i just wanna tell my buddys on here that I thank you for all of the help and advice you have given me over the last 6 months or so on life and giving me your help in dealing with it. i just got to caught up in all of it and let things bother me way more than i should have. its so easy to do, but i now see how thats not good for anyone. i was depressed as many of you know for 8 years plus due to many reasons beyond my controll. but thats what ive now finally been able to accept. it is all "beyond" my controll, so why should i let that bother me or direct my life? I just need to focus on me and my well being and do whats best for me and my family (wife and 2 kids). ive slowly cut my depression meds in half a week at a time and got totally off of them. They did help me, BUT, they also made me realize that even when you take those drugs, as relaxed as they make you feel, the problems are still there....so it makes a guy say to himself....its either a life on meds...or just take controll of it all and accept life as it is. Ive been totally off the pills for about 3 weeks now. The side effects of being off of Effexor (shocking feelings mostly, all day) are now gone. I still see how things in my family ( mom and dad relationship) are still the same...its just that now, I can finally just accept that, well thats just how it is. i cannot change anyone at all, except for me. Its all on how i see things and deal with it all. i have learned to just deal with it in a good way. So i want to tell ALL of you thanks for all of the advice and help along the way in my previous posts. I do want to say to MAXAMEYES thanks for the help and responce even though i was a total ass to you the last time i posted. You did help me by being so very blunt haha! But thank you alll, i think Ill be very good and fine with life now. its just all in how you see it and deal with it. All you can do is take care of yourself and family...thats all that matters. Im good now...thanks....