I have been seeing this great girl for the last 3 weeks and we have had sex a couple of times and it's been also darn good. We've been having it usually at night so she hasn't exactly seen the full texture of my penis yet. Well we got together today and when she went to give me a blowjob, she freaked and
flipped out cuz the head of my penis is so calised from hanging and stretching. It's a little discolored and where the opening is, it's basically all rough and even scabbed up! IT's just the tip of the head, just where the pressure from the vacum hanger is at. I know if I lay off of it for a couple of days it'll heal, but I feel like a real asshole at the moment.
She doesn't exactly speak perfect english, so imagine me trying to explain to her that It's from excercising. She now wants to go to the clinic this week. After she jumped back and basically flipped out on me cuz we've already vbeen intimite, she asked to see it again and was very uneasy. I tryed to explain to her but she is unhappy at the moment. I'm gonna take a bath tonight and jelq today and tomorrow and lay off the stretching, and I'll have to sacrifice!
Then I was like, well what if the test comes back negetive and that's just how it looks, will you give me blowjobs still. It definetly doesn't look right, and I'm sure a wet warmup and down in the near future and lotion can help, but this is not fucking good!
By the way on my last tread about lasting longer, I was having sex with her and basically the for the third time around, I would fuck for as hard and fast as possible and after so much time we'd have to stop, this was also upsetting her cuz she thinks she is/ not "sufficent" she says. So now I've only been rubbing "1" off before hand and am using a cockring, and for some reason, maybe it's the ring but it's like my problems with that has disappeared at the moment, it's amazing. We had sex the other night for almost an hour and I came like nobody's business, I did take some over the counter "boner" pills so we did it again and again, but nobody has to know about that. She was like holy shit, "I gonna die" with her cute ascent
I was like, it's cuz I'm so young?!?
Any way I know it's gonna be alright, I did try to explain to her as best as I could why my dick looked fucked up, but that wasn't exactly proving anything, so we'll go get tested and maybe I'll try to explain it to the doctor for some back, maybe I'll even have her stand their so I can piont to the doctor and my dick and have her see?!?
Alittle sympothy fellas?
flipped out cuz the head of my penis is so calised from hanging and stretching. It's a little discolored and where the opening is, it's basically all rough and even scabbed up! IT's just the tip of the head, just where the pressure from the vacum hanger is at. I know if I lay off of it for a couple of days it'll heal, but I feel like a real asshole at the moment.
She doesn't exactly speak perfect english, so imagine me trying to explain to her that It's from excercising. She now wants to go to the clinic this week. After she jumped back and basically flipped out on me cuz we've already vbeen intimite, she asked to see it again and was very uneasy. I tryed to explain to her but she is unhappy at the moment. I'm gonna take a bath tonight and jelq today and tomorrow and lay off the stretching, and I'll have to sacrifice!

By the way on my last tread about lasting longer, I was having sex with her and basically the for the third time around, I would fuck for as hard and fast as possible and after so much time we'd have to stop, this was also upsetting her cuz she thinks she is/ not "sufficent" she says. So now I've only been rubbing "1" off before hand and am using a cockring, and for some reason, maybe it's the ring but it's like my problems with that has disappeared at the moment, it's amazing. We had sex the other night for almost an hour and I came like nobody's business, I did take some over the counter "boner" pills so we did it again and again, but nobody has to know about that. She was like holy shit, "I gonna die" with her cute ascent

I was like, it's cuz I'm so young?!?
Any way I know it's gonna be alright, I did try to explain to her as best as I could why my dick looked fucked up, but that wasn't exactly proving anything, so we'll go get tested and maybe I'll try to explain it to the doctor for some back, maybe I'll even have her stand their so I can piont to the doctor and my dick and have her see?!?
Alittle sympothy fellas?