My woman does not want me Peing but I know that for myself I would like a bigger penis. so I keep doing them in seceret. I was getting kind of bumbed when we would go a while and she would not notice anything about my size. but I think that if you are having sex everday they dont notice the increase. but we had to take a couple weeks off because of a back injury of mine and when we got back into it. this is what happend. I know she was all hot and wet because I just did oral on her until she came but when I went to stick it in like normal she made this face like she was being torn and told me to go slow. she said "I don't know why by I'm so tight tonight" thats never happend before so I'm pretty stoaked that my penis is getting to the size that I have to go extremly slow now, when we first started having sex I could just shove it in her completely cold and it was no big deal litteraly but now its a whole new ball game.