Well i don't know what really to do I never been on a date i'm 29 currently and will be 30 in less then 3 month.
i mean i just so depressed. I thought about just ending my life it's pretty easy to make it look like a accident too since there is no shortage of speeding cars here that don't stop for marked crosswalks around here.
I don't really want to end up in some shit faced relationship like my brother did. he really screwed him self on that one. she bankrupted him..
I had plenty of opportunities fuck as well but did not because of bad anxiety issues..
My parents are just fucken jackasses and created psychological problems around dating sex etc..
The worst being trying to make me homosexual. like trying it wrong to look at women look away etc.. it's hard to explain.. it did not help me at all just created sexual psychological problems for me..
Yeah I have used drugs before Pot. that was about 3 years ago i started I have not used any in about 4 months though and before that was quite awhile longer..
I do understand why a lot of people use them, so they can use them as getaway from their problems..
I hate them. I don't really like having anything to do with them and yes I have told them that too.
I was setup to fail by them they were more like Super helicopter parents . way way too overprotective. might get hurt etc...
i could not even play sports in school so i just dropped out of high school.. I got hurt more at home with the worst being chopped off tip of my finger (was reattached though even though it very very rare to be able to do so but still disfigured )
the only successful thing they were able to do was ruin my life. I have worked odd jobs here and there was able to save most of it i have only made like $70,000 since I was 18. I still have about $30,000 saved.. my car is broken down so i'll have to spend about $11k on another one (not worth fixing what i have because of a lot of issues with it.) < or so that will leave me with about 19k afterwards.. I tired to buy one and the title was no good lucky i got my money back
Yeah they used scareware tactics so i would avoid dating,fucking etc... when I was a teenager
it just left me with problems with it. so now that i don't have any experience with sex etc.. I sure things would be better if they did not do that shit since I was not as big as I'm now..
I have had many episodes of priapism (High Flow) which caused significant growth.. it seems to get hard but very hard to maintain erection though. requiring consistent stimulus .(inhibition issue). I can't even get turned on at all it unless I smoke pot or edibles.
I just really just don't know how to deal with this..
i mean i just so depressed. I thought about just ending my life it's pretty easy to make it look like a accident too since there is no shortage of speeding cars here that don't stop for marked crosswalks around here.
I don't really want to end up in some shit faced relationship like my brother did. he really screwed him self on that one. she bankrupted him..
I had plenty of opportunities fuck as well but did not because of bad anxiety issues..
My parents are just fucken jackasses and created psychological problems around dating sex etc..
The worst being trying to make me homosexual. like trying it wrong to look at women look away etc.. it's hard to explain.. it did not help me at all just created sexual psychological problems for me..
Yeah I have used drugs before Pot. that was about 3 years ago i started I have not used any in about 4 months though and before that was quite awhile longer..
I do understand why a lot of people use them, so they can use them as getaway from their problems..
I hate them. I don't really like having anything to do with them and yes I have told them that too.
I was setup to fail by them they were more like Super helicopter parents . way way too overprotective. might get hurt etc...
i could not even play sports in school so i just dropped out of high school.. I got hurt more at home with the worst being chopped off tip of my finger (was reattached though even though it very very rare to be able to do so but still disfigured )
the only successful thing they were able to do was ruin my life. I have worked odd jobs here and there was able to save most of it i have only made like $70,000 since I was 18. I still have about $30,000 saved.. my car is broken down so i'll have to spend about $11k on another one (not worth fixing what i have because of a lot of issues with it.) < or so that will leave me with about 19k afterwards.. I tired to buy one and the title was no good lucky i got my money back
Yeah they used scareware tactics so i would avoid dating,fucking etc... when I was a teenager
it just left me with problems with it. so now that i don't have any experience with sex etc.. I sure things would be better if they did not do that shit since I was not as big as I'm now..
I have had many episodes of priapism (High Flow) which caused significant growth.. it seems to get hard but very hard to maintain erection though. requiring consistent stimulus .(inhibition issue). I can't even get turned on at all it unless I smoke pot or edibles.
I just really just don't know how to deal with this..