Jackxxx UltraSound Therapy Log

I was unable to perform in the past 2 days due to work volume.

Today, I have good news and bad news to report.

First the bad. As mentioned before, I replicated todays exercise based on creep, not on strain, and I increased the weight by 1kg reaching a maximum of a little over 5kg. Total weight is not absolutely accurate because you have to account for basket weight, rope friction, scale weight, etc. Anyways, as the tension increased beyond 4kg, the vacuum cup started sliding off towards the end of the therapy. I was about to finish the 25 mins of US portion when I felt it sliding and almost coming off. I had to stop US, hold the cup with my hand to release some tension and hold it there for 10 minutes for a mediocre cooldown. As a consequence, the slippage of the cup grabbed and peeled off the gorilla tape inside creating once a again, a new beloved blister. I will have to start naming these things like hurricanes.

Now on the positive side, the extra tension yielded positive results in terms of length, and I am positive that if I was successful at finishing the whole routine the proper way, I would be in the right track to resume proper strain percentage.

Todays numbers are:

Pre BPFSL: 24.7cm
Post BPFSL: 25.1cm
Strain: 1.6%

I was able this time to retain 2 extra mm since the last workout, and I have passed the 25cm mark for the first time. 25.1cm is 3mm shy from the romantic number 25.4cm which equals 10 inches.

On an interesting note, as we have discussed before, there are days in which the tunica is extra very relaxed and flexible. Even when I am off I constantly measure throughout the day to monitor any difference. Yesterday, was one of those days in which the tunica was very stretchy. As I pulled out I knew already. It measured close to 25cm. However, today my Pre BPFSL was 24.7cm

The reason for the cup slippage was not the cup itself, it is the shitty silicone sleeves. First, I dont know why and who started this silicone trend. I put my money again on bro-science. The people who started using this material over 10 years ago probably got the idea from sex toys which use silicone materials and silicone lubricants because probably relates to a "delicate" area of the body. It turns out when you apply science and exercise, not sexual arousal and pleasure, silicone does not do the job.

I will try to find once again the same sleeve I had before which was made of a tight more rubbery material. In fact something made out of a material similar to a bicycle inner tube would be great. Which just gave me an idea.

P.S. As mentioned before, the more the penis grow the harder will be to achieve those 3% strain. As it grows, in order to achieve the same percentage rate of strain, the more millimeters you need to stretch on each session which becomes physically impossible.

0.5mm of Post BPFSL on a penis 15cm Pre BPFSL equals 3.3% Strain. But the same 0.5mm of Post BPFSL on a penis 25cm Pre BPFSL equals only 2% which is good, but it gets lower and lower as the BPFSL grows.
@Jackxxx, you are very knowledgeable, could you answer this: What is the main difference between using a VACUM ROD extender vs a VACUM LEG type extender? (Its a leg strap extender a waste of time?)

Also, was your initial size 22cm? or have you P.E ever in your life before reaching those 22cm? Do you believe the steel cord that you experience was cause by something or some exercises in particular?

If your girth was 4.9 when you started, how much progress have you made?

Have you tried using newskin on your glans? I was mentioned on another thread and I did try it, and helped me for using vacuum hanging.
Its like a liquid bandage

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PD: Have you ever considered any other type of P.E devices, like an RF machine with high potency, do you think it could aid in something?

Hey brother

- I am not an expert in the different variations of PE, but I have tried a few things. I remember trying the leg strap a couple of times a very long time ago, and what I didn't like about it is that if you wear it during normal life, that means, sitting down, up, going down on the floor driving, walking, it becomes very unreliable because with each one of those moves and others, the tension varies. So there is no consistency. There is no way to quantify a specific amount of time at a specific amount of tension that way.

With the rod traction device is different. Because you can stay still in a chair or a couch while using it, extending the rods as necessary every certain amount of time, and you can track time and tension which will equal a specific result.

- I started around 1999 at around 18cm. Even though my initial savage approach to PE gave me gains, it resulted also in a very tough septum. One of my first exercises was erected hanging with 10kg. I used a coaxial cable with a tie know around my glans and the other end around the dumbbells (2x5kg) I would hang for 1-2 hours every day. After that jelquing and pumping gave me some results throughout the years that put me at 22cm.

- My current girth is 6.25"

- I have that exact same product, liquid bandaid that I plan to apply in conjunction with the gorilla tape.

- RF is the way to go. It is more specific and precise at spot heating and at a specific depth. The problem, price. There is one member, Tutt, who is applying the same heat technology for PE, but instead of Ultrasound he is using RF. He's setup and equipment is around $20k, and you really need basic radio frequency knowledge to work with that because you can easily fry your dick.
Hey jackxxx I have been studying your post and thought I read that you used your size genetics for your first ultrasound trial? Is that right or ami I thinking of someone else? Also if you did why did you go away from that, it seems like a great platform for this method?

Nope, wasn't me. I have not approached this therapy with a traction device.
@Jackxxx I think you will be interested in this:

"Its an enzyme produced by the bacterium Clostridium histolyticum that dismantles collagen"

Yes, I have read extensively about that but there are serious potential health hazard with that enzyme. I would not try it. We have read and researched many other approaches that can provide literally impressive gains, but again the potential health hazard make it unworthy to try. So much that I prefer to not even mention those methods in any public forum
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Hi Jackxxx

I have the soundcare plus machine and can use 3mghz on my treatments do I still need to stretch over my leg in a bundle? Do you know a log of someone who uses the 3mghz soundcare?

I believe you asked the same question to Kyrpa on a different forum? lol. I did not reply to that since its on Kyrpa's thread.

Anyways, the answer is no, you dont need to. The whole purpose of heating over the leg bundled, is because the 1Mhz waves pass trough the penis. If you dont use a backing medium such as the leg or a gel pad, all those waves get lost and you might not be able to reach target temperatures.

But in the case of 3Mhz waves, the depth is less. That means, you can heat directly the dorsal side and the temperature should, theoretically, stay inside radiating to the whole septum.

You want to check manko's thread. He used a sound care plus at 3Mhz and tested extensively inner temperature with transurethral probe.

I personally have never tried a 3Mhz machine. The only way to know its performance is of course by measuring temperature. Depending on that, I would do a few tests. For example, heating the dorsal side while attaching thermocouples on the ventral side to see if temperature is reaching that far. Then heating on the ventral side and measuring temp on the dorsal side to see if perhaps the 3Mhz targets better the tunica from the ventral side, but it doesnt go far as the 1Mhz to have too many waves lost on the other side.
What are your thoughts on achieving therapeutic heat through a heating pad. I did a trial with a heat pad today just to see if I could get to the temps needed and I was able to. I had the temp probes on dorsal and ventral side and was able to maintain a solid temp through the trial. The drawback is it takes about 20 minutes to get the temps to stabilize so not as fast as the us, but with some ingenuity it could become a hands free operation. Would love some feedback, I will attach a picture of the stabilized temps I was able to achieve

Absolutely my friend.

If you can reach therapeutic zone through other methods, it will have the same successful result. The inly reason why we use US is due to reliability and efficiency.

Now, with a heat pad it becomes tricky to measure that temp. Like for example, where are you locating the probes? They cant be touching the pad because of course you will be picking the temp of the pad, not of the tissues. Remember the important temperature is the internal, not the external. Or more specific, the temp exactly on the septum.

In the case of a pad, unfortunately the most reliable way would be with a transurethral probe. UNLESS, if you rest your penis over your leg, put the pad on top of your penis, then measure temp between the leg and the penis, if it reaches target temp, there you go! You've got it! if it measure what you need on the other side, that means the internal tissues of the penis have reached the therapeutic zone.
What are your thoughts on achieving therapeutic heat through a heating pad. I did a trial with a heat pad today just to see if I could get to the temps needed and I was able to. I had the temp probes on dorsal and ventral side and was able to maintain a solid temp through the trial. The drawback is it takes about 20 minutes to get the temps to stabilize so not as fast as the us, but with some ingenuity it could become a hands free operation. Would love some feedback, I will attach a picture of the stabilized temps I was able to achieve
What I can tell you is that since I’ve started to use an infrared heat pad designed for PE both reaching and keeping the temp is way easier and quicker than a conventional heat pad. Try to take a look at Total Man infrared heat pad for me has been a game changer.
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@Jackxxx just a question... after you’ve done your training do you keep your penis extended some how or you just leave it free??? Thankss ?

I leave it free. There is in reality no science or existing literature showing any research backing an ADS. Only a few anecdotal experience, but combined with other methods of PE so we dont really know how much was ADS if any.

Could there be any benefit? Absolutely. It would be a matter of doing our own research somehow at some point.

Kyrpa is more of the idea of compare it to working out skeletal muscles. After going to the gym, do you keep those muscles trained stretched for the rest of the day? No. It wouldn't be practical anyways, but the point is, muscles are growing anyways as a product of stress, nutrient and sleep. In this case is the same approach.

Now, my own opinion, is not exactly the same, since we are not working with skeletal muscle here. We have a combination of connective tissue, tendon/ligament tissue, and smooth muscle which works in different ways. That is why I say that there could be benefit from it but we need data, science.
So the data is in for the heating pad. I placed temp probes on the upper dorsal and ventral and the lower dorsal and ventral side of the penis. I covered with a silisleeve to hold in place.

my first temp probe closest to the heating source took 7 min to get to 104
And the last on in the opposite side opposite end took 34 minutes to hit 104.

keepint the temps in the therapeutic range was easy as all 4 were in the range at the same time. The pad was able to heat up the whole thermal mass and it was very comfortable, I did feel the almost anxiety building as the heat hit therapeutic range so there is something to that.
the decay of the temps took over 10 min to get below 100 so a lot slower. I will have to measure strain to see for sure but the temps are achievable through heating pad. I’ll keep working this while on the injured reserve from my blisters but this may be a viable alternative down the road.

I tried today caverject, just 2.5 mcg and it gave one the biggest erections I've ever had.
[This was one at the doctors office, after 30minutes he gave me an injection of phenylephrine that almost instantly ceased my boner]

My question is:

Is it normal to feel a burning sensation after injection, also felt my cock was about to explode.(caverject injection)

Also is there any way to reduce pain? I am hypersensitive and feel quite a lot there.

Is it normal? Do i have to inject on both CCs or one side is enough?

I even could see a pair of veins I have behind my glans that only appear when pumping.

It is used exactly in the same way the doctor applied it to you.

- Pain is normal
- Slight burning is normal as long as it goes away quickly
- Injection is on one side.
- There is no way to reduce pain, only reducing the dose.
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Worked the therapeutic heating pad technique with the size genetics today. Had 4 different probes on 2 top and 2 bottom. I was able to get all 4 to 104 in 12 min as I did not have a silisleeve on. I was able to stabilize all temps over 30 min so the timing is successful. I am going to start working strain next week to see how effective the pad is. Still healing up from blisters but experimenting with non vacuum techniques. The draw back to this is an individual will need at least 5.25 exposed shaft minimum to make this work. It get a little crowded in the size genetics but the outlook for this technique is looking good
Look what I found!

"Results: there was a clinically and statistically significant improvement in penile length, angle of curvature and pain after 12 weeks of using the vacuum pump"

This one is for using extenders

Also even though you said you didn't like the idea of using: Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum There is a study using it in conjunction with a penis extender

Yes, I am aware of the studies proving gains with pump and extenders. However, they are not very efficient. That is why all of us try and use other methods in combinations with the devices.

With the Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum, I am perfectly aware of the possible benefits of using it. Still, there are potential hazardous side effects that I am not willing to gamble with. I rather watch others using it.

There are chemicals that I will not mention neither share but I have researched and discussed with others, that can create up to 3 inches in BPEL in one day permanently. As unreal as it sounds, yes, it is possible. But an unknown certain pre-existing condition or a bad reaction to it, can kill you instantly. Angel lust.
Just a little update, my beloved blister is almost fully closed. This one was deep so it took longer to seal. I have one tiny spot with a crust, it should fall off by tomorrow at which point I will resume protocol.

I have an old vacuum cup with its own sleeve that I never used before. I came up with an idea on how to better adapt it and secure it in place. Will give it a try and hopefully I can handle better tension with this one.
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What I can tell you is that since I’ve started to use an infrared heat pad designed for PE both reaching and keeping the temp is way easier and quicker than a conventional heat pad. Try to take a look at Total Man infrared heat pad for me has been a game changer.
Do you use the infrared heat pad before and after your routine? During? What type benefits have you seen from using the infrared pad?
I think I know what you refer to, besides I don't want to hijack your thread & since there are many leechers that try to steal other people ideas & methods. I won't bring anything else back up.

Really glad that I am not the only one that "wastes his time" researching, this confirms my thoughts of what I have been researching for the past few years. Thank you @Jackxxx <3

Im not really trying to protect any ideas brother lol. Quite the opposite, I share with everybody what we find to work and provide results. What I dont share with people, is to protect them from themselves.

We have seen plenty of behavior around in the last few years how the governments have altered the brain chemistry creating humans completely unstable in every single aspect of their lives. In our sport here, we have people desperate to grow their dicks and they will try anything no matter what advises you put on the table. But again, we are talking about mentally unstable people, which is a huge majority these days.

Therefore, I wouldn't feel good if somebody kill himself by trying novel risky methods shared by me.
Back in business.

Today experiment was pretty pleasant. This vacuum cup behaved very well, while at the same time I applied a better coating of gorilla tape plus a layer of liquid bandaid on top. Everything stayed sealed in place.


Pre BPFSL: 24.8cm
Post BPFSL: 25.2cm
Strain: 1.6%

I am clearly at this point pulling tissues other than the septum. Towards the last 5 minutes of the US heated portion I could feel a tender sensation in the corpus spongosium.

I am slowly crawling up millimeter by millimeter, but of course each one of them counts. As in the last session, I reached a maximum of 5.1-5.3kg (5kg in weights, extra weight accounting for basket, scale, rope tension)

It seems like this cycle will be a normal cycle, that means sessions for the next following 2 days, followed by 2 rest days.
@Jackxxx do you know any other Collagenases apart from Clostridium Histolyticum? Maybe if you dont want

Have you researched about anti-elastases?


Another question:

Maybe I am mixing concepts but, you said that 3% strain is needed in order to make gains whilst using the UT, now lately I have been writing down your results in an excel and they have been lately in the 1-2% strain range, yet you are making gains. Is a higher percentage better for progression?

Also while we are stretching and using the UT, are we looking for deformation of the fibrils?, are we looking to break them down?

It seems like the application of that study is to prevent and reverse skin wrinkles through the antioxidant activity of that bacteria. We would have to wait and see some research done on connective/tenson tissue.

3% is the maximum stain, not the optimal. We believe that more than 3% of strain falls in the area of inflammation which has to be avoided at all costs.

So to answer your other question, yes we can say we are looking for deformation of the fibrils but NEVER break them down. If we break them down, they just grow back stronger, more resistant with less tensile capacity. Its a matter of playing with their tensile strength, and that is the exact reason why we are using all these approaches of stress relaxation, lower tension, heat. By deformation, I mean reorganization, which over time restructure the bundle to accommodate the collagen fiber.

The purpose of this therapy is to cause a reorganization of the ECM over time
Some update.

I was expected to do this cycle normally, but yesterday I found a purple swollen small area on the bottom side of the glans. It seems it was the product of a crease in the gorilla tape that compressed the tissue there. Just for safety, I am giving it a couple of days to heal. No rush. Less is more, patience is key.

On the good side, I just measured BPFSL for control at 25cm.

I believe I will be able to finish this period at least with 25.4cm which equals 10 inches of phallic apparatus.

Ideally, with a 3rd and even a 4th period I could possibly finish this year between 10.5-11 inches, and if everything stays on track, perhaps towards the end of next year reach the foot long of phallus. Granted, this is based on BPFSL, but this capacity opens the possibility for BPEL development to come behind.

I am working a strategy for BPEL development and I will work on preliminary tests soon.
It seems like the application of that study is to prevent and reverse skin wrinkles through the antioxidant activity of that bacteria. We would have to wait and see some research done on connective/tendon tissue.

3% is the maximum stain, not the optimal. We believe that more than 3% of strain falls in the area of inflammation which has to be avoided at all costs.

So to answer your other question, yes we can say we are looking for deformation of the fibrils but NEVER break them down. If we break them down, they just grow back stronger, more resistant with less tensile capacity. Its a matter of playing with their tensile strength, and that is the exact reason why we are using all these approaches of stress relaxation, lower tension, heat. By deformation, I mean reorganization, which over time restructure the bundle to accommodate the collagen fiber.

The purpose of this therapy is to cause a reorganization of the ECM over time
I love hearing about your progress keep it up man! Make us all proud!

On another note, you posted an article back in 2019:

"1500 mm. Hg" was due to saline infusion?, and the second was "600 to 750 mm" without the saline infusion correct?

Even tho it was in the TA, and your problem is a thickened septum, you said in last post this:

"I am clearly at this point pulling tissues other than the septum. Towards the last 5 minutes of the US heated portion I could feel a tender sensation in the corpus spongosium."

Here are my thoughts:

  • I have been thinking about this, even tho it remains unsafe, and you could literally cause an hernia. But only if you go to the extreme:
What would happen if
For example we inject a 0.9% saline injection around 1 - 2 ml on one side and 1 - 2 ml on the other side, using bilaterally injections.

Since we want to increase internal pressure & (We are not looking increasing girth, but that's a benefit) tension (like in that study), therefore making it possible to gain/ increase our lengths/girths at a much faster rate. (Even though your limiting factor is the septum)
What if we combined
0.9 saline injection 4ml (ex.) + DMSO + UT GEL + HEAT FROM U.T + hanging?

Since a saline injection is reabsorbed by the body, 24h later you won't have any type of edema left and you could inject again.

Other idea came to mind:

Combination of pge1 + phenylephrine (Detumescence the erection produced) = Therefore PGE-1 Increases elasticity + phenylephrine = Ceases erection.

Now what if we combine both, PGE-1 ability to increase elasticity, saline injection on increase internal pressure and making the tissue be able to stretch even more without causing ruptures, + DMSO+UT GEL on skin + HEAT + hanging?

That way you could probably increase strain without having to use additional weights.

I have written down in an excel your progress and you went from 3-3.5kg (Correct me if I am wrong, the first phase) to a whopping 5.1kg with a Strain of 1 to 1.9%

Thr???-X was the first one to bring that idea, and I like that style, writing an excel with everything logged & organized) (Perhaps you are writing one too)

Don't want to sound like a stalker, more like in a way that you can help others, since a detailed in depth log, would help people, like Kyrpa's thread on TP, but for matter of size.
Because I have read on other forums that some people are replicating it without thickened septums, resulting in them using absurd weights, because they follow what others do, and they don't take the time & consideration to read that the weights have to be according to their state.
(Not every individual tho, others read the guidelines on how to do it)


Little backstory so you can I understand why I am interested in this:

I have experimented in saline injections in the testes, more like in the scrotum very close to DARTOS fascia, to stretch it without causing too much deformity. Injecting max: 10-12 ml & afterwards pump.

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Because if you inject too much of it happens like using ELLANSÉ for girth injections, you use too much it causes stretch marks to appear, and that's not appealing to the eye.

Combined with fsh/rfsh injections + aromasin (Since medium to low e2 levels and high FSH levels is responsible for triggering a response for bigger testicles sizes, its like the TSH signal of the thyroid) Plus hanging with light weights.
Because whenever I got an erection my testes tugged back, remaining like the ones from a bulldog.

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I went from a size 16 to a size in between 20 & 25, and came from having the testes as tight as it they could physically be, to a much more relaxed hanging state in a matter of a year, 8 - 9 months give or take. 16 weeks first period & 16 weeks the second period.
Yeah as a penis filler. I went to androfill in the UK once. Literally nothing beats ellanse in terms of firmness. Well PMMA...

Also ellanse is not recommended if you are new to H.A, first they have to patch test for any allergic reactions, if you are allergic to H.A the doctor should tell you, or advise against using it.

Also the molding process is fucking tedious man, also you have to wear super tight underwear in order for the filler to not cause nodules or dropping or going to one side...

Because Ellanse acts faster than H.A, whereas for example teosyal Ultradeep, takes around 24-72h to settle.

"Surgery" is basically depending on your pain tolerance, topical lidocaine or injectable lidocaine, then with a 21-23g they make an incision in the skin, as so called cannula, then they insert the needle(27-30 g depending on what H.A/filler brand you have chosen) and then start applying (it literally deposits the filler on top of it) above the dartos fascia.

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Also do not ever inject ellanse M/L/XL, you really don't want to have it there for 4 years. Just ask them to inject ELLANSE S.

Plus ellanse S is the cheapest of the three, and is almost trouble free.

I'd rather do this procedure once or twice per year and have no nodules than having to wait for 4 years for it to resolve.

  • ELLANSE S = Stays for 1 year (give or take). I was told that if you fuck 24/7 nonstop it will only last 3 -5 months. And yeah it boots your own collagen production, your penis will look and feel thicker.
A side effect I found is that vascularity will be greatly reduced. (Your veins will not be popping up as they used to)
Unless you have mandingo's veins, which in that case you shouldn't bother.

1- You can inject every 2 - 3 months, ranging from 6 - 10 ml at once, let it settle down, and after 3 months if no nodules appeared and you followed the protocol that the doctor dictates you...

(You may never want to inject more than 10ml or even 6ml, since it creates stretch marks on the skin, similar when you are skinny and start getting muscular or fat.)

2 - You can proceed to inject another 10ml.
With each 10ml I gained about 0.35 to 0.5" in girth. Max I injected in one year is 20ml. which equals to 0.75 to 1 " in girth.

2.1 - Or if you want to become the next Vladimir the impaler, and inject 40+ml
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3- Also the bigger you are, the less you inches you can obtain (Due to skin elasticity, since you can only fit inside there a limited amount due to the skin being super tight).
Let's say you 5.5 MD (Mid section), now with 10 ml you can expect .40", therefore reaching the desired 6" mark (rounding up)

I can't say prices because everyone is gonna be different you could inject 10ml, other 6ml...

4- Ellanse it's expensive but worth it. Expect at least around 5k per year spent per 20ml. If done there. If you do it in germany like, It will cost almost double.

It will give you bigger flaccid, bigger flaccid girth, and bigger erect girth. You will love to show off.

Different purity's:​
Guess which one is gonna give you the best result?
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PMMA(PERMANENT + high risk) > ELLANSE (A modest 1 year) > TEOSYAL ULTRADEEP (Almost 1 year) > JUVEDERM VOLUX > REST.

Also I increased my head girth size with DLD Head expansion exercises + 2ml of H.A, which I can't recall what name it was, but it was a cheap one.

@DLD Material. If you would me like to remove the video, ask me and I will remove it.

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But If you do Ellanse injection can you do PE training as before ( in my case clamping and pumping ) without complication or it will cause deformations/nodules?? Thank you so much ?
It sounds interesting something that can boost collagen production... it would be useful for our training...
But If you do Ellanse injection can you do PE training as before ( in my case clamping and pumping ) without complication or it will cause deformations/nodules?? Thank you so much ?

After 1 month you can continue with your new thicker cock. You can clamp, pump, hang, ultrasound...whatever, you have the added benefit of having a collagen stimulator in your pants. But only after 1 month, just to reduce any nodules + any possible inflammation that occurred, since if you don't give it enough time to the filler to settle in, and take proper care, it will clump like a grain of rice.
Talking by experience, wait at least 1 month following a routine the doctor gives you and after that, enjoy stretching pussies, mouths :O , throats(?)?
  • Ellansé S: 18 months, but it is more like 12 months. If you get a new dick at least I expect to have more sex.
  • Ellansé M: 2 years
  • Ellansé L: 3 years
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After 1 month you can continue with your new thicker cock. You can clamp, pump, hang, ultrasound...whatever, you have the added benefit of having a collagen stimulator in your pants. But only after 1 month, just to reduce any nodules + any possible inflammation that occurred, since if you don't give it enough time to the filler to settle in, and take proper care, it will clump like a grain of rice.
Talking by experience, wait at least 1 month following a routine the doctor gives you and after that, enjoy stretching pussies, mouths :O , throats(?)?
  • Ellansé S: 18 months, but it is more like 12 months. If you get a new dick at least I expect to have more sex.
  • Ellansé M: 2 years
  • Ellansé L: 3 years
That’s great mate I’m wondering if they do this procedure in Italy as well... otherwise what do you suggest me in Europe.... UK? Germany?
@Jürgen88 Thanks for the analysis brother. For that internal pressure what has worked the best for me is PGE-1. That combined with low vacuum pressure in the pump it makes for an awesome workout.

I am personally not worried about hernia or something else, since I believe those things are catastrophic failure of the tissues due to chronic essential nutrient deficiency.

There is a "universal" Excel template created by another member, I will see if it is possible to share it with everybody here. I believe it would be much better to have all our numbers standardized in a same spreadsheet.
hi jackxxx

I started using the ultrasound did my second session last night . I’m using the soundcare plus 3mhz

I do 30 min relaxation with 2.2lb
20 min ultrasound with 4.5 lb
10 min relaxation

my questions are

do I need to hang over my leg to preform the US session? I hang over my leg without a pulley just straight from the vacum hanger.

mid I use a pulley do I need to hang straight up or still over my leg with the pulley?

another questions I had if I use the pulley and let say I started the session with 4LB and want to add a pound how do I add it with out getting up ? Losing temperature etc?

would be nice to understand better the logistics of the setup

First the therapy itself, you need to go increasing weight. Just keeping the same weight will have little impact on tensile strength of the tissues. Wether on strain or creep, you start with a low tension and increase throughout the protocol. Only the last 10 minutes, which is not relaxation anymore, is cool down and that one you keep it with the same weight.

If you have a 3Mhz device, you dont need to hang over the leg. Theoretically, 3Mhz frequencies go less deeper in the tissues so all the sound waves should stay inside the penis.

If you do over the leg, you need a pulley. Because if you just lay it over the leg and hang the weight on the others side, the friction between your dick and your leg will be too big, preventing stretching. The pulley has to be around the same height as your leg, so the penis is pulled pretty much straight out to the side over the leg.

How to add weight without standing up or losing temp? Well, my pulley goes under my table not too far away from me. On the other side of the pulley the rope hangs with a basket in which I put the incremental weight. Since is not too far, I just grab a weight from the table, and throw it in the basket.

Take a look and the first pages of this thread in which I posted pictures of my setup and Thr???-X posted detailed pictures of each products and layout of the setup.
Thank you so much for your detailed answer

Can you please give example of your weight increase in one session what you start with ? Let’s say relaxation is 1kg then when starring us is ??? Then after how many min you increase the weight and how many min wait till the next increase? A detailed explanation will be appreciated

Definetly will set up my pulley like you mentioned and will use a bucket makes total sense now THANK YOU !!

At the beginning of the therapy, and this is something that you will need to gauge over time, I was starting with 0.5kg Incrementing every aprox 3 minutes, during my first period I was increasing some 0.5kg at a time. Again, during my first period I did not have the whole process standardized, so these numbers are aproximate. But at the end, I ws reaching weights as high as 6-7kg.

Now during my second period I have everything more standardized. I start with 1kg of net weight, but a gross weight of around 1.3kg accounting for the weight of the basket, scale, rope tension. I slowly increase by 200gr at a time every 3 minutes, reaching a total of 5-5.3kg. I am not exactly accurate about the 3 minutes, sometimes I go 3.5mins or a little less in between, but I make sure if I reach 5kg, I stop there.

When you start, it is important to start with low tension. For example start with 0.5kg, slowly increment 0.2-0.5kg, but during your first few times do not pass 2.5-3kg of total tension. The final strain will determine the weight. If at the end you achieve a healthy strain, no ned to increase. If you see no difference, slowly increase tension next time. Remember fatigue, inflammation, microtears, rupture, has to be avoided at all costs.
do you see this routine/therapy as something anyone should do...or is this more of a "you hit the wall and this is how you get over it".

That is still up for debate juts like the use of steroids in bodybuilding. If you ask any professional coach or athlete, they will tell you to exercise naturally, gain as much as you can, learn to know you body, master the diet, the execution of each exercise, then once you depleted your natural genetic potential you use steroids to push you up to the next level.

I believe this to be the same. if your BPFSL is significantly more than your BPEL, no need to worry about this therapy at this point since you will see gains in BPEL from conventional PE. But if your BPFSL is equal to your BPEL, you will benefit from this approach in creating that gap for potential BPEL.

And of course if you've been in this for a long time and your gains stopped, there are high chances that your BPFSL is equal to your BPEL due to toughening of the septum over time.
Hi Jackxxx

I been experiencing my glans sliding down from the vacum chamber during us do you experience that as well? Or does it need to stay at the top of chamber for successfully us session?

You mean the vacuum cup is slipping off? if so yes that is a problem, you need to make sure you have proper vacuum seal. Also because a better vacuum will protect you from blisters.
By the way, did the newskin work for you? No more blisters?

Yes as I have used before. However, I have been out for a few days. The last time I left a crease in the gorilla tape that pinched the bottom side of the glans creating an injury. Still healing.
What I’m asking is could the new skin be used let’s say on your face to hold wrinkles back? I sort of ghetto Botox? It just occurred to me and I figured I would ask

I'd rather use other products, that will burn the face, not like sulfuric acid or something, but in a way of like:

If you have ever applied any BHA or AHA on your face, right after you have over exfoliated your skin too much, you apply them and burn like crazy.

(I use my gf's BHA of Paula's choice: (Sounds like some kind of vintage porno movie thought (cwl) (cwl) )

(Be aware of this product, is so pasty but works for dark circles under the eyes) (Long nights being awake?)

Plus this: (If my gf wants to look good and young, why cant we (men) take care of ourselves too?)​

This shit works fantastic, it will hold wrinkles back, after some use:

(Sort of "ghetto botox", after some minutes on your face it will stretch your skin, due to it getting dried)

(Serum form)
does this hold the penis tight?

Actually it creates like a layer around/on top of your glans, so it cant expand and cause a blister. I sometimes use it with the silicap or the phallosan cap, for extra protection for hanging. After that I wrap it below the glans and maybe a bit of the shaft and boom, perfect grip and no more blisters.

All thanks to @HeMan1


I have been thinking lately about using the 3mhz option of my sound care plus, but I am hesitant to even use ultrasound as I haven't reached a dead end yet, but would like to try these ideas that I have in mind, let me know your thoughts:

  • What if I use the gel pad + 3mhz in the perineum, right where we can still touch our hidden penis, whilst expressive stretching?

  • What if I put the gel pad + 3mhz on top of my suspensory ligament and hang forcing my posture to hit the ligament more?

Wouldn't those two situations cause longer flaccid + more penis being available to stretch?​

Possible problems, hitting the prostate, but since I am using the 3mhz + the gel pad, that shouldn't be a problem right? Since it cant reach deep enough
I have been thinking lately about using the 3mhz option of my sound care plus, but I am hesitant to even use ultrasound as I haven't reached a dead end yet, but would like to try these ideas that I have in mind, let me know your thoughts:

  • What if I use the gel pad + 3mhz in the perineum, right where we can still touch our hidden penis, whilst expressive stretching?

  • What if I put the gel pad + 3mhz on top of my suspensory ligament and hang forcing my posture to hit the ligament more?

Wouldn't those two situations cause longer flaccid + more penis being available to stretch?​

Possible problems, hitting the prostate, but since I am using the 3mhz + the gel pad, that shouldn't be a problem right? Since it cant reach deep enough

Hard to tell without actually trying it and monitoring temperature. One thing for sure, you dont need a gel pad with 3mhz since those frequencies run very close to the surface.
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Can you guys give recommendation for a good vacuum cap for hanging and doing the Ultrasound? I’m currently using the blue cap from eBay and have used total man and lg hanger all losing vacuum

That means that those caps are to big for your size head, or you are using a sleeve to big for your size.


  1. What I do is put the New Skin on, let it dry, apply a second coat if needed.
  2. Wear the the silicap 2 on or phallosans cap.
  3. (This step is more like 2.1, maybe the sleeve you are using is big for your girth size, since it has to grip to the upper shaft too)
  4. And after that get inside the vacuum cap.
  5. Wrap it with a bandaid or Uncle jim's wrap
  6. Use adhesive tape and make a tight wrap, not too tight, not too loose. See how you feel.
  7. Hang without any problems.
LG HANGER is known to have good vacuum caps, maybe your seal is not tight enough.

I heard of a bodybuilder here at germany Max madsen uses DMSO injectable to make the collagen bonds of the muscles more malleable, making him able to cause more ruptures, resulting in more hypertrophy.

Now extrapolating this,

  • Could we replicate that in the penis? Would there be any benefit vs topical administration?

  • We could cause more rupture in the tunica, making the the collagen bonds weaker, we could add more mm per session?

Like combining intracavernosal DMSO injections, intracavernosal saline infusions + Hanging + Heat? = That would result in more mm per session.

I am looking for ways that could help people with thickened septum, and since you have already increased up to 6kg+, I wonder if these could help you.

  • Now what I am interested also is in how can we accelerate the growth of our BPEL? Since we can stretch BPFSL a lot, how can we convert that into permanent BPEL?

We would have to see scientific research and testing on rats first. Currently, Ultrasound works flawlessly.

I am working also in developing a more efficient approach to exercise BPEL.
@Jackxxx do you anything about IGF-2 ? I came upon some articles regarding its use in mice in their tails, resulting in an increase in cell differentiation, but I have never heard anyone used before.

Is different from IGF-1?

I am currently reading on IGF-2. The main difference is that 2 is active while in the womb before we are born. 1 is alive throughout our lives. What catch my attention is that IGF-2 is one of the main hormones responsible for the formation and development of the genitalia...
Finally back in business. That injury took some time to heal. A couple of days ago it was pretty much good to go, but I decided to give it some extra time for safety.

Today results are:

Pre BPFSL: 24.7cm
Post BPFSL: 25cm
Strain: 1.2%

Small strain and a millimeter of regression. Not a good result, because each millimeter counts, and this is not a millimeter of gain, but of loss. However, there are good news. Learning from the previous experience, I very carefully shielded the glans with gorilla tape and it paid off. No injury whatsoever, which means I can perform a normal cycle now in which I expect to recover that mm and keep gaining again.
4th of July results:

Pre BPFSL: 24.7cm
Post BPFSL: 25.2cm
Strain: 2%

Much better strain, which makes me believe that I will retain an extra mm for tomorrow bringing me back to the measurement before the last injury.

On a side note: At this point, without a doubt, I am pulling other tissues along with the septum. As a matter of fact, there are times in which necessity is imperative and I have to empty my tank of milk right after the protocol. After doing that I develop a lasting pain/fatigue in the perineum area, where the CS is born. Which leads me to believe that it gets exhausted after the therapy plus an erection. It happens every time during this Period. Also, when I pull my noodle to measure, the CC’s are no longer “saggy” on the sides of the septum. Now they are tight along with everything else. I will have to start trials soon for the new BPEL protocol.
Back on track. I recovered the lost mm, and gained 1 more on post BPFSL.

Pre BPFSL: 24.8cm
Post BPFSL: 25.3cm
Strain: 2%

Post BPFSL is 1mm shy from 10 inches. But no victory yet. I will set as achieved goal for this period once I can retain that 10 inch mark on Pre BPFSL. Further more, let us keep in mind that this is BPFSL and not BPEL. However, as I have mentioned in the beginning of this thread, the progress and revolution of this novel approach has been nothing less than remarkable. I am absolutely positive that BPEL will come after one way or another, since the all time limiting factor for years was this, the tunica.
Hi Jackxxx
I started doing after my US session after the 10 min cool down another 10 min of manual stretches and I found that I got a longer Flacid stretch I was over 7.25 post and 7 pre

what do you think?
Hi Jackxxx
I started doing after my US session after the 10 min cool down another 10 min of manual stretches and I found that I got a longer Flacid stretch I was over 7.25 post and 7 pre

what do you think?

So if I understood the math calculations correctly explained by @Jackxxx & Kyrpa on TP:

  • 17.78 - "PRE" - [7 INCHES * 2.54(1 inch)].

  • 18.415 - "POST" [7.25 INCHES * 2.54(1 inch)].

  • POST - PRE = 0,635.
x = 0,635.
Now times 100 = 63.5

  • Then your "x"(63.50) / "PRE"(17.78) = 3,571428571428571.
3,571428571428571% => 3.6% Strain (Rounded).

So your results indicate this:

17.78 cm.

Post BPFSL: 18.415 cm.

Strain: 3.57%

You're making good progress.

Back on track. I recovered the lost mm, and gained 1 more on post BPFSL.

Pre BPFSL: 24.8cm
Post BPFSL: 25.3cm
Strain: 2%

Post BPFSL is 1mm shy from 10 inches. But no victory yet. I will set as achieved goal for this period once I can retain that 10 inch mark on Pre BPFSL. Further more, let us keep in mind that this is BPFSL and not BPEL. However, as I have mentioned in the beginning of this thread, the progress and revolution of this novel approach has been nothing less than remarkable. I am absolutely positive that BPEL will come after one way or another, since the all time limiting factor for years was this, the tunica.
By the way @Jackxxx take a look at this studies on botulinum toxin on smooth muscle:

View attachment 1829674

"At higher concentrations, botulinum toxin directly inhibits smooth muscle contractility as evidenced by the decreased contractile response to ACh "

  • Does that mean that the ADRENERGIC PATHWAY in the CC will remain ineffective? For example using Phenylephrine HCL?

  • Isn't that good for girth for example? If it doesn't contract that's good for expansion right more blood flowing in?

Another random thought:

I have been researching chemicals compounds for sex and girth enhancement
and I came across a paper talking about poppers & the recipe for making them.

The mechanism of action is to lower blood pressure, especially in smooth muscle. Since it was used to treat bronchitis, lowering blood pressure in the lungs.

"Poppers dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow.
It is generally believed that their effects involve the release of nitric oxide from nitrite, and this causes relaxation of smooth muscle in blood vessels, resulting in vasodilation."

"Smooth muscle is also found in other parts of the body. Having elastic quality, such as the bladder, digestive tract, vagina, anal sphincter, penile tissue, alkyl nitrites relax these smooth muscles too."

  • Now my question is: Could that aid in someway in girth? Is it better than L-citrulline supplementation?
Hi Jackxxx
I started doing after my US session after the 10 min cool down another 10 min of manual stretches and I found that I got a longer Flacid stretch I was over 7.25 post and 7 pre

what do you think?

That is great. Make sure you detailed measure right before the session, and immediately after the session and write it down. Keep log of the result of every single session. And centimeters with millimeters make it more accurate.
I had a good feeling when I went to measure BPFSL today.

Pre BPFSL: 25cm
Post BPFSL: 25.5cm
Strain: 2%

We have achieved a majestic number of 10 inches in Post BPFSL. As I mentioned before, no victory yet. The goal of this period is to end with a steady Pre BPFSL of at least 25.4cm which equals 10 inches, which puts me some 5cm from a foot of phallic apparatus.

As this period ends, I will enter a phase of dedicated BPEL growth in an attempt to go filling up the gap as soon s possible.
Todays results:

Pre BPFSL: 25.1cm
Post BPFSL: 25.6cm
Strain: 2% (1.99)

My strain has been consistent for some time now. At the beginning of this period, I had some difficulty maintaining the strain rate and the elongation. Eventually, as is always the case, I mastered the technique to start getting results with this setup.

Lately, my strain increased to 2% and has stayed that way for the past few therapies. There are 2 small details that I adjusted and as crazy as it sounds, made a difference. It might be coincidence, but I am still sharing all the data for further reference. First, I am fixing now the IR lamp very close to my penis throughout the whole therapy. I would say I keep the bulb some 8-20 inches away, opposed to before where I was keeping it at some 14 inches just for warmth. Now I am using it for heat assistance. basically while the US is heating specially the septum and some surrounding areas, the lamp is heating the shaft where is not heated by US. The second detail, I am doing one more quarter turn to my penis when twisting it to expose the ventral side.

Another detail that has made a good difference for some time, was the increase in weight. I am using in total some 5.3kg. 5kg of loaded weight plus 0.3 aprox weight in gear. This total weight is working perfectly fine, providing enough strain the is staying steady.
Todays results:

Pre BPFSL: 25.1cm
Post BPFSL: 25.6cm
Strain: 2% (1.99)

My strain has been consistent for some time now. At the beginning of this period, I had some difficulty maintaining the strain rate and the elongation. Eventually, as is always the case, I mastered the technique to start getting results with this setup.

Lately, my strain increased to 2% and has stayed that way for the past few therapies. There are 2 small details that I adjusted and as crazy as it sounds, made a difference. It might be coincidence, but I am still sharing all the data for further reference. First, I am fixing now the IR lamp very close to my penis throughout the whole therapy. I would say I keep the bulb some 8-20 inches away, opposed to before where I was keeping it at some 14 inches just for warmth. Now I am using it for heat assistance. basically while the US is heating specially the septum and some surrounding areas, the lamp is heating the shaft where is not heated by US. The second detail, I am doing one more quarter turn to my penis when twisting it to expose the ventral side.

Another detail that has made a good difference for some time, was the increase in weight. I am using in total some 5.3kg. 5kg of loaded weight plus 0.3 aprox weight in gear. This total weight is working perfectly fine, providing enough strain the is staying steady.

I have always had this question: Will collagen (type 1,2,3,4) + gelatin/gelatine + oral hyaluronic acid[1] + protein supplementation/food aid in healing faster?

Since we are producing micro tears, would that make sense?

  • After you hang, do you do anything else, like jelqing/stretching or something? Or you just simply leave it hang freely?
Another question, do you think tight boxers affect negatively our hanging flaccid sizes? If so, in your opinion what type of underwear would be the most beneficial?
  • Are you on any type of TRT or HRT?
Lastly, I'm quite curious, how is your EQ? Did you notice anything new, has it been affected? Like new blood requirements, loss of erection angle perhaps?

By the way, congrats on achieving (fire)(fire)10 inches(fire)(fire)

I really h
ope that you use that massive phallic apparatus as a weapon of mass destruction:devilish:
@Jürgen88 No, all that supplementation is a scam. If you are normally nutrified with a healthy diet and essential nutrients, you dont need any of that. If you take it, your body will make it excrement.

I am not producing micro tears, in fact, that has to be avoided at all costs. That is the exact reason why I am seeing progress. Causing micro tears or trauma or inflammation all it does is toughen the tissues. A natural response of the body. With that approach you will gain 0.5-1 inch as a newbie, but after that hardly anything more.

I am on TRT, yes.

EQ is excellent. In fact, surprisingly better than ever before, something that concerns me because I dont know if an erection is possible with 12 inches of meat. It takes a huge amount of blood to fill up a whole arm of penis.
I don't know if an erection is possible with 12 inches of meat. It takes a huge amount of blood to fill up a whole arm of penis.

  • What if you took EPO? Have you thought about it?

  • What if you save from time to time 1 unit of blood? When needed you will be able to increase your RBC or make your own PRP shots.
For PRP, yes. To increase RBC no. Not needed.
Now that gave it a second thought, you are bigger that Mandingo & Julio Gomez. 0.5 inches above their "maximum prime size"


  • What is your TRT dosage?
By the way here are some pumps that can get past 11 inches in length;

View attachment 1829718

You can choose up to 15 inches. You won't need any "water pump reservoir".

  • Also the ones from the shop are up to 12 inches: (305mm to be exact)

View attachment 1829719

This is a complete newbie question related to the quoted text. I probably got it all wrong but have to ask...
You mention that micro tears must be avoided. But isn't this what is happening when we stretch and extend?

No my friend. There is a lot of science involved that wa never followed for years. Just pulling your dick like a noodle will not make it grow. Sure, "some" will grow, but that approach will never succeed in creating a standardized universal approach for penile growth.

If you gentle pull to a certain level of tension, there will not be any micro tear, but rather a fibril "slide" This is what in the long term translate into real growth. If your tension is beyond certain point, yes it will create micro tear and inflammation. This will also initially provide growth, but also as a consequence the body will repair and regrow tissue stronger to resist tension which will eventually prevent any further growth. This is not skeletal muscle, this is tendon/ligament tissue.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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