warm up and warm down

yes it is
warm downs are done same as warm up's (hot towel, shower time)
wrap a hot towel around penis for 5 to 10 minutes to loosen the elasticity of the penis
warm up and warm down are both equally important I usally warm up with a warm rice sock for about 5 min.
Recently I stopped warming down and rather prefer to do some light stretches because I seem to have a longer flaccid hang threw out the day and my penis seems to stay in the jelly like state that is attributed to healing faster. anyway this is just my opinion.
Indeed, warm ups and warm down allow for better stretch, safer deformation and break down of tissue, faster healing which promotes faster cementing times. All around it is a good practice. It can be done many ways and a method should be found and used whether it is a simple shower or a rice sock, deep massage or a heating pad, light stretching or hot wrap...many ways to go, all are great.