Check this out. One or two makers out there have a style they call "Flat", or "Wide", etc.
cockring is 'bigger' (bigger? Wider) than normal, because instead of forming a 'ring', per se, its shape is more like a very short 'tube'.
That shape does several things ...
one - is that it covers more area (because it's wider) when it's applying its occlusion force, so the occlusion force can tend to be more effective..
two - is that since it fits across a wider batch of skin, it's somewhat less aggressive and 'bruisey' to the skin than a normal thinner ring if you're going to be wearing it for a while..
Online reviewers of the style seem to complain that it's too stiff to get on easily. The extra width adds material mass (it'd have to be 3 to 5 times wider than a classic ring design) which makes it more resistant to stretching. Or else they complain that they won't last very long before breaking if you're always stretching them a lot to put them on and off.
But I don't know why people don't understand this -- you don't
have to stretch a wide ring to get it on and off. Because of its wide shape, you can just (very very easily) Flip It over and over until it gets down to where you want it. By doing that, it will walk itself up and down your shaft quickly and easily without needing to be stretched. This simple hack, of how to put it on, removes both of the complaints about the design .. 'hard to get on' , 'breaks if you stretch it a lot'..
None of that needs to be done. Just flip it. All of the benefits, none of the downsides.
The only thing to note is that since the added size/material mass of the design makes it more resistant to stretching, there needs to be more sizes of it available. Presently there seems to be only one size offered, which can work great for average or maybe intermediate, but girthier brothers would want more size options so we can keep using it as we gain up.
Google search ---
Not what I'm talking about, this one is Metal, .. but the sizing information might be useful
Like this. Seems as if this style has more steam in Europe, harder to find than I would have thought.
-black with some size info | Docjohnson-Titanmen Cockring Black 45 Mm-Rings | Mooi en gezond
-blue with, well hello dear!
Titanmen Stretch Cock Ring – Blue | You Are Wonderfull Tonight
There's a style called a Jelly Sprocket which might seem the same, it is a wide style but not 'flat', I think it would be too tall to Flip, .. it would want to roll like a normal ring, which would eat up your skin and shaft hair, forcing you to stretch it.