Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Not super tight...but tight enough to work.
They will become tighter. But the 60 did for sure not work now. Maybe 64 had worked as well, but I didn't get them, because it felt like a gamble.
These are not cheap.

You measure by putting your penis on the phone.

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I think it's called They give you away to measure and find the perfect condom for you
I think it's called They give you away to measure and find the perfect condom for you
It's a particular brand of condoms where you use an web app, to find your correct measurment.

You need to put your dick on your phone, but first you calibrate the web app with the size of a creadit card.

I think I'm between sizes now, so I need to grow thicker.
You are an inspiration SIM!
I would like to ask you one question. When you do your behind the ass bundled stretches. How far down on the shaft are you clamping down?
Are you clamping down right near the base or further up the shaft? Im in for making the fastest gains possible and are not afraid to pull hard but im not sure if its better to clamp down low (expressive) or further up..

And if you clamp down low isnt it hard to bundle?! So far i have only clamped down near the glans and still i can only make 360 degrees bundle. Im thinking if i go down further i will have a hard time bundle at all maybe..
You are an inspiration SIM!
I would like to ask you one question. When you do your behind the ass bundled stretches. How far down on the shaft are you clamping down?
Are you clamping down right near the base or further up the shaft? Im in for making the fastest gains possible and are not afraid to pull hard but im not sure if its better to clamp down low (expressive) or further up..

And if you clamp down low isnt it hard to bundle?! So far i have only clamped down near the glans and still i can only make 360 degrees bundle. Im thinking if i go down further i will have a hard time bundle at all maybe..
in the beginning and for a long time you should clamp near the glan.
You are an inspiration SIM!
I would like to ask you one question. When you do your behind the ass bundled stretches. How far down on the shaft are you clamping down?
Are you clamping down right near the base or further up the shaft? Im in for making the fastest gains possible and are not afraid to pull hard but im not sure if its better to clamp down low (expressive) or further up..

And if you clamp down low isnt it hard to bundle?! So far i have only clamped down near the glans and still i can only make 360 degrees bundle. Im thinking if i go down further i will have a hard time bundle at all maybe..

Members come and go, but we've had a long-term. Relationship with squirt and doucer which has been extremely beneficial to us. As a brotherhood, we need to work together to get the word out about the site. And videos are a great way to do it. Perhaps we can start some accounts on different platforms to upload everything that has been done. I am terrible with social media , but maybe there is an easier way to make this happen
When you do your behind the ass bundled stretches. How far down on the shaft are you clamping down?
Are you clamping down right near the base or further up the shaft? Im in for making the fastest gains possible and are not afraid to pull hard but im not sure if its better to clamp down low (expressive) or further up..
As close to the base as possible. During the warmup and stretching the tissue elongates and I can maximize my bundles.
I always have been stretching 5 minutes stretches with LengthMaster 3, because 1 minute stretches back and forth (left + right bundled) would wear my penis skin to much. When I stretch and hold each stretch for 5 minutes the tissue elongates and at the 3minute mark I can maximize my bundles. As time progressed I could get into the maximize bundled position faster without as much pre-stretch.

It may look like the chamber are slipping but it is not, the penis elongated approximately 2 cm ( 0.79 Inch) when I was stretching. I'm not stretching now, because I'm doing girth work. But keep in mind that it took many months to master everything.

And if you clamp down low isnt it hard to bundle?! So far i have only clamped down near the glans and still i can only make 360 degrees bundle. Im thinking if i go down further i will have a hard time bundle at all maybe..
Tunica albuginea will loosen up so it will be easier with time.

Keep in mind that I was stretching for 1 year.
I'm doing girth work every other day, or 2 days on, then rest. My schedule are very flexible but I'm still gaining. Amazing.

Saw som even bigger expansion inside the pump today. If I do this for a year there will be some growth.
As close to the base as possible. During the warmup and stretching the tissue elongates and I can maximize my bundles.
I always have been stretching 5 minutes stretches with LengthMaster 3, because 1 minute stretches back and forth (left + right bundled) would wear my penis skin to much. When I stretch and hold each stretch for 5 minutes the tissue elongates and at the 3minute mark I can maximize my bundles. As time progressed I could get into the maximize bundled position faster without as much pre-stretch.

It may look like the chamber are slipping but it is not, the penis elongated approximately 2 cm ( 0.79 Inch) when I was stretching. I'm not stretching now, because I'm doing girth work. But keep in mind that it took many months to master everything.

Tunica albuginea will loosen up so it will be easier with time.

Keep in mind that I was stretching for 1 year.
Thank you very much for your long answer! I understand what you mean about the skin taking damage when switching around to much. Its the same for me, the skin gets red and irritated. So far its been healing pretty good with cortisonecream and vaseline though.

I think i will spend some more time stretching further up the shaft first to loosen up the tissue and then move further down the shaft. I really long to feel the inner penis come out, so far i havent had that sensation really. More like a good stretch in the shaft.

I think i will also move to do each stretch for a longer time. I think the effectiveness is better that way too.

Do you do 360 degrees bundle when clamping near base?
Thank you very much for your long answer! I understand what you mean about the skin taking damage when switching around to much. Its the same for me, the skin gets red and irritated. So far its been healing pretty good with cortisonecream and vaseline though.

I think i will spend some more time stretching further up the shaft first to loosen up the tissue and then move further down the shaft. I really long to feel the inner penis come out, so far i havent had that sensation really. More like a good stretch in the shaft.

I think i will also move to do each stretch for a longer time. I think the effectiveness is better that way too.

Do you do 360 degrees bundle when clamping near base?
Try putting a thin layer of, Magnesium Carbonate on your penis before applying the THERABAND, this will reduce the friction in the skin.

I bundle my penis as much as possible, I do not count. The gains are what is important. Somewhere there is a video where I show how much I can bundle at the max. But when I was stretching I could not bundled at the max at every set. Only two or one set every 3 days I did bundle at the max, if I did it every session my penis would have started to bleed.

In the beginning when I started with these maximum bundled stretches, I needed to detach every 5 minutes to not get to much bad fluid retention.

But bundles are not the only parameter to increase the intensity.

🔗 How to increase the intensity in BTC-BS with LM3.
I'm doing girth work every other day, or 2 days on, then rest. My schedule are very flexible but I'm still gaining. Amazing.

I saw som even bigger expansion inside the pump and could pump with greater vaccum today.
Very exciting

Logging OFF.
I'm doing girth work every other day, or 2 days on, then rest. My schedule are very flexible but I'm still gaining. Amazing.

Saw som even bigger expansion inside the pump today. If I do this for a year there will be some growth.

You're very good about time invested in and time to rest i Think that that has been a very big part of why you have grown so much.
As close to the base as possible. During the warmup and stretching the tissue elongates and I can maximize my bundles.

When I stretch and hold each stretch for 5 minutes the tissue elongates and at the 3minute mark I can maximize my bundles.

When your tissue elongates during the stretch I recommend you to tighten the wing nuts, they will get looser as your tissue elongates.

So true! This what I do as well!

Correct on every word.
Seeing greater and greater expansion inside this thing.

This is Bathmate HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy.
I'm using some kind of sleeve, to limit girth expansion to get some more deformation/expansion of tunica albigunea throughout the entire length of the penis.

Nice unit, hey when you do your 5min squash 5min bathmate x3 girth routine do you jelq between when slow squashing? Surely you don’t do 5 minutes straight?
Thanks mate I’d appreciate any advice on that
Try putting a thin layer of, Magnesium Carbonate on your penis before applying the THERABAND, this will reduce the friction in the skin.

I bundle my penis as much as possible, I do not count. The gains are what is important. Somewhere there is a video where I show how much I can bundle at the max. But when I was stretching I could not bundled at the max at every set. Only two or one set every 3 days I did bundle at the max, if I did it every session my penis would have started to bleed.

In the beginning when I started with these maximum bundled stretches, I needed to detach every 5 minutes to not get to much bad fluid retention.

But bundles are not the only parameter to increase the intensity.

🔗 How to increase the intensity in BTC-BS with LM3.
Thanks for the tips! I will try using some magnesium or baby powder.
I understand, i will try to experiment to get a good strecth. Right now 360 degrees behind the ass strecth is burning really good. I will take notice on the way to change the way of stretching during the session. Right now i have beend using the same bundles etc over the whole session. I will experiment a little on upper the force (in some of the ways you described) during the sessions.
Thanks for the tips! I will try using some magnesium or baby powder.
I understand, i will try to experiment to get a good strecth. Right now 360 degrees behind the ass strecth is burning really good. I will take notice on the way to change the way of stretching during the session. Right now i have beend using the same bundles etc over the whole session. I will experiment a little on upper the force (in some of the ways you described) during the sessions.
Use Magnesium Carbonate, baby powder will not work in my opinion.
Nice unit, hey when you do your 5min squash 5min bathmate x3 girth routine do you jelq between when slow squashing? Surely you don’t do 5 minutes straight?
Thanks mate I’d appreciate any advice on that
Thanks. My goal is to max out every Bathmate pump I own. But will I be to thick, time will tell.

I mostly do downward C-Jelq's in my routine (5 minutes straight after being in the pump), I get so good expansion in the Bathmate so I don't need Slow Squash Jelq.

I know Slow Squash Jelq are recommended, but I'm doing this routine because it worked for me in the past (I see gains now as well).

Also this is some kind of experiment I'm doing, I have gained with this routine before but the vaccum are very high in my routine, so I do not recommend anyone to mirror this. Would have been interesting to know how high the vaccum is at.

I will let everyone know after a couple of months, how much I have grown.

I'm just doing a little bit of SSJ's.
Downward C-Jelq's reduces the fluid retention big time.

As I said I do not recommend anyone to mirror this experiment I'm doing.

Stick to safe and proven methods (SRT 5X5X3) as SSJ's are my recommendation.
No comfort insert.
Switching back and forth between Bathmate HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy, 7 Wide Boy with a sleeve on my penis and Hydromax 5 (it's maxed out now, may need HydroExtreme 7 now as well) are very beneficial for me I believe.

Can it be that each setup are working on diffrent parts of my penis, I believe so. When I look inside the pump, it feels like it's doing something, to deform and elongate tunica albigunea.

When I use HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy and then go for 7 Wide Boy with a sleeve on my penis, I get so much more girth expansion up my shaft. This expansion at girth travels slowly up and up my shaft.

This is working.

I will call this program:
Bathmate penis exterminator. 😁
I look forward to starting your new pumping programme at the end of the year 💪
It's very risky if you do not know your penis and body to 100%. You need to feel how much vaccum you can apply to the tissue (no gauge). I can feel that very easily.

Also here I increase the intensity progressively.
No comfort insert.
Switching back and forth between Bathmate HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy, 7 Wide Boy with a sleeve on my penis and Hydromax 5 (it's maxed out now, may need HydroExtreme 7 now as well) are very beneficial for me I believe.

Can it be that each setup are working on diffrent parts of my penis, I believe so. When I look inside the pump, it feels like it's doing something, to deform and elongate tunica albigunea.

When I use HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy and then go for 7 Wide Boy with a sleeve on my penis, I get so much more girth expansion up my shaft. This expansion at girth travels slowly up and up my shaft.

This is working.

I will call this program:
Bathmate penis exterminator. 😁
I can't wait to see what you do with the package we're sending you
IMG_20240229_160402.jpg IMG_20240229_213128.jpg Screenshot_2024-02-29-21-57-49-03_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg
"Click" on the thumbnails above to enlarge the picures.

My penis mid-shaft diameter, Ø (measured from the top) = 4.6 cm

Converted to circumference ->
π cm = 14.451326206513 cm = 5.6894985 Inch = ~5.69 Inch
(probably should round off to 5.7 Inch)

cm to inch.

But my penis is not cylindrical.
But this is the kind of size my penis is now.
I did not have 100% erection in the picture.
View attachment 1835307 View attachment 1835308 View attachment 1835310
"Click" on the thumbnails above to enlarge the picures.

My penis mid-shaft diameter, Ø (measured from the top) = 4.6 cm

Converted to circumference ->
π cm = 14.451326206513 cm = 5.6894985 Inch = ~5.69 Inch
(probably should round off to 5.7 Inch)

cm to inch.
View attachment 1835311

But my penis is not cylindrical.
But this is the kind of size my penis is now.
I did not have 100% erection in the picture.
Amazing. How far you have come in such a short amount of time. I hope people look at your routine and incorporate as much as they can into
Amazing. How far you have come in such a short amount of time. I hope people look at your routine and incorporate as much as they can into
Thanks for the feedback.
The key is to deform Tunica albigunea to the max in every session (I don't go every day). Also rest and healing is important. SRT works. 😁
Just a little bit worried, about the deformation of the shape of my penis.
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Members come and go, but we've had a long-term. Relationship with squirt and doucer which has been extremely beneficial to us. As a brotherhood, we need to work together to get the word out about the site. And videos are a great way to do it. Perhaps we can start some accounts on different platforms to upload everything that has been done. I am terrible with social media , but maybe there is an easier way to make this happen
Honestly, the very best option to achieve this objective would be for you to get active on YouTube again. With some easy YouTube optimization (keywords, hashtags, proper video descriptions and links to this site)

This would help out a ton with the actual SEO of the MOS site as well as building the brand stronger, both MOS and yourself. As you’re already famous and have authority in this space this would be the single best thing to do if the objective is to explode site visitors and building the brand. Let me know if you need anything or what you think.
Seeing greater and greater expansion inside this thing.

This is Bathmate HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy.
I'm using some kind of sleeve, to limit girth expansion to get some more deformation/expansion of tunica albigunea throughout the entire length of the penis.

View attachment 1835180
Why would you try to limit the expansion with a sleeve if you’re going for girth? I don’t get it..
Honestly, the very best option to achieve this objective would be for you to get active on YouTube again. With some easy YouTube optimization (keywords, hashtags, proper video descriptions and links to this site)

This would help out a ton with the actual SEO of the MOS site as well as building the brand stronger, both MOS and yourself. As you’re already famous and have authority in this space this would be the single best thing to do if the objective is to explode site visitors and building the brand. Let me know if you need anything or what you think.
Why are we discussing this in my progress thread?
Create a new thread for this discussion.

More activity on:
Link to Matters Of Size, YouTube channel. would help to drive in more traffic.

As I said, I do not want this discussion in my progress thread.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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