weird site on pe and sex

I'm not sure how many of my posts have contained the words "Dr. Lin is a quack," but it has to be nearly 50 by now. If you look around long enough on his site, you'll find that he has recommended having sex with dogs to cure what he calls "urinary incontinence," which is really female ejaculation and has nothing to do with urine.
Well, seen from the side of the anatomy of a dogs dick, i guess it WILL stop a femal ejaculation from going all over the bed... ;P

But hey ;) A Butt Plug will also stop you from shitting the bed when you got diarear ;)
He was one of the first sites I found, and his assertion that the hypothalamus is what limits penis size really alerted me to his lack of knowledge about the topic. Definitely someone to stay away from.

Someone really should throw a rock at him, maybe that would help. It may just make me feel better though.
Funny site.. Ive been on it before, said pullin the penis and doing exercise will decrease penis size, than he says you should buy this product lOL what a joke