The Penis as a Hydrostatic Skeleton

Interesting video from a 2012 TED Talk describing the tissues of the penis as a unique Hydrostatic Skeleton.. from the bio-anatomist's doctoral dissertation on 'How does the mammalian erection work?' or something similar ..

You'd think someone would have looked at this prior to 2012, but as someone else had noted .. we put a man on the moon .. before we put wheels on a suitcase.

Normal hydrostatic skeletons are built in a criss-cross shape like a Chinese Finger-Trap [search link], whose design is highly bendable and would make a terrible and useless penis.

The arrangement in penis tissue lay perpendicular to each other towards the length and the width .. making it far stronger and resistant to bending ... or for that matter to stretching or widening (!) - which effects PE and is why it takes both good technique and dedication to make gains .. because (at any one particular moment) the penis structure is made to resist that in both directions.

PE has really advanced into an almost point-and-click science from even just seven or eight years ago, but perhaps some even-deeper understanding of the biology and/or best techniques for gains can be gleaned from this apparently very recent glimpse under the skin ...

Vid: Diane Kelly: What we didn't know about penis anatomy
Many of the exercises I have created depend on a 2 point position usually in opposition to each other, even to the point of Bundled stretching that I created back on 2001. With no knowledge of the Hydrostatic Skeleton and only from your description I can see that the reason my exercises work so much more effectively than others may lay in some parts of this Hydrostatic Skeleton theory.