I'm not certain if BPC 157 pentadecapeptide promoted healing from oral consumption as effectively as injection. The common concentration to use is around 500mg to 1,000mg for expedited healing for oral or so the medical journals said. In reality, it's 10ug/kg. How many pills? Based on how many grams you need from the manufacturer you get it from, and based on your weight. Let's say you are 100kg, just to round things off, medical journals indicated that 10mg is enough. There's also a conflict of info that 200mg is considered as the lowest, and 1000mg is considered as the maximum. Your body will build up the bioavailabilities for usage and dump the rest that it doesn't need. But the BPC 157 is still an unknown peptide under bioaccumulation in your system. There is no adverse effects known yet when the concentration is too high over time. This is why it's experimental and not encouraged for human consumption yet. Like that stop us from being guinea pigs.
Just do take the supplements with a huge bottle of salt, knowing that it's experimental.