Lab Grade Chemicals for Human Use

I've got a couple question about research grade chemicals for human use. I've got research grade PGE-1 and POTABA right now. Both sources say that they're not OK for human use, but they're legally required to say that so it tells me nothing. Is there any way to find out if they're OK for human use, short of trying it myself? I've heard that certain lab chemicals are tainted to avoid human use. I know ethanol is, but that might just be an exception. Any input would be helpful.
Hi Spinner, I would be tempted to try the PGE-1 myself but I hope you know that this could cause a very painful erection, so be careful.
Don't care about the pain. I checked the impurities and they list a few of them where I got it. It's just other prostaglandins listed, so I should be fine. There are only 0.3% unlisted impurities (and they're probably predominately prostaglandins), so my body is going to metabolize all 0.06 mcg of them without me noticing anything.

I'm a little more worried about the POTABA, becasue 4 grams a day translates to nearly 40 mg of impurities. I took 1 gram earlier without any sides. I'll try 2 grams tomorrow and so forth. Hopefully I won't slowly poison myself. I'm also going to email the supplier and see if I can get a list of the impurities to research it.
spinner2 said:
Don't care about the pain. I checked the impurities and they list a few of them where I got it. It's just other prostaglandins listed, so I should be fine. There are only 0.3% unlisted impurities (and they're probably predominately prostaglandins), so my body is going to metabolize all 0.06 mcg of them without me noticing anything.

I'm a little more worried about the POTABA, becasue 4 grams a day translates to nearly 40 mg of impurities. I took 1 gram earlier without any sides. I'll try 2 grams tomorrow and so forth. Hopefully I won't slowly poison myself. I'm also going to email the supplier and see if I can get a list of the impurities to research it.

Good luck with your work. Concerning your above posted question, I believe that its illegal for producers of these drugs to inform purchasers as to whether or no they are intended for human consumption. Consequently, then, the only legitimate method that you have at your disposal is to question others of your acquaintance to determine whether or not a specific supplier's drugs are manufactured for human use. Again, be careful, and best of luck.
Yeah, I post over there as Brazillionaire when Chem Penis Enlargement threads show up.

I sent an email asking for a list of impurities by chemical name and %. Hopefully they'll take my question as straightforward and give an answer, rather than read into it. Another option might be to send the powder to a lab to see what's in it.
Who is the manufacturer that you're purchasing from? If you could supply an html address I would love to look into this myself to see what else can possibly be done.
spinner2 said:
I'm a little more worried about the POTABA, becasue 4 grams a day translates to nearly 40 mg of impurities. I took 1 gram earlier without any sides. I'll try 2 grams tomorrow and so forth. Hopefully I won't slowly poison myself. I'm also going to email the supplier and see if I can get a list of the impurities to research it.

For Peyronie's treatment, my research leads me to believe that the most common Potaba dosage is 12 grams per day - ingested orally in equal intervals throughout the day. However, I'm not sure what "grade" that may be.
PenilePersist said:
For Peyronie's treatment, my research leads me to believe that the most common Potaba dosage is 12 grams per day - ingested orally in equal intervals throughout the day. However, I'm not sure what "grade" that may be.
For chemical Penis Enlargement the dose used was 4g per day. All POTABA is USP grade.
spinner2 said:
For chemical Penis Enlargement the dose used was 4g per day. All POTABA is USP grade.

I'm aware of the Chem Penis Enlargement dose. I wonder if it should be increased. I've read about Peyronie's subjects taking 12g per day for an entire year. What do you think about this?

If all Potaba is "USP grade" then why I are you asking about "Lab Grade"?
I'm a little worried about sports injury, so I don't want to relax my connective tissue too much. If 4g was enough to be effective in others, I don't want to take too much more. I'm sure 12g would be more effective, though.

I'm completely in the dark about the POTABA right now. I figured it would be lab-grade based on the source. Yes, this is equivalent to USP, so I'm completely set if it is lab-grade. I haven't been able to verify anything about it through emails. It says 'purified' on the label, and impurities are <1%. I'm just curious about whether any of those impurities are highly toxic.