Starting my late Log

Indeed there is a slight feeling of warmth, accompanied with a mid flaccid size.
I can say that since i've been going easy and not forcing the exercises like a maniac i started feeling this.
Aslo the erection is much stonger, probably from the psychological effect of growing.
I will be reporting the unusual feelings and changes from now on.
Ah..there it is. Your growth out is about to come very soon. Warm and hot penile shaft hours later is a major indicator your cellular activities are going wild. Congrats brother. Keep it up.


Silistrercher ~7hr

Bundled stretches

Newbie routine with lm 2 min each direction (hard intensity)
Downward stretches 5 min ( hard intensity)
Dynamic BTC 4 min ( hard intensity)

Silistrercher + 7hr

Second week will be over in the 18, after this i'll increase intensity + time under stress, before taking off one week of rest or so.

Have a wonderful week brothers
Good evening brothers




Bundled stretches

Newbie routine with lm 2 min each direction (normal to hard intensity)
Downward stretches 3min min ( hard intensity)
Dynamic BTC 4 min ( hard intensity)

Silistrercher + 7hr


Newbie manuel stretches as a warm up, 1 min each direction
Bundled stretches

Dynamic Downward stretches 10min min
Dynamic BTC 10 min

Silistrercher + 7hr

I took 8 days from training, due to a wound on my shaft.
This was caused by wearing the silistrecher all night while sleeping.
I do it most of the time and i get superficial scratches that heal in a day or two max, this wound was deeper i guess and took more time to heal.
Only exercises i did were edging.
Starting to use the silistretcher again as of today.
Will wait until the wound is completely healed and start the routines again.