It will be 2 days rest now. I don't like it, but it's needed. Need to keep it consistent, so I will get to 9 inches BPEL within this year.
2 days rest is just fine. Take care of yourself and be safe
It will be 2 days rest now. I don't like it, but it's needed. Need to keep it consistent, so I will get to 9 inches BPEL within this year.
That would just be awesome. Just gotta stay consistent with my BTC-B stretches and extending.It would
Be prettt cool with all us shooting for 9 hit it close to the same time
Yeah, not looking forward to colder weather either. Luckily we have 3-4 days now in a row with over 20 degrees celcius to look forward to during the weekend.I don't like this cold weather. I get fluid retention after being outside with my penis elongation wrap on (if I can't remove it). It's fine if I can go home immediately after being outside, because I can then be naked and warm up my penis with the, interior car heater or MOS-RED.
But when I now need to be more away from home, it will be more challenging to make this work. But I will make it work either way.
Yeah, not looking forward to colder weather either. Luckily we have 3-4 days now in a row with over 20 degrees celcius to look forward to during the weekend.
It has been an abnormaly warm summer here in Northern-Norway but fall and a long, cold winter is coming. Just gotta put on that warm underwear and go commando to let the dick dangle freely.
Cock sockHere's the solution:
Indeed. Somewhat to much bulge, so I remove the sock when I get inside.Cock sock![]()
Big bulge I'm sureIndeed. Somewhat to much bulge, so I remove the sock when I get inside.![]()
I need to make videos in the future. We need to have video instructions for as many devices, and stretches as possible.People sleep big time missing out on PowerAssist exercises
That’s quite the heat, 30 celcius, I would sweat even more then, but I perfectly understand why you want it that warm, good for gains.This isn't enough! I need to have my room temperature at near 30°C/86°F, in order to get maximum elongation after my stretching sessions (also during).
It seams like my car interior heater,
can't keep up any longer (it takes to long for it to heat up the room), even since they cleared the ventilation conduits in my apartment, or is it colder outside?
I think the: The air-exchange is to good now. So the heater can't keep up.
View attachment 1833795View attachment 1833796
The apartment is set at 20°C / 68°F (can't do anything about that), so I need to drive up the temperature approximately 10 °C, in order to get the room temperature perfect for stretching. This is annoying.
I can't be in my bathroom because it's to small.
Will have to look into a bigger heater in the near future. It will be somewhat expensive. I thought I would not have to do this.
I suppose this is another obstacle I need to fix in order to get to, 9 inches BPEL.![]()
Indeed. No problems, only solutions.That’s quite the heat, 30 celcius, I would sweat even more then, but I perfectly understand why you want it that warm, good for gains.
Luckily my bathroom is big enough to do my stretches in and it has a heated floor as well. Though I do always warm up before and inbetween sets with my Infrared Lamp too.
Love your attitude when it comes to PE, no obstacles just problems to be solved. We gotta try to stay positive doing what we do or we end up giving up alltogheter. Failure is not an option! We WILL reach 9 inches eventually.
I suppose you are right about that.You are a mad doctor![]()
Thanks.Love your notes! Nothing better than writing it down
This worked out great. I could even urinate with this wrap on.I will out a different variation of:My penis elongation wrap.
Instead of 3 diffrent layers of bandage.
I'm just putting the white folded bandage on and a sleeve over it. I will see if this works. I believe this will keep my penis more elongated during the day, then the penis elongation wrap I have been using so far.
Here is how it looks like:
If this works It would be awesome.
Kind regards
See you later.
Glad it worked out, less hassle having to take it off and on again just to urinate.This worked out great. I could even urinate with this wrap on.
Yes. Indeed.Glad it worked out, less hassle having to take it off and on again just to urinate.
Excellent wrapping! You have mastered everythingI will out a different variation of:My penis elongation wrap.
Instead of 3 diffrent layers of bandage.
I'm just putting the white folded bandage on and a sleeve over it. I will see if this works. I believe this will keep my penis more elongated during the day, then the penis elongation wrap I have been using so far.
Here is how it looks like:
If this works It would be awesome.
Kind regards
See you later.
Thanks brother.Excellent wrapping! You have mastered everything
You’re the Mike Mentzer of PEThe importance of the high intensity, and short burst stretching style (stretch hard and then rest).
It's important to think about the intensity when you are stretching. According to my personal experiences, it has to go up and increase exponentially as you progress and get longer. I'm refering to only active stretching in this article/post.
This information is mostly related to when you are performing Bundled Stretches with LM3 (LENGTHMASTER 3).
When you are stretching for a maximum of 10 minutes in each set (one session = 20 minutes), you can keep the intensity always high. But this concept is also related to stretching barehanded, and barehanded stretches with a power assist device like; Power Assist 2 or the Broomstick.
If you compare 20 minute session, to 40 minute sessions. My belief is that you will loose stretching force (intensity) if you are stretching for to long without resting. Your hands, muscular system and nervous system, will get tired if your session take to much time. This will make your session less effective, that is: Elongation of the tissue will be less, and you want maximum elongation according to my personal experiences and my research (to gain as fast as possible). So to stretch harder in short bursts, have been beneficial for me in my entire lengthwork journey. To have the knowledge of SRT is really important as well.
Keeping the tissue warm, and the healing aspect.To get maximum elongation from this style of stretching, it's also important to incoperate heat in your session.
I have a car interior heater (with a modified stand) in order to push a stream of warm air into my tissue in my warmup, during the session, and in the break between the two sets.
I also like to keep the room temperature around: 30°C/86°F when I stretch. The warm environment and the extra warm tissue in your penis (also in your inner penis) will help you to achieve maximum elongation of the tissue.
Picure of the heater (the logo is hidden with tape):
View attachment 1833724
For the healing I highly recommend you to invest in MOS-RED.
Picure of MOS-RED (there is a filter on this picture, to better see the light when it's on):
View attachment 1833725
MOS-RED have been a game changer for me. I use MOS-RED after my session for 15 minutes. This will clear up the discoloration in my glans and keep it very minimal. Also the healing time is reduced when you incoperate MOS-RED into your program. It's almost like you will not know I'm using LENGTHMASTER 3 to stretch with.
It's a difference in using the LM3 to do Bundled Stretches, hanging and to use an extender. I believe strongly in the stretching style inspired by Mike Mentzer's training method (link to a post on MOS). But mostly inspired by @hugh-girth, he was the one that introduced me to the 20 minute sessions.
More about the stretching.
But Mike Mentzer's training method, made me realize that you want to use the most effective dose when stretching, and to heal according to the information in the SRT. Mike Mentzer was a bodybuilder, but I transfered his ideology into my penis enlargement. His ideology and methods was a paradigm shift for me. I had no idea at the moment I knew about it (@MosMaster introduced me to this information), that I would implement this into my penis enlargement.
Also the tissue in your penis will not have as much time to recover from your stretching sessions, if your sessions last for to long. And you're are attached to the chamber of LM3 for to long at the time.
I tried to stay clamped down for 20 minutes at the time in the beginning in the chamber, it was not possible to stretch hard during the entire session, due to pain, discomfort and discoloration in the glans. I come to the conclusion that it was not beneficial to stay clamped down in the chamber for to long.
Later I came to the conclusion that 10 minutes was the perfect time for each set when stretching with LM3. I use 3 minutes for warmup when I attach myself into the chamber. So a total time being attached in the chamber = 13 minutes.
There may also be more fluid retention (most times I get none, due to my 10 minute rule), skin soreness (on the shaft skin) and discoloration (mostly in glans) if you stretch for to long in each set.
To reduce the blood flow in your penis for to long, that is: clamped down in the chamber of LM3 will produce more discoloration in your glans.
By the way, If I didn't had MOS-RED the discoloration in my glans would be really bad.
This was just some information that I have learned from my penis enlargement journey. I hope it's helpful.
Kind regards.
If you find these kind of posts helpful, there will be more in the future.
AgreeYou’re the Mike Mentzer of PE![]()
Thanks for the supportYou do you as well, brother, which is staying concistent with your routine. Somedays the time and energy just isn’t there to get two sessions done, especially for guys like you who have a job or studies full time.
You’ll reach your goals with time and percistence.
You will gain, I'm 100% sure on that.Btw I’m so tired when the evening comes after being so physically active during the whole day that I’ve decided to only do one 40 min session of BTC-B stretches in the morning and just extend every chance I get after that. Perfectly sure I’ll still gain that way too.
This is wonderful news. You see, what keeping the tissue always warm while stretching can do for you. This is really important. I believe this is one of the major components that made me gain length so fast. You want the tissue warm and pliable.Also, think I’m soon going to be able to do 2 full bundles, much thanks to keeping the temperature over 30 celcius. Just noticed yesterday that it wasn’t painful anymore to do 1,5 bundles, as it used to kinda painful if I’m being honest. Guessing it’s because of the added heat and my penis getting longer as well.
Thank you for the feedback brother, good to know I can always rely on you for positive reinforcement.Thanks for the support
You will gain, I'm 100% sure on that.
This is wonderful news. You see, what keeping the tissue always warm while stretching can do for you. This is really important. I believe this is one of the major components that made me gain length so fast. You want the tissue warm and pliable.
As you mentioned. A warm penis will be less painful to stretch. Get the heat deep into your ligaments (Fundiform and Suspensory...) and inner penis as well.
And bundle and stretch like your life depends on it.
Go in hard...relax hard.
Keep growing brother.
Your welcome brother.Thank you for the feedback brother, good to know I can always rely on you for positive reinforcement.
Btw, thought I had 2 bundles down yesterday only to notice that my penis had somewhat twisted itself about 180 degrees inside the chamber. Will try 2 bundles again today and see if it goes well. It has to go well eventually.
Excellent post!Your welcome brother.
But I believe you are to focused on how many bundles you are doing. This is not the most important. The most important is to get an intense stretch in your outer and inner penis, and always increase the intensity exponentially.
You can increase the intensity in many ways: time under tension (how long each stretch last), more bundles in each stretch, stretch in a diffrent angle, the amount of stretching force, and even experiment with; How would I explain this?
- You stretch hard, and loosen (not much) tention, stretch hard, and loosen tention, back and forth.
The same concept that's used in:
DLD Plyometric Stretch.
You can do one at the time, or do all of them simultaneously to increase intensity.
Stretching harder is the easiest way to increase the intensity, if you are stuck at a fixed bundled position. To bundle more is not always the best thing to do. The key is to have high intensity = intense stretch. Reverse Kegels are really important, in order to stretch your entire penis (inner and outer).
For example. I can't bundle to the max every time I stretch, the skin on my penis can't handle that. But if I bundle to the max in the first set, I will be able to have higher intensity in my second set, even when I do not bundle as much as in the first set. Sometimes I bundle more in my last set.
I believe the reason to this is due to the fact that in the first set I loosen up the tissue really good, so I can stretch harder and elongate the tissue more in the last set. When you bundle to the max it will be harder to stretch with the most stretching force.
But due to the more bundles you will increase the intensity, even when you can't stretch as hard, as if you would bundle less.
I hope this will help you.
Thank you for telling me this as I had to go down to one bundle again as my penis started twisting around in the chamber doing 1,5 bundles as well.Your welcome brother.
But I believe you are to focused on how many bundles you are doing. This is not the most important. The most important is to get an intense stretch in your outer and inner penis, and always increase the intensity exponentially.
You can increase the intensity in many ways: time under tension (how long each stretch last), more bundles in each stretch, stretch in a diffrent angle, the amount of stretching force, and even experiment with; How would I explain this?
- You stretch hard, and loosen (not much) tention, stretch hard, and loosen tention, back and forth.
The same concept that's used in:
DLD Plyometric Stretch.
You can do one at the time, or do all of them simultaneously to increase intensity.
Stretching harder is the easiest way to increase the intensity, if you are stuck at a fixed bundled position. To bundle more is not always the best thing to do. The key is to have high intensity = intense stretch. Reverse Kegels are really important, in order to stretch your entire penis (inner and outer).
For example. I can't bundle to the max every time I stretch, the skin on my penis can't handle that. But if I bundle to the max in the first set, I will be able to have higher intensity in my second set, even when I do not bundle as much as in the first set. Sometimes I bundle more in my last set.
I believe the reason to this is due to the fact that in the first set I loosen up the tissue really good, so I can stretch harder and elongate the tissue more in the last set. When you bundle to the max it will be harder to stretch with the most stretching force.
But due to the more bundles you will increase the intensity, even when you can't stretch as hard, as if you would bundle less.
I hope this will help you.
I will help, but I need to study like an insane person now. Test tomorrow. During the meantime @biasdesign can look under these links to get started. I have many videos how to create a comfortable wrap in my thread (the first link down below).Hi brother @squirt_inducer_man, @biasdesign needs some help with starting to use his new LENGTHMASTER 3, he wrote me a message saying he can’t get the videos to play and I told him he just has to let it load for a while before it plays.
Would be very good if you took the time to message him and give him some proper guidance on how to start using it as a newbie. Thanks in advance brother.
Thank you for the links, and best of luck with your studies and test tomorrow. Hope you ace it.I will help, but I need to study like an insane person now. Test tomorrow. During the meantime @biasdesign can look under these links to get started. I have many videos how to create a comfortable wrap in my thread (the first link down below).
SIM's videos and instructions.
Start using the LM3, and the structure of training.
No problems. Thank you brother.!Thank you for the links, and best of luck with your studies and test tomorrow. Hope you ace it.
Awesomeness!Thank you for telling me this as I had to go down to one bundle again as my penis started twisting around in the chamber doing 1,5 bundles as well.
I do as you say when it comes to increasing the tension and then loosening up a bit before increasing it again. This is something I ended up doing naturally as I change my grip several times during the 5 min stretch as my hands and underarms get really exhausted.
I thought how many bundles I do were so important since you asked me how many bundles I manage to do and ended up focusing too much on that aspect, my bad.
Now when I stretch four sessions in a row I really can feel on the third and fourth set how fatigued my penis is, which I take as a good sign and ride the fatigue out.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough about this...can be.I thought how many bundles I do were so important since you asked me how many bundles I manage to do and ended up focusing too much on that aspect, my bad.
But I know you will find a way to that monster 10 inch long penis (BPEL).as my hands and underarms get really exhausted.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough about this...can be.
I need to be more clear about things in the future. It's easy to miss details and that's not good.
- If there are anything else you are wondering about. I'm here to help.
It's so frustrating to hear that you are struggle with this:
But I know you will find a way to that monster 10 inch long penis (BPEL).
Take care. I'm going to be offline for a bit now.
It's nice.Enjoy your time away
Good! You deserve itIt's nice.
I know you are here to help and have complete trust in you my brother. I really do listen to all of your good advice and read through what you write. And yes, I will do everything I can to reach 10 inch BPEL.Maybe I wasn't clear enough about this...can be.
I need to be more clear about things in the future. It's easy to miss details and that's not good.
- If there are anything else you are wondering about. I'm here to help.
It's so frustrating to hear that you are struggle with this:
But I know you will find a way to that monster 10 inch long penis (BPEL).
Take care. I'm going to be offline for a bit now.
Glad to hear your break went well and was fruitful in you gaining even more. Maybe I’ll need to take a break myself in the future but for now I’m doing it everyday until I see some substantial gains again.Starting my penis enlargement today from a week of rest. This is my longest rest ever since I started/joined this forum. I even measured my BPEL yesterday (with a really hard erection), and my length had suddenly shoot up some substantial length.
This long rest period, have in fact been really beneficial for me. I feel really positive about all this. My flaccid seams to hang lower as well (but I have no BPFSL messurment logs).
I will not tell you how long I measured, because it's not cemented jet. But I'm feeling positive to get to 9 inches BPEL in a relatively fast time period.
Grow big brothers, and have a nice weekend
I need to start stretching now, I don't want it to become a permanent holiday from penis enlargement.
Thanks.Glad to hear your break went well and was fruitful in you gaining even more. Maybe I’ll need to take a break myself in the future but for now I’m doing it everyday until I see some substantial gains again.
Happy stretching and a wishing you a nice weekend as well.
10 is the 100 percentileI know you are here to help and have complete trust in you my brother. I really do listen to all of your good advice and read through what you write. And yes, I will do everything I can to reach 10 inch BPEL.
And I will reach it with time and consistency, can only imagine as of now how it will be to be in the 100 percentile.10 is the 100 percentile
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend