As a former Research Engineer, this is my favorite PE thread ever. The fact that you are sticking thermocouples on your dick to monitor temperature, I friggin love it. Down the road, when there is a wealth of data, you should look into what it would take to automate some of this stuff, The JackXXX Dick Lengthening Gym doesn't have to be a meme, its the potential future of PE. Hats off to
@Jackxxx, you sir are at the forefront of Penis Enlargement Science. As you have said, this is an application of hard science to the game, and a possible HUGE step forward for the entire field. In the decades to come, when men go the the Dick Gym to do their Daily Ultra Sonic lengthening routine, they'll have you to thank for it.
Bravo brother, I am following this thread and plan to deep dive into the requisite science behind it following the end of my finals season. I would love to build myself a set up like you have over the summer, but as you have mentioned, this is applied science, and I want the information first so that I can apply it and interpret the data properly to get the results I want. Keep it going man, love this stuff.
Thank you so much Sir, I really appreciate your words, specially coming from somebody with your background as an engineer. Once upon a time I went to university for Industrial Civil Engineering and Information Technology. Never graduated form the former, but one of the things I acquired from that was the engineering "mindset" to approach most obstacles.
In order to be fair, I must say that this is not just me and only me. I am just one tip of a group of people approaching this topic with science and engineering. In fact, members such as Kyrpa, Manko, Tutt, and a few others have been the pioneers of this research. Specifically Kyrpa who has contributed so much with literature and applied science in hundreds of pages, developing this current protocol that has produces substantial positive results.
Once again, I highly value your appreciation for this from an engineering and scientific standpoint, because this is simply, applied science. There are many variables that we are still working on, but as we research and experiment, we lay the foundation for the future established protocol. The method and technology we have it, now is a matter of tweaking factors such as time, tension, temperature, and the most difficult, gene expression.
As far as "automating" this stuff, of course. Why not. Novel ideas already crossed my mind. And as crazy as it sounds, just like Science Fiction, is a projection of possible scenarios of our own future.
One possible automated system I see is a tube with a robotic arm connected to a User Interface software with integrated Artificial Intelligence. Our software development capabilities are very advanced today, by the time this concept could possibly be developed AI will be at a level that will require minimum human control. In fact, the user interface will instruct the human, not the other way around. UI will interrogate the user to create a profile, and the "tube" will scan the penis mapping it to create a 3D rendering of the member.
Now, what is the "tube". The tube is composed by the following main components: A traction device, a heating source, set of thermistors, set of thermostats, infrared thermometer, HD cameras.
The traction device is in the shape of a ring at the end of the tube. Its function is to grab the penis behind the glans, constrict in the same manner a human sphincter constricts, and pull. This will be the source of the tension. of course, tension will be measured automatically by software integrated in the UI, no need for physical
The heating source is based on radio frequencies. RF provide heat with more accuracy than Ultra Sound, and does not require physical contact. This functional RF equipment is currently extremely expensive for average user access. Tutt, who has done extensive research applying this protocol on his penis with RF, has an equipment of 20K+ at home in order to replicate the exercise. In my concept of this "tube" I picture a system of 3 rings that as they start emitting the radio frequencies, the rings start spinning inside the tube one clockwise, the next counterclockwise, and the next clockwise at a determined number of revolutions that will create a stable internal environment of RF in all 360 degrees of the penis.
The reason for thermistors, thermostats and IR thermometer, is because by software algorithm we can combine the data and determine the internal temperature of the penis, eliminating once again physical contact.
The cameras will not only map and recognize the biological structure but they will also measure and calculate strain.
The combination of all these components will allow for the software to automate the complete protocol.
One extra feature that crossed my mind, but this goes well beyond our reach as far as current science, and the only reason why this crossed my mind is because I have been obsessed for so many years with Anti Gravity research, is the incorporation of magnets and electric current in these spinning rings of Radio Frequencies. By creating an electro magnetic field and following the Lorentz Force, we could slow down the blood flow inside the penis causing a tremendous optimization of heat. But this is just fantasy crossing my mind beyond any possibility of even being able to develop this robotic concept of PE.