Hi, I am new to this forum and the to the concept of penis enlargement.
I have always thought that penis enlargement (Penis Enlargement, right?) was a scam, a hoax. But considering all the details on here I have to say that it has at least apprehended my attention.
Is there a source of information that clearly shows respectable data to prove that Penis Enlargement is actually a legitimate concept?
I currently have a 4.2in penis, and would at least like to have it the length of the female vagina which is on average 6 in deep. Would it be possible to gain 1.8in and if so, how long (fastest) would it take given the currently available methods? And are there going to be any repercussions such as ED or ripped tissue afterwards?
I have always thought that penis enlargement (Penis Enlargement, right?) was a scam, a hoax. But considering all the details on here I have to say that it has at least apprehended my attention.
Is there a source of information that clearly shows respectable data to prove that Penis Enlargement is actually a legitimate concept?
I currently have a 4.2in penis, and would at least like to have it the length of the female vagina which is on average 6 in deep. Would it be possible to gain 1.8in and if so, how long (fastest) would it take given the currently available methods? And are there going to be any repercussions such as ED or ripped tissue afterwards?