My woman does not want me Peing but I know that for myself I would like a bigger penis. so I keep doing them in seceret. I was getting kind of bumbed when we would go a while and she would not notice anything about my size. but I think that if you are having sex everday they dont notice the increase. but we had to take a couple weeks off because of a back injury of mine and when we got back into it. this is what happend. I know she was all hot and wet because I just did oral on her until she came but when I went to stick it in like normal she made this face like she was being torn and told me to go slow. she said "I don't know why by I'm so tight tonight" thats never happend before so I'm pretty stoaked that my penis is getting to the size that I have to go extremly slow now, when we first started having sex I could just shove it in her completely cold and it was no big deal litteraly but now its a whole new ball game.:)
you say "It's been two weeks you shrunk woman!!" smile & enjoy.
mine says ouch but thats because her hourse jumped out from under her when she was getting on and she broke her arm just under the ball, at the shoulder. so she just says ow alot.
My girlfriend worries about Penis Enlargement that I am going to hurt myself. I basically just tell her not to worry about it. It has come to the point where, when time is an issue, I Penis Enlargement in the same room as her. Now she doesn't bat an eyelid when I strap my homemade bib on when we are hanging out.
Good question.

My woman has been visiting her fam since I started on 6/21.....she will be back in 2 weeks.

I am up over 1/4" in girth and almost 0.5 in length
Women hate Penis Enlargement because they see it as a step away from them and towards cheating. They feel threatened that we spend "time" on our penis (especially making it bigger) Their thoughts are "Why does he want a bigger penis?" and their answer usually leans towards infidelity. I know I used to say that it was great to be open with your woman about Penis Enlargement but after losing a girl, more than likely because of Penis Enlargement, I say KEEP IT SECRET!
doublelongdaddy said:
Women hate Penis Enlargement because they see it as a step away from them and towards cheating. They feel threatened that we spend "time" on our penis (especially making it bigger) Their thoughts are "Why does he want a bigger penis?" and their answer usually leans towards infidelity. I know I used to say that it was great to be open with your woman about Penis Enlargement but after losing a girl, more than likely because of Penis Enlargement, I say KEEP IT SECRET!
I agree with this one, not all women are open-minded about it.

I had a GF that caught me and she laughed so hard at me. Then to add salt to the wound, told her friends which they snickered their little remarks at me. I don't let that discourage me from my dream. The GF now doesn't know to my knowledge, but does comment on the increase in size from time to time.

...P.E. for me is a private personal endeavor among men.
Threak-X said:
The GF now doesn't know to my knowledge, but does comment on the increase in size from time to time.

...P.E. for me is a private personal endeavor among men.

You sound like a Super Hero from X-Men. Threak-X, Wolverine? :D
Women hate Penis Enlargement because they see it as a step away from them and towards cheating. They feel threatened that we spend "time" on our penis (especially making it bigger) Their thoughts are "Why does he want a bigger penis?" and their answer usually leans towards infidelity.

Nailed it in one.

++++++ ^


The odds of them feeling threatened and jealous is high.

Size does matter, and they know that.

If you up your Thud, Thudliness, Thud factor, (when you whip it out and it falls onto something with a resounding "Thud"!) -- their opinion (I'd call it their insider viewpoint, no pun) is that:

your status as a Male of the species goes up,

your ability to pull quality Tail goes up,

and you might just decide to dump her and trade up to someone prettier, skinnier, smarter, funnier, less mean/psycho/needy, etc.

Girls have their insecurities too. Bigtime.

doublelongdaddy said:
Women hate Penis Enlargement because they see it as a step away from them and towards cheating. They feel threatened that we spend "time" on our penis (especially making it bigger) Their thoughts are "Why does he want a bigger penis?" and their answer usually leans towards infidelity. I know I used to say that it was great to be open with your woman about Penis Enlargement but after losing a girl, more than likely because of Penis Enlargement, I say KEEP IT SECRET!

Spot on DLD!!I had a very serious relationship a couple years ago...thought we could tell each other any and everything!!I told her about my Penis Enlargement training, and now I am single!!The lesson learned is to never ever tell them...even if you have the best relationship is a big risk, and even if they don't blow up..there mind will constantly turn over about it, and start coming up with different scenarios!!Best kept secret!
My wife loves the results. I hang most days sitting on the sofa next to her and have done so, off and on, for over seven years. She knows that there are two reasons for my doing Penis Enlargement.

The main one is added self esteem, and she knows the stories of how I got to wanting a bigger dick.

The second is that I am doing this for her enjoyment. I adore making her scream ever more wildly. She is multi-orgasmic and she can see the great pleasure on my face when she takes a momentary breather.

But I have to admit that we are not a usual young couple. I am 63 and she is 56. We are each on our second marriage. We are married 17 years and work together all day and wouldn't have it any other way. The secret to our success is don't ever have a secret from your love - ever! Trust is what lasts.
I think when your young, don't tell them anything. But when your old I would maybe make an exception if I was married, But I learned my lesson and I'm gonna keep it a secret, well try too lol.
Funny thing happen the other day, was having a great sex session with the missus and when I put it in the deepest her reaction was somewhat different.
In the morning she says let me see your cock, I said why? she said it felt like it was longer last night, so I said by how much she showed me with her fingers, so I get a hard on and measure my meat, and the growth she said was the growth I had gained! wow!
The she looks at my love sacks and says humm how comes they bigger, you got exercises for them aswell! lol
So I said you like the difference? she says definitly but if you keep doing whatever you do to your cock then its gonna get injured!
I told her I was gonna start doing Penis Enlargement, but never told her I did. So she kinda guessed due to the increase in lenght.
At the moment im only strecthing and doing the testicle health, did do jelqs for 2 weeks but stopped as I need to find some time to schedule it in.
doublelongdaddy said:
You sound like a Super Hero from X-Men. Threak-X, Wolverine? :D
Thank you for the recognition my kind friend.

DoubleLongDaddy, I believe you have the "X-Factor" yourself, will join me to defeat my arch-nemesis ThunderSS and his Brotherhood of Goons?
Easier just to ignore them, Threak. I only visit Thunder's, these days, to explore their voluminous archived material (written by the likes of DLD, SWM, Bib and so forth). I only post there is someone pisses me off.
jqsderrida said:
Easier just to ignore them, Threak. I only visit Thunder's, these days, to explore their voluminous archived material (written by the likes of DLD, SWM, Bib and so forth). I only post there is someone pisses me off.
It was a play on DLD super-hero comment. I was having fun with it that's all. That's the beauty at [words=]MoS[/words], you can do that here without having to be a Moderator. Besides, I have better things to do for myself than stroke their egos.
jqsderrida said:
Ah, I see... my damned lack of comical experience.
As you will see and get to know my postings. I usually find the lighter side of things and have a sense of humor 65%-75% of the time.
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when i was caught, i told my wife that these exercises are medically recommended to combat the possibility of e.d..... brilliant!!!
every one of my gfs knew about my Penis Enlargement. almost every, if not ALL of my friends know i Penis Enlargement. wellt he girls definately, they seem to remember that shit. the only other guys that know i Penis Enlargement is my old roomate and one of our friends. my girl is totally supportive, actually when i told her that i'm getting back into it and starting to see some results, i heard her over the phone and i could tell that she smiled a huge one when she said "realllly?" then came time when we were getting hott and heavy (outside near the water sitting on some rocks...fuckin hott let me tell ya) and i said i was hard, she felt it then giggled and said "oh my god!". afterwards i took it out and she laughed and said HOLLY SHIT and grabbed it. she studied the thing like if she was studying for a final exam, she felt the base and then she measured the distance by holding her hand at the other end, lifted up her hands and looked at the measurements and said "damn well ur a big boy aren't ya?"

after 3 months of us fooling around and her knowing about me Penis Enlargementing for 5 years (she knew me around after the time i just began), it was great to hear that. she loves it, even tells me to think about her. and of course, braggs to her friends.

i guess i'm just a lucky guy. i always knew i was, i think i'm going to keep her around for a good long while and give her my last name lol
doublelongdaddy said:
Women hate Penis Enlargement because they see it as a step away from them and towards cheating. They feel threatened that we spend "time" on our penis (especially making it bigger) Their thoughts are "Why does he want a bigger penis?" and their answer usually leans towards infidelity. I know I used to say that it was great to be open with your woman about Penis Enlargement but after losing a girl, more than likely because of Penis Enlargement, I say KEEP IT SECRET!
So true, there is no way around it. I mean those who chose this must be aware of that, so keep your mouth shut and enjoy the ride. As for my girl...well she doesn't say much, but here is something she said about it yesterday i quote ' ummmm...ohhh. yeah baby...feel so good...aaahhh...'
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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