So, Are You Embarrassed?

I've told 3 people . My wife and w of my best friends know . I straight up told my wife before I even started she told me I was big enough and the only thing she ask is for me to be carful

The other 2 are close friends of mine . 1 of which I discovered PE with . We were on the misc and saw a thread about thunders . Then the other is my life log friend of mine . Long story short his girl ch step on him he felt it was about his dick size he was like 4.5 inches . I told him about PE . he is on his journey as well he has gained a bit

I'm not embarrassed by it . But just like I don't tell everyone who I've fucked I don't feel the need to tell everyone I PE .
i am open about my size (thick as hell) but i dont go around talking about it. i have 2 in real life friends that do enlargement. its good to have a flow of information with like minded individuals IMO
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Everyone here on [words=]MOS[/words] knows about my PE activities...absolutely no one else does. For some reason I like to keep this journey personal and allow the people I come in contact with express their thoughts/feelings/views organically vs. 'oh, he's doing PE and that's why...'

I see my regular girl 3-4 times a month and I know she 'thinks' something is going-on 'down there' but I just play into her ego by telling her it's 'very happy to see you' :)
Naw. My past girlfriends knew. Wife knows. Then there's my business. Mom and sister know. Of course, wife knows. Several co workers know. It's admittedly far less "weird", or taboo than one of those "Pure Romance" party "businesses" where people get together in person and sell each other vibrators and flavored massage oils and such.
Told my family, they think its dangerous and dont really care at the same time. Told my ex and she thought it was dangerous and cared for me not to do it anymore. I'm just going to keep it to myself when I have a new gf.
I am not embarrassed about it, but I am generally a very private person. I do not share many things about my private life, I do not like giving people weapons to use against me.

But if a close friend of mine ever confessed to me that he has serious confidence issues due to his size I would not hesitate to open up about PE. On another note I am not going to be bring it up randomly for no reason, a lot of people if not most people are completely unaware about this and think their size is fine which is probably true. Most guys on here start with 5.5" nbpel or around that, guys that size most likely will never hear a complain about their size. I had never heard a complain from a sex partner about my size I just do it cause I can and my own sexual gratification. Ive never had that "locker room" scenario, Ive never been put in that situation so I don't even know what that is like. If I had gone through that as a kid maybe my outlook on this would be different.
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The only person that knows is my wife. She is supportive in this journey, guess she knows it will benefit her also. We have several kids in our house so it is a challenge and if they found out I would not really care. I would just tell them that it was their moms idea as she wanted to sleep with someone with a big dick;)
Girlfriend knows, and is supportive. It helps that she's a size queen.

My best friend, who is a gay man, also knows. He's completely indifferent to PE and doesn't seem interested at all in learning, but he is amazed by my size from the progress pics I've shown him.
Well its not that im embarrassed. Its just a hobby and subject I keep to myself. However I wish my wife was cool like some of the fellas ladies on here. Unfortunately my wife wanted me to stop when she found out by finding my pe equipment. 😯
seven_wants_ten;739202 said:
Girlfriend knows, and is supportive. It helps that she's a size queen.

My best friend, who is a gay man, also knows. He's completely indifferent to PE and doesn't seem interested at all in learning, but he is amazed by my size from the progress pics I've shown him.

So she is ok with your 10 inch cock?

i usually go to the gym or outdoors for physical training after my PE workouts so I have a quite a bulge

at first i was conscious and a bit embarrassed, but now i couldn't care less

i mean in reality who cares it's just penis size, different girls like different sizes

most girls im sure like almost any size, it's just the adult entertainment industry spreading propaganda with the huge dicks and tits and shits

just like a man likes many shapes of ass and types of vagina, thin booty, fit, fat, i mean they're all hot

i think it's the same way around for girls looking at guys, but some are just brainwashed by pop culture

not me tho, i like em fat, thin, and all in between
k18;739587 said:
i usually go to the gym or outdoors for physical training after my PE workouts so I have a quite a bulge

at first i was conscious and a bit embarrassed, but now i couldn't care less

i mean in reality who cares it's just penis size, different girls like different sizes

most girls im sure like almost any size, it's just the adult entertainment industry spreading propaganda with the huge dicks and tits and shits

just like a man likes many shapes of ass and types of vagina, thin booty, fit, fat, i mean they're all hot

i think it's the same way around for girls looking at guys, but some are just brainwashed by pop culture

not me tho, i like em fat, thin, and all in between

I don't like fat chicks unless they down for anal ;) lol
rocky1243;739230 said:
Lol getting creative with this now.

How creative does one have to be to start a PE Brotherhood and fill it with hundreds of exercises! :)
rocky1243;739698 said:
Thats what you measuring these days DLD? 10+?

Kings aje abd sevenwantsten are that size no?

Seven beats me.
Big Schwanz Acht;739692 said:
just goes to show how growing your 'business' to 10+ inches kinda makes you The Messiah of PE

Nah, just another Brother in the Brotherhood.
Big Schwanz Acht;740063 said: you're sayin' there's a chance..

I am saying the Seven is the longest on the forum. KingSnake I believe was 9" but I may be off. No one has hit the 11" mark erect BP ever, only 7 as far as I know.
that one guy with the thug life tattoo was 10 long in the [words=]extender[/words] and that was years ago... DLD, seven, and kingsnake are maybe the longest active users. im not claiming to be the historian but i do post here way too much...
as far as off [words=]MOS[/words] prelude is long and thick, there is also that one mexican guy with the 20 inch forskin LOL
mandingo is of course super long, i think hes been working on girth too
acromegaly;740170 said:
as far as off [words=]MOS[/words] prelude is long and thick, there is also that one mexican guy with the 20 inch forskin LOL
mandingo is of course super long, i think hes been working on girth too

No forum has bigger men, period!
acromegaly;740309 said:
shaded sam was close to 10 in length too he should do an update

Wow, I forgot about Sam, good point....Seven may have competition :)
I will not post my size right now. But I will post it in a year or so. My theory is that there are a few very big people in this forum that just don't want to share the stats.

Anyway about this topic: My mum got the VISA billing send home and it says [words=]Phallosan[/words] on it. I hope she didn't google this. But she send me a screenshot and asked me whether she should throw it away or whether I want to keep it. If that didn't happen, nobody would know anything for sure.
k18;739587 said:
i usually go to the gym or outdoors for physical training after my PE workouts so I have a quite a bulge

at first i was conscious and a bit embarrassed, but now i couldn't care less

i mean in reality who cares it's just penis size, different girls like different sizes

most girls im sure like almost any size, it's just the adult entertainment industry spreading propaganda with the huge dicks and tits and shits

just like a man likes many shapes of ass and types of vagina, thin booty, fit, fat, i mean they're all hot

i think it's the same way around for girls looking at guys, but some are just brainwashed by pop culture

not me tho, i like em fat, thin, and all in between

I disagree. If you compare men and women you will see that taste is very diverese in brain of men, whereas women seem to like just a specific ideal. A fat man is never considered to be attractive. A fat woman might be disliked by most men, still their are men who go crazy about them. Now isn't this much different?

Another example: I have never seen a pro bodybuilder with a good looking girl. Theoretically there should be girls who are really into that. But you only see ugly wifes or girls who are part of the sport.

My theory: Girls taste is not diverse.
Chaoskampf;740717 said:
I disagree. If you compare men and women you will see that taste is very diverese in brain of men, whereas women seem to like just a specific ideal.
My theory: Girls taste is not diverse.

This is very true, women are opportunistic in how they choose a mate where men tend to be more idealistic. Ask any of your buddies if they truly cared what their wife/SO did/does for a guess is 'not at all' cuz he just 'loves' her. Try that same survey with women...

In society men are judged on what they are (an accumulation of attributes) and women are judged on who they are...there's a big difference between the two and that's why women's strategies can seem so heartless
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Big Schwanz Acht;740750 said:
This is very true, women are opportunistic in how they choose a mate where men tend to be more idealistic. Ask any of your buddies if they truly cared what their wife/SO did/does for a guess is 'not at all' cuz he just 'loves' her. Try that same survey with women...

In society men are judged on what they are (an accumulation of attributes) and women are judged on who they are...there's a big difference between the two and that's why women's strategies can seem so heartless

This is so true! I am judged by many on the basis of my business and it is wrong and sad. These women have no idea just how important the work we do here is. People ask me how I can be a pastor and also own [words=]MOS[/words] and I laugh, I tell them what is the most important part of the male body? The penis! Who created this penis? God. What does God want us to do with what He has given us? To bury it? No and I think the parable of the ten Talents is so applicable in this situation.

"For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants[a] and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ 21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.[c] You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ 23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’"

I do not want to bury my Lord's gifts, I want to make the most of them!
sometimes 'judging' takes-on a negative connotation and conjures-up ill feelings...what I meant was that men are measured by what they are vs. women by who they are.
It seems simplistic, but this is one component answers many questions about women and their motivations.

she said 'I don't want the world, I just want your half'
Big Schwanz Acht;740774 said:
sometimes 'judging' takes-on a negative connotation and conjures-up ill feelings...what I meant was that men are measured by what they are vs. women by who they are.
It seems simplistic, but this is one component answers many questions about women and their motivations.

she said 'I don't want the world, I just want your half'

Who hurt you BSA?
stillwantmore2;740785 said:
DLD and I are going to retire one day and start a commune in the mountains.

Nah, I wil never retire and I will continue to try my best to spread the good news! So many do not know the truth and suffer the guilt of religion! I am a church without a religion. I will teach anyone who wants to know what the true message is, a message of grace and total forgiveness. If anyone needs this I am always here to help. I love Jesus so much that I want the whole world to Love Him. If Christians truly understood the grace message there would be no more guilt, only joy. Religion will never teach what I will!
I've only told my best friend about it and it's quite funny because every couple of weeks we will go for a beer and he will ask me how my 'extra carricular' activities are going.

I think after I'm happy with my results (which I can see and feel coming) I'd mention it to some other people and probably suggest it if they felt they wanted to give it a try.

Regardless about telling people, I just love being on this forum and interacting with all you guys. It's such a great community on here where you can legit be yourself, and talk about PE and many other things. There is a great support network here as it is.
iGrowSteady;741059 said:
@DLD - So not to pry too much... And though you answered this and I can't say I'm surprised as this brotherhood you created is so big in a sense, but your family more or less knows about [words=]MOS[/words] and what you do?

Yes, everyone I know knows what I do. I take great pride in this work and I believe it is righteous work. I am proud of what I have accomplished and I am even more proud of the Brothers who helped make us so prominent in the world. We are the biggest and the best because of the family!
I've told many people about my PE journey. At my age, I no longer give a fuck about what anyone thinks about me. I'm doing PE for me. To hell with whatever anyone thinks. I will keep sharing the good news to the few selected people I choose.