Help!!:Need Advice-Good News, Bad News


Jun 19, 2005
Hi I'm pretty new here and I've been just cruisin the treads trying some things out.
Anyway Lets start with the bad news. My Girlfriend and I have been going out for about 2 years since I was 18, and the other day I broke up with her. We've had problems in the past but nothing serious, until now. My friend gave me a call the other night as he was around where my girlfriend works and saw her getting off work.
He said she was carrying herself unusually happy and hopped in her car with her girlfriend from work and met with some guys in a parking lot next to her work. Well, since my girlfriend has been acting pretty bitchy the past week so I thought I go inspect this sight, only about 10min away. I called her on her cell and she didn't answer(she was on the phone with someone, only rang one then voicemail), Then i called her house phone to see if she would answer there and her mom answered and said she was staying the night at her friends house(girlfriend from work).
Long story short she met w/ some guys and was huggin and all over one of them while I was inspecting from no less than 50 yards away, and they took off together in seperate cars, I was going to follow but I didn't feel like doing something thats stupid. I'm positive she just had to meet this guy in the past couple weeks, because of hows she's been acting, and everythings been going smooth as butter until this past week. I confronted her about it the next day and she just buckled about the whole situation and couldn't think of anything to say, so she just acted like a 1st class bitch to me. If anybody has any advice or expierience to get over a girlfriend of 2 years, the reality has hit me pretty hard today, so any help would be appreciated.

Now the good news. I havn't been really dedicated lately to Penis Enlargementing or lifting weights/running as I use to, but since the recent incidents I am ready to dedicate and get serious about Penis Enlargementing and Physical Fitness.

I just had to get this off my chest and wanted to hear some feedback about my story. Thanks
I haven't really experienced any of this yet (hope not to) I've been going out with my girlfriend for a little over 2 years now myself. What she did to you is pretty fucked up, if this ever happend to me, I'd be upset too. I feel for ya, even though I haven't been in your situation, just the thought of it would make me angry. Reading from your post, she never really gave you a straight answer as to why she went behind your back? I say learn from your mistakes (though it seems that this is not your mistake) and move on. In other words, forget the bitch, never talk to her again. I'm guessing she will eventually figure out what a bitch she is and try to contact you and tell you how pathetic she is and blah blah, just ignore her. Whether she calls you back or not, don't let one bad apple ruin your views about all the others. Learn that some women are in fact bad apples and try to realize that before getting into a serious relationship with them, to avoid being hurt again. I'm not saying to change how you go about meeting, talking or interacting with women, I'm just saying to be aware of what all the possibilities are in a relationship. I'm sure others will be able to help you more than I can, this is just how I would try to tackle the problem if it were me.

It is a good idea to vent your frustrations in a positive way, ie working out and peing, you have the right mindset already.

Oh, BTW welcome to MOS.
hey mate, welcome to the board. I had a situation similar to this a few days ago, apart from the time period was only 3 weeks, not 2 years! It's funny how you start Penis Enlargementing and working out after something like this. I hadn't Penis Enlargementd for about three weeks, due to coming to university and not being properly settled in a routine yet. But straight after it happened (weds night), I did a great session on thurs and another one yesterday, and I'll be doing one today. good luck with the Penis Enlargement...
I'll tell you one thing.

After my 2-year girlfriend and I broke up, she started seeing other guys right away. 1,2,3...etc, I was miserable when I knew about each one. Finally, after a couple of months, I decided to ask out a great girl I was interested in (she is my current girlfriend now). So, I cassually run into my ex on MSN and told her about my upcoming date.
On the afternoon of the day of my date, my ex calls me on the phone, almost crying, saying we must meet right away becouse she wanted to talk.

I confess I am still not totally over my ex. I met with her and we talked about our relationship, what happened... she cried... she knew or was afraid she was going to loose me for good. She wasn't really aware of how much I suffered and how I saw the possibility of getting back getting less likely with each guy she was with. Only when < I > was getting a new girl she realized what she felt.

On a side note, I don't have a big dick, not yet, and I have not been Penis Enlargementing much for some months now (my current life doesn't allow for proper Penis Enlargement), so I'm sure this had nothing to do with it, as she most likely had larger ones after me. She wanted and missed the whole me, as i still do with her. For the record, I'm liking my current girl more and more as time passes.

Anyway, what I was trying to say is that she may not think you are gone until you really are. I'm not saying use a girl to make her jealous, but maybe look around and let her know about it. Then both you and her will know what the fuck you want.

Not sure if this helps, but it's been my experience and I wanted to share it in hope it does.
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Maybe I misunderstood something. Did your girl meet with this guy before or after you broke up?

Crap my apparently good english is not what it seems I guess.

If this happened before you broke up, then I would forget about her and go find a better one.
Hey chi thanks for the info. BTW it was two days after we broke up I saw this (my writing skills might not be that good). I can tell you been there before as I can feel through what you wrote. Our breaking up didn't have anything to do w/ my dick size because shes not one of those girls who would go do that with other guys that she didn't know everything about them first and really cared for them. Good info/advice, keep it comin'.
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