic tens for 25 min 10 min warm up 10 min warm down

5x5x3 mityvac 2 hours c ring

complete day 2
20 min erect stretching and test health massage in front of mos red

20 min bundled lengthmaster stretches

45 min extender with heat hitting therapeutic tens for 25 min 10 min warm up 10 min warm down

5x5x3 mityvac 2 hours c ring
Complete day 3. Ligs are burning. Getting up early tomorrow to complete training for the week as privacy will be an issue later in the day.
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