First of all: I'm not an expert in PE jet, but I will share with you everything I have figured out so far... (and I don't know where you are at). So I apologize in advance, If I go over something you already know.
Hello again
@jvf1, asked you
previously (post number: #28), If you did get a hang of the
Bathmate pumping? But I didn't get an answer from you.
- How is it going with that, have you been able to get it to work?
Imortant: Are you able to produce the optimal pressure, with the Bathmate pump for optimal (not to high pressure/not to low pressure) expansion? Do you still struggling with this: Your previous post about Bathmate pumping.
You need to embrace a specific mindset: It's a
marathon and
not a sprint.
With time: If the Tunica is stretched constantly outside it's normal erected state (the state: outside the pump), with time you will get permanent changes, this was something I learned from
Look at the post from: Aug 28, 2017 by @DLD :
•Takes you to the original post in the thread
→ amazing girth gains from pumping (post number: #7).
Temporary gains lead to permanent gains. As girth expands with each session so does the Tunica. As the Tunica is slowly stretched permanent girth is established. It is a process that will repeat itself until you get to your goals.
This mindset helped me a lot in my journey to modify my penis to become bigger, even when I'm just starting my journey.
At the moment you may think you haven't got any gains, but if you keep at it, they will come, that is: If you got the right amount of intensity,
determination and discipline.
@jvf1→ Do you only pump in your pumping/girth routine? If so, I suggest that you
incorporate some Jelqing and Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) into your routine, to further facilitate your penis permanent girth (also some length, but focusing on girth) expansion.
Here are a great program for that:
Girth Program: 5x5x3, posted by
@DLD (at: Jun 20, 2022).
I personally did regular Jelqs when I started to use
Bathmate pumps, at this time I didn't know about MOS. I haven't done the
SSJ so much but many people here at MOS say they are good for girth work.
Here is a video where
@DLD explains the
Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ), in combination with your pumping routine:
Penis Enlargement FAQs: Whats the Best Penis Enlargement Routine for Girth?
- You must log into your YouTube account, to be able to watch it.
@jvf1 - Can you share with me your pumping routine?
How many days a weak? Some here at MOS have the mindset that to much rest can be inhibitory for optimal gains. Myself I feel like 24 hours is all the time for the penis to heal itself if you need that. I took 2 days of rest on my pumping routine, and that was not good. You need to figure this out for yourself, that is: What works for you?
I think after some years of pumping, I will indeed take some rest to see where I'm at in relation to my permanent girth.
If you want length? I think you should incorporate a stretching routine into your PE.
By the way: Here are my girth routine, but I think I will change the regular
Jelqing to
Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ).
My personal girth routine with Bathmate pumps.
(Note: You do not need to buy so many Bathmate pumps as I have done (it was a: Newbie mistake), If you have room to expand in girth and length in the pump, you are good to go.
Eventually with time, you will get permanent expansion.
not an experience PE guy get (only been doing it ~ 2 months), I haven't been able to increase my length in any substantial way jet (but I have got more length expansion in the pumps), I hope the
Length Master will get me to the next level.
Some personal thoughts and experiences with girth routines and stretching routines:
I have got some permanent girth gains, but it's a slow process. Sometimes you may think you got permanent gains immediately after pumping (when you are new to PE, and don't know anything).
I did that mistake in the beginning when I didn't know better. I thought all the thickness of my penis was permanent growth., @hugh[I]-girth[/I] corrected me on this. If you do not know about the secret that, temporary gains will become permanent gains in the future, It can be easy to mistrust the process and just give up.
- Don't give up: Keep it up every day. But keep in mind, some people may need some rest days during the week, but I personally got the mindset that you can always do something. If you have 20 minutes over, do some stretching routine.
Or you could: Wake up at, 04:15 AM to get in a 30 minutes stretching routine in, before your day starts (for: school/work...), and do some more PE routines at the evening when you get home... just keep at it.
(Regarding your curiosity in making a woman squirt, It's not hard. But I think I need to post this in a different part of this forum. I will link this to you at a later time.
I have a instructional video on this. Also I need to make sure I do not go against any rules of this forum before I post this).
I hope this helped. If you haven't been able to make the
Bathmate pumping work, maybe I need to create some instructional videos to share my experience, so it will work for you.
Kind regards
Take care