MOS and Sexual Harassment

I have talked with Supra and a couple others guys here on [words=]MOS[/words] about this issue and just wanted to post this thread so that everybody understands something.

I sometimes make posts of a homosexual nature. They are mostly bullshit, but I, like Supra and a couple other members, have received some disturbing private messages from other members...well, propositions, really, and I just wanted to ask you guys (you know who you are) to quit it.

Yes, we talk, and banter back and forth at times, but we -- and I am speaking not just for myself, but Supra and others -- want this harassment to stop. We do not want to have gay sex with anyone. We are just bullshitting and having some fun.

I realize we have posted pictures of our penises, but they are not supposed to be used as pornography for your sexual fantasies. They are meant strictly as progress pics and maybe even for inspiration, but not for your beat off fantasy material.

Although I do not have anything against homosexuals whatsoever, I am tired of receiving PMs from guys wanting to suck off my "big, curved cock" or "chew on my tasty new foreskin"! Supra has informed me that he has received similar PMs, some even more explicit and disturbing than that, and wishes it would stop as well.

I will not be so frank and candid about my experiences and feelings if it is going to fill my mailbox with nasty PMs every time I post some sex related thread or opinion.
Oh Maaaaa, do I have to go inside? :bootyshak
You guys must freak!!
But please don't stop posting sexual shit man...I love reading it!
Matt said:
Oh Maaaaa, do I have to go inside? :bootyshak
You guys must freak!!
But please don't stop posting sexual shit man...I love reading it!

You and me both man
Yup, [words=]MoS[/words] shocks and disturbs me once again! Sorry to hear you guys are getting this stuff, it can't be easy being gay icons :O
Well, the thing is, I posted a pic of my face in the deep thoughts section so that you all could feel like you know me, and to show that Penis Enlargement is nothing to be ashamed of, and the next thing I know, I'm getting pics emailed to me of some kind of Satanic gay sex act with my face photoshopped in it. Those, along with the letter, really disturbed me. The letter was very long, descriptive and frightening. I have admitted to mild curiosity and amusement at gay or bi sex, but that is a far cry from receiving photoshopped pics of me being bound in chains and leather with dildos in my butt while some big butch dude cranks one off in my face. I mean, isn't it illegal to use someone's image in a threatening way like that?
I feel a little left out, I have recieved very few such PMs myself, and I've been a more active member for longer than yourself or Supra! I've posted WAAAY more dick picks too, wtf??? ;)

I thought u were joking at first although disturbing its still a little funny.

Im glad I havn't recieved any PM's of the homosexual nature. I would prolly play along with it. Who knows maybe they are playing with you as well.

Look out boys the Bum Pirates gonna git ya!
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kong1971 said:
but that is a far cry from receiving photoshopped pics of me being bound in chains and leather with dildos in my butt while some big butch dude cranks one off in my face.

(sorry i know you are serious but I'm cracking up here)
I sympathize with you.

No matter what we do, somewhere there is a freak with too much time and too little respect. This is why I am always a little amazed by the amount of personal information that's given out right in the forums, like universities, local hangouts, etc. Be careful, guys.

Now can I see the pics? :)
Is'nt there an ignore feature on here? If not why not PM the person back with what your concerns are? Then if you are still getting these PM's go to the admin. Why even bring it to the forum?
OK so I know all about those exercises you're supposed to do to stretch your wang and all that. I have a question -- how do you guys resist the urge to just masturbate and bust a nut? I mean, it's so pleasurable, I can't resist.. Is this a FAQ? :)

If it doesn't stop, why don't you start a Fag thread and list all the people that are known harassers and ban their asses.
This thread is one of the most entertaining yet. I have received many PM's and emails from interested men who want to get jiggy with it but I just ignore and delete them. (an easy thing when I receive over 100 PM's a day)
sikdogg said:
If it doesn't stop, why don't you start a Fag thread and list all the people that are known harassers and ban their asses.

Because we do not discriminate anyone at [words=]MoS[/words] based on sexuality or any other self freedom. As far as harassing PM's go, send them to me and I will deal with the individual.
doublelongdaddy said:
This thread is one of the most entertaining yet. I have received many PM's and emails from interested men who want to get jiggy with it but I just ignore and delete them. (an easy thing when I receive over 100 PM's a day)

You and me both man
Your thread about having sex with Supra most likely prompted these reactions, so, I suggest that you don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned.
SyncMaster said:
Your thread about having sex with Supra most likely prompted these reactions, so, I suggest that you don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned.

Who said they wanted to have sex with me? lmao:D
You are correct. It was a joke and not a very bright one. I apologize. Sometimes my sense of humor gets away from me and I do some pretty stupid things to entertain myself and others. In school, I was the class clown, and got into trouble more than once during my hijinx. I guess I should just quit complaining if I want to continue to joke around with you guys. I was just a little shocked with the pics. I had only gotten a couple mild propositions before that and didn't even think twice about it. I took them as compliments and just had a chuckle, but the photoshop pictures actually scared me a little.
ROTLMAO, you guys kill me...

sorry guys, i can't help it, this is hillarious if you are not the one being sent weird shit!

I don't see the humor, but whatever.

Kong actually seems to have felt threatened by the messages and has every right to take action, or at least to discuss it here with other members.

The point remains, though, that we're posting some pretty private shit in a very public forum and not everyone who comes in here is playing with a full deck. You have to roll with the consequences of your own actions.
No offense intended of course Kong, i wasn't expecting your comments so they caught me off guard.
Of course, if anyone is using [words=]MoS[/words] PM system to harass you say the word, the Mods are on standbay as always to open up a can of whoop-ass*

*legal notice - your definition of whoop-ass may differ from our own. Ours may involve us merely swinging handbags in a threatening manner
I'd just like to let it drop. I was caught off guard and a little embarassed. I like to bullshit and joke around here, so I will just ignore any kind of PMs like that in the future. As for the photoshop guy, I have blocked you from my e-mails. Please do not be offended, as I am only half-serious most of the time. I realize how you might have mistook me, because it is hard to read between the lines sometimes. Written words do not always convey a smirk and a wink when we are being silly. For you other guys who have been supportive and enjoy my crazy posts, don't worry. I intend to continue being my old, nutty self.
levista said:
*legal notice - your definition of whoop-ass may differ from our own. Ours may involve us merely swinging handbags in a threatening manner

While reading those first few thread I was biting my lip but I had to laugh at the thought.

The thought of Bum Blasters sending PM's seems very strange to me. You could easily expose them and then they would feel embarrassed.

Man this thread is making me piss my pants... as long as I dont start gettin the PM's about men wanting rub and tug me then it remains funny.

Although if it happens I will let you know and continue to laugh.
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AC'sGirl said:
:s I send proof

Ive had convo's wit peeps on msn who sent me lots of pics of a hot chick askin me to get naked on web cam. I tell em fuk off then they tell me "haha Im really a guy I was soo hoping you'd get naked for me.."

Bum Pirates are getting very sneaky these days.
I don't think that a hot chick can sexually harass an straight guy... I would be much more offended if AC'sGirl stopped showing her naked body. I can look at it all day...
kausion_420 said:
Ive had convo's wit peeps on msn who sent me lots of pics of a hot chick askin me to get naked on web cam. I tell em fuk off then they tell me "haha Im really a guy I was soo hoping you'd get naked for me.."

Bum Pirates are getting very sneaky these days.
I do personalized pictures.
You don't have to go to the party, but it's always nice to be invited! Right guys? Heh heh heh.

Actually, I'm surprised there aren't more homosexuals here on these forums. After all, this site is devoted to penis.

I mean, the progress pic section alone would be a mouth-watering smorgasbord to any faggot looking for dick pics.
There probably are, most of them lurkers. I have met homosexuals in my time I consider myself more of a homophobe. Most of them are very embarrassed about their status so they arent gonna come right out and let everyone know lol
kausion_420 said:
Most of them are very embarrassed about their status so they arent gonna come right out and let everyone know lol

Oh yeah? You think so? It ain't embarrassment, it's fear.

FEAR of getting your ass kicked. FEAR of losing your job, house, friends, even your life depending on where you live. FEAR that even your own parents will walk away from you.

That's why those of us who AREN'T in the closet get so pissed when someone who wouldn't know a homo from a farmer makes statements like that. It actually takes a lot of balls to be an openly gay man in this society. Anyone who is 'out' is a fkkn hero in my book.