Some updates.
Feels slower on this second year of penis enlargement, I do not have the same drive as last year. Sometimes the joy also disappears, but I will stick with it.
But I suppose length work are diffrent and requires a diffrent and more intense strategy to make happen, in comparison to girth work.
Girth work requires preferably a good erection throughout the session, so you can not just go hard immediately like I did with
LengthMaster 3. That will kill my erection completely. During the last 3 minutes of 5 minutes I usally go up to the highest vaccum, and most of the time I add some more when 2 minutes are left.
Didn't had bad erection quality using
LengthMaster 3, but it was not required during session, so I just did it full force, and tried to pull my dick off (just joking).
With girth work I can not do the same, even if it's similar in regards to the intensity. I need to more fine tuned in how my tissue are responding, since higher vaccum (pressure) are not a guaranty for more and better expansion. This is the reason I like water pumping so much. I get more expansion at lower pressure and I can even go higher in pressure without a problem in comparison to pumping with only air.
I can even see the tissue separating to the max after session. I have never experienced this with air. My glans also hurt more when pumping with air..But with water no problem at all.
Girth work for me feels slower and more like I need to do this for many many get where I want to be. At this point it is only an obsession or like something I just do. Convinient to just grab the
Bathmate when I'm getting into the shower at night/evning, or even in the middle of the day (if there is no work that day).
I did girth work for the entire day today. I was sick and tired of being lazy. I'm an expert on procrastinating and just kill the time I have for myself. Just doing time wasting things, makes me really stressed and anxious. Need to stop this.
Getting back to it with full force today.
I always switch between diffrent size of
Bathmate pumps in my sessions, in order to maximize my expansion throughout my shaft durig the session. The bigger
Bathmate pump I mostly use at set 2 in my session (of 3 sets at 5 minutes), then on the last set (set 3/3) I go back to the smaller pump. When I do this I see more tissue expanding tight into (or almost into) the
cylinder walls. I can't wait to max this out completely.
Session 1, I only did regular
SRT 5X5X3 (but with downward Jelqs = I let the high vaccum do the majority of the expansion), but on
Session 2, I did 3 sets at 5 minutes in the pump, and the first session I did 10 minutes inside the pump (total 4 sets). Here I really feel the tissue "screaming" and separate extremely well at the mid-shaft, and I can see this so well when I take my penis out of the pump.
The switching between diffrent size pumps are essential for my gains (have always been this way for me), without this it would not go as well for me. This have worked for me as well when I was smaller, and this enabled me to max out the
Hydromax 5 completely in girth and length.
I do not understand why I have such big problems to expand in length in
Bathmate, but I believe it has to do with the shape of my penis.
It's like it's slamming hard into the top
cylinder wall and into the left
cylinder wall. This prevents expansion at length. With
MityVac water pumping, I can expand more in length in comparison to
Can't wait for the parts to arrive so I can create my bigger water trap. I belive this will change the game for me completely.
If I try
Hydromax 5 pump now, it will be painful because I will force my tissue hard into the "gator"

(rubber creases) up top on the base of my penis. My penis will look like a tire.
With the bigger pumps this is not a problem, but I can't wait until it becomes a problem. Maxing out pumps are an addictive hobby.
I tried these
SILIRINGS from MoS Shop today, very good post session
SRT healing tool.
2 diffrent sizes.
The smaller one (smaller diameter) I was using for 30 minutes immediately after session, and the bigger one I can in fact if I really want to have on many hours at a time, if I would want that. You can also use a short cut up
SILIRINGS are in fact not to tight at all, and I do not risk the blood to pool and get stuck in my penis.
It's important to let recirculation of blood to happen continuesly, in order to not be a victim of deep vain thrombosis and blood clots (not fun).
SILIRINGS enable me to have the smaller size on for 30 minutes without a problem. During this time I also massage my penis, and I also removed the
SILIRING once in between the 30 minute period (started to feel numbness). This worked really well I have to say. This picure was after my first session today.
View attachment 1835850
The bigger
SILIRING have a diameter at ~20 millimeter (non stretched) and the smaller
SILIRING have ~17 millimeter diameter (non stretched).
Here is a picure of them:
View attachment 1835849
Up top in picture is a plastic calliper.
The plastic calliper is a good tool to measure all kind of things related to data in regards to penis enlargement. The plastic calliper is a wonderful tool to
measure the width of your penis as well. I like to use it in order to see how my mid-shaft width are growing. It's really accurate to use this plastic callipers.
I wish more brothers where considering their width as an important measurement to trsck, and that this is an importance value for growth, and to see if their penis enlargement are working.
I don't even know my current circumstances now (Erected Girth or MSEG= Mid Section Erected Girth). To much data for me can paralyze me in some way.
It's also good to just enjoy your session and insted use your eyes as your tool to see if your session is working.
I also still have the fear of loosing gains and even length when I put my pants on. For a long time I have been wearing too big pants (do not look as good as having the right size on) and very big non constricted underwear/shorts (suppose to wear them during sleep) in order for my penis to always hang long and thick. I have also used my Penis Elongation Wrap in fear of loosing length. This is really important to cement and grow the fastest.
This fear is still with me today. I do not want to risk not gaining just because I have been lazy with the healing part of
SRT. But having that wrap and underwear on requires bigger pants.These underwear are like shorts and it's practically like wearing no underwear at all.
I just can't have my semi-expended penis sticking way out there when I'm in public.
With these underwear and bigger pants I'm able to look respectable in public, but at the same time not prevent the
SRT healing from happening.
Just some thoughts I had today.
Sometimes it's not all good but you do your best nevertheless.
I will do these small reviews of the equipment I got from MoS Shop in future posts, continuesly as I use it.
I will also make a detailed instruction later in how to
optimize The MityVac HydroVac penis pump kit.
Take care, and as always grow BIG.
*Edit: Due to some misspellings, and some reformatting of text syntax/structure.