Questions & Philosophy Regarding P.E Science


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There are a few things that can be answered only by those who have tried and do not have theoretical background. This is the reason to create this post. Because a few people need answer in details from experts that have hands-on knowledge on a few things. Today, I will start using the thread and post some questions from people online that triggered my curiosity. If a veteran knows, please reply.

1. @DLD is right. Everything has to do with warm-up, intensity and rehabilitation / recovery from exercises. When it comes to intensity, a guy X feels intense at ~5hg while another feels intense at ~8hg. Does that means that there is no rule in intensity? Because if 5hg is considered "big" for someone, that means that his workout was intense. What proves the intensity? The resulting soreness?
2. Suppose soreness is the answer:: If a penis is sore, doesn't that means that along with microtrauma, inflammation exists too? Isn't inflammation a negative factor for growing? (I mean inflammation like edema, not the required one for growth).
3. Can you have intense work-outs without soreness?
4. 5x5x3:: Why Pumping first and SSJ second? Why not the opposite?
5. Say someone decides to put out the SSJ and instead use sof clamping and he does 5x5x3 but with soft clamping. Would it be better to do pump/sclamp, pump/sclamp, pump/sclamp? Would it be better to do 15 mins sclap and then 15 mins pump? Would it be better to do 15 mins pump and then sclamp? And Why?
6. There are guys out there - and I found a few - like me, that ..... their natural body creation is built with high resilience. Truth is, It's so much difficult for me to get sore, Does that means that because our body does not feel intensity and soreness, we cant get growth?
7. Doing the same routine everyday, even if you feel "intensity" can bring expected results? Must routine change?
8. Are we bound to keep days with NO P.E for restoration? What if someone feels just okay? What if I can do P.E without feeling soreness, etc? What if I dont feel pain?
9. Okay, dont laugh with me:: Why @DLD has so much beautiful penis? I am not talking about size here. How did he "beautify" the penis? I cant seem to find any videos on that

Please post your questions here and lets make a nice thread.
@DLD. I should have clarified. Clamps. Like the cable clamp bullshit and excessively tight cock rings. I know you might purport this technique. And that’s fine for your recommendation. The science and medical facts are that if you clamp and restrict that cock for extended periods of time, nothing and I mean nothing but trouble and fucked up cocks will be the result. God forbid and clot build up and then a Pulmonary Embolism or some shit. Warm up warm down routine. Low and slow. 5x5x3 SSJ’s. Light manual stretching. Then into a nice wrap that DOESN’T cut the circulation off or a @mos Silisleeve ADS sleeve for extended healing and anti-turtle.
I got you! Thanks
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I’ve proven, without any shadow of any doubt or bullshit since I started this journey with you @DLD, that I have implemented the above and the above only. I post pics and videos without hesitation and with transparency. Seems I’m one of the very few that does this without issues. You’ve seen me upfront and personal. It works. I’ve grown. I’m proof. Period. No clamping nor cockrings. Simple and purposeful PE routine with no fucking around. Supplements and an attitude of gratitude and perseverance
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I’ve proven, without any shadow of any doubt or bullshit since I started this journey with you @DLD, that I have implemented the above and the above only. I post pics and videos without hesitation and with transparency. Seems I’m on of the very few that does this without issues. You’ve seen me upfront and personal. It works. I’ve grown. I’m proof. Period. No clamping nor cockrings. Simple and purposeful PE routine with no fucking around. Supplements and an attitude of gratitude and perseverance
Well thank you and God bless your incredible insight
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My apologies, @DLD and brotherhood. My cursing solves nothing. I’ll own that. Apologies. It’s my Testosterone increase rage I think. Been supplementing (No…no TRT stuff or crap exogenous injections!) and had my free, and total testosterone pulled, as well as my SHBG and dude, I’m sitting at 978 total Test. 171 Free and a SHBG at 73. I’m a flipping machine lately and hitting the gym. I took my weight issues seriously and did something about it. I also blocked the shit out of Myoststin with Quercetin and Resveratrol and I’m building muscle (and my cock has been a beast!) incrementally. It’s crazy.
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@DLD. I should have clarified. Clamps. Like the cable clamp bullshit and excessively tight cock rings. I know you might purport this technique. And that’s fine for your recommendation. The science and medical facts are that if you clamp and restrict that cock for extended periods of time, nothing and I mean nothing but trouble and fucked up cocks will be the result. God forbid and clot build up and then a Pulmonary Embolism or some shit. Warm up warm down routine. Low and slow. 5x5x3 SSJ’s. Light manual stretching. Then into a nice wrap that DOESN’T cut the circulation off or a @mos Silisleeve ADS sleeve for extended healing and anti-turtle. And using the MityVac kickass vacuum that I modified for longer hose length.

Let's break things down more. Cable clamp is a method of constriction. What you are talking about is restriction, allowing blood to still flow in and out with passive control. SSJ is a good description of restrictive flow.
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I have a question. Is this the right way to clamping ? Penis Clamping Exercise using Girth Bands promotes larger Girth for penis enlargement JoyStick Demonstrates How its done..

It has nothing to do with mine. The way I clamp is very hard lock at extreme base whereas my penis is fully engorged and feels the tension.
Brother, I would stay far away from that cable clamp method. I can understand the Air-Lock Python Clamp from Meadume site that brother @trustr1 is using, but that cheap cable clamp is all sort of dangers you will get yourself into a penis-nightmare fest. I believe there's a modded version using the MityVac pump with a gauge as well rather than the bulb pump.
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Here’s my two cents again. Just my opinion and I do pray it’s get through to someone. That dude on the video using them BS cable clamps is just asking for fuckd-up dead dick. And…he put another one one! Wow. Listen, I’ve soft clamp before with my hands. Yes. A few minutes max. Don’t really do it that often if at all. Not much in it for me. I tried full blown clamping. It’s NO BUENO! @kriskros Brother I’m just being straight up here. Follow a proven &DLD SRT and SSJ routine with a MityVac add-on. Take it low and slow and realize it’s a marathon. Not a sprint. People try to “supercharge” their PE routines and go for the quick gratification. That leads to broken dicks. Period. I had an injury myself and was away from the brotherhood for a time. But, with my live and learn advice, stick to a solid and safe approach. Stay away from clamping. And God forbid, extended times in a cockring. I’m ONLY in a cockring 5 minutes max then i come out of it, stroke my cock for 5 minutes and warm down. Then into a SiliSleeve for all day heal. These brothers on here are looking out for your safety and success. I’m living proof of their love and guidance. And….my cock has permanent gains to date. Boom. 💥
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I need answers all your posts.
@DLD says that I do must not use cable clamp and I will regret it.
My Question is this here:: Why do I have better erections then. Why each time I am doing PE, my penis is more engorged and fuller.
You have to understand that even though SSJ is the best thing out there, It requires tremendous power on my side to do them. Which tires me so much. If I had the power, I would do SSJ all day! So, why is it so bad???!!!!!

@oldandlively you say that this cable clamp can bring me to a nightmare-fest. Well, I have the python clamp from meadume, but it is not working as good as the cable clamp. Why you distinguish those 2? Why nightmare? I am clamping 3-4 times a week for a month. Shouldn't I feel the problem?

@TCDreamer says no more cockring for 5 mins. 3 days ago I used a cockring for 2 hours. (Every 10 mins I was relaxing the ring and reputting it). For the first time in my life, i saw a post-expansion that was beyond human imagination. Which brought me to this:: The longer you have the cockring, the more results you get (always speaking in girth).

Do you all base your fears under a scientific perspective or under an outlier perspective? Outliers will always exist.
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I need answers all your posts.
@DLD says that I do must not use cable clamp and I will regret it.
My Question is this here:: Why do I have better erections then. Why each time I am doing PE, my penis is more engorged and fuller.
You have to understand that even though SSJ is the best thing out there, It requires tremendous power on my side to do them. Which tires me so much. If I had the power, I would do SSJ all day! So, why is it so bad???!!!!!

I'll answer a portion of this in DLD's place, but he can add in more. When brothers who are using the cable clamps, they don't take precautions into account. They don't protect themselves and go straight to the hardest, completely constriction without blood flow, and no protection whatsoever. What do I mean by that?

The hardest setting is the last click on the cable clamp. The last click is the death click. Why? I accidentally engaged it once and freaked out because the last click happened to be the "secured" click that will not let go no matter the amount of weight and pressure pushing against the locking mechanism. After that incident of freaking out, I grinded down that last click to prevent it from ever happening again. Just to let you know, it took me nearly 15 minutes to removed it. Imagine your penis is in hypoxemia. You're engaging immediate cell death, especially for your blood vessels. Your nerves will be damaged due to the long nerve numbness. My wife lost two of her finger tips because of a simple rubber band incident exceeding 12 minutes of hypoxemia. I was glad I had secondary layer of cushion for protection.

As for the second point, the full clamping to create total constriction. We've going through this many, many times. Total constriction of blood flow is something you have to be extremely weary of. 5 minutes of total constriction is bad, and 10 minutes is the worst thing you can do for total constriction. Restrictive blood flow still have a chance, but never total constriction. Why is it bad? At around 5 minutes, total constriction flag the body to start generate blood clot response. The body thinks something is wrong because blood is not flowing back. Something may be blocking or preventing the blood to return to the heart and lungs. When that happens, the body generate a short release of the adrenaline to stimulate the blood to flow again, and a high dose of nitric oxide to rush the blood back to the heart and lungs to recharge it. After 8 minutes, the body will give up and release the large level of blood clotting agent to seal of that specific area. This is where deep vein thrombosis occurs.

@oldandlively you say that this cable clamp can bring me to a nightmare-fest. Well, I have the python clamp from meadume, but it is not working as good as the cable clamp. Why you distinguish those 2? Why nightmare? I am clamping 3-4 times a week for a month. Shouldn't I feel the problem?

If you use the Python and it's not working for you, but the cable clamp is working, make sure to add additional layers of padding, creating at least 1.5cm of pure cushions on each side. Take this from my years of experience using the cable clamp with the brothers that mod the clamps with pure protection in midn. Add as many layers of protections as you can. The Python, by design, using an air pocket for a cushion. That's your main safety in protecting the nerve, blood vessels, and tissues from being crushed. The secondary safety that it has is a built in emergency release valve. Two safety in one.

The nightmare-fest I mentioned is the ones above. The "last click", the hypomexia, and the in ability to release the clamp on time before the point of no return. That point of no return can be as fast as a few seconds and as long as a few minutes. Once you hit that point, there's no repairing. The most damaging is the crushing edges from the cable clamp. That crushes everything at every click above the pressurize level.

Do you all base your fears under a scientific perspective or under an outlier perspective? Outliers will always exist.

Our fears are based on imperical evidence for the past 2+ decades. Yes, you are correct to say there are outliers such as yourself. But every outlier also has a conservative and extreme ends. Between the two ends, there's a very thin line called the "median of shift". That shift can cause a sudden shift of "nothing happens" to "oh shit!" in mere moments.
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To be honest, I have never - ever used last click in cable clamp and my Sleeve is 1 inch with (around the penis) so even though "i could click" the last click at cable clamp, it will never make the entrance "smaller" than the sleeve's width but still, I am pretty sure I am promoting hypoxemia (i just need you to tell me whats the visible effect of this)
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To be honest, I have never - ever used last click in cable clamp and my Sleeve is 1 inch with (around the penis) so even though "i could click" the last click at cable clamp, it will never make the entrance "smaller" than the sleeve's width but still, I am pretty sure I am promoting hypoxemia (i just need you to tell me whats the visible effect of this)

Let's say you are able to use the cable clamp with full protection level, and with 3 safeguards in mind, and you are able to taking proper time interval for each session less than 5 minutes, then use it with the highest level of caution you can offer yourself. If you need more info on safeguarding yourself with cable clamp because it's the only thing that works, I'll work with you on the mods and provide you the safety guides.

In regards to hypoxemia, which is the lack of oxygen in the blood platelets, there are immediate signs everywhere. Here are the major to the minor signs:
  • Cold penis. This is the first thing you will notice before anything else. The blood only hold little thermal load from the internal areas before it enters the penis.
  • Color change. Once oxygen is depleted less than 50%, color changes from a healthy pink to a purple color. Thermal change will cause the oxygen to lose even faster. So, you'll see your penis change from a healthy pink to a dark shade of purple within a minute.
  • Pulsating tissues. Whenever the body defects a drop in oxygen and thermal regularity, the body enagages shivering. We mistake this for pulsating sensation we feel during intense sexual arousal. This is the body biomechanics in waking the part of the body up when that part of the appears to be under massive stresses without proper resources to support it, such as oxygenation, blood flow,band thermal stress loads.
  • Numbness. This doesn't need to be caused by long nerve crushing where the signal is cut off. This just need to be lack of oxygen and chemical exchange between the nerve receptors. Notice oxygen is the role player.
  • Sticky or hardness sensation. This is where the tissues being crushed, kinked, or tightened. Like the nerves and blood vessels, when the cells are being pressured too hard, the stressed cells send responses to the adjacent cells about their conditions. The rest of the cells help out by stiffen up, or create the feeling of stickiness where the tissues look warped from the kink of the cable clamp's edges.
  • Formation of small harden nodules. It is not common, but hypoxemia brings about weird manifestation as the body comes up with protection measures.
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Reactions: DLD
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I need answers all your posts.
@DLD says that I do must not use cable clamp and I will regret it.
My Question is this here:: Why do I have better erections then. Why each time I am doing PE, my penis is more engorged and fuller.
You have to understand that even though SSJ is the best thing out there, It requires tremendous power on my side to do them. Which tires me so much. If I had the power, I would do SSJ all day! So, why is it so bad???!!!!!

The reason for that goes back to all the data we have on cases, like cable clamps. In many cases the men have posted regrets because of thrombosis. So we are trying to keep you on the side of things.

I have seen some men have great success with clamping, never seeing injury so must have a huge tolerance for extreme exercise. You may have great potential doing what your routine i only pray you never get thrombosis.
@oldandlively you say that this cable clamp can bring me to a nightmare-fest. Well, I have the python clamp from meadume, but it is not working as good as the cable clamp. Why you distinguish those 2? Why nightmare? I am clamping 3-4 times a week for a month. Shouldn't I feel the problem?

I don't know what a python clamp is? Can you post a photo before I can advise you.

Do you all base your fears under a scientific perspective or under an outlier perspective? Outliers will always exist.
Mine are strictly from the data I've seen. I never had that problem so it's an outside perspective.
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The starting position is one hand at the extreme base and the other at the head. From there you squeeze hands together.
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