Recent Shitstorm

Alright, so to explain why I dropped off the face of the planet for a few days, I thought I'd take a little bit of time to finally sit down and type this, to explain what happened, and what happened in my mind with all this.

So, this story starts off on November 22nd.
I had made plans back in September to come and fly out to Georgia to see my girlfriend, so, I had these tickets booked for a few months in advance, which I figured was a good idea. I also booked a nice hotel room for the nights of the 23rd and the 24th. I booked the flight through, which is the site that Kaitlyn(girlfriend), said was a good place to book from. Tickets booked, hotel bought, everything was going to plan, I was excited as hell. Keep in mind, I did this in September, so, mistakes were then made.
First mistake, I booked through, which apparently does not let you move your flight date or time around whatsoever. I got an email at noon on the 22nd of November, telling me that I missed the first leg of my flight, and saying all subsequent legs of my flight were then cancelled. I called up customer care and looked at my itinerary that I got in the email. As soon as I saw that my flight was scheduled for the 22nd, I immediately went into overdrive panic/stress mode, where my face went red, I felt like I was getting crushed from all sides, and just super stressed out. So, I called up the company, seeing what I could do about the flight times/dates, and got told with a resounding NO that nothing could be done, since I booked with this shitty third person booking agency. I called Kaitlyn at that point, and she went nuts, telling me that I better be there, and just sounded extremely angry that I mistakenly booked the 22nd, instead of the 23rd which is what I had meant to go for the entire time. She then called back a few minutes later, and very quietly said, that if Thanksgiving plans didnt work out, there was always Christmas, where we could have more time together. I then started looking for websites for other flights, and there was an option for Delta at 340 bucks, and then Airtran, which is not a guaranteed flight, at 240. I decided that I would drive out to the Airtran location at Dallas Love Field that night, and see what I could do about that flight. As we're driving out there, Kaitlyn calls me, and tells me not to come if it means I have to take the more expensive flight, because she doesnt want me running out of money for school and classes. When I get in the car, and start leaving, we get about half way there, when I realize that she's right. I called her up, and said, I guess it is Christmas. She agreed, and I cried all the way back to the dormitory, with my friend holding my hand as I cried. I had been waitng four months to see this girl, who is absolutely incredible to me, and I just completely killed my opportunity, and I had no one to blame but myself. I couldnt even get the hotel back, because I stupidly bought it online. So that was roughly, 400 bucks, gone.

I get back to the dorms, I called my friend Kasey, who was my best friend in high school. Kasey happens to room with another high school friend of mine, Josh. Josh and his parents are loaded to the gills with cash. I tell Kasey what happens, Kasey tells Josh, and Josh calls me up and says, "Hey Ben, how'd you like a ticket to see your girl?" I never expected this from this guy, and I can't thank him enough for it. So, that night, I purchased the Delta ticket from Tuesday the 23rd, til Tuesday the 30th, and I left for the flight at 6 am the next day. When I purchased the ticket, I frantically called Kaitlyn at 2 am, telling her that I finally was coming, that I was going to be there. I was so fucking happy, I couldnt even speak.

So, three plane rides later, I get to Jacksonville, [words=]FL[/words]. I get over to the hotel, which I had no way of cancelling, so I now have a hotel to stay at. Kaitlyn gets there at around 7ish, and I was utterly speechless when I saw her. 6 feet tall, long red hair, deep brown eyes, a smile and a face to melt you, perfect hourglass figure, an ass like Beyonce, small perfect B cup breasts, and pale, pale skin. In my thoughts, perfection, I am the luckiest guy in the world, and if there's anyone that can make me religious, it's this girl.
About 5 minutes after she comes in the door, she said, "I'm so glad you're here, I was so frustrated with this airplane stuff, I was about 5 minutes from breaking up with you." Granted, I paid no attention to this statement, as I was overjoyed to see her. Probably should have.
The week goes on fantastically, with the mild exception of me finding out that her two female friends are trying to get her to dump me because I'm a "tool" even though they have never met me, and trying to get her to hook up with their male friends. From what I understand, and have noticed, all of her friends in that area are people who really have no future whatsoever, where as I, do, and am currently working my ass off to achieve what I want. All of Kaitlyn's friends here at my school reassured me that Kaitlyn would be dumb to leave me. Funny story...

So, week continues on. Monday morning before she goes to work, we were fooling around a little bit, when she asks me if I want to go for it, so we go to her bathroom and I have her up against a wall, I'm completely out of it by the time we're done. Seriously, that was the best orgasm I've ever had; my left leg and left arm were completely numb, and I could barely speak. That was Sunday, a fantastic day, just being with her, and then doing crazy things.
The next day, I wake up to her hitting me in the arm at 8 am, where she has to go to work at 9 am. She was angry at me, because in the heat of the moment, I left the condom wrapper in one of the two sinks in the bathroom we were in. The bathroom is joined by two rooms, one room being Kaitlyns, and the other being the youngest brother, who is 12. So, the 12 year old found the wrapper, brought it to mom, and then the mom proceeded to tear into Kaitlyn, making her feel like a superslut and basically stating that she has low standards, to be messing with someone like me. Keep in mind, this is also the mother that told Kaitlyn last year, when she was still in the dorms at my college, to not call her back until she got laid. So Kaitlyn tells the mother a story, saying that she has no idea where the wrapper came from, and that I just left it here, so I took the fall for that. I tried to avoid the mother for the rest of the day, and do what I could to not upset her or bring up the topic whatsoever.
Kaitlyn goes off to work, and I don't see her until 6 that night. When she got back, we watched a movie together, When Harry met Sally.
Later that evening, I was sitting on her bed, and the conversation came up about ending it. I was in shock in a way, because this totally blindsided me, because I didnt see it coming at all. I figured, you know, 4 and a half months of being apart would be the worst thing we would have to handle. The way she stated it, it made sense to me to break up, but at the same time, it didn't. I can't even remember all of the conversation: I think I may have just blanked through some of it. I honestly didn't know what to say to half the things that went on during that conversation, I just couldnt process it. I feel like now I can organize my thoughts, but I can't really tell her. I went to bed that night, and as soon as I laid down, I started to feel the weight on my chest. I called my mom, my roommate, and then stayed on the computer until 4:30 am because I just couldnt sleep.
The next day, I'm still there at her house in Georgia, with three hours of sleep, and the younger brothers heading off to school, the parents about to go to work. As the parents knew Kaitlyn and I had been having sex, I thought they also knew we had had sex in the house, as last time things like this came up, the father made the statement that there would be no sex in his house, which makes sense. When I had a moment, I talked to the father, and apologized for things that had happened last time I was in Georgia, the events of which I thought the father knew about, since we had had sex in his house then as well. I said roughly, "Sir, you have a wonderful family, and a daughter that means the world to me. I apologize for last time I was here: we had no right doing that in your house, it is your house, and not our place to do such things. I can't tell you how much your daughter means to me, and that there are few things I wouldn't do for her." The dad said, "Well, as long as you keep a smile on my daughters face, that's all we need, since that's a full time job on its own. You're welcome here any time, and thank you for the apology." I told the father that Kaitlyn said that we should "take a break" as Kaitlyn put it. The father looked genuinely upset to hear that, and apologized to me for that. As I left the house that day, the father came up to me, pretended to spit in his hand, put a hand on my upper arm, and shook my hand, with a smile and a look in his eyes that made me feel like I did the right thing, and that I could leave the house with my head held high, rather than with my tail tucked between my legs. Even the oldest brother, who is 16 and kind of a jock, came up to me and hugged me before I left, which really surprised me.

On the drive back to the airport in Jacksonville, [words=]FL[/words], I sat in a relative quiet, instead of how I usually am around Kaitlyn, which is energetic and excited, or just plain happy. We made a restroom stop on the way there, and as we got back in the car, she said "Just don't leave. Just don't leave. If we wern't so far away from each other, this wouldnt be an issue, we would both be happy, and so on so forth. If you could get UNT to move about 20 minutes away from Valdosta, that would be perfect. Pretend you're not leaving." So, I did that, and I cheered up considerably. Almost to where I would have been had we still been dating. This girl, just makes me smile. Even just talking to her for a 2 minute phone call randomly in the middle of the day makes my day. We pull into a World Market to look around a bit, which is why we left so early. As we were walking around, she gets really quiet and tells me to sit down and stay in a particular place as she walks around. As she shopped around, she looked increasingly more upset/sad. When I found her again, I asked her what was on her mind, and she turned around, and said, "You know, I wished you were gone by this time, because all I can think about is kissing you, and I can't." I wanted to kiss her back at this point, but I decided against it. I helped her purchase a case of pomegranate soda, which was only 10 bucks, and carried it out to her car for her. We pulled into a Sonic, and she bought me some food, where I said I couldnt eat any because my stomach hurt, and I felt like I would throw up if I ate any. She said she was feeling the same way, and when I smiled at her, she told me not to smile at her, because she felt like she would throw up and then start crying.

We got back on the road again, and as we were going, she said to me," Alright, so as this goes, we're going to be actual best friends. Not like those couples that break up and say they'll be friends, but don't, but like actual best friends. Best friends where I'll have to jump you to makeout with you." She continued, "How about this: dating, FB single, but dating, but if someone comes along that you can see yourself with, don't let the opportunity pass, and I'll do the same over here, and if we don't find anyone that's for us, then we're for us. Tell me if you don't think that's a fair thing, because if you think it's not, tell me, and we'll stick with the friends thing, but what do you think, dating?"
Since I was upset, this sounded like the best option to me, and I went along with it, and was happy at the time. Looking back on it now, it doesn't seem fair to either of us, because what if someone comes along on either end, and the other party is still invested in that one person?

We get to the airport, and we pull up to the drop-off terminal in almost absolute silence. We stop, I get out of her truck and start undoing the clip that is holding my backpack in place, and she comes up behind me, and wraps her arms around me from behind, and rests her head on my back, and starts crying, which in turn, I do too. I turned around, hugged her for a long time, leaned back, and kissed her a few times, which were long and tearful. Hugged her again, and before she got back into the car, I came up and hugged her again. As she left, I watched her wipe the tears out of her eyes, and drive off. I walked into the airport and did my level best to hold back my tears. As I was getting my tickets and checking in, I felt like, this situation is shitty, but I don't feel bad right now. I'm upset of course, but I don't feel like this is the end. The way we had been talking, it seemed like, this was a break, to further reinforce our initial friendship, to reaffirm ourselves, and learn more about ourselves. She had even said, "We'll see how this goes, and I'll probably call you in a few days, weeks, or maybe a month or so, and apologize for being so stupid for letting you go." Granted, we both want things in a relationship that a long distance relationship cannot provide, like all the little things that make a relationship a relationship, dates, hugs, kisses, small things you do for your partner, small things you do with your partner, so on, and yes, I want to be the one to do all that with her. I thought, and maybe we both thought, that maybe this is the right person for each of us, just not the right time.

So here I am, in the airport, mildly calm and quiet, trying to relax, thinking about that last kiss with her, when I get a call from Kaitlyn. She's raging mad, and the first thing she asks me is, "Why did you tell my dad we had sex in our house?" I thought he knew, and I felt like apologizing to him was the right thing to do, and I had no idea he didn't know. She then said that she thought I told him about that to get back at her for breaking up with me. I would never, ever do anything to intentionally hurt someone, that is not me, that's not who I am. I asked her not to hate me, because I didnt know, and she said she was having a hard time not hating me. After that I got a text from her saying to never speak to anyone in her family again. I didn't know if that included her, but I didn't want to find out. I sat in the airport for the next 6 hours, intermittently crying and trying my best to hide it, feeling sick to my stomach from the emotion/tension, and dealing with some 9-11 hours worth of flight layovers due to bad weather on the east coast.

When I finally got home at 3am on Wednesday morning, my friend who had driven me out to the airport at 5 am at the start of this was waiting there for me, with the seats in her car heated for me, at 3 am. Damn good friend, damn good friend. We drove back to the campus, and I fell asleep, barely.

I later found that the friend who gave me the ride had told all of Kaitlyns friends (her friends too), and the friends were all shocked that Kaitlyn had broken up with me. Even Kaitlyns best friend, the one that she talks to most, the one that puts her in line and the most level headed was shocked, and told Kaitlyn that she thought she was making a big mistake. From what I know, Kaitlyn has not talked to any of her friends here since the day she broke up with me. I have not spoken with her since that monday, and I'm honestly scared to, and I'm afraid that if I do, it will further mess with my head, especially in a time where I need it to be on top, what with all this happening right before exams and juries week. I am stressed/worried/upset/saddened the fuck out.

Everyone with the exception of Kaitlyn and my own father have told me that I did the right thing in telling the father, although I can't help but feel like, if I had spoken to Kaitlyn before talking to the dad, or just not talked to the dad at all, things wouldnt be like they are right now.

I miss my girlfriend. I miss my best friend. I don't know what to do.
From the outside looking in, this thing seems to be an up and down roller coaster ride, with her being the way that makes the 'emotional' part of it so unstable.
Nobody needs to have to put up with that.
Cut bait, and move on to something and someone more stable.
Good Luck.
Yeah, I know. Still, one of those people that I feel like is the right person, maybe just not right now. Should I attach a picture of the two of us? We really went well together.
bluetard117;408748 said:
Yeah, I know. Still, one of those people that I feel like is the right person, maybe just not right now. Should I attach a picture of the two of us? We really went well together.

Dude, man up and get the fuck over it already.
You gotta give up to let go but once you do everything will open up for you, I promise.
Here, go contact these folks and see where you can go volunteer at your nearest VA polytrauma center.. After a few hours of caring for men and women even younger than you with shattered bodies, crippled minds and shortened lives I doubt you'll engage in your truly pathetic orgy of self-pity much longer.

For Local Help The Denton County Veteran—Page 4

Denton County Veterans
Service Office
1505 E. McKinney St.
Denton, TX 76209
Fax: 940-349-2951
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to Noon
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

bluetard117;408777 said:
Wow, thanks guy.
Last edited:
MAXAMEYES;408837 said:
Here, go contact these folks and see where you can do volunteer at your nearest VA polytrauma center.. After a few hours of caring for men and women even younger than you with shattered bodies, crippled minds and shortened lives I doubt you'll engage in your truly pathetic orgy of self-pity much longer.

For Local Help The Denton County Veteran—Page 4

Denton County Veterans
Service Office
1505 E. McKinney St.
Denton, TX 76209
Fax: 940-349-2951
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM to Noon
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

You're really not helping, and you're being kinda a dick.
And frankly, I don't appreciate you stating that I don't know trauma others have felt. Were you in New Orleans when shit hit the fan during Katrina? Were you in the Superdome when the roof started leaking, when a girl was raped in the Dome and then the guy responsible was killed and thrown into the stands? Did you clean your friends your friends rotting and bloated corpses out of the attics of their homes that you spent part of your childhood in after the water went down? Did you do all of this right as you started high school, when you were 15 and totally new to anything like this? I really doubt you did, so before you open your mouth and assume that I'm just a teenager that is wallowing in my own self pity, I want you to take a step back, look at where I'm from, and what I've done already with my life, and I'm only 19.
Turnover;402413 said:
exactly what you explain to them, you need help with, they DO TO you

I think this member has the right idea when I say MAXAMEYES is all tough love and bronze. Dld is the one you want leading the army. I will be the one who says; to make something you really want become reality you have to live out all the other dreams you have. The ones that have nothing to do with that 1st desire. If you live out all those OTHER wishes, they will manifest into the person you are at the core, and you will be one step closer to home. Step by step.
bluetard, I have no idea what you have or have not experienced in your life, what claims have legitimacy or not. I simply responded to your self-absorbed post.

You got dumped, get over it. It is, arguably, the single most universal of shared experiences.

You need not get hyper-emotional because of it and broadcast your misery in such excruciating detail here on this forum. Simply by entering this post you have invited any and all sorts of scrutiny pertaining to your particular experience...and as I've said before: Once you've invited me all up in your ass, don't complain about what gets kicked once I'm there.

What purpose do you actually suppose to accomplish by posting a photo of yourself and this ex-girlfriend on a penis enlargement website?
That's what I mean by man up & get over it.

As far as the Katrina experiences, if true, then, as a guy who went through Desert Storm when you were most likely a fetus, you have my complete and total empathy.
Although I understand where you are coming from bluetard, Max has a point. I know you see it too, maybe its not delivered the way you want it too but its there. Such is life.

I am sorry for your shitstorm, really and truly.
True that.
Granted, whenever I wrote that I was having a pretty shitty day, and since it seems like the advice on this forum is mostly positive, I thought I'd post it.

Yeah, I'm 19, whoop dee doo, and I got dumped. Not the way I'd like to end my Thanksgiving, specially not with someone like that. Although, looking from a third person perspective, there were a lot of red flags that I just passed up, on account of so many other things being the way I liked/enjoyed/looked for in a girl.

Fuckit, if I can keep her as a friend, mission accomplished, and then keep calm and carry on. I'd rather not make any enemies in this life, cause its too fucking short.

And Max, you're goddamn on the money. Idk wtf, I was thinking, with an idea to post a picture of us together. Wouldnt have accomplished anything. However, with your military experience, I suppose thats given you the hardass attitude that lets you let go of certain things easier, while I dont have that yet. Wish I did, I envy ya :) Salute to you sir.
As for the Katrina stuff, yeah, thats all legit. Not a fun time.
Sometimes life just hands a guy a pure gold bag of fucked up shit. What really counts is how we respond.
I've always maintained that the only thing we truly own is our decisions.
Bluetard, you sound like you'll do just fine.

Ernest Hemingway maintained that character was defined by how we act when we know goddamn well nobody's looking. I try to remember that.

Good luck in all your future endeavours.
MAXAMEYES;409106 said:
And what working definition of character do YOU use then?

How well someone can pretend....Character:)
Deagle;409316 said:
I can sound like Chris Griffin disturbingly well.

Way to hijack the thread there DLD jeez...

I can do a perfect Hitler:) And, please don't ban me for my highjacking skills.
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