We are being penalized for many things and we certainly deserve it. �naked people movies� should have never been brought to the Brotherhood and I take the full responsibility for this as I am the leader and I set the example. I feel an awful guilt for those who I have added to their addictions by purveying such garbage. I feel the punishments that are coming upon us are a great grace and an opportunity to do the right thing. We now have installed and will be focusing heavily on �naked people movies� addiction and giving help to Brothers instead of sending them off in the the endless abyss of filth out there. It is hard enough to get through public life in such a lustful world, I do not want to make it even harder. These steps will not only give us much better placement in search engines but it will bring much new blood, men who have become addicted an desperately need help.
As a Brotherhood we are not perfect but we are always looking to perfect ourselves by the mistakes we make. I have always told men who come to me for advice in the sense of sin and I have told them it is not so much the fall through the sin but the lessons we learn from the fall. We will fall constantly but the grace is in picking ourselves up and continuing on the path to becoming the best we can.
Believe me, there are millions of sites that will give you as much �naked people movies� as you like and if you spend enough time in these places you too will fall prey to their underhanded evils. If we are a Brotherhood of Love we need to be sure the love we promote is pure, this sets the right example.
In addition, I went through the entire "How Big is His Cock Thread" and removed every link by hand, so everyone will have respect. In places there was only a link I linked back to the �naked people movies� and Masturbation addition thread. In other places I placed the rules in smart places. Anyone going through that thread now will see that it has been purged, this took me two days. Today I will be working tirelessly are removing any other link, post, thread or any other place I can find where we are being penalized and deal with that too.
Understand, we put ourselves in this mess and it is up to us to clean it up.