Following with water trials.
Today the intention was to repeat the same exercise from yesterday, but this time with a penis inside the tube.
The result was a failure.
I never did water pumping before and it turned out to be a challenge. You definitely need to play with fluids, vacuum and air in order to accomplish this. Of course my first attempt was just to stick my penis in horizontally, but the water quickly filled the trap and up to the pump.
After a few minutes of playing, resetting, repeating, I was able to manage it and develop a process to stick the penis in, keep the pressure agains the pubic bone, lay down in the bed and then pump so 98% of what comes out of the tube is the air gap left in the tube.
Needless to say, I had no opportunity to measure temperature. But, I managed to finally get a vacuum, with the thermocouple running inside the tube.
Tomorrow I will attempt to repeat the process, this time with everything I need next to the bed in order to continue with the experiment.
P.S.: For this step of experimentation, there is no erection induced other than the natural erection created by the vacuum. The purpose of this trial is to assess temperature management with the penis inside the tube.
On a different note, being this the first time with warm water, the expansion was unbelievable. It was definitely more girth than length expansion, but a totally different form of expansion compared to air pumping. The concept of the induced erection plus the water pumping with therapeutic temperature is attractive.
Today the intention was to repeat the same exercise from yesterday, but this time with a penis inside the tube.
The result was a failure.
I never did water pumping before and it turned out to be a challenge. You definitely need to play with fluids, vacuum and air in order to accomplish this. Of course my first attempt was just to stick my penis in horizontally, but the water quickly filled the trap and up to the pump.
After a few minutes of playing, resetting, repeating, I was able to manage it and develop a process to stick the penis in, keep the pressure agains the pubic bone, lay down in the bed and then pump so 98% of what comes out of the tube is the air gap left in the tube.
Needless to say, I had no opportunity to measure temperature. But, I managed to finally get a vacuum, with the thermocouple running inside the tube.
Tomorrow I will attempt to repeat the process, this time with everything I need next to the bed in order to continue with the experiment.
P.S.: For this step of experimentation, there is no erection induced other than the natural erection created by the vacuum. The purpose of this trial is to assess temperature management with the penis inside the tube.
On a different note, being this the first time with warm water, the expansion was unbelievable. It was definitely more girth than length expansion, but a totally different form of expansion compared to air pumping. The concept of the induced erection plus the water pumping with therapeutic temperature is attractive.