

Aug 15, 2004
has neone seen this movie?
I luved the first half, it was basically �naked people movies�.
The second half left me feeling sick tho. lol
Saw it about a month ago. Gory as fuck and there are some sexy girls in it. Good story line but some slightly dodgy acting.
yeah good idea to put hot naked chicks in it, otherwise it would be a kinda boring movie imo
i loved the first half. tons and tons of titties. the seond half..i found myself laughing. does that make me twisted? :D
yep for sure, I did laugh also during the second half
samzman said:
i loved the first half. tons and tons of titties. the seond half..i found myself laughing. does that make me twisted? :D
penguinsfan said:
Never heard of it. It is a recent release? Who's in it? What's it about?

i didnt really recognise any big name actors. Its a "taratino presents" movie so u can guess what its like.
**spoilers follow** (Well kinda, wont give away ending but its hard to describe what a movie is bout with out describing the majority of the story.
Basically its about a group of three guys back-packing across europe getting stoned and looking for pussy.
They are staying in a hostel and are recommended to another hostel in Slovakia where there is only women because of the men going to war.... bid dodgy, but shows how stupid americans really are.
They get to slovakia where they get to the hostel where they share a room with two absolutely gorgeous women and do the shite out of them. They then go clubbing (where there are suddenly men) and get drugged by their drinks being spiked by the chix.
They then wake up in a torture room.
And u can take it from there......
The torture scenes are pretty full on and are very very gory.
Sound interesting...and alarming. I myself have always wanted to take a trip to central/eastern Europe and look for some pussy.
Is this out on video yet? I looked for it at Blockbuster tonight, but I didn't see it.
dunno about what country ur from, but tis only just come out on the cinema here in aus.
I just went to the web site and did a search for tickets. It's not playing anywhere around my area here in the US. I suppose I'll have to wait to it hits DVD.
desiel_dick said:
yea saw it the day it came out.....another genius tarintino film

I never really cared for most of his stuff. His name is very overrated, IMHO, but I will certainly check this one out.
jubei said:
u might change ur mind after this movie LMAO

Yeah, I don't know. The trailer said based on actual events. Hopefully, it's about as real as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Great film!

I went out and rented it Sunday and liked it so much I bought a copy on Monday.
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