Jackxxx UltraSound Therapy Log


well known member
I decided to create a new thread that will follow a log of my therapy. Keep in mind, I am about to start my second period of UltraSound.

First period gave amazing results. As mentioned before throughout the years, my length growth stopped several years ago due to severe Septum toughening, which becomes the dead end, game over. Nothing worked for that until now that scientific research has been applied for tendon and ligament tissue lengthening through UltraSound Therapy. For the past 3 years a small group of members has been researching and studying the literature, applying and replicating the scientific research, successfully. I started following them some 2 years ago and finally applied the science myself last year, replicating their successful exercise, and of course the science follows. For the first time in almost 10 years I was able to grow 2 full centimeters of BPFSL. That is almost 1 inch in 6 weeks.

I took enough time off, keeping only a maintenance routine, and I am ready to now start a second period toward the foot of length.

BPFSL as of right now is 24cm or 9.44 inches. I expect with this period to reach the milestone of 25.4cm which equals exactly 10 inches. The more the better, but the goal is 10 inches with this period in order to keep a smooth consistent growth. The ultimate goal is 12 inches of BPEL, but 13 would be ideal. That is over a foot of dick.
As I prepare to start my Second period, this time in a more “professional” way with a fully functioning setup, I wanted to share with everybody what I have put together in efforts to follow the science, monitor, track and log all the variables required for successful UltraSound therapy. The main components to track and follow are strain and temperature.

Keep in mind, this is what I personally came up with. Components are very simple, easy to find, most of them have been talked about here before, follow and read the threads, and with minimum imagination and basic google search skills you can put together a fully functioning setup suitable for your space and conditions.

With that being said, the first thing to determine is where to perform the daily routine. In my case, I do it in my kitchen. I have a big kitchen island, I sit on a high pretty much bar high chair that put my legs some 8 inches below the counter top.

Therefore as you can see in these 2 pictures, under the counter top is where I will install the pulley. Under the countertop is wood material, making it very easy to screw hook large enough to sustain the required weight. In the picture the red dot indicates approximately where the pulley will be installed. Since my legs will be on top of the chair, my penis will be leaning over my left leg, towards the red dot. Now keep in mind, the penis has to be flush with the leg pretty much horizontal with the pulley. The pulley I am using is 5 inches long, plus the hook on the countertop will be some 6 inches hanging down which puts me very close horizontal with my phallic apparatus. If height adjustment was necessary, this can be accomplished very easily by adding an S-hook in between the pulley and the countertop hook in order to lower the pulley. If the pulley was already too low and needed to go up, I can remove the carabineer clip and install a smaller s-hook. Again, you will have to play with your variables, reality, conditions.
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After the therapy area has been identified, now it comes the necessary equipment for the exercise itself. The first thing on the penis itself, is temperature monitoring. For that, I am using a K-type device with 4 thermocouple. All 4 monitor temperature simultaneously in real time. Thermocouples will be installed on dorsal side, directly on top of the septum on centimeter 2, 7, 12 and 17 respectively. In order to secure them I will use small square pieces of gorilla tape.
Now onto what is coming out of the penis. I will be using a vacuum cup, same one I was using before, it is a smaller size that covers 90% of my glans. That way I get as much shaft exposed as possible to treat with heat. Immediately out of the vacuum cup I will have a set of 6 short rubber bands that act as a buffer. Or cushioning. It is required to stay still as much as possible during this therapy, but we are not dead bodies. There will be some unavoidable movement, vibration, etc. In order to diminish as much as possible these up and down variations in tension due to involuntary movement, is that I have come up with the idea of the rubber bands. Picture the suspension system of a car. Without it, it would be an extremely rough ride, like being inside an earthquake. The suspension in the car makes a smooth ride. Same principle behind the 6 rubber bands. Why 6? because I tested them holding them in one finger and the scale on the other side, then pulling 2-3kg to asses response and behavior. 6 of them provide optimal buffering. Where did I get them? from the garbage at work. They were packaging material. As mentioned before, you need to come up with your own ideas according to your setup, reality, conditions.
After the rubber bands I have the scale that will be monitoring tension, strain. This one device is excellent, it has been mentioned several times in Kyrpa’s thread, is very affordable, and has the option to stay on eternally measuring tension in real time at all times.
Following the scale will finally come the cable or rope. I do not have this item yet, simply because I believe I will use just a nylon rope. Thick and strong enough too sustain up to 5kg of weight, and thin enough to go through the small pulley.
And of course here is the pulley where the rope will go through.
Finally, at the end of the rope there will be the weight. Since we are monitoring strain, and working on stress relaxation, I will be using balance weights. Each piece is 200 grams, which makes it very easy and convenient to increase tension gradually and work on strain. And since this is all experimentation, perhaps even weight of only 100 grams would be better, but based on my experience during my first period, I have confidence that increments of 200 grams will be ok. I have not received the weights yet, they are being shipped, but the way this will work, I will use a basket hanging from the end of the rope, and I will simply add the weight into the basket as required to increase tension. I ordered 3.5kg in balance weights which I believe will be more than enough for the desired Strain during the therapy on each session.

So the components together will look something like this: The vacuum cup, the rubber bands (actually in the picture is scale first, then rubber bands, I have not fully decided yet in which order they will be, I believe it will be vacuum cup and rubber bands first, then scale) rope, pulley, weights. That is the sequence. And of course the thermometer device on the penis.

Keep in mind, you need space. In my case I have 24cm of penis, plus the vacuum cup, plus the rubber bands (4cm), plus the scale (18cm including its hook), that is a total of some 46cm, some foot and a half plus connecting s-hooks in between before the rope even starts. So when you design your own setup, take into account all that necessary space to determine how far you install the pulley.
Once I receive the weights I will put everything together, install it and take pictures of the whole apparatus. It is not complex, it just requires the proper tools, spacing and measurements to make it work properly.
excellent write-up...looking forward to seeing your progress.

just curious, do you think the infra-red technology would work while inserted in The MityVac?

Well, with infrared technology there are 2 separate applications. First, is the therapeutic effects of IRL. Among other things it helps with blood vessels growth and health, skin regeneration, etc. Second, is the temperature required for collagen remodeling when we are workingout our dicks.

The first therapeutic use I doubt you will get it while being inside the tube. This therapy is done applied directly to the skin, and in fact there is science behind, is not just locker room application. Science specify distance from the skin, watts of the light or if it is LED, temperature required for skin surface, time of application. I am not familiar with that science because is not of my interest.

For the second, the one I am interested is the temperature required in tendon/ligament tissue for collagen remodeling. It is my belief that while being inside the tube, you will be able to reach that desired temperature through an IRL. The big question is, how do you know. Therefore it will be imperative to improvise a way to monitor temperature in real time in your penis while being inside the tube under the IRL in order to follow the correct parameters.
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There is one key element that I left outside of the setup by accident. I was alerted about it by one of the US experienced members. This key element I had left outside is what makes the difference between strain and creep. Strain is the ideal way to exercise the septum and is the way I will do it. What I had left outside is the clamp. Once tension is applied in the penis through the rope, pulley, weight basket system, a clamp must be applied on the rope right where it enters the pulley. What this does is to lock that tension, not allowing the weight to apply a constant force to the penis. This way, as the penis experience the "relaxation", the scale will monitor that decrease in tension. Once tension settles after a few minutes, the clamp is released, tension re-applied, weight increased as needed. That is Strain. I will post a pic of the clamp tomorrow.
I bought the hooks that I needed, here are some pics of my complete setup. I will probably start tomorrow. The pictures show the complete setup, the scale, the rubber bands, the weights, and then a picture with the clamp on the rope, where it enters the pulley. The whole thing with only one 200grams of weight, records almost exactly 0.5kg on the scale. The picture os the full setup is with 4kg of weight, for stress testing purposes. BTW, I am holding the whole thing from the vacuum cup. Of course eventually will be held by the head of the snake.
As just updated in the pictures, I have the complete setup installed. That is how it looks.

Now as far as demonstration, I will attempt in the near future to do a video in which I can safely conceal my dick. As I was explaining somebody else the other day, as our community has grown and reach all corners of our society, these forums have become some sort of target for perverts. I've had a few people asking me for "motivational full body nude pics" or asking where in which thread I have posted pics of my dick. Motivational my ass. Therefore I will not expose my dick, unless eventually I strictly post measuring pictures. So I will try to do a video depicting from the vacuum cup and down the line in the setup.
@Jackxxx, I remenber reading that you or kyrpa (I dont recall correctly, which forum or thread it was) about doing 1 day on - 1 day off, resulting in +3mm per week, ending with 1.2cm = 0.47-0.50 inch per month (on average, if done correctly)(+3mm x 4 weeks)

My question is: It's your routine 3 times per week? Or your philosophy is an entire month/s on until x cm/ x Inches are achieved, then rest phases?

Also, do you think is there any limit for how much you can keep gainning(flex) just from ULTRASOUND?

And lastly, I am confused a bit about the whole setup ventral and dorsal, would you in the near future do a Demo with a prop to enlighten us?

Hello friend,

The current consensus as far as routine is 3 days on, 2 days off, for a period of 6 weeks working on strain. Regardless of amount of gain achieved, 6 weeks seems to be a safe period to avoid any type of inflammation, fatigue or overwork of the tissues while providing enough time for therapeutic results. This was my approach during my first period, with some extra days off in between but a total of 6 weeks, and this yielded pretty much exactly what you quoted, 2 centimeters of BPFSL in 6 weeks. Almost 1 inch.

Thats the million dollar question. We dont know at this point in time when the gains stop, if it varies from person to person, if they only slow down or if they completely stop, we dont know. It will take us a long time to answer this. The complete remodeling of the septum takes around 2 years. That is the time that it takes for the collagen fibers and fibrils to reorganize permanently. This is a biological process that cannot be altered, just like growing up in puberty.

As explained before, I will not film my dick directly, but perhaps I could do it with a dildo. However, its pretty simple. The top portion of your dick is the dorsal side. The bottom of your dick is the ventral side. The sound waves of the Ultrasound at 1Mhz have depth value of 2.3cm. That means, when your dick is stretched and flattened, if you apply the ultrasound on the top of it (dorsal side), the heat will reach the bottom side (ventral side) And since we are targeting the septum, this runs on top of your dick when you stretch it out. On the dorsal side. Therefore in order to heat up that area, you need to apply the ultrasound on the bottom side of your dick, the ventral side. To make this application easy, is that when we put our dick over the leg, we bundle it. Twist it. One turn, so it rest on your leg upside down. Leaving the top side of the penis (dorsal side) resting against the leg, and the bottom side (ventral side) facing up where the Ultrasound is applied.
Hello friend,

The current consensus as far as routine is 3 days on, 2 days off, for a period of 6 weeks working on strain. Regardless of amount of gain achieved, 6 weeks seems to be a safe period to avoid any type of inflammation, fatigue or overwork of the tissues while providing enough time for therapeutic results. This was my approach during my first period, with some extra days off in between but a total of 6 weeks, and this yielded pretty much exactly what you quoted, 2 centimeters of BPFSL in 6 weeks. Almost 1 inch.

Thats the million dollar question. We dont know at this point in time when the gains stop, if it varies from person to person, if they only slow down or if they completely stop, we dont know. It will take us a long time to answer this. The complete remodeling of the septum takes around 2 years. That is the time that it takes for the collagen fibers and fibrils to reorganize permanently. This is a biological process that cannot be altered, just like growing up in puberty.

As explained before, I will not film my dick directly, but perhaps I could do it with a dildo. However, its pretty simple. The top portion of your dick is the dorsal side. The bottom of your dick is the ventral side. The sound waves of the Ultrasound at 1Mhz have depth value of 2.3cm. That means, when your dick is stretched and flattened, if you apply the ultrasound on the top of it (dorsal side), the heat will reach the bottom side (ventral side) And since we are targeting the septum, this runs on top of your dick when you stretch it out. On the dorsal side. Therefore in order to heat up that area, you need to apply the ultrasound on the bottom side of your dick, the ventral side. To make this application easy, is that when we put our dick over the leg, we bundle it. Twist it. One turn, so it rest on your leg upside down. Leaving the top side of the penis (dorsal side) resting against the leg, and the bottom side (ventral side) facing up where the Ultrasound is applied.

AHHHH! Thanks for clarifying. That pretty much explains it!

What I meant with the prop/dildo part was not to come like: "Oh yeah show us your dick" It was more like on the lines with what @DLD did with "Slow Squash Jelq" video, to serve like a Demostration, it will show people how to do it properly, and in this particular sport that we all practice, injuries are very common. Also It will pretty much solve any privacy concerns.

Also I can see, that many new people will jump GUNG-HO to Ultrasound for "fast gainz BABY"(fail). Because at the end of the day, someone will try to replicate it, fuck up and end up with some type of E.D, or be lucky enough:O to not get injured (Even tho its only remodelling), but the Apoptosis? is scary tho. Anyway, thats my 2 cents.
Hi Jackxxx.

Top of the line post brother.

I read all of Krypa, Mang0s, tut, and your post "elsewhere". (*I love MOS products and DLD Moderation here!)

I got the US Pro 6 weeks ago and started soon after. When I get time I will post my setup. although not as immaculate as yours. mine definitely works.

I bought the Perfect Prime TC9815 today. My handheld thermometer has been a pain to work with.

Only reason I haven't posted "elsewhere" is because my lack of taking good data and I feel slightly ashamed for that as I know it would help the brotherhood.

My little addition for the conversation today is how I approach the over the leg pull. I use a heating pad(on low) wrapped in a towel where I stretch for 20-30 mins before US. Before I start the US I drench the area where my penis will lay on. I personally found it to works great.

*advice to anyone considering. Buy 5L of US Gel, dont be shy when using.

*To DLD, when my work slows down I will be starting a threat reviewing all of the products ive bought from here and how great your Sales team has been.

Hello player,

And what have been your results? contributing with data is very easy. Just measure yourself BPFSL right before exercising, measure once again immediately after finishing your session. That is the Pre BPFSL, the Post BPFSL and from both comes the strain percentage. I see you are completely skipping the stress relaxation?
Beginning Roll Program

Start of Period 2.

Pre BPFSL 24cm
Post BPFSL 24.2cm
Strain 0.8%

As this was the first run with this new setup, I have some observations that I need to address and correct on order to improve the application:

1. I started with only 0.5kg. This was rather too low tension, as the clamp was almost too heavy for the whole setup. Tomorrow I will start with 1kg.

2. This clamp specifically is not efficient. It is too big and heavy, even though is made out of plastic. It has an excellent grip, but its weight makes it hang from the rope, altering the existing tension. Also, its big tip does not efficiently locks in place in the entrance of the pulley. A “needle nose” type would be better, and smaller in size. I will look for that.

3. Do to the extra gadgets attached, connector hooks, scale, rubber bands, once I twist my penis over my leg, it tends to try to roll back to its original position by twisting the whole setup. I will have to engineer a way to make this whole connection solid once hooked up together. This effects corrects itself as tension increase, but at the beginning it becomes unstable.

On a different note, the vacuum cup behaved perfectly due to the less weight. I did not pass 2.5kg. Perhaps that is too low for 24cm of length? That remains to be answered as the Period continues. This weight is definitely less than what I used during my first Period.

I will address each step at a time. Tomorrow I will start with 1kg of weight, and will add at the end one more increment of 200gr.

The temperature monitoring is excellent. The gorilla tape is excellent. It sticks to the skin like glue holding the thermocouples in place, and the 4 different points of measuring makes a huge difference when it comes to even distribution of heat.
- Since I got used to this a while ago, I forgot about the specific formula. However, the way I calculate the strain is by subtracting Pre from Post, in this case 2mm, then multiplying this by 100, so 200, then dividing this by Pre. 200/24 = 8.33333 Strain = 0.83%

- That clamp looks much better, it all depends on the grip to hold the rope itself. The clamp is to create the strain. Once you apply the tension, you need to lock it in place so the penis get "used" to that tension, and the scale will show a decrease of it. That is stress relaxation.

- Weight increase before US or during US is the same. All US does is to promote elasticity on the tissues. Increments are done based on strain. Why 200gr? is experimental. I determined based on my first period that 200gr at a time might be optimal. Time will tell.

- 40-43 degrees celsius. Why? Because that is what literature states for collagen fibers and ECM structure elongation.

- No discomfort and no variants, because the variants are a result of US application.
Todays results

Pre BPFSL 24cm
Post BPFSL 24.4cm
Strain 1.6%

A more efficient day, started with 1kg of weight, finished at a little over 4kg. Temperature stayed within therapeutic zone at all times between 40 and 43 degrees celsius. This temperature monitor is absolutely excellent and the 4 thermocouples allow to read temperature at all times in the whole shaft.

I developed a tiny blister around 1mm square. I will apply gorilla tape in that zone tomorrow.
What is the determining factor for the load/strain to be increased ?

The determining factor is the settlement of constant tension.

Let us say you apply 1kg. You will read in the scale say 1.25 (because of hooks, friction, pulley it accounts for the extra tension)

You lock the cable or rope in place with a clamp. Watch the scale, still says 1.25. But here is where the magic happens. As your tissues in your penis relax and give away to the tension, the scale will start slowly reading less and less. Because your penis is elongating, and the cable/rope is clamped. Tension is not constant. (creep) Tension is locked (strain)

So this decrease in tension on the scale will take a few minutes. 3, 4, I still haven't observed exactly how long it takes each interval. But it is somewhere around 3-4 minutes. The scale in this case will read 1.24, 1.23, etc all the way down to maybe 1.17. If it doesn't go lower than that, it means your tissues relaxed and alongated to that tension.

At that point you add weight, release the clamp, clamp again. No you will read say 1.35 and repeat the process again.
Today results:

Pre BPFSL: 24.1cm
Post BPFSL: 24.5cm
Strain: 1.6%

Today I reached a maximum of 3.9kg at the end of the session. Still trying to dial down the stress relaxation process for proper strain.

There are still many unknowns. For example, the difference of my Pre and Post BPFSL equals a smaller strain that a penis that is say 15cm. A penis with a Pre BPFSL of 15cm and a Post BPFSL of 15.4cm will equal a strain of 2.6%. That means for my length, it becomes harder and harder to gain. Still, every millimeter counts.

This raises the question that I have stated before. Does a bigger phallus require a readjustment in timing and tension? The only way to approximate an answer is experimentation, or parallel literature on patellar tendon proportionally to size of tissues. More homework for another day.

One positive note, 24.5cm is 9mm away from 10 inches.

Another positive note, the gorilla tape on the blister worked absolutely flawless. The blister stayed in place, sealed, no issues whatsoever other than some fluid buildup.

An advice for others following this protocol, every time I measure the Post BPFSL, I squeeze all the fluid and blood off the glans as much as possible. I wrap it with my palm and squeeze it for a few seconds in order to measure with the glans as flat as possible. That decrease in part the inaccuracy of measuring with a glans full of blood and fluid.
@Jackxxx I've been reading some studies using DMSO for Ultrasound.

Just thought that you could use DMSO(70% or more) in conjunction with Ultrasound Gel to maximize the potential results, even though, your current setup works, just thought that this could help you out, even if it's only 0.1%.

I am following this thread with interest. During my last 3 month trial I did not use heat and averaged about 1 mm per week of elongation. This was very consistent with a gradual decline to .75 per week the last 4 weeks. I have just added a heating pad and a ultrasound machine this 12 week trial and see how it goes. I am a total nube at this and finished my first 6 months with a 2 week decon. So the next 12 weeks will be my 9 months of pe. Thanks for all the motivation and information.

Good to hear, however you will never know "how it goes" without monitoring temperature to therapeutic levels and strain according to literature. All of this is applied science, not bro/pseudo science.

I am sure you will most probably see some sort of positive outcome just by applying extra heat, but that is nowhere near a serious approach to work under existing research.
As a former Research Engineer, this is my favorite PE thread ever. The fact that you are sticking thermocouples on your dick to monitor temperature, I friggin love it. Down the road, when there is a wealth of data, you should look into what it would take to automate some of this stuff, The JackXXX Dick Lengthening Gym doesn't have to be a meme, its the potential future of PE. Hats off to @Jackxxx, you sir are at the forefront of Penis Enlargement Science. As you have said, this is an application of hard science to the game, and a possible HUGE step forward for the entire field. In the decades to come, when men go the the Dick Gym to do their Daily Ultra Sonic lengthening routine, they'll have you to thank for it.

Bravo brother, I am following this thread and plan to deep dive into the requisite science behind it following the end of my finals season. I would love to build myself a set up like you have over the summer, but as you have mentioned, this is applied science, and I want the information first so that I can apply it and interpret the data properly to get the results I want. Keep it going man, love this stuff.

Thank you so much Sir, I really appreciate your words, specially coming from somebody with your background as an engineer. Once upon a time I went to university for Industrial Civil Engineering and Information Technology. Never graduated form the former, but one of the things I acquired from that was the engineering "mindset" to approach most obstacles.

In order to be fair, I must say that this is not just me and only me. I am just one tip of a group of people approaching this topic with science and engineering. In fact, members such as Kyrpa, Manko, Tutt, and a few others have been the pioneers of this research. Specifically Kyrpa who has contributed so much with literature and applied science in hundreds of pages, developing this current protocol that has produces substantial positive results.

Once again, I highly value your appreciation for this from an engineering and scientific standpoint, because this is simply, applied science. There are many variables that we are still working on, but as we research and experiment, we lay the foundation for the future established protocol. The method and technology we have it, now is a matter of tweaking factors such as time, tension, temperature, and the most difficult, gene expression.

As far as "automating" this stuff, of course. Why not. Novel ideas already crossed my mind. And as crazy as it sounds, just like Science Fiction, is a projection of possible scenarios of our own future.

One possible automated system I see is a tube with a robotic arm connected to a User Interface software with integrated Artificial Intelligence. Our software development capabilities are very advanced today, by the time this concept could possibly be developed AI will be at a level that will require minimum human control. In fact, the user interface will instruct the human, not the other way around. UI will interrogate the user to create a profile, and the "tube" will scan the penis mapping it to create a 3D rendering of the member.

Now, what is the "tube". The tube is composed by the following main components: A traction device, a heating source, set of thermistors, set of thermostats, infrared thermometer, HD cameras.

The traction device is in the shape of a ring at the end of the tube. Its function is to grab the penis behind the glans, constrict in the same manner a human sphincter constricts, and pull. This will be the source of the tension. of course, tension will be measured automatically by software integrated in the UI, no need for physical scale.

The heating source is based on radio frequencies. RF provide heat with more accuracy than Ultra Sound, and does not require physical contact. This functional RF equipment is currently extremely expensive for average user access. Tutt, who has done extensive research applying this protocol on his penis with RF, has an equipment of 20K+ at home in order to replicate the exercise. In my concept of this "tube" I picture a system of 3 rings that as they start emitting the radio frequencies, the rings start spinning inside the tube one clockwise, the next counterclockwise, and the next clockwise at a determined number of revolutions that will create a stable internal environment of RF in all 360 degrees of the penis.

The reason for thermistors, thermostats and IR thermometer, is because by software algorithm we can combine the data and determine the internal temperature of the penis, eliminating once again physical contact.

The cameras will not only map and recognize the biological structure but they will also measure and calculate strain.

The combination of all these components will allow for the software to automate the complete protocol.

One extra feature that crossed my mind, but this goes well beyond our reach as far as current science, and the only reason why this crossed my mind is because I have been obsessed for so many years with Anti Gravity research, is the incorporation of magnets and electric current in these spinning rings of Radio Frequencies. By creating an electro magnetic field and following the Lorentz Force, we could slow down the blood flow inside the penis causing a tremendous optimization of heat. But this is just fantasy crossing my mind beyond any possibility of even being able to develop this robotic concept of PE.
Here's where my Electrical Engineering background can come into play, you don't even need to physically spin the RF antennas to get the sort of effect you want. By building a distributed array of smaller, lower powered antennas, you can create such a 3D field effect with all of the power targeting and oscillation that you might need! Its actually similar to something that my research group did for the military, you can even control these antennas through fiber optics, which leads to faster response times and tighter frequency control. Depending on where you are targeting, you'd probably want to be in the microwave range, you want to be penetrating the skin to access the tissue underneath is what I gather. By using an array of antennas, you can create stable temperature points, or any other sort of profile.

The issue with this approach right now is price, RF components at the frequencies necessary are fairly expensive, for now. But, with the emergence of 5G, mass production should push them down, the components we were using were on the order of ~$300 per chip. Thats way too expensive for now, but this was 2018, and I know prices have dropped some. As a comparisson, amplifiers for frequencies that are regularly used in established telecom frequencies are are the order of a few dollars.

Glad to see you shouting out the team, when I mention my previous work, it goes without saying that I did nothing alone, there was always a team and it was our shared work and effort that got results, solved actually physical issues deemed impossible, and got patents filed. And obviously, you picked up the most important part of a technical education, the mindset. TBH, I have the degree, its a piece of paper that says I did my homework. Plenty of guys with similar degrees, or even Masters or PhDs don't have the focused, experimental mind set that you and the other guys you are talking about do. You are applying science and math to a real world problem and coming up with a solution, I got news for you brother, you are an Engineer!
@Baazbold Thanks again brother! Very nice ideas and possibilities for the near future. Meanwhile though, We will have to keep pulling our noodles with weights and cooking them with Ultrasound LOL. But of course, we have so many exciting possibilities!

I had some experience working as an RF tech for contracts with the Department of Defense. This was back around 2012-2014 though. We were already working in the 5G range back then because all these projects were classified for military use. Only my supervisor had Security Clearance, I was building VCO's and CRO's under the microscope and testing them with an Oscillator. If we ever apply the RF technology to our dicks, we will have to be very careful not to cook ourselves LOL.
Coming back to therapy, in a few minutes I will start the second cycle of Period 2.

I have been measuring these past 2 days retaining the 24.5cm in BPFSL. We will see today before the therapy what is my Pre BPFSL.

One observation I found interesting yesterday. As I wanted to measure for control, I had at that moment a random erection. One of those of unknown origins that take a while to go down. Once finally did, I went to measure. To my surprise, I was barely reaching 23cm. My penis was tugging back on me. Of course I immediately went to troubleshoot and analyze the different tissues and structures, and this tug was coming from tunica around the CC's. It seems like the tunica was still to some degree of internal pressure, limiting the length.

This is good and bad news. Good because that means my septum little by little is not my limiting factor anymore, but bad news because the tunica will progressively slow down gains with Ultrasound. One positive thing is, I believe we know by now through conventional methods how to enlarge the tunica when the Septum is not the limiting factor. As always, time will tell, we will see how this 6 week period ends.

For the record, later last evening with a complete flaccid, I measured again and this time it was 24.5cm BPFSL.
Beginning of Second cycle, Period 2.

Pre BPFSL: 24.5cm
Post BPFSL: 24.7cm
Strain: 0.8%

It feels like climbing up a giant hill, but a millimeter is a millimeter. Interestingly, the first day of the first cycle of this period I gained only 2mm, increasing to 4mm on day 2 and 4 more on day 3. Hopefully I can follow a similar pattern during this cycle. Still, even if I gain 1-2mm per week, would be progress.

On a side note, once again the gorilla tape worked flawlessly on my glans to prevent any blister while protecting the previous one that is almost completely healed by now. It seems like I have improved my application these days, I was able to maintain all 4 thermocouples at 40.1-40.4 degrees celsius.
Todays results:

Pre BPFSL: 24.5cm
Post BPFSL: 24.6cm
Strain: 0.4%

No gain since yesterday. In fact, 1mm less than yesterday in Post BPFSL. This happened also during P1, in which some days and some cycles had no gain or even some days less length than previous days. Still only the second cycle. More importantly is weekly progress and the total progress at the end of the period.
Some update.

I did not post yesterday what it had to be the third day of the second cycle, because I took a break. This is based on my previous experience form period 1. As it was posted, the result of the second day of the second cycle did not reduce positive results. And again, based on previous experience, that day my dick felt unusually tough when stretching wether for Pre BPFSL as for Post BPFSL.

As I went today to control measurements, my dick is very elastic. I had to check 3-4 times, but today I am in the area of 24.7, even 24.8cm.

Since this phenomenon is based on pure observation and comparison to P 1, there seems to be either an exhaustion of the tissues, or simply some random days in which the tissues do not cooperate. Either way, no big deal. I decided to rest today too and will resume therapy tomorrow.

P.S. Once again, this is why is so imperative the measurement every single day, Pre therapy and Post therapy. Among many other reasons, in this case it offers to me a comparative point in time to troubleshoot certain instances instead of just speculating over and over again.
I have been contemplating about the frequency of the workouts. I believe it was Tutt who preferred more sporadic therapies according to his penis.

What made me think about this is 2 things: first, this experience that repeats from P1 in which sometimes in the middle of the cycle the tissues dont respond well, and second the fact that interestingly enough, I never seem to lose too much from one cycle to the next. In fact, I usually keep it all. The most accurate BPFSL is the one right before the first day of the next cycle, and usually I keep all the gains from the previous cycle. This made me wonder, what if instead of 3 on 2 off, try something like 1 on 2 off. I know, very sporadic, but the fact that I tend to keep most of it, this would give plenty of rest to the tissues.

I am not going to attempt this yet, I will observe closely the progress during the next 2-3 cycles and make a determination. This might be just a little bump on the road.
I been reading up on Soft Tissue Healing and the IRP - Inflammation-Remodeling-Proliferation cycle
PE is about "Damage Control"; at times, you may be correct about needing an extra rest day between US-sessions


That is the first all time catastrophic misconception my friend. I know you haven't been current reading all the research and science behind the Ultrasound use on tissues, but this has expanded beyond just enlarging the septum.

"Damage control" is exactly the single most counterproductive approach when it comes to the septum. IRP is exactly what makes the septum toughen over time. The bundles of collagen fibers grow stronger and stronger in an effort to sustain more and more tension.

And I go back again to my ancient question, without knowing at the time any of the new science being applied, my common sense was telling me "if all these Asian dudes are hanging stones from their dicks, pulling cars from their dicks, even trucks with their dicks, how come none of them have extremely long penises?" And that is the answer. IRP DOES NOT grow BPFSL which is the foundation for potential BPEL size.

This is the reason why with this novel approach we work on strain, while monitoring strain and stress relaxation. Because the LAST thing we want is to create inflammation. Rather, by stress relaxation and strain, we are causing a re-organization of the ECM. A re-organization of the collagen fibers and bundles.

In other words, we are using the elasticity right before it gets damaged and inflamed. Playing on the thin line. This allow us to safely elongate and allow the tissues to reorganize and adapt to the new size, without needed to adapt to a higher tension.

This is why during this protocol, strain diminish, due to a natural adaptation, an this is why conventionally we have agreed to keep every period to 6 weeks. Acquire as much as possible, then let it rest and decon for about 8 weeks, go into another period.
Interesting what are your thoughts on attacking the inner penis with this? There is much to express, do you think we can apply this protocol to that aspect or is expressive stretching still the preferred method?

Good question. The problem we have with this idea, is the potential possibility of heating unwanted tissues. To heat the inner penis you are very close to your prostate, testicles, ducts and veins. At the same time, this approach with Ultrasound target directly the septum. And once you pass behind the pubic bone there is no septum anymore, the 2 CC split into 2 separate chambers with its own tunica. In this case I would stick to expressive stretching.
Have there been any adverse reactions to continued ultrasound therapy?

There is one single acute reaction reported by me and others. It is benign and controlled. When you heat your penis and the temperature rises rather fast, you will feel some sort of anxiety/dizziness, overall body heat. As your body adapts to the temperature it dissipate, or by removing the Transducers for a few seconds everything goes back to normal. My explanation of this is, our bodies are full of sensors for everything, and our brain interprets every single variation of data to the most minimum level. Our blood temperature is very stable. Even if you are on the outside during a hot summer day, doesnt mean your blood temperature goes up and down with the outside temperature. With that being said, when we heat the penis with ultrasound, you have to keep in mind that a huge amount of blood is constantly circulation in your penis at a fast speed. If you succeed in heating that blood passing by fast enough, that rise in temperature will reach the brain, and because it has no apparent cause for the variation, it triggers a reaction.

Kinda similar to how sea sickness or motion sickness work. While inside a vessel, at sea, in your cabin or dining room for example, the vessel is rocking sideways back and forth. With every swing, your middle ear sensor is detecting a change in balance. But your optical sensors (eyes) are not detecting any change in balance, because inside the room everything looks straight and still. Therefore one sensor sends one data to the brain and the other sensor sends a different data. Due to the contradictory information, the brain triggers sickness in an attempt to promote rest and self repair.

Other than that, no adverse reactions acute or chronic from US, following all the recommendations and safety guidelines.
@Jackxxx I got a question for you, have you been using the Ultrasound Gel Pad? or you kept the routine as you explained, just using ultrasound gel and applying the US device?

No gel pad, just as explained before, penis resting over the leg and ultrasound gel for the transducers.
Apologies for the absence. Since I took those last 2-3 days off, I had a highly busy wee of work including a short trip out of town, but I am back today.

Pre BPFSL: 24.5cm
Post BPFSL: 24.8cm
Strain: 1.2%

I achieved a slightly better strain.

Today I tried a longer therapy. 35 mins of stress relaxation plus 25 mins of US stress relaxation. starting at 1kg, up to 3.8kg. As a consequence of the longer time under tension and the de-conditioning of the glans after so many days off, I developed a new blister outside of the gorilla tape. However, the gorilla tape will patch the area tomorrow. In fact, I have been thinking in the idea of establishing as part of the protocol to always completely seal the glans with gorilla tape since it has been extraordinary at protecting against blisters, and even protecting over existing blisters.

Could the longer therapy be the reason for the better strain? Maybe, but I will rather increase time slowly. Tomorrow I will do the standard 30 mins relaxation plus 25 mins US.

One thing I have observed these past few days, is the interesting phenomenon of tissue relaxation. I measure constantly myself during the off days. I have already retained permanently 0.5cm during this Period, and I am positive that I will keep adding length during these next few weeks. But about the relaxation, some days, some moments the penis pulls back harder than other times.

As I explained before, the best way to measure and "treat" your penis, is to never pull hard violently out. Never. Wether is exercise or measuring, I learned the best most friendly way to make him cooperate is to gran the glans, take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and start pulling out very slowly in a very controlled way. Relax your muscles as you do so. If by any means you feel your penis tugging on you or hard to pull, stop. Go back a couple of centimeters, wait 2-3 seconds, pull out very slowly again until finally will extend. You can indeed pull hard and fast and extend it all, but it has a counterproductive impact on multiple tissues.

With that being said, there are some days in which my penis tugs on me. I have to slowly retreat and try agains 2-3 times sometimes, and I barely reach in this case the past week the 24.5cm.

But other days, other moments, my penis is very relaxed. And as I pull, it comes out like a telescope very smooth and easy reaching easily the 24.5, sometimes even 24.6-7.

Anyways, I am glad to be back on therapy. I will be happy to reach for the first time the 25cm mark soon, and getting closer to the 25.4cm mark which equals exactly 10 inches of phallic apparatus.
Hi Jackxxx, congratulation for the great works you’re doing but I was wondering...wuold therapeutic heat be beneficial for girth as well? I’ve been tring a new routine made of an infrared heat pad up to 43 C( Total Man) and pumping with constant heat trough a convential heat pad that reach up to 62.5 C... the expansion is just way bigger and i know it raises the inner temp of the penis because If I take off the pump too quickly the liquid going out with the pressure burns the hell out of my gland; so... can I apply the same principles you’re using for lenght in my girth work? Also because since I’m working only for girth I’m just interested in heating the tunica therefore an infrared heating pad would be maybe enough...? Thank you so much ??

or using an IRL to keep the heat while in the tube...?

There is currently no existing science or literature in regards to girth development. Kyrpa did experimented with Ultrasound to heat the Penis while under constriction (clamping) with better expansion, but not significant gains. The complexity of heat and girth, is that girth has to be worked mostly under a full erection or at least a partial erection. This has 2 problems: One, the amount of blood circulating at all times inside the penis makes it very difficult to reach therapeutic temperatures in the CC's. And what ultimately provides the girth, is the CC's. The second problem is that if you decide to clamp in order to retain the blood, it becomes extremely dangerous the risk of overheating the blood inside and killing al those cells.

Personally the best method I have found for girth is the use of vasodilators such as PGE-1 to cause a controlled priapism under supra-natural cavernosal pressure.
There is currently no existing science or literature in regards to girth development. Kyrpa did experimented with Ultrasound to heat the Penis while under constriction (clamping) with better expansion, but not significant gains. The complexity of heat and girth, is that girth has to be worked mostly under a full erection or at least a partial erection. This has 2 problems: One, the amount of blood circulating at all times inside the penis makes it very difficult to reach therapeutic temperatures in the CC's. And what ultimately provides the girth, is the CC's. The second problem is that if you decide to clamp in order to retain the blood, it becomes extremely dangerous the risk of overheating the blood inside and killing al those cells.

Personally the best method I have found for girth is the use of vasodilators such as PGE-1 to cause a controlled priapism under supra-natural cavernosal pressure.
Yes I hope I can find PGE-1 asap... anyway I can say that clamping for 15 minutes with an infrared heat pad up to 43 C is not dangerous cause I do it everyday... but what do you mean when you say that CC’s are what ultimate provide girth...? You mean that the pressure generated from CC’s against the tunica provide girth? Am I right? Thank you
Not just the pressure of the CC, but the size of the CC's. Because you can grow your tunica, but you need big CC's to fill up with blood producing that girth. Without big CC's, is just soft tunica.
I had a P-shot and afterwards I pumped and I got bleeding in the pump and was bruised on the side. I now have a small lump on the side and it has a feeling of a sharp triangular are about 1X2 mm is it possible to fracture or blow out part of your tunica. It was sore for awhile now only if I really press on it just not sure what the lump is and will it go away after awhile?

It could be just scar tissue which would accuse chronic deficiency of essential nutrients. Is this 1x2mm piece stationary or it moves over if you push it?
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Since developing the blister the last time, I have not been able to go back on therapy. The blister finally sealed completely yesterday, but it is still too early to apply that amount of vacuum pressure on the tissue. I will wait for the weekend to resume.

Member Rocco on another forum has been enthusiastically recommending me to use baby powder. I will try that, but not before trying a different approach. Since gorilla tape worked perfect at sealing previous blister spots, I will try this time to seal the whole glans with gorilla tape, or at least most of it and assess the results.

Also, this next workout will be done entirely on creep. At a later experiment, I will do cold stress relaxation on strain and US portion on creep.

Gentlemen, it has begun. BPEL is coming along behind BPFSL.

All along I had this "gut feeling" I admit, completely out of science, however, a perception built up from science.

My initial BPEL was 22cm, just as BPFSL.

P1 yielded 2 full cm of gains in BPFSL, no gains on BPEL.

After P1 I engaged in some BPEL exercise, no established routine, rather trying and testing certain exercises that in a span of 4-6 weeks game me 0.5cm. Therefore, I officially wrote down my results from P1 as 2cm in BPFSL at 24cm and 0.5cm in BPEL at 22.5. After that, all exercising was halted until P2.

As you all know, I am currently on P2, 2 cycles performed and preparing for cycle 3 this weekend after healing a blister.

Today, after talking to member Raptor on a different forum about BPEL, I have decided from the beginning of this approach to not give importance to BPEL. Why? Because I had no problem, growing it in the past. My gains stopped once I reach the dead end, the septum. And that is why I have been dedicated to BPFSL only and exclusively.

In this conversation about BPEL coming behind, we have seen that some achieve BPEL gains while doing US, others by complementing the routine with other exercises.

Today, out of curiosity, I induced a natural erection, no aid of any kind whatsoever, no pumping, no ring, nothing, and I went to measure. To my surprise, my BPEL is 23.2cm. That is 0.7cm bigger than after P1, and is 1.2cm bigger since the beginning of Ultrasound.

Now, what is the explanation for this? I have no idea at this point. Could it be just part of the natural re-adjustment of the tissues? perhaps.

However, interestingly enough, as crazy as this sounds, there was a sign of this.

I have said all along that by pushing for BPFSL, eventually the BPEL has to follow. Once the septum grows a certain percentage, the other tissues around have no option but to give in and follow. I have also stated before that in my case, I've always have a curve to the right. Nothing crazy, a slight curve. Lately, I have noticed my flaccid hanging bigger, and a diminished curve. Less than usual. That made me thing a few days ago: "What if the US elongation is finally forcing the tunica to reorganize and straighten. Today, that seems to be the case.

Btw, 23.2 equals 9.13"
@Jackxxx - I been trying to get acclimated with the US. I am having an issue with getting thermal heat in the proper place. I only seem to be heating up either my leg or fingers. The US waves are going through and not affecting the septum at all. Any suggestions? Maybe 3MHZ instead of 1MHz

I assume you are using your penis over the leg.

Yes, it is normal to feel the heat in your leg, but this does not mean that you are not heating the penis. usually you will not feel the burn on the penis, which could be risky and thats why you need to monitor the temperature. So sometimes you will have the impression that you are heating just your leg and not your penis.

Remember to put your penis twisted over your leg. That means, bundle it half a turn, resting on your leg the dorsal side which is where the septum is, and applying the transducer on the ventral side. 1Mhz waves have a depth of around 1.5cm all the way to 5cm, thats why the cross all the way to the leg, which is a good thing.

In this case your own leg acts as a backing medium, basically catching those sound waves and allowing for heat to disperse evenly in the surrounding area. Otherwise, if the penis was straight forward, those waves would go lost in the air losing a big percentage of heating.

If you cant buy a proper thermocouples device, you can use a cheap pharmacy thermometer and place it between the penis and the leg while you heat. If possible, if you know your anatomy, you can feel the septum tight sticking out on your dorsal side against the leg, place the tip of the thermometer right on top of that cord since that is exactly what you want to heat and check temperature.

Now speaking about 3mhz, of course that would be a viable option to try, but those equipment are expensive. Currently a "cheap" 3mhz/1mhz device is the sound care plus at around $700. Keep in mind, all of us who are having great results is with the beloved US Pro 2000 Second Edition which is a little over $100 at 1Mhz.
Thr???-X You are correct.

First, as you already realized, you were applying the heat in the wrong side. You had your penis straight over the leg, but the septum runs on the surface of the dorsal side when you stretch it out. Therefore you need to apply the 1Mhz heat on the ventral side in order to target the septum on the dorsal side. Ans that is why we twist the penis half a turn to rest the dorsal side on the leg and leave the ventral side up to apply the US.

As far as where to fix the thermocouples, correct, on the dorsal side exactly on top of the septum. Do the following exercise. Pull your penis out. As always, VERY SLOW, careful. NEVER yank the penis. It will naturally automatically turtle and tug back. Take a deep breath, relax, slowly exhale and as you exhale pull your penis out in a smooth slow fashion. Take some 7-10 seconds for the full stretch. Now once stretched, you should be able to feel the septum on top on the dorsal side. Like a smaller diameter coaxial cable running through. That is the septum, and on top of that cable is where the thermocouples should go.

Now here there is a tricky part. You have to apply the thermocouples with your penis twisted on top of the leg. Because when you do the twist, the skin shift and the same spot is not on top of the septum anymore. It moved. That is why you need to locate the septum with the penis twisted and apply the thermocouple there with the gorilla tape.

It doesnt really matter if the thermocouples are not evenly split, the important thing is to have 4 data points along the apparatus.
Finally back in business after healing blister.

Todays results:

Pre BPFSL 24.5cm
Post BPFSL 24.8cm
Strain: 1.2%

Todays workout was entirely on creep, no strain control. Results are the same as the last workout. There are couple of details to consider. As posted before, my BPEL is finally growing after my BPFSL. Which raises the question: Could I be now pulling the entire tunica instead of only the septum? Quite possible. During P1 my septum was so far behind toughened holding the complete structure, that the whole Period elongated only Septum. During Period 2, I quickly gained 0.5cm at the beginning and gains have stalled. It is quite possible that the septum has been elongated enough to leave the tunica far behind, to the point that I am pulling it along with the septum now and of course diminishing results.

Another detail to consider. I thought about this possibility before, but I haven't confronted it directly until now: The possibility that I am bundling my dick too much. If that is the case, The tunica is taking most of the stress rather than the septum itself. The reason why I have been bundling my penis more than half a turn, is because of the issue I had at the beginning of this new setup in which the penis tends to roll and un-bundle over the leg. I have been thinking about a couple of solutions for this. The first one and more reliable, replace the thin rope by a thick tough exercise equipment cable. That one will not roll over like this little rope does. The other possible solution is to just do the half a turn of the penis and play with the positioning of the leg to allow the penis to rest properly without rolling. Perhaps by keeping the penis as straight as possible the septum takes more stress than the tunica.

One positive note, even though the blister has recently healed and the skin is very delicate, the full coating of gorilla tape worked flawlessly. I applied tape to the whole bottom of the glans wrapping around on the sides of the glans, and then a second layer over the most vulnerable area. It worked, and that means I can continue the protocol tomorrow and the days to come.

I will approach the bundling issue tomorrow.
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Todays results:

Pre BPFSL: 24.5cm
Post BPFSL: 24.9cm
Strain: 1.6%

For today I did the following variation: 1) corrected the bundle issue. Twisted the penis just enough to rest the septum over the leg. 2) 25 minutes cold creep/25 minutes US creep.

Pre BPFSL I labeled it as 24.5, but in reality it was closer to 24.6. Very hard to determine when we talk about 1mm variation, but I prefer to keep it on the conservative side and assume it as 24.5.

Strain was a tiny bit better today. At this point, I am entertaining the idea of increasing tension a little bit more by 1kg and assess the result.

As we have discussed before, as the penis grow, all our metrics start to come out of a "known" universe. For example, total tension of 4kg does not affect a penis of BPFSL 14cm in the same way as of a penis of BPFSL 25cm. Just like as mentioned before, the strain percentage on a smaller penis that gets a post BPFSL of 5mm is higher than the same gain on a larger penis.

We are still on an unknown ocean, but with an incredibly valuable base of information and knowledge to start. Eventually once we achieve sizes never imagined before, we will be able to take all these factors and put them on a mathematical equation to calculate the proper tension for each length and girth.

Tomorrow is the last day of this cycle, I will repeat a creep workout, very similar to the one today, but I will increase tension by 1kg.

P.S.: Gorilla tape functioned once again flawlessly to protect against potential blister.