
I have some questions about stretching and jelqing
stretching: the only stretches I feel are BTC stretches in the ligaments, other then that, upward stretches or any higher angle stretches I cant feel anything (I know they are supposed to hit the tunica) but if I cant feel a burning sensation or a stretching sensation does that mean that thy aren't doing anything and im waisting my time?

Jelqing: when you jelq at 70-80% erection and your squeezing as you go down the shaft, is it normal to not be able to squeeze a whole lot cause your dick is too hard? after I jelq for 15-20 minutes I don't have a nigger flaccid hang and instead I just have a normal flaccid, does this mean the jelqing is not effective?
Well, the burning sensation we all tend to get while stetching BTC is more of a skin stretch. When you tunica stretch you shouldn't get it. At least I don't get it and I think it is pretty normal since BTC is an angle that is extreme in its nature and might be the once to give the best stretch (not good for tunica though). To stop this burning sensation I think you should 1st stretch your skin and then go for the ligaments. I've been reading a lot about hanging recently and this is the kind of advice I got myself :). But I think it is normal, you are not wasting your time, I think.

Well, when I jelq with a 90%+ hard on and squeeze hard I can say- it is quite painful and intense (especially the glans cause it feels like it's gonna explode). As much as I want to give you a good answer to this one- I can't. This is very individual. Maybe you should increase EQ for the session, maybe you should reduce it, maybe you should increase jelq-ing time, maybe you should reduce it. I say just try all of these for 1-2 sessions and see what works best for you. What works best for me is 80-85% EQ mid intense (cause it is hard and hurts A LOT when I squeeze-jelq HARD) and for around 5-6 minutes. Anything more than that time would be WELCOME :).

I hope I was helpful. :) Do not hesitate to ask if you have any additional questions, All the best, Zam :)