Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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This is more like a blog post. I just talk about the things that's on my mind right now.
(This post is mostly written for new members).

3 days of rest from the LENGTHMASTER 3 was to much for me (stretched one session yesterday). I started my rest at, 2023.08.28, and ended my rest yesterday (2023.09.01). But it was nessesary for work. If you are forced to take a long rest, at least do some light stretching, like the Ball & Lig Stretch, or BTC Stretch on the bed, that is my recommendation. You want to keep that tissue loose and pliable.

I need to go super hard now, in order to loosen up my tissue again. It's like everything have retracted somewhat (but not to much). But I managed to get into the same amount of bundled rotations after some work.

I feel weak...but I will not let it drive usual I will follow the discipline. Because you know: Discipline Equals Freedom (QUOTE: by Jocko Willink). This statement is complete true. If you have discipline now, you have the freedom later.

In regards to the soreness, that some of you experience with the LENGTHMASTER 3.

I was thinking about this now because I experience much more soreness after my long rest of 3 days.
You need to have a schedule where you plan rest days, so you can keep up the intensity and increase it exponentially, as you are growing and progressing. Exponentially incresing the intensity is important to not get into long lasting plateaus.

The soreness will also subside as you progress, since you will get used to the feeling. I have to admit...but I was once scared from the LENGTHMASTER .
I thought I was going to get DVT from using it, this is not the case at all. 😆

The reason you should never use a CLAMP for girthwork.

Deep Vain Trombosis is the reason you should never use a clamp for girthwork. What a clamp do is to trap old blood with high pressure. This blood are then creating blood clots, this is then pushed deeper into your vains and towards your major life sustaining organs (heart, lungs, brain...).

The clots then are getting stuck on your valves in for example your legs. Then when these hard clothes dislodge, here is where the danger is at.

As the blood travels back to your heart (Through: venous reflux) the vains get smaller and smaller in their diameter (volym area) and the clots will get stuck, and then prevent blood flow, for example in your heart.

This can result in heart failure (heart attack), because the heart muscles/cells does not get proper blood flow. This is a fact: The vains gets smaller and smaller in your important organs like; heart, lungs, brain... When the heart doesn't get proper blood flow you also risk to permanently damage the cells in your heart. You need fast medical intervention.

🔗 External source of picture (outside of MOS).

This is how a heart looks like:
🔗 External source of picture (outside of MOS).

Don't know what got into me here. My brain just took me places. There is a read thread in this thrust me on this. 😆

Never mind. I have now scared you away from clamping. I do not joke about this, I'm in the medical business so I know what I'm talking about. So many older people have problems with this (lack of blood flow, and problems induced by blood clots).

Don't make it worse by being stupid when you are young. Take care of your body when you are young.

So this is the program you should do. In fact, this is the only program for girth you need.
🔗 Girth Program: 5x5x3

This program is from: 🔗 SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory. If you haven't read through this, you should. Because this is what everything here at MOS is based on. If you understand the SRT you will gain the fastest.

More about rest days.
When using the LENGTHMASTER 3, if you do not implement planned rest days, you will get to a point (if you experience soreness at all?), where your penis is so sensitive and sore (the skin), that you need to stop completely for a couple of days.

Soreness in your inner penis and the ligaments (Fundiform and Suspensory) you should stretch through. When you feel soreness in these constantly past your newbie gains, you will gain fast. But be careful and increase the intensity progressively when you are new to LENGTHMASTER 3. You can't go full force immediately.

Remember as well: Soreness != Pain.
[!= means, not equal to].

Plan your rest days.
It's better to do 3 days on 1 day rest (3:1), or 2 days on and 1 day rest (2:1), and then repeat, then to be forced to take 3 days or more off, due to intense soreness. But If you do this training setup, for example: 3:1 you need to stretch hard. Not immediately when you are new, you need to build up to it, and increase the intensity always, so your gains doesn't slow down.

To have to much rest is not optimal for gaining, you want consistency month after month, and with as little rest as possible to be able to keep the intensity high.

But your rest needs to be synced up with the amount of intensity you are doing, higher intensity can mean more rest sometimes, especially when you increase the amount of bundles you are doing.

But don't feel weak...don't let in to the short term gradificarion of not stretching and the "comfort of it", if you let your motivation and comfort fuel you, there is a risk off falling off your routine. Don't do that. Be strong. It will be worth it, 1 year from now. Follow your discipline. Some days I do not feel any motivation at all. I use discipline most days.

As I said before, this text is about hings I was thinking about right now. This relates to my journey of getting the penis of my dreams. And I want to help as many as possible on my journey. So just contact me if you want help with anything, I will do my best to help. You never become an expert, you need to be a lifetime learner.

By the way:
The title of this thread is somewhat misleading now. Becouse for some time ago I did changed my goals.

My penis is going to be: 9 inches in BPEL, and 6 inches in EG. This will happen.

Kind regards brothers, have a nice weekend.
As always...grow big. 💪
Good and thourough read. Did not know that about clamping, that it can cause blood clots. So glad I’ve never tested it out.

When it comes to rest days I just take a rest day every now and then when I feel like my penis needs it. As of now it seems to handle BTC-B stretches everyday and extending everyday pretty well.

Besides that if I take a rest day that can quickly turn into two rest days, so that’s why I choose to go hard everyday. So I will rest if need be, as already mentioned.

Hope you loosen up the tissue really fast after those 3 rest days and get back to where you left it before the rest days.
And I know you will reach your goal of 9x6 inches, no doubt in my mind.

And thank you for all your advice and writing, you really help in keeping this forum alive and exciting. And that Jocko Willink quote is golden, and as David Googins always says «Stay Hard».
Good and thourough read. Did not know that about clamping, that it can cause blood clots. So glad I’ve never tested it out.

When it comes to rest days I just take a rest day every now and then when I feel like my penis needs it. As of now it seems to handle BTC-B stretches everyday and extending everyday pretty well.

Besides that if I take a rest day that can quickly turn into two rest days, so that’s why I choose to go hard everyday. So I will rest if need be, as already mentioned.

Hope you loosen up the tissue really fast after those 3 rest days and get back to where you left it before the rest days.
And I know you will reach your goal of 9x6 inches, no doubt in my mind.

And thank you for all your advice and writing, you really help in keeping this forum alive and exciting. And that Jocko Willink quote is golden, and as David Googins always says «Stay Hard».
Perfectly! This was what I wanted with this long text. Clamping is to dangerous and not worth it. There have been guys that have done this and gained alot in the past.

But do you really want to take the risk of jeopardizing your circulatory system just for gains? The effects of clamping may or may not show up, when you are young...but later in life. So stay away from it.

Yes! I feel some major procrastination right now. I wrote that post instead of stretching. I'm sitting in front of my interior car heater now. Will start stretching after writing this. Yes I agree. You need as little rest as not loose the flow. Just one short session will be enough if there is no way for you to make 2 sessions.

I will get back to the elongation I got previously pretty fast. I even got it back yesterday. I was shaking like a leaf in order to loosen up everything. 😆

I will get 9x6 but who says this will be enough for me? But I will get to 9 inches BPEL and cement it with 9.5 inches, and then start working on my girth after that. "only" 0.5 inches in EG to get to 6 inches in EG.

Oh man...procrastinating is worthless.

See you around brother. We will get to our dream size.
Perfectly! This was what I wanted with this long text. Clamping is to dangerous and not worth it. There have been guys that have done this and gained alot in the past.

But do you really want to take the risk of jeopardizing your circulatory system just for gains? The effects of clamping may or may not show up, when you are young...but later in life. So stay away from it.

Yes! I feel some major procrastination right now. I wrote that post instead of stretching. I'm sitting in front of my interior car heater now. Will start stretching after writing this. Yes I agree. You need as little rest as not loose the flow. Just one short session will be enough if there is no way for you to make 2 sessions.

I will get back to the elongation I got previously pretty fast. I even got it back yesterday. I was shaking like a leaf in order to loosen up everything. 😆

I will get 9x6 but who says this will be enough for me? But I will get to 9 inches BPEL and cement it with 9.5 inches, and then start working on my girth after that. "only" 0.5 inches in EG to get to 6 inches in EG.

Oh man...procrastinating is worthless.

See you around brother. We will get to our dream size.
Damn, you’ll reach 6 inch girth in no time then, good for you.

Have a happy stretching session.😄
This period is going to be a tough one. Ended work at 21:30, got home like, 22:00.
Stretching now and the clock is at 23:31. Going to be back at work at 06:45 in the morning....but I can't let the "suck" of the discipline get to me.

Going to do 2 stretching sessions after work tomorrow (I'm on day 2 of 3, before a rest day). And I'm going to bundle a lot more rotations tomorrow 😁

This is a test. A test to see if my discipline and commitment are strong enough. The hardest thing is that my penis gets so cold now when I get outside, so I get fluid retention from wearing my penis elongation wrap.

😮‍💨 Lets go...💪
This period is going to be a tough one. Ended work at 21:30, got home like, 22:00.
Stretching now and the clock is at 23:31. Going to be back at work at 06:45 in the morning....but I can't let the "suck" of the discipline get to me.

Going to do 2 stretching sessions after work tomorrow (I'm on day 2 of 3, before a rest day). And I'm going to bundle a lot more rotations tomorrow 😁

This is a test. A test to see if my discipline and commitment are strong enough. The hardest thing is that my penis gets so cold now when I get outside, so I get fluid retention from wearing my penis elongation wrap.

😮‍💨 Lets go...💪
Let's go CHAMP. Btw I picked up length master training again! There's really no other stretch than the LM BUNDLES BTC stretch! It's KING
This period is going to be a tough one. Ended work at 21:30, got home like, 22:00.
Stretching now and the clock is at 23:31. Going to be back at work at 06:45 in the morning....but I can't let the "suck" of the discipline get to me.

Going to do 2 stretching sessions after work tomorrow (I'm on day 2 of 3, before a rest day). And I'm going to bundle a lot more rotations tomorrow 😁

This is a test. A test to see if my discipline and commitment are strong enough. The hardest thing is that my penis gets so cold now when I get outside, so I get fluid retention from wearing my penis elongation wrap.

😮‍💨 Lets go...💪
You can do this, brother, just think of how far you have come and how close you are to your goals. You’ve got this!
Thank you brother. Haven't been sleeping tonight. It's hard.
Oh, that’s a tough one, we do need or sleep to function properly. At least I know I do, and especially us ADHD brains, we need our sleep. But still you’ve got this.

If it’s of any comfort just know I’m pulling an all nighter this night, been sleeping in way too late so need to get my daily rhythm back and get up early again.
Oh, that’s a tough one, we do need or sleep to function properly. At least I know I do, and especially us ADHD brains, we need our sleep. But still you’ve got this.

If it’s of any comfort just know I’m pulling an all nighter this night, been sleeping in way too late so need to get my daily rhythm back and get up early again.
Yes! Sometimes I have trouble turning OFF my brain.
Some updates:
Didn't get to do 2 sets on my first session today (only one = 10 minutes). I don't know what happened? Second set it was so hard to get a good clamp down point. Was not able to pull my foreskin back enough, to get a good secure clamp down.

I have washed my Thera-Band® now as well, as they where somewhat sticky from the skin ointment, I apply at the base, before doing bundle stretches (reducing friction).

I think it has to do with stress, colder temperature outside and maybe the reason: If I pull with a hard stretching force on my first set, and there have been to much rest in between, maybe my penis retract a bit because it's not used to it. The mushy penis comes sometimes faster for me, sometimes right after my firts set.

Maybe my penis are telling me, that I sometimes need to rest and take it easy >> Don't be obsessed. But that's hard when you have a deadling of 1 year (started: Jan 28, year 2023 with lengthwork).

Also it's important to get the penis elongation wrap on my penis as soon I wake up, to keep the penis elongated. I didn't do that today, because I thought I would stretch soon...but soon become some hour...and the retraction happend. Even with Ball & Lig Stretch before, I didn't get the elongation I wanted before stretching.
Also I need a new electric heater bad, it takes to long with my current one, to boost the room temperature to 30°C/86°F before a stretching session. This will optimize the time for the warm up period before a session, and this will give me more elongation.

Being consistent is important. Just to bad that life gets in the way sometimes.
I was bleeding🩸from my foreskin at my second session on set 1 today.

You may think it's a bleeding from your urethra but it's not. You can be fooled by thinking that, because the blood pools at your glans due to the wrap and the foreskin. It's not a lot blood. When it first happens to you, you may be scared.

Just finished that session even due to this happening. Either my penis skin is tired, or I haven't kept up the stretching to the consistency I need, for the skin to get used to this. I will do my best as always to keep up the continuity of this.

I don't know the reason for the bleeding (probably friction), I just know it happens from time to time, due to the high force I'm stretching with.

I'm using baby powder now in order to reduce the friction. But baby powder under the Thera-Band® will make the Thera-Band®, so it doesn't stick to itself, so there is a risk of not getting the wrap as tight as you need.

There is one spot inside my wrap that's gets more wear and tear. It's from this spot I'm bleeding from time to time. But it was a long time since this happend now. When I think of it, maybe this spot on my penis is outside my wrap? 🤔
I need to check this next time I'm stretching.

Just thought I would mention this, so you don't get scared when this happens to you.
I was bleeding🩸from my foreskin at my second session on set 1 today.

You may think it's a bleeding from your urethra but it's not. You can be fooled by thinking that, because the blood pools at your glans due to the wrap and the foreskin. It's not a lot blood. When it first happens to you, you may be scared.

Just finished that session even due to this happening. Either my penis skin is tired, or I haven't kept up the stretching to the consistency I need, for the skin to get used to this. I will do my best as always to keep up the continuity of this.

I don't know the reason for the bleeding (probably friction), I just know it happens from time to time, due to the high force I'm stretching with.

I'm using baby powder now in order to reduce the friction. But baby powder under the Thera-Band® will make the Thera-Band®, so it doesn't stick to itself, so there is a risk of not getting the wrap as tight as you need.

There is one spot inside my wrap that's gets more wear and tear. It's from this spot I'm bleeding from time to time. But it was a long time since this happend now. When I think of it, maybe this spot on my penis is outside my wrap? 🤔
I need to check this next time I'm stretching.

Just thought I would mention this, so you don't get scared when this happens to you.
Perfectly nothing to be worried about.
I was bleeding🩸from my foreskin at my second session on set 1 today.

You may think it's a bleeding from your urethra but it's not. You can be fooled by thinking that, because the blood pools at your glans due to the wrap and the foreskin. It's not a lot blood. When it first happens to you, you may be scared.

Just finished that session even due to this happening. Either my penis skin is tired, or I haven't kept up the stretching to the consistency I need, for the skin to get used to this. I will do my best as always to keep up the continuity of this.

I don't know the reason for the bleeding (probably friction), I just know it happens from time to time, due to the high force I'm stretching with.

I'm using baby powder now in order to reduce the friction. But baby powder under the Thera-Band® will make the Thera-Band®, so it doesn't stick to itself, so there is a risk of not getting the wrap as tight as you need.

There is one spot inside my wrap that's gets more wear and tear. It's from this spot I'm bleeding from time to time. But it was a long time since this happend now. When I think of it, maybe this spot on my penis is outside my wrap? 🤔
I need to check this next time I'm stretching.

Just thought I would mention this, so you don't get scared when this happens to you.
Bleeding, oh yes, have experienced a tiny amount of blood coming from my urethra when doing 2 hours of hand held stretches. Got a bit freaked out at first but soon realized it was just from the pressure and excessive stretching.

It happened several times though I still did my stretches as I’m a PE soldier.😂
Bleeding, oh yes, have experienced a tiny amount of blood coming from my urethra when doing 2 hours of hand held stretches. Got a bit freaked out at first but soon realized it was just from the pressure and excessive stretching.

It happened several times though I still did my stretches as I’m a PE soldier.😂

Same here blood from urethra.
There is not much changes in my routine.
I'm still doing BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches) with LENGTHMASTER 3.

I'm doing 2 sessions at 20 minutes per day, with the split 3:1 (3 days on, 1 day rest and repeat). But haven't been as consistent to this due to my work situation.

I will get going harder again in 3 weeks. Doing my best to go hard now as well, but getting 2 sessions in per day is tricky now. But I will find a way. Where there is a will there is a way. If I can't go hard now I'm picking that up in 3 weeks. I will not lose my gains, or my target in 1 year of stretching.
There is not much changes in my routine.
I'm still doing BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches) with LENGTHMASTER 3.

I'm doing 2 sessions at 20 minutes per day, with the split 3:1 (3 days on, 1 day rest and repeat). But haven't been as consistent to this due to my work situation.

I will get going harder again in 3 weeks. Doing my best to go hard now as well, but getting 2 sessions in per day is tricky now. But I will find a way. Where there is a will there is a way. If I can't go hard now I'm picking that up in 3 weeks. I will not lose my gains, or my target in 1 year of stretching.
Strong 💪 my brother
I'm sick now. 🤒
I think Murphy's law is after me.
Just trying to maintain my length now. It seems to work. But haven't been able to get back to the same intensity I had before. Just take it easy I suppose.
I'm sick now. 🤒
I think Murphy's law is after me.
Just trying to maintain my length now. It seems to work. But haven't been able to get back to the same intensity I had before. Just take it easy I suppose.

If I were in your shoes, I will take 30 days break from PE. This will refresh every aspect of your routine and your penis will respond much better once you resume training.
I will keep a maintenance routine in place. At least one session per week. It's almost impossible to stretch when sick.

Stay off for 30 days. You are not going to lose anything. If you do any maintenance during the 30 days, your penis will not experience that shock your training resumption is suppose to cause.

If you take the 30 days off, the penis would think 'Oh he is not stretching me anymore, let me put my guards down

And then 30 days later you resume with a bang and shock the penis. You won't lose anything.
Stay off for 30 days. You are not going to lose anything. If you do any maintenance during the 30 days, your penis will not experience that shock your training resumption is suppose to cause.

If you take the 30 days off, the penis would think 'Oh he is not stretching me anymore, let me put my guards down

And then 30 days later you resume with a bang and shock the penis. You won't lose anything.
I appreciate your advice.
But I will not completely stop stretching. If I stop stretching, there will be to much risk for me to fall off completely, and never get back to it. It will also be harder for me to come back, due to skin soreness and so on.

I have other ways of "chocking" the penis.
For example: More bundles, stretching harder, change stretching angles, DLD Plyometric base stretching and so on. If I stop stretching I will also lose indurance in my hands and forarms.
It will be harder to hold my 5 minutes dynamic stretches with high force. I need to keep this up.

I will not stop completely. Stretching is something I'm going to do for the rest of my life (as long as I can do it), even when I start girthwork I will use LENGTHMASTER 3 to losen up tunica albuginea before girthwork.
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Soon I will start again...I wonder how long it will be, 1 February of 2024 (1 year of stretching)? 😁

The hardest part are the fluid retention I get from being outside and then get inside. This happens if my penis gets to cold while wearing my penis elongation wrap. This prevents me from stretching. It will work. I will find a way
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Soon I will start again...I wonder how long it will be, 1 February of 2024 (1 year of stretching)? 😁

The hardest part are the fluid retention I get from being outside and then get inside. This happens if my penis gets to cold while wearing my penis elongation wrap. This prevents me from stretching. It will work. I will find a way
What happened to your heating system?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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