What Is Your Drug Of Choice?

Legal. Illegal. Whatever.

What drugs do you like?

What drugs haven't you tried but would like to?

What drugs did you try and hated?

No lectures. No preaching. This is just for fun. Tell your stories, good or bad.

Since I'm the one asking, it's only fair that I go first...

Me personally, I like weed and hashish(the staples... goes with anything, and is a beautiful, healing plant) and pretty much any hallucinogen out there except PCP, which I haven't tried nor do I want to.

I used to love doing LSD, but I never see it around anymore. Man, I've had some really great times on that stuff.

Mushrooms are really nice if you like that sort of thing. I dig 'em.

Pills are always cool with me. Painkillers mostly.

Cocaine is alright... not something I'll seek out all the time, but if it were offered I wouldn't say no. Doesn't do much for my creative process. Chicks seem to like it... but they are scatterbrains anyway, and they don't have to worry about impotence!

Heroin - never tried it. Don't really want to 'cause I know I'd like it.

Special K - never tried it. Would like to, but never had the opportunity.

Hmmm...what else? What else? Whippits? Ha ha ha ha!

Share your drug stories! I'll be posting mine soon! Join the fun!
Hehe im pretty clean :P

Have only tried, LSA and i dont think the seeds were that good, cuz nothing happend.

Would like to try these:
Amphetamine, Weed, Haschisch,
Maybe some cool hallucinogen stuff or psychedelic...
like Meskaline, LSD, Krusty.....

Theres many legal stuff too out there, that involves:
Efedrine(In Ephedra legal stuff)
^--legal Swedish page with drugs... dunno if it got English doe :P

!......Be..Good ;)......!
SOme drug they got in sweden, think its a hallucinogen-feel-good-up-and-going drug =)

A dude on my msn tried it, and he said it were like if he looked at his monitor the screen freezed like windows had locked up :P
On and off... Dont think he remember so got damn much...

It looks like its pretty unknown.
Is it "Ecstasy"? Or some new designer shit? Swedes are pretty smart fellows, so perhaps something new has been concocted in someone's lab at University or something. Sounds like good stuff. Is it illegal yet? If not, can ya mail me some so I can "test" it out? It's for the betterment of all mankind, right? Right!
I would definatley hands down say my choice is pot. The thing with weed is that you can smoke and still function. I mean your not fresh and alert but can still function normally.

I like shroomz because they make everything breath. You can sit there and look at anything and it will flex in and out almost in 3-D and look like its breathing. You gotta be careful with it because some people get all crazy and paranoid and do dumb stuff like punch brick walls or tackle trees.

Acid is better because its cheaper. You can get a couple gels for like $15. Maybe more now because I havent seen that shit in like 4 years. I think someone else said it was because Extacsy is the new drug b/c its just a pill and theres a hell of a lot more money in that one pill. I would like to know if that recipe that somebody posted before about homemade acid actually worked. I'm a little skeptical about it though. What ever is used to make you trip is probably like some chemical found in toilet cleaner or something.

Ive tried ecstasy before and I think its tight and everything when you take no doubt about it. Its like your on a cloud and nothing matters excepts feeling good. But afterwards you feel all stupid like you just poisened your brain. Gotta be carefull with X though because you dont really know whats in a pill and I know of someone who went into a 2week coma from a pill.

............so just take the only non-lethal, impossible to OverDose, drug, which is weed.
Yeah...weed is the staple. I consider it a grocery item, the basics. No one has ever died from it, and those "truth" commercials about it are utter bullshit.

Like the one where they say something like 9 out of 10 drunk drivers, when tested for drugs, tested positive for marijuana.

While that may be true, here's what they don't tell you...

Just because they tested positive for marijuana DOES NOT mean they were high on it at the time of the accident. THC stays in your body for a while. A driver who causes an accident may test positive, but could've smoked a joint like three weeks proir to the accident. They make sure to not mention that on the commercial.
Yeah...weed is the staple. I consider it a grocery item, the basics. No one has ever died from it, and those "truth" commercials about it are utter bullshit.

Like the one where they say something like 9 out of 10 drunk drivers, when tested for drugs, tested positive for marijuana.

While that may be true, here's what they don't tell you...

Just because they tested positive for marijuana DOES NOT mean they were high on it at the time of the accident. THC stays in your body for a while. A driver who causes an accident may test positive, but could've smoked a joint like three weeks proir to the accident. They make sure to not mention that on the commercial.

Yeah, I was the one with the theory of how acid got crowded out by Ecstasy. I still believe that. Or maybe a huge chunk of the LSD being produced in America was made by a small group of individuals, and those people may have been shut down or something. Who knows?

I wouldn't want to try making my own acid. I'll leave that up to the people who really know what they're doing and have the right equipment and ingredients. When LSD is really PURE, it is really wonderful stuff. In the right environment, an acid experience can really set your mind straight and be very refreshing. I like to think of it as hitting the "reset button" on your brain.

Ecstasy is really great too when super pure. I've had a few really fun experiences with it. When you drop acid or "E" with your significant other... it can really deepen your bond on a really deep emotional level. It can be beautiful.
Never done anything stronger than weed... nor do I intend to. Nowadays I do bodybuilding seriously, and that keeps me away from trouble! No cigarettes, only healthy foods (at least most of the time), and no alchohol, either. Exept maybe once a month or so, and even then I don't go overboard. 6-8 beers is fine.
Besides, like bobbdobbs mentioned, it lowers your testosterone levels, and that is not good if you want to succeed in bodybuilding.

So, I guess I could say that my favorite 'drug' is water! I down about a gallon of it daily. :)
I once Did an Extraction method for Codeine which is avaialble in OTC chemists. i had enough of it to around 70 mg which btw is like a standard shot of Morphine, because it was my first time, i tried only a small hit, oh and did i mention that Shit was GOOD!
Used spend most of my time Smoking Weed but im bored of it now though any blend of it, ive smoked it giving shout outs to Purple haze and White Widow.
Dropped some E before that shit is also so Awesome recommend only 1/4 or a 1/2 for first timers, but beware of the paralysed face feeling, shit sucks!
Every Monday, wednesday and friday are regular drink ups with some of my mates :)
I had a hit of Meth too once but that i aint going into right now high lasts pretty short only a minute or so but is extremely intense racing heart the lot, i have to say i didnt enjoy this infact it was scary at first.
I have tried shrooms aswell but they taste like absolute Shite, and the smell is also pretty rank, though the high is very relaxing and subtle and is a great expereicne but i recommend you to be with friends when trying this.
Drugs i would like to try are speed and LSD.
Love to stay here and share my stories but i could be here all day remember know your body and know your source.
"I once Did an Extraction method for Codeine which is avaialble in OTC chemists. i had enough of it to around 70 mg which btw is like a standard shot of Morphine, because it was my first time, i tried only a small hit, oh and did i mention that Shit was GOOD!"

Did you end up with something you injected, or was it ingested like a pill?

Either way, Morphine is good shit. Habit forming? Most likely. I've been taking it on and off for a few months but lately I haven't been. I'm not experiencing any symptoms of withdrawl really, except maybe slight depression. Oh well, whatever.
The beauty of codeine is it must not be Injected intravenously, it must be taken Oral, inject codeine if your on a death wish......
Ahhh... Morphine... Dilaudid... what can I say?

Clearly, these are the "Cadillacs" of pain management.

How could I explain "the nod"...?

The euphoric scratching of itchiness. Scratching to blood.

Waking up in the morning like an anvil being thrown from a tall building... falling in slow motion.

The trailing off into vague descriptions...
Oh yeah, weed just goes without saying... it comes as natural to me as cigarettes. I don't even consider it "drugs".

Nothing like really good weed. When I traveled to Amsterdam, they had such a wonderful selection of the finest weed and hash...and dirt-fuckin-cheap!

My personal favorite is Keif, or Nader...there are probably other slang words for it, but it's basically nothing but the pure THC crystals right from the plant. Expensive shit, too. The stuff is shaken off the buds and collected. It's a greenish-gold color and it fucking rocks! One hit and you're choking your ass off. The shit is tasty, spicy and gives you great ideas! I get like 6 ideas at once when I smoke that shit. I wish it were more widely available, but only certain "in" people can get their hands on it. Luckily, I know such individuals. Hooray for me.

Weed also helps you to get through opiate withdrawals (which suck). An all around beautiful plant.
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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