Hey guys.I am selling some items,and also adding on some other items for free,because I need to get rid of some things..MY Penis Enlargement TOOL BOX IS FULL.. lol,but seriously ya,I guess I have a tendency to buy a lot of things without even using them,and so then after I realize I don't need them.
So rather than let them collect dust,or me throwing perfectly good stuff out,I wanted to sell or make deals with you..me fellow Penis Enlargement brothers,but for way,way cheaper than you would get from the dealers.Here is the stuff that I am selling..1.Andropenis(similar to [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words])in a sweet mahogany case with all the spare parts and accessories,like rods,wraps.And I actually paid 350 dollars for this..but if separately I will let it go for 120 dollars.Or just hold on and listen to the rest of the deal.2.I have around 250 dollars worth of Cosagrande Leech Oil and Creams..not even opened at all,but if only want this I'd sell for 100 bucks.3.Have 2 boxes of [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]MaleExtra[/words] worth 80 dollars,and 2 boxes of Secretagogue Gold(orange powder) which is a very good all natural HGH supplement..worth 80 dollars.But again if you want just the supplements,I would let them go for 60 dollars for all 4 of them.So as you can see everything that I am selling is worth $760 dollars(350+250+160),but I am willing to let it all go as a package deal for 250 dollars.If anybody is interested either for the whole thing,or maybe half the stuff,drop me a line and let's talk.Later guys.
So rather than let them collect dust,or me throwing perfectly good stuff out,I wanted to sell or make deals with you..me fellow Penis Enlargement brothers,but for way,way cheaper than you would get from the dealers.Here is the stuff that I am selling..1.Andropenis(similar to [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words])in a sweet mahogany case with all the spare parts and accessories,like rods,wraps.And I actually paid 350 dollars for this..but if separately I will let it go for 120 dollars.Or just hold on and listen to the rest of the deal.2.I have around 250 dollars worth of Cosagrande Leech Oil and Creams..not even opened at all,but if only want this I'd sell for 100 bucks.3.Have 2 boxes of [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]MaleExtra[/words] worth 80 dollars,and 2 boxes of Secretagogue Gold(orange powder) which is a very good all natural HGH supplement..worth 80 dollars.But again if you want just the supplements,I would let them go for 60 dollars for all 4 of them.So as you can see everything that I am selling is worth $760 dollars(350+250+160),but I am willing to let it all go as a package deal for 250 dollars.If anybody is interested either for the whole thing,or maybe half the stuff,drop me a line and let's talk.Later guys.