Wow I feel kinda sorry for this guy

Quoted from origional:

"Post subject: Wife may need bigger to cum..????
Cody Smith
Gender: Gender:Male
Age: 35

We have been married 13 yrs. The last 8 have really seen a decline in the quality of sex.

She has never had an orgasum threw sex...just masterbation, and I understand some woman cant

We have had several heart felt conversation about this topic. Most recently she addmitted to haveing 95% no sex drive. The sex we do have which is almost every night is just to "get me off" She has agreed to have sex when ever I want it as long as she can just lay there.

I have always had a very strong drive. I like toys, new things, long foreplay, body contact, the whole deal.

In the past when I have had a new dildo to try to spice things up a bit she would complain its to hard, its too cold ect..

So 4 weeks ago I got a rubber inflatable 8 inch dildo. At first she was "what ever!" She did masterbate with it inside her to orgasum. I do not move it in or out, I just hold it all the way in while she rubs her clit. She said it was "ok". ( She masterbates about once a week w/ me)

I have now used it on her a few times and she is diffanantly haveing stronger and longer orgsums. For the first time the other day after she had cum I started to pump her with it. Slowly in and out and I could tell she was getting hot. ( Remember this is from a lady who has told me she has almost no sex drive.) The kids started acting up so we had to stop.

The next time I used it again on her. She got on all four and I worked it in and out of her. She was liking it and said this may make me cum! She asked me to stop and to hop on her and cum myself. ( I had to go to work)
While I was inside her and thrusting I asked if it felt better w/ the big dildo or myself. She said they feel differant. I asked again which one she liked better? She said the big one and was embarssed.

I told her not to feel bad! She asked me why I wanted to do this to her? I said do what? She replied " make me like bigger penises, I like yours the way it is now" I told her I just wanted her to get more out of sex. If you can cum from the big one maybe you will get your drive back.

Can any wifes relate to this? Dose anyone thank this is bad? I would love some help on this."
Let's just hope the guy hasn't unlocked a door in his wife that she can't close again....

Or someone just give him the freakin link to this site ;P

Re: door that he can't close. Yeah, - I think he's messing up bigtime.

She has never had an orgasum threw sex...just masterbation, and I understand some woman cant

The fella definitely needs a link to [words=]MOS[/words]. The same gal he's talking about that "cant orgasum" (sic) would probably cum twice per minute on a good rod.

Someone remember this story the next time 'size doesn't matter' comes up:

I asked if it felt better w/ the big dildo or myself. She said they feel differant. I asked again which one she liked better? She said the big one and was embarssed.I told her not to feel bad! She asked me why I wanted to do this to her? I said do what? She replied " make me like bigger penises?"


I'll ditto the reccomendations for a link. I mean, what the hell, it's a bit of good karma for you and besides, it's not like you're gonna' be fucking his wife, so he's not really compitition.

I say go for it.
Ok, I did ;) I sent the Poor guy a PM:


Just take a read on what i have to say,
Over on our Forum someone opend a Thread about you're post here witch is about you and you're wife and the size issue. I dono why, but i kinda felt, well not sorry, but like maybe we can help you.

Now befor I go on, this message is no attempt to make you go somewhere or what so ever. I am a real Privat person who accedently read you're story and kinda felt like Sending you a PM. Do me a favor, just take 1 hour of you're time and have read through our Forum. Then if you say what a pile of Bull... it's you're free minded decision and nobody will make you do anything.
I am a member at the Web's biggest Free Penis Enlargement ( Penis Enlargment ) Forum on the Internet. It's got about 45.000 members and quite a few bloks that have had the same experences like. I'm not asking you to enlarge you're Penis ;) I just wanted to say there are many other men that have had or have the same Problem like you and i thought maybe you could find some good information over at our Place.

Here's the link to our Forum:

and here is the direct link to the Thread what made me PM you:

I wish you all the best,
What's are orgsums? lol

hopful I thought you were going to say come over to our forum and then take the red pill or the blue pill for some reason. lol

I do feel bad for the guy. Hopefully he makes it here.