Anyone ever drink Absinthe? The real stuff??

We used to drink it all the time when I was in Okinawa, Japan, in the Marines. The bars there had a drink called a Super Purple Haze. A few regular Purple Hazes would fuck you up pretty good, but the Supers had D'absinthe in it. It would turn the drink a solid white color. Don't know why it did that, but you pretty much would forget your name after a few of those. We were pretty heavy drinkers back then, and for something to fuck us up that much is saying something.

I think the stuff is technically illegal in the States. The claim is it causes insanity or some shit like that. It didn't seem to affect me too badly. I mean, all the voices in my head have pretty much stopped...well, all except that ONE. No, damn it, I'm not going to do that. Sorry about that. He gets upset when I talk about him.
Got some from a Portuguese guy shit was weird. I felt like crap and was puking foam, had a bit of hallucination going on but nothing special.

I was reading the ingredients and some of the stuff in it was paint ingredients.
i've had one shot of it once, and although it probably wasn't the REAL real stuff, im sure it was reasonable similar.

it apparatly makes you halucinate, and vangough (sp?) the artist used to be a big fan of it.
i was used to drink a lot of Absinthe, a pub near my home sells a little cup of Absinthe at 3 euro, and it is "La Fee" Absinthe, produced in France, and the only real absinthe.
THE ONLY REAL ABSINTHE is dark (smerald) green, has 70-72% of alcohol, is very very bitter, and is mainly produced in France and Czech Republic, there are many fakes selled as Absinthe, to trick the misinformed young guys that heard of the psycoactive Absinthe and want to try it
All the commercial Absinthe is chemically prived of Tujone, the psycoactive molecol that causes allucination, this because it is illegal in almost all countries.
The only way to have the Absinthe that was so famous in '800, is to make of your own, the herb of Absinthe is called "Artemisia Absinthum" (Wormwood) and can be bought online or from an herborist.
The ingredients and the way to make it can be found online.

THE REAL ORIGINAL Absinthe must be DARK GREEN, 70-72% alcohol! Trust me
There are even some Absinthe with less alcohol made to be easily selled, but there aren't the same thing of the original one

Here in italy is illegal to produce, but is legal to sell, so there are a few pubs that import it from France.
It tastes really really bitter, and tastes like "sambuca" because anise is used.

Don't joke too much with Absinthe, a friend of mine risked ethilic coma with 5 whisky cup full of Czech's made Absinthe, and he is an heavy drinker

Here seels "La Fee" Absinthe online

but it is very expensive, i bought some bottles of excellent absinthe in Prague this summer for a lot less

Hope i was useful, sorry for bad english
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zerathul said:
THE ONLY REAL ABSINTHE is dark (smerald) green, has 70-72% of alcohol, is very very bitter, and is mainly produced in France and Czech Republic

im sure there are many rip offs, but to say there is only one real absinthe is like saying there is only one real beer.
stillwantmore said:
I found an even better site...that I just ordered from by the way ...a bottle of "Alandia Strong 68".
Let us know how it works out. I've wanted to try it ever since I saw "From Hell." I've wanted to order some myself, but I'm on a limited income and it ain't cheap.
I had some absinthe over christmas. I have a Russian friend that always brings it back to England with him. I've had quite a lot of it in my life and if you get the right stuff it can be pretty amusing to say the least. I went through a period of taking almost every drug I could find. Apart from crack and heroin. I guess this is the best way to describe the feeling. It's like being drunk and then taking mushrooms. Vaguely.
Having said that it is quite an individual effect it has on you. I think it is important to be careful when drinking it, like all things like this. When my brother first had some he ended up hitting me round the head with a metal pipe and then not remembering anything the next day. Scarry.

Did you lot know that Vincent Van Gogh was drunk on it when he cut his ear off?
TomdW said:
When my brother first had some he ended up hitting me round the head with a metal pipe and then not remembering anything the next day. Scarry.

Did you lot know that Vincent Van Gogh was drunk on it when he cut his ear off?

Still is gonna get all tripped out and rip his cock off...
Oh contrare mr. vlad. The actual plan per se, is to talk this stoner babe I work with into coming over to "try" some. The cool new high ;) It's like getting drunk...and high at the same time baby...yea.
stillwantmore said:
Oh contrare mr. vlad. The actual plan per se, is to talk this stoner babe I work with into coming over to "try" some. The cool new high ;) It's like getting drunk...and high at the same time baby...yea.

lol, I dont know what you just said..... But it was greasy :D

Are you saying this girl is a teamplayer you dole bread roles out with Still?? LMAO
Shithead said:
im sure there are many rip offs, but to say there is only one real absinthe is like saying there is only one real beer.

sorry i wanted to mean that the original made Absinthe liquors have these properties, not that there's only one, i just need to learn better english
VladtheImpaler said:
lol, I dont know what you just said..... But it was greasy :D

Are you saying this girl is a teamplayer you dole bread roles out with Still?? LMAO

Yes, basically. I work with her. She bartends often. I'm going to shag her one way or another.
I've had it, very dangerous and unpridictable and I wouldnt advise anyone touch it because if you drink too much than you might lose it. Its also illegal in the UK, the Victorians like a few hundread years ago used the stuff and used the saying ''Chasing the dragon'' to people who were addicted to it. My best advise if you wonna try it, is buy it from the UK, their is some dealers in the UK who sell it like it was in the Victorian days. I would also say try homemade, but dont drink much. You've heard about the side effects, only a fool would binge on this stuff.
Very true Red. Only one, two shots max should be least at first. It's not something you would "binge" drink on. Nor would you do so with any high proof liquor.
True still but you get 'some' whom think they can take anything.
Trust me I see 'it' most nights on my nightly rounds, it isnt pretty.
Bacardi 151 rum try that sometime to although it's banned in quite a lot of places due to being something like 150% proof and 75% pure alcohol.
Bacardi 151 is good stuff. But, I'm still wanting to try the 136 proof, and herbal Absinthe. I will report my experiences.
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