My Friend Is Questioning My Blackness, because I'm wearing,"White,"clothing?


Active member
I told my friend who happens to be black that I'm changing my whole style and want to dress more mature--presentable, Instead of the usual street clothing. I like how American Apparel, Rugby shirts and Banana Republic looks on me. Swag ( Or style ) is very different from each person to person. Some guys can't wear street clothing like myself and look good--It just doesn't work. I'm a tall guy, so clothes and shoes are already expensive, but I've found some good deals on ebay. He's a nice guy not stereotypical. Weird that he would say something like that.
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He should just mind his own business,How you dress is up to you.
Damn i'm black and i do not wear street hood clothing after a while cat's just have to start growing up,
(Dolce Gabbana,Versace,Armani,Just that shit to get girl's pussy wet)
For me swag is grown and sexy,Not souja boy tell um bullshit:)

Peace From Brother To Brother,
Turnover;403832 said:
Well he's right you should only wear black shirts since you are black that only makes sense mate; right, right?

LOL and your picture reminds me of a guy who did the samething in real-life. Lost his girlfriend though. Anyways, I know what you mean Super. It's hard trying to be different, or find your own style these days.
Oh yeah and whites can only wear white; Asian's: yellow; Indian's: red; Mexican's: brown; and mixed races can only support army fatigues-in nazi Germany- dontcha know the rulez of the streets homiez lol And yeah SD is down: LL Cool J is by farrrr sexier than any new boys flava
Check youtube for African men's styles. African men don't wear baggy pants hanging down, for one.

You may want to refine your philosophy and project a more integrated view, or just take the simple
route and look at African men for a liberating example. If you want to refine your philosophy, read
Cornel West's anthology. He's been a tenured prof at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. He teaches
about theories such as "assimilation", "talented tenth", euro beauty concept as basis of skin
bleaching in Carribbean. You would definitely advance your fashion concept by empowering yourself

Growing up is not a racial thing, as far as outgrowing styles that expressed weaning via alienation.
One of my philosophies is to live my life on my own terms. There are over six billion monkeys on this planet-you gotta pick and choose just whose opinion you value enough to allow you to change your ways. And if somebody's opinion is divergent enough from yours, just dismiss and ignore it; it's your life, not theirs.
I did the same thing and only one of my friends said something about it now he's going to prison so that speaks for itself. I don't go as far as banana republic but medium shirts and pants that fit and i get alot of comments and looks from girls even really ghetto girls who say they prefer close not to small not to big. I also feel more confident in the world and more execpted by all people even like trying to find a job or just walking into a store. So standout and you can only win.
Wear what you like. When I was younger I would wear 3XL shirt and I was skinny as a pole. At one point I hated going to school cause I just grew out of that style and I hated picking what to wear in the morning after awhile. Then I decided stop trying to wear what is "cool" or what my friends like.

A real friend wants you to do what's best for you. He doesn't have your best interest in mind when he gives you a hard time. Wear what you like, if someone doesn't like it, Fuck 'em!
What the hell does this have to do with your blackness?
If you are old enough to be posting on a Penis Enlargement site, you should be old enough to realize you shouldn't be worrying about what others think of you.
Your friend questioning your blackness ay! Sounds as though he's too set in his ways and warped by how he should dress according to media, rappers and whatever other crap influences folk nowadays. Dress how you like to dress and nothing wrong with this, its how styles were made and if the fashion icons of yesteryear were afraid than we would never come forward in our dress sense. I also don't like stereotypes with race and I have seen PLENTY of black men and women here in the UK look damn good in smart business cloths, take it from me race, colour, looks blah blah blah has nothing to do with it.
REDZULU2003;403985 said:
Your friend questioning your blackness ay! Sounds as though he's too set in his ways and warped by how he should dress according to media, rappers and whatever other crap influences folk nowadays. Dress how you like to dress and nothing wrong with this, its how styles were made and if the fashion icons of yesteryear were afraid than we would never come forward in our dress sense. I also don't like stereotypes with race and I have seen PLENTY of black men and women here in the UK look damn good in smart business cloths, take it from me race, colour, looks blah blah blah has nothing to do with it.

Believe that!Forgot to say that in my first post

And your a grown ass man, you spend your earned money on the clothes on your back, not your buddy. and like what RED said, get out of this mindset that "if your this race" bullshit. I would NEVER want to fade in the rest of world who live there life by this principle. Going around looking like everyone else instead of being who you really want to be.
Just like RED and GIRTH said screw that souja boy tell um bullshit,Just rock your own swag and if your boy or a bitch say anything about it,"bunch of wack ass thugs and hoods"
Tell them to kiss your black highly educated ass,Because smart brothers do they own thing and get paid.

Be Grown & Sexy:)
Lean Wit,Rock wit It
Peace From The Beast,
Hmm. I'm going to wear something different of course, because that style is high-school--noone over 23 wears that type of style anymore. Looks childish on a grown-man.
Clothes should be what make you feel best. If you want to rock a 16 year old style at 40 that is your choice. I like the idea of uniforms, the Nazi's had that right...just wake up and throw on the uniform everyday:)
the clothes you decide to wear do not define you as a one can tell you that your not black enough by the clothes you choose to wear or the way you choose to speak...that's the thought process of a person that is unsure about themselves or has a small view of what being black really means...the older you get it's easier to put away childish's still cool to wear jeans, but make sure they fit...and there is nothing wrong with wearing casual clothes even if you are not going to's a sign of maturing. in my opinion
keepingitbig;404127 said:
Now that's STYLE. Not what some of these hoodlums are wearing nowadays.

I don't know, I think a guy might get his ass kicked if he wears some of that stuff.
You remember the group called the "ROOTS" always rocked that kind of wear back the day and DA LA SOUL Too.


This Video is for keepingitbig,This roots for you:

Superdick;404136 said:
You remember the group called the "ROOTS" always rocked that kind of wear back the day and DA LA SOUL Too.


This Video is for keepingitbig,This roots for you:


I love The ROOTS. They did great collabs with Common and Kanye.
My friend was questioning my puerto rican-ess cuz I dont wear a banana bandanna in my left collared shirt pocket that I use to ride in elevators only Monday's; by Tuesday well I'm all tuckered out.