DVD vs Paysite


May 9, 2005
So I'm still not sure which one to get. If I get the paysite will I be missing any new videos that appear on the DVD?
medjuan said:
So I'm still not sure which one to get. If I get the paysite will I be missing any new videos that appear on the DVD?

Unless it is a magical DVD you will be missing future updates with the DVD purchase. My advice is to buy both, they both have their benefits.
I say grab the DVD, then grab a membership, then grab your penis and get pulling.

That should help some.
Thanks for the replies, I was actually thinking of going the other way around (wanted to get started asap) but if you guys think the DVD is the way to go then I'll get that for now.
I have a membership at MOS but no DVD so I can't really say which would help you more. I do, however, know that the MOS paysite has been a great learning tool for me. I think both of them have things that the other will not.

I guess DLD's advice is best as he created both of them.
personally I would suggest the pay site. I haven't joined it yet myself but have messaged DLD about it several times with questions and such and he has responded quickly. I believe everything you will find on the dvd you will find at the pay site or here. only real difference maybe instead of haveing the ease of just popping in the dvd to learn/ an exercise you have to hop online. plus another benifit of doing the paysite over the dvd is it is suppose to be a step above for support if you have any questions or incure any problems. when things settle down on my end you can bet I will be joining the pay site.
Well my DVD is on the way, so I'll tell you soon. I'm very glad I got the paid membership, like you said its right away and you will get future updates.
I think it is for ease of use. I mean come one almost everyone here in the states has at least 1 dvd player these days. and many have 2 or more. so it's be something some could watch in thier room or almost anywhere. verses watching in one location and then going away from it and trying it. That part I think boils down to a perferance issue. but the pay site would have new updates and vids as the are developed. where the dvd is a 1 time deal. both would be nice, if you can swing it.
Ok thanks. I have a laptop so I can view the videos on there where ever I decide to do Penis Enlargement so that wont be a prob.
There is one benefeit that hasn't been mentioned. I would go with the membership/paysite for this reason more than any other. Personal one on one communication with DLD. He has helped me in so many ways from tweaking my routines to personal, sound relationship advice. He's like the "Dear Abby" of the Penis Enlargement world. I have said this before elsewhere and I think it need to be said here. I got a Bib a long time ago for the quality of the product and the fact that Bib alway has time for his customers. The same goes with the paysite. DLD always makes times for his students! When you hit a wall, as almost all Penis Enlargement'ers do at one time or another, this is the dude that can talk you through it and give you the absolute best advice prom years or personal experience.

Just my 5 cents

Sounds like the right way to go, I'm sure in the beginning I'll need some 1 on 1. Then I can still get the DVD later once I'm more or less on the right track.

Thanks for all the help guys.
really it doesn't matter as long as we support the one who is willing to guide us to the feeling of completeness and sheer confidance. I would rather start with the dvd for issues of privacy but i would still get both, just gotta obtain a credit card.
Don't forget the beach interview:D
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