Penis Enlargement affect on the brain?

I was reading a few studies on scientists trying to see if the bigger penis you have the smaller your brain is, which does not relate exactly to intelligence though. This made me think do you think the bigger you make your penis through Penis Enlargement, it could potentially affect the brain? I personally haven't experienced anything different and anything that would happen would first be result of my type 1 diabetes I would imagine. Just wondering if anyone else has input on this subject?
There couldn't be a physical impact to the brain from increasing your penis size. However the psychology of an individual is heavily weighted on their on perceptions. Particularly the perceptions of themselves and how they feel others perceive them. Penis size for some proves to be linked to the social aspects of the male. It can make some insecure or even overly cocky. If someone started with a small penis and became used to being shy in social situations, then increases their size, they would find themselves acting differently. Of course not all small penis wielding men are shy not are all well endowed men confident. Also some men may not notice a change in mental perceptions because of a change in penis size. But in some a change in anatomy may directly change the state of the subjects mind.
Agreed with everything you said, that was what I was wondering if increasing the penis could physically cause the brain to shrink? Yes a bigger penis will give a man more confidence which in turn mentally does change him
The brain wouldn't physically grow it shrink. The only way you can really do anything to change the size of your brain is drugs or alcohol. These substances create physical holes in the brain and change its size overtime and with consistent abuse.
Drugs and alcohol for sure damage the brain over time, which makes me wonder why its so cool to do them in excess in the time when you need the brain functioning at its peak, college and university. Also I do think this is interesting but its more common sense. TV does quite a bit of damage to the brain while we are on the topic of the brain, it has been shown in different studies to "rot" the brain.
There couldn't be a physical impact to the brain from increasing your penis size. However the psychology of an individual is heavily weighted on their on perceptions. Particularly the perceptions of themselves and how they feel others perceive them. Penis size for some proves to be linked to the social aspects of the male. It can make some insecure or even overly cocky. If someone started with a small penis and became used to being shy in social situations, then increases their size, they would find themselves acting differently. Of course not all small penis wielding men are shy not are all well endowed men confident. Also some men may not notice a change in mental perceptions because of a change in penis size. But in some a change in anatomy may directly change the state of the subjects mind.

I'm generally a shy person, especially during the few minutes of introduction to know someone. When I made gains in PE and slept with many women, I got similar reaction from them. This made me more confident with women.

I'm now outspoken with people than before. I wasn't like this before the gains. It might be that, I became more mature and understands life much better and this led to having more confidence. But I think PE helped me too with some confidence.