Jackxxx UltraSound Therapy Log

Following with water trials.

Today the intention was to repeat the same exercise from yesterday, but this time with a penis inside the tube.

The result was a failure.

I never did water pumping before and it turned out to be a challenge. You definitely need to play with fluids, vacuum and air in order to accomplish this. Of course my first attempt was just to stick my penis in horizontally, but the water quickly filled the trap and up to the pump.
After a few minutes of playing, resetting, repeating, I was able to manage it and develop a process to stick the penis in, keep the pressure agains the pubic bone, lay down in the bed and then pump so 98% of what comes out of the tube is the air gap left in the tube.
Needless to say, I had no opportunity to measure temperature. But, I managed to finally get a vacuum, with the thermocouple running inside the tube.

Tomorrow I will attempt to repeat the process, this time with everything I need next to the bed in order to continue with the experiment.

P.S.: For this step of experimentation, there is no erection induced other than the natural erection created by the vacuum. The purpose of this trial is to assess temperature management with the penis inside the tube.

On a different note, being this the first time with warm water, the expansion was unbelievable. It was definitely more girth than length expansion, but a totally different form of expansion compared to air pumping. The concept of the induced erection plus the water pumping with therapeutic temperature is attractive.
Hi Jackxx

so if this is working do you think it would work on gains for BPEL without US?
How much pressure?
Yesterday session: 45minutes constant pumping with IR heat pad at 45° C and my penis well wrapped with a penis wrap. Pressure started at 5hg and very slowly increased to 8hg.
Results: No fluid retention at all; Great expansion in both BPEL and girth.
The combo of therapeutic heat and penis wrap is keeping edema away. Great!
Following with water trials.

Today the intention was to repeat the same exercise from yesterday, but this time with a penis inside the tube.

The result was a failure.

I never did water pumping before and it turned out to be a challenge. You definitely need to play with fluids, vacuum and air in order to accomplish this. Of course my first attempt was just to stick my penis in horizontally, but the water quickly filled the trap and up to the pump.
After a few minutes of playing, resetting, repeating, I was able to manage it and develop a process to stick the penis in, keep the pressure agains the pubic bone, lay down in the bed and then pump so 98% of what comes out of the tube is the air gap left in the tube.
Needless to say, I had no opportunity to measure temperature. But, I managed to finally get a vacuum, with the thermocouple running inside the tube.

Tomorrow I will attempt to repeat the process, this time with everything I need next to the bed in order to continue with the experiment.

P.S.: For this step of experimentation, there is no erection induced other than the natural erection created by the vacuum. The purpose of this trial is to assess temperature management with the penis inside the tube.

On a different note, being this the first time with warm water, the expansion was unbelievable. It was definitely more girth than length expansion, but a totally different form of expansion compared to air pumping. The concept of the induced erection plus the water pumping with therapeutic temperature is attractive.
Do you think you saw a greater expansion because of the water being warm or just because water pumping produce better results? Because i've tried both air and water pumping many times but even if in the tube with water the expansion seems bigger, when I take it off I haven't noticed any difference; therefore my answer was that the heat is the real difference... What do you think Jack? Do you think water pumping can be better than air pumping at the same temp? If so, why? Thanks!
@Jackxxx do you not like to state your girth gains? I saw you didn't get back to my reply about that. You also asked me about my BPEL vs FLSBP on my thread but didn't follow up to as of why or of a way you could help with the question you asked so im just a little confused. If your just a busy man i understand, i just like to ask vets that have been in my shoes for guidance, just let me know if im wasting my time, no hard feelings.
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Do you think you saw a greater expansion because of the water being warm or just because water pumping produce better results? Because i've tried both air and water pumping many times but even if in the tube with water the expansion seems bigger, when I take it off I haven't noticed any difference; therefore my answer was that the heat is the real difference... What do you think Jack? Do you think water pumping can be better than air pumping at the same temp? If so, why? Thanks!

No idea. As mentioned, is the first time I try water pumping. Yesterday there was no temperature used, the then at the heated water which during the process of experimentation, by the time I was able to get a good seal and pump, it was already way cool below therapeutic zone. But when I came out of the tube, which was just about 10-15 minuets for the hell of it, I had an arm between my legs.
@Jackxxx do you not like to state your girth gains? I saw you didn't get back to my reply about that. You also asked me about my BPEL vs FLSBP on my thread but didn't follow up to as of why or of a way you could help with the question you asked so im just a little confused. If your just a busy man i understand, i just like to ask vets that have been in my shoes for guidance, just let me know if im wasting my time, no hard feelings.

Hey bro could you post a link to your thread? Never got the notification to reply.
No idea. As mentioned, is the first time I try water pumping. Yesterday there was no temperature used, the then at the heated water which during the process of experimentation, by the time I was able to get a good seal and pump, it was already way cool below therapeutic zone. But when I came out of the tube, which was just about 10-15 minuets for the hell of it, I had an arm between my legs.
Got it, I asked you about this because I had the same impressions a while ago, @DLD what do you think about it? Do you think water pumping may brings better results?
Anyway Jackxx what I'm trying to do now for both girth and bpel is kinda replicate the stress-relaxation principles while in the tube; For example starting at 5hg and then increasing a a half hg every 8 minutes ( everything done with a IR heat pad on)... expansions are great and seems to create less inflammation compared with other ways to pump. Do you think it can be a good approach if I calculate the strain every sessions or it is anyway a creep based system...?
'Cause at the end of the day the septum and the tunica are pretty much the same...correct?
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Got it, I asked you about this because I had the same impressions a while ago, @DLD what do you think about it? Do you think water pumping may brings better results?
Anyway Jackxx what I'm trying to do now for both girth and bpel is kinda replicate the stress-relaxation principles while in the tube; For example starting at 5hg and then increasing a a half hg every 8 minutes ( everything done with a IR heat pad on)... expansions are great and seems to create less inflammation compared with other ways to pump. Do you think it can be a good approach if I calculate the strain every sessions or it is anyway a creep based system...?
'Cause at the end of the day the septum and the tunica are pretty much the same...correct?
For instance today's session:
Pre girth 14cm
Post girth 15,2cm
Strain 8,5%
This is way too much if we consider that the limit of inflammation is 3-5%, therefore this is creep, right? But If I manage to keep the strain around 3% every session I can work with stress-relaxation even with girth.... does it make sense??
@gg00 I believe you are confusing the literature. The whole stress relaxation with strain thing is in relation to connective tissue/tendon tissue. Not tunica. The tunica is a complete different structure. The septum is part of the tunica but they are not the same. The way the tunica expands it resembles more like a mesh composed of collagen bundles of elastin and other proteins. The way the septum behaves is more similar to a tendon or ligament in which the literate we are using, applies.

I have to recognize that when it comes to BPEL we are still in complete experimental territory. One thing I know for sure, I grew in the past to my maximum potential until I reached the dead end. That dead end has been eliminated now by growing my septum. Creating that extra BPFSL. It is my perception and logic that now I should have all that extra gap to fill with BPEL as I did at some point many years ago.
Forgot to mention, try it my friend. Try it and document everything because if it works, all that data will be priceless.

In the same way I am going to try this approach for BPEL. I am not sure what it will bring, I am optimistic, but there is only one way to find out.
Currently I will be trying a protocol where I pump 5days on 2 days off for 45minutes straight with a IR heatpad on, starting from low pressure and slowly increasing a half hg every 6 minutes.... I'll keep you updated! If I feel fatigue I will take the fourth day off, otherwise 5 on 2 off.

Anyway since I've started to pump in this way my bpel gains are impressive. I'm sure your trial will bring great results! good luck jack!
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Currently I will be trying a protocol where I pump 5days on 2 days off for 45minutes straight with a IR heatpad on, starting from low pressure and slowly increasing a half hg every 6 minutes.... I'll keep you updated! If I feel fatigue I will take the fourth day off, otherwise 5 on 2 off.

Anyway since I've started to pump in this way my bpel gains are impressive. I'm sure your trial will bring great results! good luck jack!

Remember to measure every single workout before and after and log every single number. It is the only way to have an idea of progress.
@gg00 That is true, but remember my friend, here we are not healing not repairing anything. If you have to do either, then is the wrong approach for PE.

All we are doing here, specially with the US approach, is re-organizing the ECM. if there was any benefit from GH to our cause, it would probably be the ability to reach permanent reorganization faster. But as far as gains, there are no differences with or without GH. In fact, I did the experiment my self.

I did not mentioned on my log simple because the experiment was random coincidence and did not yield to any difference. During my first Period I was under GH at supernatural levels. During the second period, no GH. On my second period I gained 1.4cm compared to 2cm during the first period, but that is not attributed at all to GH use, but rather to the expanding gap between BPFSL and BPEL which is now pulling all the tissues.
@gg00 That is true, but remember my friend, here we are not healing not repairing anything. If you have to do either, then is the wrong approach for PE.

All we are doing here, specially with the US approach, is re-organizing the ECM. if there was any benefit from GH to our cause, it would probably be the ability to reach permanent reorganization faster. But as far as gains, there are no differences with or without GH. In fact, I did the experiment my self.

I did not mentioned on my log simple because the experiment was random coincidence and did not yield to any difference. During my first Period I was under GH at supernatural levels. During the second period, no GH. On my second period I gained 1.4cm compared to 2cm during the first period, but that is not attributed at all to GH use, but rather to the expanding gap between BPFSL and BPEL which is now pulling all the tissues.
By the way I'm more and more confuse about what the best approach for tunica growth would be....
In these days I've studied collagen deformation a lot and graphics shows that going above 8% of strain at a time cause plastic deformation, therefore causing a macroscopic failure(tearing of the fiber) and this is not what we want!! But streching within that point some cells will be stretched, some fibril linkages broken and the response will be fibroblast mediated proliferation=gains.View attachment 1830475

So, even for the tunica, we don't want to stretch beyond 8% (starts of plastic region) per session in order to not tear\inflame anything....correct??

This is also something very interesting from a yoga teacher that should clarify what's written above...

"Collagen fibers have a little crimp to them. Like when we crimped our hair in the 80’s. When you stretch the collagen, at first, the crimp straightens. That’s call the toe region. The collagen deforms a bit by getting longer and then the crimp returns when the load is removed.
Keep stretching (applying the load) and the tissue deforms a bit more. You’re still in the elastic region, the safe region. How much the collagen can deform is called yield (8%). As long as you stretch below the yield point, you have not done tissue damage.
But stretch beyond the yield point and you have entered the plastic region. This when fibers begin to tear. Repairing these fibers is a slow process that can take up to 2-3 years. Tearing these fibers weakens the structural integrity of the tissues. That means it won’t do the best job holding you together that it can. If you keep applying that tensile load, the ultimate fail point is the end of the game.
Now this collagen is extremely strong and resilient material. It takes a lot of force to distend the tissue. So tearing your own connective tissue apart during a yoga pose, barring unforeseen accidents, isn’t too likely. However, entering the plastic region is not only possible, but depending on your genetics, also likely in certain yoga poses. Distend the tissue between 4% – 8% and you’re in the plastic region. That is not a typo. Four percent, 4%, is not a lot!!!!
Here’s the good news. Finally.
These collagen fibers are constantly remodeling and turning over. The cells are actually signaled to remodel the collagen based on the stretch they sense. Even the cells are little mechanical entities. Neat, huh?
Essentially, the properties of these connective tissues adapt to stretching loads. They will adjust their strength, stiffness (stiff is good in a biomechanical context), length, and yield points based on the stretching loads. As long as you don’t damage the collagen by distending the tissues into the plastic region. Repairing tissue damage is not the same as turnover and remodeling – the difference is something for another post.
In summary, stretch frequently and stretch without overloading. How do you do that? Stick with me, follow my blog, and all will be revealed in time. "
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Thank you so much Jack! You’re always so knowledgeable!
Anyway how is your BPEL trial going?

Haven't started yet. I need to do a couple more testing with the water and the temperate inside the tube before I apply it to living tissues.
Haven't started yet. I need to do a couple more testing with the water and the temperate inside the tube before I apply it to living tissues.
Which kind of approach are you going to have for this trial? Still monitoring strain, load and stress similar to what you’ve done for bpfsl or you’re gonna change it?
@gg00 This is different since it is strictly for BPEL. Pumping in water at therapeutic temperature. This is all experimental while applying anecdotal experience plus existing literature in tendon tissue.

The existing anecdotal experience includes growth under controlled induced priapism with PGE-1. To this I will add pumping heating up the tissues (hopefully) to 42 degrees celsius. I say hopefully because an erected penis acts as a cooling device since the huge amount of blood running inside at lower temperature will keep the tissues cooler. However, if I heat the water at say 44-45, I perhaps will accomplish to keep the tunica at a range of 40-42. At the same time, I will apply a progressive vacuum pressure. Increasing by 1hg at a time, the base will be 0 at a 100% erection. Over that, 1hg of vacuum pressure will be applied to that 100% erection every 3 minutes all the way up to 10hg. That would be a set of 30 minutes.

That is the raw idea of the experiment.
Very similar to the approach I had for girth... always staying in the 5-8% strain per session?

I believe that to be too much, and difficult to achieve on an erection. Optimal strain for BPFSL is 3% However, as I have entertained before, that strain is relative. Because the strain on a penis that is 16cm will be way bigger than the strain on a penis that is 25cm. For a large penis of 25cm or more, it needs to stretch way more to achieve the same strain percentage. So the more you grow, the more the strain decrease, naturally. It is physically impossible to achieve always the same strain as you grow.
@Jackxxx during your BPFSL periods how was your erection quality? Especially few hours after training… did you feel any kind of fatigue and/or decrease in EQ?
@gg00 No, and you should not. Quite the opposite, I had increased EQ. At some point during the first Period I had slight decreased EQ from the enlargement of the septum, and I believe that is what contributed to my BPEL going from 22cm to 23.5cm After that, everything was a fine.
Great! I didn’t know your BPEL has grown so much in your first BPFSL period… this is the proof that therapeutic heat and stress-relaxation works excellently for tunica as well…

I was surprised, but it all makes sense. if your BPFSL = BPEL, and you start a US protocol, of course you will be pulling strictly septum. Therefore only your BPFSL will be affected. But once you reach a specific threshold, which I dont know which one was in my case, there is a point in which you cant pull just septum forever. eventually, the other tissues will be compromised and pulled along too. At this point, strain will decrease unavoidably, because there will be more resistance to the weight, but as a result, tissues like tunica will be stretched and will grow.
I was surprised, but it all makes sense. if your BPFSL = BPEL, and you start a US protocol, of course you will be pulling strictly septum. Therefore only your BPFSL will be affected. But once you reach a specific threshold, which I dont know which one was in my case, there is a point in which you cant pull just septum forever. eventually, the other tissues will be compromised and pulled along too. At this point, strain will decrease unavoidably, because there will be more resistance to the weight, but as a result, tissues like tunica will be stretched and will grow.
I was surprised, but it all makes sense. if your BPFSL = BPEL, and you start a US protocol, of course you will be pulling strictly septum. Therefore only your BPFSL will be affected. But once you reach a specific threshold, which I dont know which one was in my case, there is a point in which you cant pull just septum forever. eventually, the other tissues will be compromised and pulled along too. At this point, strain will decrease unavoidably, because there will be more resistance to the weight, but as a result, tissues like tunica will be stretched and will grow.
Nice! So glad you’re about to start a protocol very close to mine… still 3 days on 2 days off?
Right now I’m experimenting with training frequency and the best options I found out are 2 on 1 off and 3 on 2 off… Can’t really tell what’s best… However, going more than 3 days straight will decrease strain and increase tension in the penis while training, so it’s probably a bad idea…
In a month I’ll post my results hopefully with good news….
That is still up for debate juts like the use of steroids in bodybuilding. If you ask any professional coach or athlete, they will tell you to exercise naturally, gain as much as you can, learn to know you body, master the diet, the execution of each exercise, then once you depleted your natural genetic potential you use steroids to push you up to the next level.

I believe this to be the same. if your BPFSL is significantly more than your BPEL, no need to worry about this therapy at this point since you will see gains in BPEL from conventional PE. But if your BPFSL is equal to your BPEL, you will benefit from this approach in creating that gap for potential BPEL.

And of course if you've been in this for a long time and your gains stopped, there are high chances that your BPFSL is equal to your BPEL due to toughening of the septum over time.

I'm one of those the bolded part of your message is referring to. I really need to do this procecess.

If i do this approach and create space for BPFSL, will BPEL come automatically during the period of doing the exercise or when?
I'm one of those the bolded part of your message is referring to. I really need to do this procecess.

If i do this approach and create space for BPFSL, will BPEL come automatically during the period of doing the exercise or when?

It will yes to some degree. As you stretch and elongate the septum, it cannot grow indefinitely leaving behind all the other tissues. Therefore, is is unavoidable at some point the other tissues around get involved and pulled out too. At this point, strain will decrease, because now you will have the resistance and pull of the septum plus the other tissues. Common sense will tell to increase weight/tension/force, but that it a mistake due to the risk of causing inflammation or deformation. At that point you stop and work on BPEL strictly.
Nice! So glad you’re about to start a protocol very close to mine… still 3 days on 2 days off?
Right now I’m experimenting with training frequency and the best options I found out are 2 on 1 off and 3 on 2 off… Can’t really tell what’s best… However, going more than 3 days straight will decrease strain and increase tension in the penis while training, so it’s probably a bad idea…
In a month I’ll post my results hopefully with good news….

I believe for BPEL this experimental approach is better every single day since it is based on erection for which there structures are intended for. During puberty one of the things that hep the penis grow is the constant erections under the right hormonal environment.

Also, under normal health conditions, the penis is erected for most of the night, every night. For this purpose and intention, the body does not know about 3 days on 2 off. Therefore I would approach this every day.
It will yes to some degree. As you stretch and elongate the septum, it cannot grow indefinitely leaving behind all the other tissues. Therefore, is is unavoidable at some point the other tissues around get involved and pulled out too. At this point, strain will decrease, because now you will have the resistance and pull of the septum plus the other tissues. Common sense will tell to increase weight/tension/force, but that it a mistake due to the risk of causing inflammation or deformation. At that point you stop and work on BPEL strictly.

Please how much do you think it would cost me to buy everything needed for this routine?
I believe for BPEL this experimental approach is better every single day since it is based on erection for which there structures are intended for. During puberty one of the things that hep the penis grow is the constant erections under the right hormonal environment. Also, under normal health conditions, the penis is erected for most of the night, every night. For this purpose and intention, the body does not know about 3 days on 2 off. Therefore I would approach this every day.

This is absolutely correct. Thanks for the clarification.
This makes me wonder if the right hormonal environment is important even after puberty for our purpose. Obviously, working erect requires testosterone but I don’t think ECM will be influenced by hormones… However, hormones are essential for penis enlargement, but my question is whether ECM could be influenced by testosterone/dht or not…?
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This is absolutely correct. Thanks for the clarification.
This makes me wonder if the right hormonal environment is important even after puberty for our purpose. Obviously, working erect requires testosterone but I don’t think ECM will be influenced by hormones… However, hormones are essential for penis enlargement, but my question is whether ECM could be influenced by testosterone/dht or not…?

No hormones will not make your dick grow unless you suffer from micropenis or are a woman trying to transition into a man, in that case the clitoris will grow with hormones.

All you need for optimal erectile tissue and overall tissue health is a natural healthy hormonal system. That is achieved by essential nutrients and avoiding drugs, junk food, processed foods, gluten, and a few other things.
Finally back on the site… have you started your BPEL trial jack?

Yes but not in a consistent way. I have done enough sessions to develop a process and technique, such as there is no need to do it in the shower, or sit in a bath tub, etc. I do it completely dry with warm water inside the pump and I lay in bed with it. I lately just dont have the time to allocate all of that for my dick. I wish I had but we live with money, not with big dicks.
Ok, got it now thanks! I also applied better the US that the light stopped going on and off and felt the heat perfectly.. you were right!

One more question: do I need to warm up my penis at the beginning before applying tension? Sould I be in a warm environment?

To answer this question first, no. You do not need to warm up. The stress relaxation take care of that. Part of the purpose of this protocol is to do the cold stress relaxation and then the US stress relaxation.

Answering you previous questions, as @Morphosis said, the rubber bands are for stabilizing the tension, because your body will never be perfectly still like a monument. There will always be minor moving, leaning, vibration, etc. The rubber bands cushion and reduce this fluctuations on the load.

To add weights without messing the tension, you use engineering. Just plain imagination. In my case, I sit in a tall chair on my kitchen counter, the tension is applied by 200gr increments on a basket down the pulley. I have all the increments next to me on the counter, so I just grab one and drop it in the basket next to me coming down the pulley. Or, you can use that handle @Morphosis suggested.
Ok guys, thank you for your help. As far as the Pge-1 is concerned: 1) where can we buy it safely? Is there an option to buy it from Europe? 2) how do we apply/inject it on ourselves? 3) is there a dosage protocol? I found some stuff on line but I really need your insights..

Through your doctor. He will apply it to you in the office/clinic to measure blood flow and reaction and prescribe the proper starting dose for you.
@Jackxxx Id like to ask you if you ejaculate after pe sessions... I mean, in this last period I use to have sex basically everyday and i notice ejaculating slow down so much recovery and kinda create some tension in the shaft that last at least 24hours making the tissue harder to expand.... what do you think about it? Especially if I PE during the day, have sex at night, I will wake up the next morning with my penis feeling so exhausted only if I ejaculate....
Most of the time I don't, but when I do cum after, I notice too that feeling of fatigue like working out a muscle to failure which is a good thing, because that is the smooth muscle inside the tunica. Depending on your diet and age, you should recover smooth muscle pretty quick though.
@Jackxxx Question 1how long have been doing PE for?
Question 2 How much you have gained using hands only?

Question 3 Do you really think there's a limit for gains?

Question 4 Do you do PE everyday?

Question 5 Does your lady bothers you or gets mad when you do PE

How do you motivate yourself ? What goes through your mind when you are doing P.E.?

Thanks ?

1. Almost lost track but approximately since 1998
2. Not sure. Never did hands only, it was always hands with hanging, pump, traction device. But before US I gained some 1.5-2 inches.
3. There is a limit for gains from conventional approaches, but it seems like there are ways to alter that genetic potential. It all comes down to gene expression, but also to the ability of the tissues to reorganize at a cellular level.
4. No.
5. There is no lady right here right now, but if there was, my body my choice.
6. Women. I just love the comments from women, and I guess is a huge boost of confidence to know that your are way over average, and probably the biggest in the room most of the time. Its all just psychological. Perhaps no practical application, just psychological. However, when it comes to sex, women do prefer size, as long as it is used the proper way.
Did you try with a wrap or sleeve? Personally I use a cotton wrap quite tight and I get no fluid retention at all....

No because I have been experimenting with water pumping and temperature. With a wrap, I would prevent the hot water to influence the tissues and would defeat the purpose.
Through your doctor. He will apply it to you in the office/clinic to measure blood flow and reaction and prescribe the proper starting dose for you.

Hello Jackxxx, I visited my urologist and and he explained how to do the injections and the starting dosage, he said to start with 0.5ml for full erection for 1.5 hours and If this doesn't work to increase the dosage to 1ml. However, is there a protocol as far as the pge-1 is concerned for girth gains? What is the target? Full erection or partial erection? And for how long?

Ps: is there a thread for this?
It is a very unknown territory when it comes to the use of PGE-1. There are no standards protocols, however there is research paper on the effects of PGE-1 and smooth muscle growth. For that, erections of 6+ hours are necessary, which is what I was doing myself to promote growth and it worked. However, there are a couple of things to consider. This is a controlled priapism which in itself can be dangerous. first you need to determine the grade of low flow priapism. If PGE-1 cause you to reach total occlusion of the veins, you're in trouble. It is considered at at around 4 hours of total occlusion, cells start to die in the trapped blood. If your priapism is not 100% low flow or ischemic, then there is no problem. As long as blood flows, you are safe. In my case, my erection becomes 100%, but without total occlusion. That means I can stay hard forever, just dealing with the pain caused by the vasodilator.
1) how is it possible to have a 100% erection without total occlusion?
2) if I have let's say a 90% erection am I ok as far as cell death is concerned? Is it enough for growth? And if not what percentage is necessary?
3) what dosages dis you use?
4) do you have that paper?

Thanks again for sharing your valuable knowledge
100% erection is not necessarily related to level of occlusion. As long as the flow coming in is higher than the flow going out, you will reach 100% erection anyways. I believe there is a genetic factor in which some people might be designed to somehow their bodies prevent a total occlusion. Could it be in my case that I exercise my penis for so many years before? I dont know.

With a 90% erection you will be ok as far as cell growth, but 90% is not enough for growth. The purpose of the vasodilator is to keep that internal pressure on the tunica walls for a certain amount of time.

I never used more than 2.5mcg. Usually 0.5mg gives me 45 mins to an hour.

I have tried to find that paper once again for a long time but it doesnt seem to be available anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if they took it down on purpose due to the successful results of PGE-1 induced growth.
I think the combo PGE-1 with low pressure pumping at the right temp can yield amazing results and breake any plateau regarding girth growth. When you did your period with pge-1, you were using it along with daily pumping, Jack?

No. I was using a pump sporadically, but not as a protocol part of PGE-1 use. Further more, I believe today the pump to be secondary as part of that protocol. I believe the gains came from the tissues exposed to a 100% erection for an extended period of time. That is, 4+ hours. I believe proper nutrition, plus enhanced hormonal environment, plus temperature and a controlled priapism is the way to go. The pump could be used towards the end of each session in a controlled manner. The problem is, who has the time to spend 4-6 hours hard. I was doing it at night while asleep, but there are times in which the erection still last at least an hour after waking up.
Hey Jack hows the progress been coming along? Any new gains to report?

Not lately. The attempt to water pump for an hour under UV light and PGE-1 has not provided any difference, which proves at least to me that in terms of erect exercise there is nothing better than erections for an extended period of time 4+ hours.

Meanwhile, I plan to begin a third Period of Ultrasound in December hopefully. There is still room for improvement there.

When it comes to US protocol, I will incorporate 2 changes. 1. A better professional custom made vacuum cup 2. A new way to dispense tension automatically instead of manually adding incremental weights.
Not even in girth? Weird because for me is working...

Luckily, not in girth. And I say luckily because my last priority at this point is girth. My main focus is length, and girth gains take away potential length gains. In fact, once I put some thought on the pumping approach with a big tube and water, I realized I might harm length by applying work on girth.

I will stick to the US program for now, until I deplete that route which seems to be still far away in the horizon. Previous 2 Periods provided outstanding results and I foresee a successful third period.
Luckily, not in girth. And I say luckily because my last priority at this point is girth. My main focus is length, and girth gains take away potential length gains. In fact, once I put some thought on the pumping approach with a big tube and water, I realized I might harm length by applying work on girth.

I will stick to the US program for now, until I deplete that route which seems to be still far away in the horizon. Previous 2 Periods provided outstanding results and I foresee a successful third period.
What was your training frequency? Daily? Personally If I don' t train every single day I just don't gain at all. If I feel fatigue I just cut pressure and time in half for that day and by the day after I usually gained 1mm, where If I just skip the day completely I wuoldn' t see progress at all.
100% erection is not necessarily related to level of occlusion. As long as the flow coming in is higher than the flow going out, you will reach 100% erection anyways. I believe there is a genetic factor in which some people might be designed to somehow their bodies prevent a total occlusion.

How sb know that he is in the state of total occlusion?

Moreover, when you are in an US session and have your own is over the leg to capture the microwaves to induce heat, I believe that the penis is on the right or the left side. Does the fact that it is not straight matter? Do you switch sides?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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