Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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What happened to your heating system?
The car interior heater?
It still works but it's colder outside now, so I need a more beefy heater. The problem is when I need to travel back and forth to work (or some other place) on my bicycle, my penis gets so cold and this are inducing fluid retention. Will try to keep my penis warm with the warm sock.
I'm back to stretching again. This is so fun. But I think I will probably overdo this, we will see. 😊

I had a rest of 8 days, but the amount of sessions haven't been high in the last 3 weeks.

I'm continuing on this program:
Program 5: (We are scrapping, Program 4).
Continuing to focus on length work with, LENGTHMASTER 3.
After really hard thinking about this for some time, I'm changing my end goal. We will see how I will fit inside a woman after this.
But I'm told there are size queens out there, so I should be fine.
Goal: BPEL: 9 inch cemented (going to 9.5 inches BPEL).
PE sessions with 3 days on, and 1 day rest, and repeat until I'm at my final goal. I call this the; 3:1 program structure.
Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1).
(Or: Another time during the MORNING).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS.
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest for 10 minutes (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Time: When it fit during the day (plan ahead).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Stage 2 of the program. This is the girthwork part to get to an EG of 6 inches. I will create this program later when I'm at, BPEL: 9 inches 100 % cemented. I can't wait for starting Stage 2.
Other things that are important for this program:
1. I'm doing Kegels continuously during the day. Also edging from time to time. I also do Kegels with my penis elongation wrap on, and I believe this helps me to cement my gains, since this will allow me to keep my penis elongated more then the flaccid state, and expanded thorough the day. Sometimes my penis are in a semi-erected/expanded state for some hours. But you need to be careful to not overdo it, because if your penis is semi-expanded inside the wrap to much, and for to long, you will experience fluid retention. But with time you will dial this in.

2. When I'm at home I make sure the room is really warm, and I also take off my clothes so my penis will hang free.
I'm thinking about getting a better heater for this reason alone. I'm living in a rental apartment so I can't control the thermostat.
2. I'm keeping my penis in a penis elongation wrap, all the time during the day when I'm not stretching.
I remove it when I go to sleep.

3. MOS-RED is at least as important for this program, as the LENGTHMASTER 3 itself. Without MOS-RED, I would not be able to keep up the intensity of this program. MOS-RED helps me mainly to keep the discoloration at my glans at bay (and the rest of the penis). In fact this was the main reason I felt I needed it badly. It's worth the investment for sure. There are so many benefits with MOS-RED. I sleep better as well. The reduced healing time is insane, when you use MOS-RED.

Here is a video instruction to my penis elongation wrap:
🔗 My penis elongation wrap.
I have used this wrap during my entire length gain journey, and it took some frustrating times to get it right. I love it.
I believe this wrap is one key to gaining fast, since it keeps my penis from time to time semi-erected for a really long time, and the only time my penis are turtling is when it's cold outside. But then I put a warm sock over the wrap to compensate, and re-wrap when I get inside. But the winter is tough for my penis.

I have never done any erect stretches, I believe this penis elongation wrap I'm using is the main reason, I have not needed erected stretches. But we will se what happens when I get longer.

Information about the sets with LENGTHMASTER 3:
One set is 10 minutes long. I do 2 set per session (Total: 20 minutes). I do 5 minute long stretches, and I change the angle in relation to my inner penis continuously during those 5 minutes to really feel the stretch inside my tissue, but I keep the intensity and stretching force hard always. The attachment point is mostly behind my glans, but according to how my penis are feeling, I sometimes attach at the base.

First 5 minutes of the set, I bundle to the right, and the last 5 minutes I bundle to the left (always use a timer). I also try to stretch more to the left in LM b.ASS to correct my right curvature, I believe it's working. Maybe this will slow down the speed of my overall length gains as well we will see. But I believe it's better to correct the curvature now then later. I will keep my banana curvature forever. View attachment 1833426
So elegant and personalized in an art people can barely do today. Writing with pen and paper is incredible
I agree.

I will scan my entire notebook when it's finnished, to save it digital as well (.pdf file).
This will be a memory for life. I can look back on this, and remember the wonderful hardship, it took to accomplish this.

I can't believe how far I have come, it's unreal.
I agree.

I will scan my entire notebook when it's finnished, to save it digital as well (.pdf file).
This will be a memory for life. I can look back on this, and remember the wonderful hardship, it took to accomplish this.

I can't believe how far I have come, it's unreal.
You're so far ahead because you trust the process. You refuse to allow anything get in your way.
I found a solution to prevent fluid retention when I go outside, wearing my penis elongation wrap (when it's cold temperature).

I first use underwear that are big and are warm (for winter use), and then on the outside I use underwear that you are supposed to use when you sleep (looks like thin sport shorts).

So I wear 2 underwear and It becomes like a baking oven for my penis, the underwear's are loose so I have no compression for my penis. My penis feels so much better. No fluid retention from being outside.
A good rule for me when I'm stretching with LENGTHMASTER 3:
Even if I only managed to do 1 stretching session for 1 or 2 days in a 3 day period, I need to let my penis heal up (1 day).

More then 3 days stretching in a row, will create to much skin soreness for me even if it's only 1 session per day. This was something I discovered with time. Keep it intense but don't keep it as intense, that you are forced to take rest days.

In my option rest days should always be planned, when you have a good routine in place. You need to experiment with rest and stretching time, to get it perfect for you.
A good rule for me when I'm stretching with LENGTHMASTER 3:
Even if I only managed to do 1 stretching session for 1 or 2 days in a 3 day period, I need to let my penis heal up (1 day).

More then 3 days stretching in a row, will create to much skin soreness for me even if it's only 1 session per day. This was something I discovered with time. Keep it intense but don't keep it as intense, that you are forced to take rest days.

In my option rest days should always be planned, when you have a good routine in place. You need to experiment with rest and stretching time, to get it perfect for you.

I think this is a smart plan
How’s the routine coming along? 🙂
Haven't been able to be consistent in a couple of weeks. This have resulted in that, I can't handle the skin soreness that takes place as good.

But If I just can get back to being consistent again, I can handle it better again. Shaving every day is a must.

Now tomorrow! I need to get back to it.
But I have kept my size.

Thanks for asking. 🙂
Haven't been able to be consistent in a couple of weeks. This have resulted in that, I can't handle the skin soreness that takes place as good.

But If I just can get back to being consistent again, I can handle it better again. Shaving every day is a must.

Now tomorrow! I need to get back to it.
But I have kept my size.

Thanks for asking. 🙂

Have you been using hydrocortisone?
Have gone easy with BTC-BS for ~ month. Didn't realized how hard they are to do with the intensity you need for fast growt.

BTC-BS 5 minute dynamic stretches, will develop strong hands, and a strong muscular system. Just keep in mind that I haven't done any strength training for a while now, and the last time I was at the gym, I was able to pick up a 60 kg slam-ball, and walk around with it with the same intensity as when my body weight +120 kg (now ~90 kg).

It seams like these strethes in a way develop my entire body. I'm bicycling every day so this will keep my circulatory system healthy and in good condition.

I believe LENGTHMASTER 3 is a pure gymnastic device. But when I reach my goal I won't be able to use it to develop my body, just for maintenance of my penis. So then I can get back to the gym continuously again. I love the gym, but I need to reach my length goal within 1 year.
But will it ever be enough? 🤔

Information on:
Commercial Invoice, when ordering the LENGTHMASTER 3.

Getting bigger and bigger.


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Bleeding, oh yes, have experienced a tiny amount of blood coming from my urethra when doing 2 hours of hand held stretches. Got a bit freaked out at first but soon realized it was just from the pressure and excessive stretching.

It happened several times though I still did my stretches as I’m a PE soldier.😂
Yah,that scared the shit out of me last week it turns out tobe just the skin inside of the front of the urthra. I even saved the blood on a piece of paper and was going to take out to urologist when I noticed the skin inside the tip worn away. Damn
I want you to start with; Downward Bundled Stretches here is a video of how I did it to loosen up my tunica, so I could later progress fast into BTC Bundled Stretches. Please ask me if you want more feedback, on how to do this.

🔗 Downward Bundled Stretches with the LENGTHMASTER 3.

I have thought about this a lot. Because I want you to gain as fast as possible...faster then me even.
The reason for this change, is due to the fact that when you progress into BTC Bundled Stretches you will cover all those angels (that's in the newbie routine for LM3), but you will do those stretching angles behind your body.

To stretch behind your body is superior since you have a better ability to stretch out all your tissue and ligaments more effectively. You have also more levarage in this position.

Look at these pictures, and imagine you are stretching BTC BUNDLED STRETCHES.
You bend the penis backward to the right in the picures.

-What happens to:
Fundiform ligament and Suspensory ligament?

Here's the photos of how it looks like.
View media item 1358View media item 1359View media item 1360
Answer: You will be able to stretch them with unlimited intensity, and also be able to stretch your entire penis in a most effective way. You want to stretch your entire penis including your inner penis (Reverse kegels = relax fully into the stretch). The harder you stretch, the easier this is. With time you will perfect this relaxation, and enjoy the stretching with full intensity. Some people say this is painful. But I love it. Your penis is really resilient. But be careful in the beginning. In the beginning It was hard for me to relax into the "pain" (you feel it in your inner penis, a sharp stretching feeling).

You stretch your inner penis in each stretch, either when you attach behind your glans or at the extreme base (expressive stretching). The inner penis should always be stretched.

If you would only perform Downward Bundled Stretches for to long, you would come to a point pretty fast when you can't keep the intensity high enough, because you have outlasted the ability to stretch the ligaments out (Fundiform ligament and Suspensory ligament).

Your arm length would not be enough either. When doing Downward Bundled Stretches, you will sit like Gollum in, The Lord Of The Rings. For me, BTC BUNDLED STRETCHES are more comfortable in this regard. But you need to start with Downward Bundled Stretches in order to deform the tissue/tunica, and later be able to get into BTC Bundled Stretches.

If you do, Downward Bundled Stretches for to long.
You will feel this happen, since your ability to stretch your inner penis and those ligaments will be reduced, and you will no longer be able to stretch, so you feel intense soreness in your inner penis. During and after stretching. You will still gain, but not as fast as if you had progress into BTC Bundled Stretches.

You should always feel this soreness. But be careful in the beginning, increase the intensity progressively.

You should start with attaching directly behind your glans, and do 1 minute holds of bundled stretches. It will feel uncomfortable in the beginning but you will get used to it. And don't forget to angle the LENGTHMASTER 3, so you keep the pressure build-up in the glans at bay.

Do this:
View attachment 1833525
Picure 01.

Only stay attached in the chamber for maximum of 13 minutes. I use 3 minutes for warmup (rotating my penis back and forth: 🔗 Get into BTC (Behind The Cheeks) position with the LENGTHMASTER 3.).

Here is another video of the warm up:
🔗 Warmup before LENGTHMASTER 3 session (3 minutes warmup).

... and 10 minutes for stretching. Then I detach from the chamber and remove the wrapping completely (for 10 minutes). I do this to restore blood flow, keep discoloration at bay, and also to be able to stretch with full intensity in every single stretch I do. Each session should be 20 minutes. Do 2 per day. I also recommend 3:1 (3 days on, 1 day rest, and repeat).

It's important to be 100% flaccid when you attach, and that you are holding hard at your glans in order to push out as much blood from there as possible, during the entire clamp down procedure in the chamber.

You can see me doing this in every single video I have uploaded when I attach to the chamber.

Here is a video of that clamp down:
🔗 Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view.

When you have LENGTHMASTER 3 in your hands.
Preferably I would want you to do some non permanent modifications, so it's faster to attach to the chamber.

When you get the LENGTHMASTER 3. I want you to re-mount it, so the wing nuts are at the top, instead of the bottom. I keep silicone washers under the bolt heads, and I have taped the bolts down with Gorilla tape. In this way the bolts stay attached to the LENGTHMASTER 3 into the washers, and it's easier to attach to the chamber. The silicone washers will keep the bolts from wear, on the bottom part of the chamber.

If you want to, you can do all the other modifications I have done as well, to able to pull with the same intensity/force as I'm doing.
With the modifications you will for example, get bigger handles, and a better grip. This means it's easier to angel the LENGTHMASTER 3 as in the Picure 01 above, and pull harder. You can do this later, if you feel like you need this. You will not need it in the beginning.

Kind regards, I hope this helps
Replying to this so I can find this post later in friday when mine arrives. Out of town this week and trying to learn all I can and this post is perfect
Replying to this so I can find this post later in friday when mine arrives. Out of town this week and trying to learn all I can and this post is perfect
Good you feel this post are perfect. But what you do is: you copy the URL to that specific post, to find it later.

Here is how you do that:
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This is something I have experienced lately.
When I sit down to pee on a toilet, I need to force my flaccid penis backwards in order to pee backwards straight into the water. If I do not do this the urine will splash back on me.

Even when toilets are of different sizes, the fact that I need to do this every time now, tells me that my penis have in fact have became bigger. To the point that it's harder to pee on a toilet. 😂

My flaccid hang have really increased lately.
Getting back to stretching tomorrow.

Good night friends (it's night for me).
This is something I have experienced lately.
When I sit down to pee on a toilet, I need to force my flaccid penis backwards in order to pee backwards straight into the water. If I do not do this the urine will splash back on me.

Even when toilets are of different sizes, the fact that I need to do this every time now, tells me that my penis have in fact have became bigger. To the point that it's harder to pee on a toilet. 😂

My flaccid hang have really increased lately.
Getting back to stretching tomorrow.

Good night friends (it's night for me).
This is something I have experienced lately.
When I sit down to pee on a toilet, I need to force my flaccid penis backwards in order to pee backwards straight into the water. If I do not do this the urine will splash back on me.

Even when toilets are of different sizes, the fact that I need to do this every time now, tells me that my penis have in fact have became bigger. To the point that it's harder to pee on a toilet. 😂

My flaccid hang have really increased lately.
Getting back to stretching tomorrow.

Good night friends (it's night for me).

Congratulations on the growth. I am happy you are getting back to stretching
Bros. Already did my first LM3 session.
I IMMEDIATELY realized why/how this thing works so well.
My prior thoughts were that I could make similar gains with manual bundled stretches. NOT AT ALL the case.
The tension just in the bundling alone with 1 full rotation is wildly different than manual. Thanks to SIM for the wrapping videos. Great help and I honestly thought that process would be more time consuming. Super simple one you get through it. I also did the SIM modification of rotating the bolt and wing nuts- to allow for more mobility with bundled stretches. Huge fan. I kept it real light- probably 6x1 min stretching with some warm up. Then took it off. And repeated after a bit.

I suppose it’s time for me to start my own journal thread. Thanks for the help yall
Bros. Already did my first LM3 session.
I IMMEDIATELY realized why/how this thing works so well.
My prior thoughts were that I could make similar gains with manual bundled stretches. NOT AT ALL the case.
The tension just in the bundling alone with 1 full rotation is wildly different than manual. Thanks to SIM for the wrapping videos. Great help and I honestly thought that process would be more time consuming. Super simple one you get through it. I also did the SIM modification of rotating the bolt and wing nuts- to allow for more mobility with bundled stretches. Huge fan. I kept it real light- probably 6x1 min stretching with some warm up. Then took it off. And repeated after a bit.

I suppose it’s time for me to start my own journal thread. Thanks for the help yall
You're welcome brother.
This was exactly the reason I created so many video instructions about this. It took a lot of time for me to get my wrapping perfect, and master the LENGTHMASTER 3.

I stay in the chamber a maximum of 13 minutes each set (3 minutes warmup). Sometimes I even stay in the chamber a maximum of 5 minutes. When I detach from the chamber I always remove the wrap. You want the tissue to fully restore blood circulation when you are outside of the chamber (between sets).

1 session is 20 minutes. This is enough to gain many inches. I do two sessions each day. I do 3 days stretching, and 1 day rest and then repeat.
Some updates:
It's hard to get back to the same stretching regime I was on before my longer rest. But the rest have been good as well, it's like the penis have benefitted from this. I see longer flaccid hang and erection (BPEL).

So much soreness in the shaft skin. I bundle more now as well, so this is probably the culprit to more soreness. Also, masturbation and depression/exhaustion is the enemy.

I can't do this maximum bundling on every set. It's like when I do these maximum bundeling dynamic stretches on the first set, the second set will even be intense even when I do not bundle as much. It's like the tunica albuginea is really loosen up, and I get more intensity and elongation in the second set as well.

But I will just keep pushing. As long as I stretch 3 days on and 1 day off I should gain. Maybe 2 days on and 1 day rest would also work. The soreness is really intense now. But just push through this. It will be worth it.
I will go easy with the amount of bundles I'm doing, I pushed it a little hard yesterday and I'm left with bad skin wear at the base of my penis (did hard bundling for 2 sets = to much). I also believe my penis have not adjusted jet after my long rest.

Need to take at least one day rest. But the session yesterday was really intense, so I'm not worried about not hitting my goal.
Amazing session. 🙌
Oh man, I got in a wonderful session tonight doing BTC-BS with LM3 (on session 1 of 2). I will see if a second session is possible, or needed later tonight. This session where pretty abusive on the skin.
*Edit: I did only one session.

On the first set I did my best to elongate my tissue to the max, by stretching hard and finding the best angle possible for the stretch. I have named these stretches 5 minute, Dynamic-Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches, or for short: 5 min, D-BTC-BS.

You find a video instruction about them here:
🔗 Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches (BTC-BS), view from the backside.

I even was using my heals as a fulcrum.
I put LM3's stock/orginal handlebar behind my heals, and was strerching hard backwards, by tilting LM3's second handlebar (home made) with my hands backwards. Extremely long elongation after the first set.

I did a quick measurement after the first set, and my BPSFL was at approximately 8 Inch.

I rested fully for 10 minutes in front of my modified car interior heater (removing the entire wrap).
It's important to restore blood flow fully between the sets.

Then on my last set, I did full bundling, which implies: I bundled as much as I can.
At ~3 minute (of 5 minutes) mark on the timer counting down, I had rotated my penis to the max...and for 3 minutes I was stretching hard with maximum bundling (rotations).

I did this procedure both to the right and then to the left, without detaching in between. It seams like my penis have adjusted to these full bundling stretches, I got minimal fluid retention afterwards. But the skin soreness/wear, is still bad after doing these.
But in my mind they are worth it.

I see myself being extremely long at: Feb 28, 2024.
At: Feb 28, 2024 it have been 1 year of lengthwork.

Just amazing I was smiling for myself when I saw the elongation after the last set. 😊
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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