jelqing prob

...can't say thats ever happened to me....

were you using some sort of lube?
were you releasing when you got to the top of the penis, or were you just like wacking it?
ggowned said:
a tiny bit of semen came out when i jelq wtf is that, i was being arroused before my workout is that why?

It's never happened to me. What erection level were you jelqing at, just curious?
i jelq at anywhere from 75% - 100% for at least an hour, and its never happened to me, thats why i'm lost as to why it happened to him...
do u mean it you precum? in that case that happens to me most of the time im jelqing.. not cum, but some sort of liquid..
oo sry yeah precum, that shit happens during foreplay and shit too o man it sucks. how can i stop that? just more kegel?
You don't stop it as it is natural lubricant that your body is putting out for sex (your cock doesn't know it is being jelqued- it just thinks it needs lubricating! Quite normal.):)