August Donations Drive...Please Give


Jun 3, 2003
Hello MoS members. As you have probably noticed there has been no donation thread for most of July and all of August. Due to my work here in Florida I have completely forgotten to start a campaign. You will notice a new donation table on the top right of the forum. It is easy, safe, fast and accepts all credit cards. If you can give please help. I personally paid all server bills for August and September is right around the corner so any help will be greatly appreciated.


AUGUST 15, 2004
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Look at the bottom left corner. That one should work. It did for me.

Order Information
Order Number: 190294
Order Description: MoS Donation
Order Amount: $50.00
Thank you Iwant8X6, I can always count on you giving a hand.
doublelongdaddy said:
Hello MoS members. As you have probably noticed there has been no donation thread for most of July and all of August. Due to my work here in Florida I have completely forgotten to start a campaign. You will notice a new donation table on the top right of the forum. It is easy, safe, fast and accepts all credit cards. If you can give please help. I personally paid all server bills for August and September is right around the corner so any help will be greatly appreciated.


AUGUST 15, 2004

FUCK DUDE!! your worst than PBS!! LMAO
Lickalotapuss said:
FUCK DUDE!! your worst than PBS!! LMAO

People don't have to help if they don't want to but it gets very expensive for me to pay myself every month.
Lickalotapuss said:
FUCK DUDE!! your worst than PBS!! LMAO

If your are on this forum, and you are using it for the �naked people movies�,the pe info, bodybuilding , making friends, or any of the other many features, and boards that MOS offers, you should be giving something. A lot people don't understand MOS uses 100% of the money to make MOS better.MOS is nothing like PBS.Most of the money goes to paying the people who work there, and a myriad of other costs that don't directly go into making it better. luckily for all of you, DLD only wants to see the money go to MOS. He truly deserves to be better off than he is.Chip in and be a part of it. I have gained over an inch in 3 months. I really believe its because I embraced this community, and became a part of it. When you invest yourself into something you take more pride in it, and value it more. How much do you value MOS? Show your support.
maybe he was joking...he got a big ass smiley face there...maybe he is saying how those telethon people be talking on pbs...i don't think he was serious at all...but maybe i am reading it wrong
Joking or not. We need to keep MOS going. Its not something DLD likes to do,asking for donations, but its the only way to keep MOS going. Comments like Lick made joking or not, are not needed in this thread.People who should be commenting are those who need more info on donating, or pledging there support. If your not part of the solution, then you become part of the problem.
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I agree with the thought that everyone should support this forum.

I also have and idea of every time a person gains a half inch girth or length they should/could donate $20 here. I mean come on, I would pay quite a bit for half an inch either way and I would have stopped Penis Enlargement without all the help from this community.

Makes sense to me. :)
Just tried to donate in the bottom right and it didnt work.

Transaction Declined:
No Payment Processor Available

Please Try Again
9cyclops9 said:
DLD can I mail a cash donation? PM me with details.

P.O. Box 971521
Boca Raton, Florida 33497-1521

jakb said:
Just tried to donate in the bottom right and it didnt work.

Transaction Declined:
No Payment Processor Available

Please Try Again

I just tried it and it went through fine, not sure what to say. Maybe the address info did not match up?
Thanks DLD:D
AUGUST 18, 2004
Lickalotapuss said:
Im sorry i was joking,no ones worst than PBS lol

I figured you were joking, and I didn't direct my comments to you, but I wanted to make sure people understand that this is serious. If you are part of this community, then support it.
DLD how many have donated? I think we should include in this thread who has donated, and how much. BTW no donation is to small, or too large. All goes to help support MOS. I just want to show that in reality its the same people over and over who really support MOS, and that is not right. I agree with AC that DLD gives too much away for free. If he charged a dollar a month. there would be no need for asking for donations. If you can't swing a dollar a month, then you really need to go ask your boss for a raise, or go find a job. If not Penis Enlargement should be the least of your worries then.
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