I am new on anything aside pumps and here still don't know too much about those so I have many questions. This post is a few. The first one is penis
weights vs penis stretchers (like all day ones or traction ones), what is the difference in results?
When you talk about
weights, there are small
weight rings you wear for on the go, and
weights you hang while you're at home.
Weight rings for when you're on the go don't work as well. Why? Unless you have baggy pants and the
weights pull down constantly, the
weight will not be constant enough for you to get the gains you need. The traction force doesn't change much when you're in tight pants. it remains the same if you have very loose pants or shorts.
Penis extenders and stretchers will keep the traction force constant all day long. Extender, especially, will keep your traction force constant because of the spring system. The all day stretcher can keep constant if you mount it side ways. If you attach it to your knees or neck line, the traction force now becomes dynamically changed every time you bend, stand, walk, or sway side to side. But the extender/stretcher will yield greater results if you plan on wearing it all day long while on the run.
Can you get length gains with
weights too?
Yes you can. If you're talking about
hanging weight, yes. If you're talking about
weight rings, it's best to invest a bit more time on something like a traction device (extender/stretcher). You can even use the Men's
Stealth version that uses a large coil system.
And what is the suggested usage time for
Hanging weights, you tend to use incremental
weights from 2.5lbs and slowly increase it to 0.5lbs every 3 to 4 weeks. Once you reached 5lbs, you start with 2.5lbs first, then 5lbs, then back to 3lbs. The total
hanging should not go past 20 minutes as a rookie for the first 3 months, no more than 40 minutes for 6 months, and no more than 60 minutes from a year and on. Some likes to wear longer, but it's not recommended. Wear an extender or stretcher after
hanging if you can. Otherwise, wrap up.
Is it something I have to stand for an hour or two for like a stretcher duration or can I take my 20-35 minute shower and just wear it after washing that area for the rest of my shower period and get length gains?
Two hours of pure
hanging is not a good thing, unless you stand and hang for 2 hours using moderate
weights, follow with light
weight. Any
weight wearing past the initial 60 minutes should be reduced down to around 2.5lbs.
Or are
weights the same type of duration of a workout?
The trick about
hanging with
weights is to initiate the micro tears first using heavier
weights in the first 20 to 30 minutes, follows by lighter
weights verified by urological society and biomechanical publications at 2.5lbs, or roughly around 1.1kg.
I bought
weights one time on Amazon it was like $20ish came in a nice metal box and they looked like discs you could take off to lessen
weight and a hook thing. I have it 3-5 tries maybe a bit nore than five and every time it slides right off so I returned it BUT I've since came across ones on Amazon that caught my attention they are like elastic cord with a coat or hoodie button type thing to pull and tighten or loosen them the
weights and seems like much higher chances of staying on the penis. These worth it? Time duration suggested? Better than stretchers for length gains, worse, about equal??
Mind showing an image of it? A bit hard to imagine the design.
Next question is traction stretchers vs all day ones is there difference or just how you wear them?
Essentially, it's the same system. Mounted Stretcher (another name for extender) and All Day Stretcher uses traction method. One is pure spring mechanic, the other is bungy cord mechanic. Spring tension is constant. Bungy cord is dynamic as it goes up and down constantly. Extender tends to be bulky because of the design. All day stretcher can be bulky as you increase in vacuum cup size. Both systems point to a specific direction, either be down, up, or side ways.
I can tell you, wearing a 1.75in cup vs 2in cup is a major different in exposing your penile appearance in the pants, even if it's only 0.25in in size difference. Imagine a 2.25in cup as well. You'll get plenty of stares. Once it get up in cup size, it's worst than wearing the extender.