9/11--Inside Job?

9/11--Inside Job?

  • The government did it.

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • Osama Bin Laden planned it.

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • The government did it, but for good reasons.

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • The government did not do it, but did gain.

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • The government let it happen

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Bush planned it.

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
VikingPenis said:
9/11 was a terrible event and I was wondering what people think about this.

The past few months I have been studying this subject a ton. Books, Videos, documentaries, photographs, you name it i have looked at it to look for evidence or a different theory.

Here is a good website: just watch the video it is good.


Well, couple everything that has transpired since that day with PNAC and it would seem the ideology of the people involved with PNAC makes them all look less like opportunists than accomplices. The official story of 9/11 stinks and always has with me. Most people don't want to hear of this kind of material and can't/won't believe any of it. If your mind is closed it won't matter what your eyes see.
That is very true, when 9/11 happened I didn't believe all the "tin-hat" wearing people because I thought it was crazy. "Our government would never do that" i always said then i decided to be open minded and i looked at the hardcore eveidence and decided that the "official" story wasn't what really happend that day.

I could go on for days about the evidence that our government did this. I'll keep this one short though, at least for now. The truth is right out in the open but as iwant8inches put it, people don't want to hear that shit. It's just so much easier to go along with whatever comes out in the headlines. Just think about this one little tidbit for the next couple days. Our government has nothing to hide and it was just a bunch of crazed bloodthirsty Arabs right? Protection of our national security is the top priority too right? Well if thats true then why, now near some five years later, have those surveilance tapes not been realeased to the public? What is so damn dangerous for us too see on those tapes if everything went down like we've been told? Come on man, right away we were given headshots of these "terrorists". The immediate release of those photos and the accompaning information attached totally goes against intelligence protocols. You never show your hand. NEVER. The moment that happened my radar went beserk. The psy-ops guys planted the seed that has now grown to such heights in the American psyche. That was just the beginning. So much shadiness and outright treason has festered since then. I'm not fooled one bit, my eyes are wide open.
i think the fucker planned it. well whoever does the thinking for him. he needed the country to gather together and look for the guidance of one high and mighty leader to go find the assholes responcible. he pointed out Osama,and then in a blink of an eye we're hunting down Sadam and over in Iraq with our thumbs up our asses looking for bombs that aren't even there. he wanted to have us back him up so we can get over there and hunt him down..plain and simple. at least that's one part of it, i'm sure that there are finances involved..oil, money, buisnesses...all joined together. but i think bush got what he wanted out of the deal, the gov. he made his daddy proud
I'm not sure about all the conspiracy scenarios, but I sure know that there is a Hell of a lot more to 9/11 than some crazy Arabs crashing some planes into buildings. I don't believe for a second that the Pentagon was hit by a jet-liner, either. I hope the truth comes out while I'm still alive.
i am somewhat of a conspriracy theorist(probably not the correct spelling) and somewhat opened minded person, it comfirms that the government knew that the attack was going to happen. that goes to tell you that you cannot believe everything that is in what the majority of the people think is a credible newspaper like the newyork times or other major news paper and new channels. what was the point for the demolition?
I'm not sure what to think anymore, I really need to look into it all more.
However, what about the hijackers who flew those two planes into the buildings? who were they ... REALLY? if it is planned by the gouvernment than surely they would be in on it .... I also thought Bin Laden issued that he had done the 9/11 attacks in a video statement or audio statement? aint sure.

It would make sense for Bush and co to do something like this, as it was the BIGGEST excuse to invade Iraq and spread hate to the arab and muslim world .... just like he wanted, BUT what about all those innocent people in those buldings? surely....SURELY to god, no one would kill all them to get their own way and do something they wanted to do!!! If thats the case, than he deserves a public beheading and I would take front seat.

I hope we do find out the REAL TRUTH to all this oneday.
I've watched so many documentaries about this subject, matter of fact i'm watching one right now haha, I haven't made my decisions yet but there sure is a lot of dodgy stuff that needs to be disprooved...
REDZULU2003 said:
I'm not sure what to think anymore, I really need to look into it all more.
However, what about the hijackers who flew those two planes into the buildings? who were they ... REALLY? if it is planned by the gouvernment than surely they would be in on it .... I also thought Bin Laden issued that he had done the 9/11 attacks in a video statement or audio statement? aint sure.

It would make sense for Bush and co to do something like this, as it was the BIGGEST excuse to invade Iraq and spread hate to the arab and muslim world .... just like he wanted, BUT what about all those innocent people in those buldings? surely....SURELY to god, no one would kill all them to get their own way and do something they wanted to do!!! If thats the case, than he deserves a public beheading and I would take front seat.

I hope we do find out the REAL TRUTH to all this oneday.

I would think that if a plan was in place the deaths of those people would not be so much as an after thought behind closed-doors. In front of cameras? Yes. Any other time? No. If we know Osama was responsible 100% then what happened to him? Why hasn't he been caught? Are you telling me the military can't find him? BS. Tell me he has more resources then the most powerful and wealthy nation EVER! BS. They would have him by now if they were allowed to get to him. Why would the President say he really doesn't spend that much time anymore on him? It's because he really doesn't care. It's not fair to push all or even nearly close to all blame on Bush though. He's just representing yet more of what we've seen the last several decades in concentrating power/wealth within the country to a sliver of those at the top and we can see our government (congress mostly looking the other way and basically being handcuffed for the national security state we have) working for the lobbyists and highest bidders. Tell me how the executive branch hasn't increased it's scope and "legality" just in the last 5 years alone? Bush is in a long line of President's that would do whatever he wishes as long as he can get away with it only Bush is completely unqualified, incompetent, and an imbecilic greedy dastardly person who would rather go with his instinct than expert advice. He's a dangerous man and unfortunately the rest of the world including the U.S. will see just why checks and balances are so vital to the well being of democracy and freedom in the United States of America.

By bringing down two symbolic buildings in what is basically the heart and soul of our country and economy to boot you bring a shudder down the backs of every American, man, woman, and child. Everyone in the WORLD saw those buildings and the planes hit and then they saw them come down the way they did and it is basically JFK times 1000. If you wanted to manipulate an entire country you'd need to use psychological warfare. nobody obviously would be better suited to go into all that and I hope he will, but as far as I can tell the ramifications involved with something so elaborate as 9/11 would be so forceful that whatever OUR President would have told us we would have stood wide-eyed and believed every word of it collectively. We would have agreed to do whatever we were told was best for OUR nation. Imagine the confusion and uncertainty and paranoia again in those weeks after. Even if there was doubt to what was happening and all that did occur on that day and several weeks/months after we would have had a hard time trying to focus enough at some of the most obvious doubts we should have had. As far as how Iraq was agreed to I won't get into that, but I just know that Iraq's fate was sealed when those buildings went down. Deciding to go to war or attack another country was this way before 9/11, but everything seems to have accelerated and been amplified since then as far as foreign policy is concerned, in which case also includes our domestic policies as they have long since been tied. It's gotten to the point where "selling a war" to the American public is basically a show in which a slight of hand is used to switch out the names of countries and the decision to invade, occupy, acts of war, total war with countries are planned and carried out basically without Congress being fully aware of the things they should in fact be aware of and without the public's full attention/awareness. It's been that way for a long time now, but it's so perverse right now that our government is about as rogue as it's ever been. We'll need some new ideas and some reversal of trends and policies that have brought us to this point to get back to the America we believe in. I am proud to be an American, but I'm ashamed of our leaders and I'm ashamed of the shroud, hell the blanket of secrecy in our country. For every freedom we have enjoyed, it's being rolled back, or is not allowed to those who are perceived threats, which history has shown to be vastly wrong and assumptive.

For example, if you were to tell me that wire tapping has been around for so long now and that every little measure taken to restrict law enforcement and other agencies from tapping our phone lines/cell phones, sharing information etc has not worked. You'd be right and I'd be right by saying that everything we see Bush gettin away with is a direct result from having national security as an excuse just as plenty other Presidents have, but with the ideology involved with our President and his confidants he won't stop doing what he is doing because like Congress you and I don't matter a whole lot in the big picture. I never understood how the buildings came down the way they did, so fast. It didn't make sense to me then, but my eyes were too teary to understand the doubt I felt right then.
my guess is It's so deep but also not even close to being important if i've learned anything from movies is that the government knows what there doing and there always doing something.

I do know that Bush our so called president did definitely not plan as much as he didn't fly the plain he is a simple spokes person, His father does however as far as I'm concerned is proly running allot of shit
Yeah $$$, Bush Sr. was about one of the dirtiest presidents we've had. He was the director of the damn CIA, for the love of Hell. He had tonsand may still have some puppet strings.
REDZULU-the powers up top really don't regard the lives of their "subjects" as much more than a means to an end. Faceless, unimportant, expendable. They have been sending thousands upon thousands of soldiers to their deaths all throughout history, whether the cases were just or not.
I've never heard one person in real like claim that 9/11 is some type of conspiracy. Guess this type of stuff is what the internet is for. :p
against_odds21 said:
I've never heard one person in real like claim that 9/11 is some type of conspiracy. Guess this type of stuff is what the internet is for. :p

I'm not sure about that I have had plenty conversations regarding that situation with people face to face and i'm sure other people have as well.
German Stallion said:
You guys have too much time to think about this stuff! GS

You don't have much time before the next planned attack hits. Bringing the US into Martial Law and being used for as an engine to drive in the World Government.

Id say 5 years tops.
Duppi, I would say less than that and then I'd ask who would stop it?

Passivity is rampant here and the people that can help are either asleep or complicit. The people trying to stop the cogs from turning don't have enough momentum and have inadequate support.

Think about it. The U.S.A. spends more money on intelligence and defense than any other country in the world and you can look up just how much more it does spend if you want, but just understand that this sentence is a HUGE understatement. What you should at least see is that despite this we are supposed to think that 9/11 happpened despite it all and the pre-war Iraq intel was faulty. What with the Downing Street documents and now the newly declassified State Department memo on the intel on the Iraqi Niger Uranium Yellow Cake purchase being highly suspect you should understand that it was a policy failure. What is more the President and those incubating this cocoon that he is in are putting this fixed belief, this ideology that is leading the country into dangerous ground ahead of intelligence. Leaders shouldn't be ignoring intelligence and shutting themselves off from those who know better. Our country is being made vulnerable. We are being drained economically and it is a result of interests other than our own being placed behind that of a tiny class of wealthy people who are in office or are representing this class.
iwant8inches said:
Duppi, I would say less than that and then I'd ask who would stop it?

Passivity is rampant here and the people that can help are either asleep or complicit. The people trying to stop the cogs from turning don't have enough momentum and have inadequate support.

Think about it. The U.S.A. spends more money on intelligence and defense than any other country in the world and you can look up just how much more it does spend if you want, but just understand that this sentence is a HUGE understatement. What you should at least see is that despite this we are supposed to think that 9/11 happpened despite it all and the pre-war Iraq intel was faulty. What with the Downing Street documents and now the newly declassified State Department memo on the intel on the Iraqi Niger Uranium Yellow Cake purchase being highly suspect you should understand that it was a policy failure. What is more the President and those incubating this cocoon that he is in are putting this fixed belief, this ideology that is leading the country into dangerous ground ahead of intelligence. Leaders shouldn't be ignoring intelligence and shutting themselves off from those who know better. Our country is being made vulnerable. We are being drained economically and it is a result of interests other than our own being placed behind that of a tiny class of wealthy people who are in office or are representing this class.

You don't gotta convince me mate. Anyone who thinks cave dwelling arabs planned 9/11 isn't smart enough to have their intelligence insulted.

Realistically I would say late 06 to early 07 before things get intense.
Ha. How many more conspiracy theories need to be debunked?

You know why people think that 9/11 was a government conspiracy? It's pretty simple: because they hate President Bush--of course they don't necessarily hate America, the American people, ect. but they all see Bush as the devil.

Perhaps you could explain a convincing argument to me with enough hyperlinked articles that the WTC and the Pentagon were bombed, hit with a missile, or whatever the newest fab theory is. How then do you handle all of the people who actually live in Manhattan, Pentagon City (the area of DC/Maryland near the Pentagon) and saw what happened with their own eyes?
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