Priapism(prolonged erection) risks, PLEASE read and sticky this

Guys, to make a long story short, if you are messing around with ED/Penis Enlargement drugs like Viagra and the injection stuff i use, you need to be aware that a prolonged erection for over 4 hours MUST be medically treated. Going untreated, you will run the risk of never being able to get hard again. Please use these drugs carefully. FYI, the first step for treating a prolonged erection is 120MG of Sutafed(spelling?)
FYI Drugs like Viagra are not going to make you Hard for 4 hrs just like that.

They are blood enhancers and unless you are aroused you are not going to get hard. Don't believe the myth that you pop a pill and next thing you know you are hard as rock.

I have had many Priapsms and none caused by Viagra. They would occur while I was sleeping and I would wake up with hard erections that hurt like a bastard and didn't go down for a bit.
Travis M said:
The stuff i use makes you hard no matter what...

Well then don't compare it to Viagra and other blood enhancers because it is misleading and disinformed.

If you are injecting yourself probably directly into your penis with something that hardens the cells or whatever then that is a different story. Your average person would never inject anything into their genitals.