with an eyelash curler and tiny foam rollers
Is that a shot at the spokesmodel who looks about 6x5 ? ...
You can make one yourself by getting a mason jar lifter and holding it backwards.
this seems to be a quality item, was a year ago, strong enough, smooth cast rollers ...
The one carried by some Walmarts used to be a quality item, made by "Ball", which was simply hilarious, but it became flimsy garbage in every category, don't go there. If the plastic breaks it could cut you.
Without the foam rolling rollers, you're going to need lotion, oil, or lube of some manner - but that's fine. It's a nice addition to normal jelquing because you can do it at up to 110% erection ... and that's seriously intense.
There's a lot of technique to holding it properly but you pick that up pretty quick.
Use it as an addition to normal jelqs as an added stressor, using it by itself might make you a bit flatter shaped instead of round.
( edit - Ah, Still beat me to it while I was finding the link!
