reaching male/female equality and how it affects size - a theory

I live in Sweden, and Sweden have according to many studies reached the longest when it comes to gender equality.
Especially the last 5 years things have changed alot, which of course is great.
For ex. it´s forbidden in job advertisements to seek for a specific gender. On haircutting studios different prices for men and women is forbidden. On the pubs and clubs, it´s forbidden to have different age specifications
Different organisations is working for equaling the number of women/men in the "top leading group" at some companies.
It is also rules that women and men, if they have the same qualities and experience, must make the same amount of money at a company. This is in practical sometimes the case. Theré are still some differences but the goal is full equality.
Other equality tings that hav appeared i society lately here(in the bigger cities) is that it is nowadays just as common that females make the first contact at a club, and also just as common that they try to get the guy in bed on the first date.
It has been very liberal for a long time (since the 70s) in sweden to talk about sex in public, but there´s been a change, from the men "being told to want a girl in bed right away" to women taking steps and making moves that before was known as stereotyphical male stuff.

Now to how it affexts the focus in society on penis size.

The focus on penis size seems to have increased here, at least women talk often open about it.
And a interesting thing is that muscles seem to have less and less impact here.
Also money seems to have less and less impact on women here.

A lot of years ago, women needed to find a man who was strong, could hunt food and could protect them.
Fo not so long ago, when society evolved and muscles was not needed at all for survival, signs of a good economy and rich men got more attractive, because it was not common (because of less equality between genders)that women made enough money on their own to secure a future families economy.
Nice cars, watches and exclusive lifestyles had a impact.

Here theese days, when almost 100% gender equality has occured, women make just as much money as men, have a lot of high level jobs in business sectors. So money is not a factor, neither is muscles.
(Muscles of course, always probably will attract women, but in different levels). And muscles is so common theese days, there are gym´s everywhere, and there´s not something that is secret and hidden...
It seems like penis size have taken over this focus...

Penis size, is still sort of mystique, something that is hidden from a woman except the ones that don´t end up in bed with a specific guy.
It is a perfect rumor and dicussion topic when females take a coffe break or is having a pre-party. It also gives a women a special key of power to either celebrate or break a guys self-confidence in a dating situation. But luckily, not many women uses this key.
When women also speak more openly about different guys size´s with their friends, a endowed guy seems to get more women, and a lot more crotch-stares than before.

(this thread is not meant to talk about wether you like gender equality or not, it should be focused on the penis size effects of it)
What are your thoughts and comments on this?
Welcome to 30 years ago in the states... trust me, it seems good now but long after equality is achieved the advocacy groups keep pushing for more advantages. You better protect your own rights because otherwise they will erode and it's 1000x harder to get them back. Ask any American man about young women here who have been raised under "feminist" ideals, 90% of them are unbearably self-obsessed emotional prostitutes. As a result, about 80% of young american men are brainwashed zombie sociopaths and another 10% are gay.

I should add that women talk more openly about penis size, but that doesn't mean they didn't talk about it before. Really it just opens it up as a method to attack a man, regardless of his size. 90% of men will be very insulted if a woman says they're too small even if they are 7+, and women can lie about it all they want in public and with their girlfriends and the truth doesn't even matter. I think if you had a huge johnson in the pre-feminism era all the women would still talk about it just not as publicly.
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Sorry to sound like a misogynist and a serial statistic-inventor but I wanted to get across the negatives of the situation here. There are many advantages and disadvantages so take what I said with a grain of salt.
its_friday said:
Sorry to sound like a misogynist and a serial statistic-inventor but I wanted to get across the negatives of the situation here. There are many advantages and disadvantages so take what I said with a grain of salt.

thanks for your comments, just to clearify it a bit. The feminist era also started here strong in the 70´s.
I´ve been a lot to the US, and I can assure you that this trend is something else, what happens here in this topic is the next step after. It is when all femisinst struggles have come true, they have put down their guns and it is reality.
I´ve noted it a bit different in different states in US, the closest I´ve experience is on manhattan NY.
But mostly in the US, i think you have a long way in male/female equality to go until you reach this level, this is not a patriotic thing at all, it´s just how my experience is, especially when it comes to dating and club behaviours.
Of course, theese things occur the world over, but it has reached to different levels on different places.

Some questions I like to have opinions on are:

Why do you think penis size seem to be more and more in focus for women?
In the future, do you think women will ask while at the club, meeting a guy for the first time, what´s your size?
Will women look more an more on male-crotches? (if so, that makes it interesting to start a crotch-appearance/bulge tips forum!)

Anyway, i think doing pe, is the perfect thing o be prepared for the present, and the future....
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I think the only good way to deal with this is be cool with who you are and be smarter than them about social interactions. If your life is spent running around trying to fix every little thing so women can't find a flaw in you, then you're wasting your time and you'll regret it one day.
Equality is a total nonsense.. Men are woman are NOT EQUAL. Also, as far as jobs go, acquiring them should be purely based on ability, factors such as gender, race, etc should be a non issue...