Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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It's only 1 month left for me now, until 1 year of stretching have been accomplished. Time flying by so fast.
But this adventure have for sure been worth it. I need to thank everyone in advance. Thank you so much. I would not have made these gains without this amazing brotherhood. So much knowledge.

The journey continues...I will get back to you guys next year.
Thanks for everything you have done 🤍
Hello brother.
I have read this plog from start to finish now. What a great learning experience. Thank you.

I was little bit lost here at MOS but your links and infos have been great when finding information when new here.
Doing now the broomstic newbie routine and it feels great.
Have also ordered Lenghtmaster 3 when inspired about your blog and journey. Can’t wait to get it!
Hello brother.
I have read this plog from start to finish now. What a great learning experience. Thank you.

I was little bit lost here at MOS but your links and infos have been great when finding information when new here.
Doing now the broomstic newbie routine and it feels great.
Have also ordered Lenghtmaster 3 when inspired about your blog and journey. Can’t wait to get it!
Wonderful. I'm honored you read the whole thing.
The broomstick routine that is awesome.

I'm happy the information are helping you.
Going well. But have been "lazy" but I'm still gaining like crazy. I need to get to the length I want fast. I can't do this forever at this intensity. Starting to loose the drive.

I want to do girthwork now.

Do you mean you're stopping length and going for girth?
Not jet.

You know some days you loose all motivation and discipline, and you want to do something new.
But I will ride this out to the end.
Sometimes the best way to deal with this is to switch things up. Maybe add a new exercise or add a new tool.
I have to look in my notepad 📝 for that.

Do you keep your records written on a regular notebook. Your computer,and obviously here 😆.My mind gets rigid to do things in a certain way certain times etc.I still want to do them, sometimes I can't do them when I want to or need to and I just end up not doing them. I have to shift that state of mind.

It's hard to process that our imagination plays tricks on us.. The right time, moment, may never come 🫴 We have to be flexible and take it when it comes.
Do you keep your records written on a regular notebook. Your computer,and obviously here 😆.My mind gets rigid to do things in a certain way certain times etc.I still want to do them, sometimes I can't do them when I want to or need to and I just end up not doing them. I have to shift that state of mind.

It's hard to process that our imagination plays tricks on us.. The right time, moment, may never come 🫴 We have to be flexible and take it when it comes.

Yes. But the notes in the beginning are not particularly clear, I messed up the dates (wrote the wrong dates, due to being so tired).
But I have some dates I can share. But the most important dates are shared in this thread.

Try using boxes before you start a session. To be able to cross off that box, then you need to do it. This I believe is a mental hack to keep the discipline going.

For example.
Session 1.
Set 1:
Ball & Lig Stretches 10 min ☐
BTC-BS 10 min

Rest 10 min ☐

Set 2:

BTC-BS 10 min ☐
When you are done, it looks like this.

Session 1.
Set 1:
Ball & Lig Stretches 10 min ☑
BTC-BS 10 min

Rest 10 min ☑

Set 2:

BTC-BS 10 min ☑
And you cross each box after that task is accomplished.
You do this with pen and paper.
In this way you cannot skip once you have written these boxes down on your notepad.
Yes. But the notes in the beginning are not particularly clear, I messed up the dates (wrote the wrong dates, due to being so tired).
But I have some dates I can share. But the most important dates are shared in this thread.

Try using boxes before you start a session. To be able to cross off that box, then you need to do it. This I believe is a mental hack to keep the discipline going.

For example.
Session 1.
Set 1:
Ball & Lig Stretches 10 min ☐
BTC-BS 10 min

Rest 10 min ☐

Set 2:

BTC-BS 10 min ☐
When you are done, it looks like this.

Session 1.
Set 1:
Ball & Lig Stretches 10 min ☑
BTC-BS 10 min

Rest 10 min ☑

Set 2:

BTC-BS 10 min ☑
And you cross each box after that task is accomplished.
You do this with pen and paper.
In this way you cannot skip once you have written these boxes down on your notepad.

Excellent 👌 writing the routine and ❌ once each exercise is completed.
right writing it down works better,mind hack!
Not jet.

You know some days you loose all motivation and discipline, and you want to do something new.
But I will ride this out to the end.
Sometimes I lose motivation and I been pe off and on since February of last year and I only done pe 66 times and only gained a longer flaccid but not bone press erec lenght.What really motivates me to have the biggest dick my wife seen in person,and be her best lover ever.
Sometimes I lose motivation and I been pe off and on since February of last year and I only done pe 66 times and only gained a longer flaccid but not bone press erec lenght.What really motivates me to have the biggest dick my wife seen in person,and be her best lover ever.
You're not alone.☹️
I have lost my motivation as well. I only have discipline left...that is hard.

I need to gather my strength, and get back to it tomorrow. Will you follow?
You guys @squirt_inducer_man @9.5inchpro @LONGERDICK7+ seem to all be using willpower to keep going and trust me that is a battle that you will always lose one way or another.
It's time to change things up in your routines guys. For example SIM should switch to girth work to make things more interesting, girth work is often times more fun as there is an element of arousal involved in it, this ought to spice up your PE journey.

When something starts to or completely becomes unenjoyable it simultaneously become unsustainable.
You're not alone.☹
I have lost my motivation as well. I only have discipline left...that is hard.

I need to gather my strength, and get back to it tomorrow. Will you follow?
I don't see the reason why you lost motivation you have gained if I had gained like you if be hard for me to stop.
OK I understand. I had visited thunders pe forum and look at their newbie program and it don't compare to mos they don't have enough volume in their program for gaines.My routine has changed to more volume throughout the day.
Here at MOS we are on the edge of what is possible with penis enlargement. We always develop new programs and routines, to gain as fast as possible. I'm working on things right now. It should be as easy as possible to gain when you become a member at MOS, there should be a clear path to success.

These are important: How? Why?
That is: How you are doing something?, but more importantly why?
Here at MOS we are on the edge of what is possible with penis enlargement. We always develop new programs and routines, to gain as fast as possible. I'm working on things right now. It should be as easy as possible to gain when you become a member at MOS, there should be a clear path to success.

These are important: How? Why?
That is: How you are doing something?, but more importantly why?
yeah mos is we're it can only get the lengthmaster on mos and no we're else.
OK I understand. I had visited thunders pe forum and look at their newbie program and it don't compare to mos they don't have enough volume in their program for gaines.My routine has changed to more volume throughout the day.
This is why we are the best.
I need to talk about my method, for cementing my length gains.

I believe I have figured out why I cement my lengthgains so fast. I believe the high intensity stretching with LengthMaster 3 and the strategic implemented rest with this, 📹 Penis Elongation Wrap is the "secret". There is also probably more like MOSRED...

My penis is from time to time during the day, semi-expanded/erected (pushing against the bandage, like a cock ring).

It gets like this.

(This picture is linked from another thread).

Here is the BBCODE (Bulletin Board Code) of that. I'm just showing how it's possible to attach picures you already have elsewhere on the forum. No need to upload twice, and waste storage space on the server.

[IMG width="233px"][/IMG]

Here is a video instruction guide about this.
🔗 The album section.

Sometimes I get fluid retentention as well in this semi-expanded state, maybe this helps as well with cementing length gains?

Sometimes I go a long time with the same feeling you get, when you wear a tight cock ring after girth work for to long.

My goal is not to aim for this forced constriction. It just happens. Preferably you want to remove the wrap from time to time...but that is not always possible due to the situation I'm in (for example at work). Cold weather outside is the enemy of elongation, and I often get fluid retention and this forced constriction fenomen after being outside. The tightness of the windings of this pel.wrap is key.

I had cold pants today, and I could not do my session in the evening due to the fluid retention that happened. But if I have warm pants when I'm outside and my penis is also warm when I'm inside, I can go all day long without developing fluid retention. It was boring at work today, I just sat down == My penis got cold inside my pel.wrap.

This is a theory.
The theory is that this forced expanded and elongated state of my penis all day long, are helping me cement my length gains.

I need to explain everything I'm doing, therefore I'm posting this.

Hope this helps.
I need to talk about my method, for cementing my length gains.

I believe I have figured out why I cement my lengthgains so fast. I believe the high intensity stretching with LengthMaster 3 and the strategic implemented rest with this, 📹 Penis Elongation Wrap is the "secret". There is also probably more like MOSRED...

My penis is from time to time during the day, semi-expanded/erected (pushing against the bandage, like a cock ring).

It gets like this.

(This picture is linked from another thread).

Here is the BBCODE (Bulletin Board Code) of that. I'm just showing how it's possible to attach picures you already have elsewhere on the forum. No need to upload twice, and waste storage space on the server.

[IMG width="233px"][/IMG]

Here is a video instruction guide about this.
🔗 The album section.

Sometimes I get fluid retentention as well in this semi-expanded state, maybe this helps as well with cementing length gains?

Sometimes I go a long time with the same feeling you get, when you wear a tight cock ring after girth work for to long.

My goal is not to aim for this forced constriction. It just happens. Preferably you want to remove the wrap from time to time...but that is not always possible due to the situation I'm in (for example at work). Cold weather outside is the enemy of elongation, and I often get fluid retention and this forced constriction fenomen after being outside. The tightness of the windings of this pel.wrap is key.

I had cold pants today, and I could not do my session in the evening due to the fluid retention that happened. But if I have warm pants when I'm outside and my penis is also warm when I'm inside, I can go all day long without developing fluid retention. It was boring at work today, I just sat down == My penis got cold inside my pel.wrap.

This is a theory.
The theory is that this forced expanded and elongated state of my penis all day long, are helping me cement my length gains.

I need to explain everything I'm doing, therefore I'm posting this.

Hope this helps.
im now using this technique also.
Some thoughts I have.
I'm still doing penis enlargement with LengthMaster 3. But I stretched the sh#& (hard to find a nicer word for this = sorry for the bad language) out of my penis for ~3 days straight, so I really need to rest for 2 days now. I tend to stretch too hard, but I hope I will grow either way.

Most days I only stretch for 20 minutes, I try to get at least 20 min x 2 times/day; 3 days on 1 day rest. But It has been hard lately because I stretch so hard, and it's like I procrastinate doing penis enlargement. But I'm still growing.

After the rest of 2 days. I will get back to my regular routine with 2 sessions per day, but usually I'm only able to stretch 20 min x 2 times; only 1 day in a 3 day period. All the other days I get 1 session in at 20 minutes.

So 1 day I get 20 min x 2 times, 1 day only 20 min and 1 day only 20 min. But these maximum bundle stretches where I use my second handlebar, to get into the correct angle and intensity for stretching, is like 40 minutes of stretching in a 20 minute session.

I can't do these maximum bundle stretches in every session, because they are extremely intense. So I usually only do them for 1 set (1 set = 10 minutes), or if I'm lucky for 2 sets, during a 3 day period.

Sometimes after the first session, I get maximum elongation already (or my penis is really tired). It's then really hard to then say to myself:
- One session is enough to gain.
Sometimes this is true after the first set (usually happens after many days of stretching in a row = need to cut a session short). But this methodology are working.

I still feel the soreness in my inner penis now. From past growth, I know this soreness are signs that my penis will grow. But the penis needs rest in order to heal and grow now (I always keep my penis elongated during the day).

My penis is starting to turteling to much now. I will wait for it to hange loose and low before starting up again.

I need to relax with penis enlargement now.

Doing maximum bundles really stretch the inner penis really hard.
But it has taken approximately 1 year, to be able to get to this maximum bundle position relatively "easy".

Soon I have been doing length work for 1 year.

I hope you could follow my thoughts.
Maybe my thoughts can help someone else? That is my hope at least.

Pressure on yourself is good, but to much pressure on yourself can be determemtal to growth (in every aspects of life).

If I would have just push through even now when my penis need some rest, there would be a chance this would be negative for my penis growth. There is a balance. To explain this balance is hard. You need to feel it for yourself

Take care.
@squirt_inducer_man your 1 year of PE birthday coming up now right? Any new stats to give us? Hope you've been well brotha!
I'm happy you are back brother.
I have been okay. But work are draining me...I'm working on escaping. I'm good at it. But I'm not made for it.
Your post about 🔗 online work got me thinking. Thanks for that 🙂

The problem is to measure my penis in front of a camera. The banana shape makes it almost impossible to show my true size. But I'm starting to become really big. Even when I do not see it myself. I will try to get a good picture of my size shortly. But that will probably be the last picture of my penis I'm posting. In the future I want to focus on creating good video instructions and routines for new members.
But just the thought of posting a progress picture makes me nervous. I will get one uploaded when I'm ready. I have some time left until 1 year is up.

The penetration length is the most important thing when you are focusing on length work, due to the results that was find in this research: Here is the 🔗 research paper (thread: The Mechanics of Deep Penetration). Because your penis will bend when it penetrate inside the vagina. So it doesn't matter if you have a banana penis.

I have all the length I need but for some reason I feel 10 Inches is the new 8 Inches. 😆
I'm getting insane I think.
I'm happy you are back brother.
I have been okay. But work are draining me...I'm working on escaping. I'm good at it. But I'm not made for it.
Your post about 🔗 online work got me thinking. Thanks for that 🙂

The problem is to measure my penis in front of a camera. The banana shape makes it almost impossible to show my true size. But I'm starting to become really big. Even when I do not see it myself. I will try to get a good picture of my size shortly. But that will probably be the last picture of my penis I'm posting. In the future I want to focus on creating good video instructions and routines for new members.
But just the thought of posting a progress picture makes me nervous. I will get one uploaded when I'm ready. I have some time left until 1 year is up.

The penetration length is the most important thing when you are focusing on length work, due to the results that was find in this research: Here is the 🔗 research paper (thread: The Mechanics of Deep Penetration). Because your penis will bend when it penetrate inside the vagina. So it doesn't matter if you have a banana penis.

I have all the length I need but for some reason I feel 10 Inches is the new 8 Inches. 😆
I'm getting insane I think.
10 is monumental...nothing better
Length work is over. 😮‍💨

It's now girth work for me.
I'm going to first max out my Bathmate Hydromax 5. I always use my Bathmate pumps without the comfort insert to maximize expansion.

I did a session today, and I was not bothered at all by the gator 🐊 (the rubber creases at the base of the cylinder).

When I have maxed out that pump fully, I'm going for my Bathmate HydroExtreme 7 Wide Boy, or I'm going to get the less girthier one: Bathmate Hydromax/HydroExtreme 7. There is a risk that if I max out the Wide Boy, that my penis will become to thick.

Wide Boy and the 9 (Hydromax/HydroExtreme) are thick and they can get you to a girth of ~7.5"/19 cm Erected Girth. Probably less because you can't expand past it, in order to cement it good.

When I say max out I mean, that I'm going to fill the entire cylinder up in length and girth. I'm longer then the Hydromax 5 outside, but when you pump your penis inside the cylinder it expands like a balloon.

So in order to fill up the entire length, I need to max out the cylinders entire girth. This is how it works for me. I slowly expand more and more at the girth up my shaft, and this will with time push my tissue longer as well inside the cylinder, until the entire cylinder is filled up with my penis tissue. I will keep it slow and steady and not over pressure my's the long game that is important.

This is highly possible with enough time. I had really fast gains with Bathmate in the past (Before starting this thread), that is the reason I'm choosing Bathmate before MityVac.

Also I can't afford any more equipment right now. I have 3 Bathmate pumps, so it would be a waste to not use them. I also have Bathmate HydroExtreme 9. It would be insane to fill that pump up all the way. But you never know, maybe that will happen.

Many are mainly filling up the length in the Bathmate pumps because they are using the comfort insert, I'm focusing on girth and I do not care about my length any longer. I'm long enough now. And my length is cemented really good due to the bundled stretches, I have been doing for almost a year now.

This will be a more relaxing period in my life. I can finally focus on other things in life, then just the obsession of being as long as possible. This year have been really hard. Lengthwork is hard work.

I will finally be able to get back to the gym.

My schedule will be to do Bathmate girthwork 5 days a week (every day at nigh). Maybe I will split it up to fit my life better. Like 3 days on 1 day rest as I did with my length work, or like: 2 days on 1 day rest. We will see how my penis wants it.

Bathmate Size Guide.

The picure is a link to a picure, in an album I have created called: 🖼️ Random pictures.

Take care...
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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