If this has been posted already i apologize but i tried this out in my last session and it was insane intense.
Items Needed:
Long sock tied in a good size loop
your hands
Put the loop at the base of your penis like youre gonna do a sock stretch
Get into the BW stretch and get a solid grip
Put your foot through the loop and stretch downward with the sock while keeping all the tension and your hand at the same starting position.
Blasted the hell out of my tunica with this one.
Items Needed:
Long sock tied in a good size loop
your hands
Put the loop at the base of your penis like youre gonna do a sock stretch
Get into the BW stretch and get a solid grip
Put your foot through the loop and stretch downward with the sock while keeping all the tension and your hand at the same starting position.
Blasted the hell out of my tunica with this one.