Jackxxx UltraSound Therapy Log

175mg enanthate/week

Yes I already have foot long tubes. I was looking for a big water pump system but I already resolved that situation. I found a workaround to convert buy current tube into water pump. Thanks anyways brother.
175mg enanthate/week

Yes I already have foot long tubes. I was looking for a big water pump system but I already resolved that situation. I found a workaround to convert buy current tube into water pump. Thanks anyways brother.

So, maybe I am getting your approach wrong, but does this represent what you have in mind about your girth program?

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Couple of questions:
  • How do you measure your internal temperature? Does it matter?
  • Are 40-41ºC temperatures needed? Am I mixing your girth routine with the Ultrasound approach?
  • Do you use higher temperatures? Since water temperature does not represent penis temperature...
@Jürgen88 First, is length program, not girth. Girth might be affected as a secondary effect, but in reality there is no such thing as working girth or length. If BPFSL > BPEL, exercise will increase length. If BPFSL = BPEL, girth will grow and almost zero gain in length. If BPFSL needs to be increased in order to create gap for length, only US is the only current way I know to work from experience for that. No manual exercise will make the septum grow. Those who claim to have achieved septum growth by manual exercise or other traction/force methods, is simply because they didn't hit the dead end yet. Once the septum toughen, nothing will stretch it other than heat and stress relaxation.

No need for that complex setup. IR will be directly on top of penis with water inside the tube. I will use a water trap between tube and pump.

Yes, water temperature HAS to be measured at all times, if not the approach is useless.

The target tissue have to reach 41 degree. Therefore I would keep the water a little bit higher, perhaps 43 degrees.

Some have suggested that I should measure internal penis temperature, but in this case is not needed since I will be targeting strictly the tunica for BPEL. Since the tunica is the outer layer under the skin, I am proposing that it will easily reach 41 degrees for therapy. We will see.
I got a couple of questions for when you come back, I have seen that kyrpa, tuts, others and you only do one set of hanging and call it a day.

My question are:

Why don't you do like 2 sessions per day? 12 hours rest in between. Like for example;

  • Once waking up, 1hr hanging with UT.
  • Later at night after work, 1hr hanging with UT.
Event though with just 1 hour session EoD is enough. Wouldn't that bring even faster results, or would that make the collagen matrix weaker?
  • What would happen after the second year mark? Would you need to increase weights, more sessions, perhaps use any type of inhibitior of fibroblasts from releasing collagen? I am quite intrigued.
If I am honest with you, I am not jealous of you, rather I want you to succeed. I can only imagine how much knowledge you have acquired during all this time about UT.

Last questions, since many newbies are gonna jump gung-ho on this methods;

  • How would a newbie benefit from using it?
  • What advice would you give to newbies that haven't reached their genetic limit?

Well, remember Kyrpa and other did extensive testing and measurement before coming down to a more universal routine of 3 days on 2 days. off. What we are doing with this approach, is playing on the fine line between creating toughening of the tissue vs using the maximum tensile capacity to allow those fibrils to slide and stretch. If you do 2 sessions a day, is simply too much for the tissues to take, you have to allow that period of 24 hours for those collagen fibers to rest and settle. If you have not tried it, this is a strong approach. When done correctly, that strain is actually A LOT.

At the second year, well, it doesnt really go by time, but rather by your dimensions. Once your BPFSL grows too far from your BPEL, you start comprising other tissues with the protocol. It comes to a point in which the tunica and CS get involved, and logically the strain slows down dramatically. At that point you have to stop BPFSL exercise and dedicate strictly to BPEL in order to close that gap. This latter, is still under investigation on how to properly stimulate BPEL growth in a scientific effective manner. We are getting close to a consensus.

To newbies, just like bodybuilding. Approach the existing newbie manual routines and take as much advantage as possible from that. Only when those basic stretches and jelqs dont work, then think about applying US therapy.
Hi Jackxx

thank you so much for your support so far

I have to tell you that I’m a bit frustrated I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I been almost a month doing US and I always get the same result there is no growth

I am stuck on the same size I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I’m using the soundcare plus which cost me so much money and I don’t see results it’s so frustrating please advise me if you can on what to do? I don’t even mind paying for coaching I just want my dick to grow.
And btw congrats bro on ur 10 inch total inspiration

Sure my friend. Would you mind posting here in extreme detail what are you doing, how, where, everything. Using the sound care in 1mhz or 3mhz mode.
Hey @Jackxxx, hope all has been well with you, been following this thread, glad you were able to break that barrier, i wanted to ask you tho. Would you be able to post progress pics with your new measurements? I just want to see the progress, as it is motivating in itself for me to push harder.

I might post a picture once I consolidate the 10 inch mark of BPFSL. Very hesitant due to the high number of "curious" people looking of pics these days in our community. I know you are being honest, but I have received not that much here but in other forums, those private messages asking for full body nude pics "for motivation purposes" motivation my ass LMAO
A little update, I have been so busy with work, it has been impossible in the last few days to apply the therapy. However, I have been measuring and I stay currently at 25cm. 10 inches is 25.4cm, which I have been surpassing during the last few sessions in Post BPFSL, but the goal is to end this Period with at least 25.4cm in Pre BPFSL. After this period is over, I will start a full attack on BPEL since the gap between the 2 is getting too big, and I am already comprising other tissues during US therapy.
Well, remember Kyrpa and other did extensive testing and measurement before coming down to a more universal routine of 3 days on 2 days. off. What we are doing with this approach, is playing on the fine line between creating toughening of the tissue vs using the maximum tensile capacity to allow those fibrils to slide and stretch. If you do 2 sessions a day, is simply too much for the tissues to take, you have to allow that period of 24 hours for those collagen fibers to rest and settle. If you have not tried it, this is a strong approach. When done correctly, that strain is actually A LOT.

At the second year, well, it doesnt really go by time, but rather by your dimensions. Once your BPFSL grows too far from your BPEL, you start comprising other tissues with the protocol. It comes to a point in which the tunica and CS get involved, and logically the strain slows down dramatically. At that point you have to stop BPFSL exercise and dedicate strictly to BPEL in order to close that gap. This latter, is still under investigation on how to properly stimulate BPEL growth in a scientific effective manner. We are getting close to a consensus.

To newbies, just like bodybuilding. Approach the existing newbie manual routines and take as much advantage as possible from that. Only when those basic stretches and jelqs dont work, then think about applying US therapy.
Does the 24 hour rest period also apply to using an extender? I have followed the manufacturers instructions for use and they do not mention any rest days. All they say is that if you do feel like you need a rest day then rest.
I have been using an extender every day for 9 weeks now. No rest day. Should I be resting?
I might post a picture once I consolidate the 10 inch mark of BPFSL. Very hesitant due to the high number of "curious" people looking of pics these days in our community. I know you are being honest, but I have received not that much here but in other forums, those private messages asking for full body nude pics "for motivation purposes" motivation my ass LMAO
Not needed. What are they going to obtain from seeing your picture? Oh yeah igigi wasn't lying. If they want to see you naked, why don't they watch your adult entertainment film history?

The only thing needed was a demonstration with a dildo or a prop, but Thr???-X was thankful enough to show the rest of us on how to put everything together.
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So not really needed, this is a log, not a picture show... By the way, are you talking about TP?LPSG?PG? Are there other websites?

But again do as you wish.
I might post a picture once I consolidate the 10 inch mark of BPFSL. Very hesitant due to the high number of "curious" people looking of pics these days in our community. I know you are being honest, but I have received not that much here but in other forums, those private messages asking for full body nude pics "for motivation purposes" motivation my ass LMAO
Aw hell nah lol i get you bro, but deff not my cup of tea. Im on this earth for the ladies lol Well hey im here for all the progression, and progression only Jack
Not needed. What are they going to obtain from seeing your picture? Oh yeah igigi wasn't lying. If they want to see you naked, why don't they watch your adult entertainment film history?

The only thing needed was a demonstration with a dildo or a prop, but Thr???-X was thankful enough to show the rest of us on how to put everything together.
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So not really needed, this is a log, not a picture show... By the way, are you talking about TP?LPSG?PG? Are there other websites?

But again do as you wish.

FYI, that diagram is missing the thermocouples measuring temperature along the shaft.

Also FYI, during the last few sessions I have eliminated the Stop Clamp and the scale. Remember this is still all experimentation, I am just comparing results based on strain vs slow creep.

In fact, for Period 3 there will be a modification based on further research done by Tutt and his RF system. Period 3 will be based on a very slow sustained creep, a system that adds tension automatically at a rate of maximum 2kg every 10 minutes continuously.
Hey Jackxxx, are pumping for length or girth? I read somewhere that pumping with a slim tube will force elongation due to limited space/room for girth expansion, is this true?

I am not pumping at the moment, but based on current consensus, yes, it seems like a slow tube will provide preference to length. Do not forget though, that is based on pseudo science. There is no actual research or studies showing that, it is entirely speculation built over the years.

I am not a scientist either, and I dont know any better, but based on what I do know now recently through US therapy and seeing the results for myself, it seems like the results in the pump will depend more on BPFSL/BPEL ratio more than the diameter of the tube.
I have been busy with work as well. I work 50-60 hours per week and on saturdays regularly.

It’s exhausting to make time for everything, including the routine. I gave up everything and currently I am only preparing for a new US routine. I will only concentrate on that and getting 8-9 hours of sleep. There’s not much time left.

How much gap is needed between BPFSL and BPEL to go on a full blown attack for BPEL gains.

My current BPFSL is 197mm. I retained a little bit from my previous session in may. I started a second session but had to quit due to work.

I gained a post BPFSL of 202mm and my last pre-BPFSL was a solid 200mm

I just lost 3mm so that sounds easy to make back.
My BPEL = 180mm (7.08 inches)

I want to grow more BPFSL, maybe to 9 inches solid in order to see if my BPEL follows and increases.

What happens if you only do BPFSL without any BPEL work, like if you would go straight for 10 inches BPFSL in my case or 1 foot long BPFSL in your case.

Congratulations on your 10 inch BPFSL gains. I am preparing for a new cycle. I have to order an IR lamp which doesn’t break after certain amount of working time.

I had some cheap ones which broke all the time after a continuous 90 minutes PE session in the past. The light bulb just went “poof” and wasn’t emitting any IR light anymore. Very annoying.

Hey my friend there is no minimum for BPFSL vs BPEL gap. As long as you have a gap, you have potential for BPEL. I am just going straight for BPFSL as part of experimentation, to see how much is possible, and I am seeing the resistance now. I believe, and I commented this with Kyrpa, that there is a point, very logic by the way, in which you start pulling other tissues besides the septum. And of course, by pulling multiple tissues more resistance is created and therefore decreased strain. That is what I have been experimenting lately in this period.

So I would say, based on my current experience of 2 periods. 2 full cm is the optimal gap before starting work for BPEL.

Now, that belief that BPEL comes along behind BPFSL is very baseless and bogus, only based on some anecdotal experience, but is not the case for everyone. I have seen some BPEL growth behind, but I dont count on it as an independent way to grow BPEL.

I rather will finish this period soon, and go into a full BPEL routine.
Hi Jackxxx thanks so much

so I am using the soundcare plus on 3mghz on 2.0 continues mode I am using and extender while I do the sessions because I find that when I use ur method and throw weight in the bucket I lose suction on my cup in the middle of the session I have 0.25 lb weights increments which I used but I lost suction in the middle of the f the sessions

so what I do is

30 min relaxation on 1.5kg sometimes I wear it as and ads for a few hours with light tensions for relaxation as well before US

then I put my xtender and put it on a higher tension not full tension and start US for 20 min I find that my machine stops few times over the session cause it gets too hot so the last two session I was heating the area a bit diffrent and it seemed to make my machine not stop as much I do not have a heat monitor so I don’t know the exact temperature I’m getting throu the session also the scale I bought from mo

then I do 10 min cool down

there is always a slight diffrence from what I started but it seems. Like I always start same and finish the same I don’t really see a progress I read people logs who done US and saw they grew on 30 days and I don’t see this progress .

It’s seems that on my US sessions I get the 7.25 BPFSL and finish around 7.30 or so sometimes start less but it’s seems like I’m around those numbers and I don’t seem to move higher

I think after almost a month I should of seen some better growth on my BPFSL

another note is that my US sessions did get me crazy EQ quality and I sometime wake up from my erections but I want to see some growth

my goal is to reach 8 inch bone pressed right now I’m at 6.75 bone pressed

First, you are attempting to do a stress relaxation on an extender. How are you measuring that stress relaxation? How much tension are you using in increments? every how often?
Finally back in business. I have been swamped with work, specially the past 2 weeks, not possible to have fun with my dick like a chewing gum.
But here is the Saturday's Matinee results.

Pre BPFSL: 25cm
Post BPFSL: 25.5cm (10.03")
Strain: 2%

I have been though measuring every single day. I have kept 25cm of BPFSL, so far the net gain of this current period is 1cm. This second Period has taken way longer than scheduled and expected, however more important than calendar days, is the number of sessions that will provide those results. Unlike during my first period, I have not seen yet a drastic decrease in gains. I will soon calculate how many sessions of 3 days on 2 days off are in 6 weeks, to match with what I have performed during this period.
hey Jackxxx, I’m a new member here started a little over a week ago but have used an ADS for a month before. I think I’ve gained about .3 inches so far. Is this something I should look into as a newbie to get gains faster or should I just stick to the basics for now and come back to this later?

Stick to the basics. If you gained with an ADS, you will gain with the newbie routines. Concentrate disciplined in that and deplete those gains. Also, all the newbie approaches will condition your tissues for something like US with is heavy on tissues. If you gain from newbie routine, no need to change or incorporate something different.

There are no "faster" gains in this. It is simply the genetic capacity of the tissues. Faster gains will translate in the future into toughening of the tissues making it more difficult to gain. That happened to me. I gained well the first few years til I hit a complete dead end. No force or tension would stretch me any further. Wrong approach to begin with. Until now with US. BUT, if I started with the scientific knowledge and understanding 20 years ago, perhaps today I would be a 13 inches elephantine.
wow I didn’t know that was a possibility. Right now I’m doing a length routine that takes about an hour that’s all stretching. Then I do bathmate later in the day for 5x5x3. I also use the ads for anywhere from 6-10 hours a day. Is this a good approach to begin with you think? What is a bad approach to begin with and what did you do that you think was not the right way to go about it? Thanks for any help! Sorry if you’ve answered before I’m new here on my second week trying to learn as much as I can

It all comes down to tension and force. For example, NEVER stretch "as hard as you can", never pump "as low pressure as possible", never wear the ADS as stretched as possible. That is the key. Ideally, you would need to actually measure what amount of tension you are putting in, but that is difficult for manual stretches or to weak an ADS.
Hi jackxxx

I don’t have a way to measure thestress relaxation really I just try tostretch it but not too much I just add more tension every few minutes

I noticed that you mentioned in the past few days you measure you BPFSL on your days off and was still 25 cm

for me after the session I’m above 7.25 maybe 7.30 but yesterday I measure on off day and saw it was a poor 7 BPFSL

so is that mean it’s not working?

Well, perhaps no, is not working, because you are not following the protocol. You have to measure tension. You have to measure length BPFSL right before therapy, and right after therapy. Those are the most important ones. Pre BPFSL, Post BPFSL, every single time.

Then you HAVE to measure tension. It is not possible to just add more every few minutes. It doesnt work that way. Its like lunching a space rocket without measuring altitude. And then saying "I just increase throttle until I see dark and I guess I am reaching low orbit" NO BRO. It doesnt work that way. You have to measure tension and temperature. Without those parameters there is no way to apply this protocol properly.
Absolutely agree with you bro!!! I guess I was trying to work something out that won’t make my glans slip out of the vacum

today I tried something else

I did 30 min with 2.5 lb

then put the weight to 8lB and did the whole treatment like that there was no slippage of my glans in the vacum

I measured before the relaxation I was at 7.15 ended at 7.25

I always get the same result though

What vacum do you use? And what sleeve how much is the sleeve covering ur member?

how do I measure the heat? While I do the us do u havr

Sean, please read the first posts of this thread and this guide written by @Jackxxx

At this rate you will end up injuring yourself rather than obtaining size. I would rather you re-read everything again.

Do have a toughened septum like @Jackxxx?

Jackxxx explained some posts above, this should be used once the "dead end" has been reached or as a last resort.

  • Because the complications can lead to; apoptosis, decrease of EQ for growing too fast, blisters...
how do I measure the heat? While I do the us do u havr

With a thermocoupler, again this has been explained in the first pages. There is no rush, take your time to ask more questions.

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What vacum do you use? And what sleeve how much is the sleeve covering ur member?

What is needed is a vacuum head that has a good grip/seal, and you are either using one too big or a small condom or viceversa.

Take measurements of your Flaccid stretched girth size.
It all comes down to tension and force. For example, NEVER stretch "as hard as you can", never pump "as low pressure as possible", never wear the ADS as stretched as possible. That is the key. Ideally, you would need to actually measure what amount of tension you are putting in, but that is difficult for manual stretches or to weak an ADS.

how does one know if he has a toughened suptum? Is there a way for me to know?

also What can I do to avoid getting a toughened septum?do I I just make sure I’m not pulling or pumping too hard? How hard should I pull?

should I take days off

min not doing any jelquing right now just stretches and pump. Now I’m nervous that I have this or that I might get it from pulling

okay I’ve been pulling pretty hard in my sessions and I think I sort of have that metal rod feeling a bit. Should I take a day off or just start pulling lighter? It seems unlikely I’d get a toughened septum after just a few weeks right? I thought DLD said to pull as hard as you can, maybe I was wrong. Can a toughenedseptum loosen up if it’s caught early? Sorry for all the questions just trying to learn and do this right and am now super nervous I won’t gain because of this. Thanks guys
okay I’ve been pulling pretty hard in my sessions and I think I sort of have that metal rod feeling a bit. Should I take a day off or just start pulling lighter? It seems unlikely I’d get a toughened septum after just a few weeks right? I thought DLD said to pull as hard as you can, maybe I was wrong. Can a toughenedseptum loosen up if it’s caught early? Sorry for all the questions just trying to learn and do this right and am now super nervous I won’t gain because of this. Thanks guys
It takes years to develop and ton of force. Does not happen overnight.

Pulling hard means nothing, unless you are using 10kg+ and stretching erect, you should not worry.

don't overthink it and:

Every extender in the market wont go pass 5kg barrier. At least most of them. There are exceptions of course.

If you ask @Jackxxx, he will tell you the same.
The chances that you have a toughened septum are very low, he developed it in over a decade of using absurd weights, as described by him.
It takes years to develop and ton of force. Does not happen overnight.

Pulling hard means nothing, unless you are using 10kg+ and stretching erect, you should not worry.

don't overthink it, every extender in the market wont go pass 5kg barrier. At least most of them. There are exceptions of course.

If you ask @Jackxxx, he will tell you the same.
The chances that you have a toughened septum are very low, he developed it in over a decade of using absurd weights, as described by him.
I remember hearing the Indian men who practice this are called naga babas. They have been trained from their inception to conquer lust. This is one part of their practice in order for them to conquer lust. The naked Hindu sadhus. I imagine their penises must be huge after a lifetime of practicing that.
Absolutely agree with you bro!!! I guess I was trying to work something out that won’t make my glans slip out of the vacum

today I tried something else

I did 30 min with 2.5 lb

then put the weight to 8lB and did the whole treatment like that there was no slippage of my glans in the vacum

I measured before the relaxation I was at 7.15 ended at 7.25

I always get the same result though

What vacum do you use? And what sleeve how much is the sleeve covering ur member?

how do I measure the heat? While I do the us do u havr

Nope, that is not how it is done. Nowhere it is indicated to stretch with a static weight and then jump up 300-400% in weight and stretch with that static weight. Please learn about how to perform stress relaxation, and I would advise to you to work based on kg and centimeters. It is way more accurate for our purpose.
@Jackxxx So I was wondering what a 30cm+ extender would look like, decided to assemble some parts in order to add them to an extender and WOAH!

We are talking about Stallion horse dick size here. Is this what all women refer then they say they have had 12 inches???

Now it got me wondering:

  • How would you be able to supply enough blood without passing out?
  • Have you thought in some ligament toughening in order to maintain a 90º erection or not worried about it hanging down your knees?
  • How will affect the gravity to the tissues? Could hypoxia occur?

Yes that is how a foot of extender looks like. But even before that, let us say just using an extender for a 9 inch penis is too big to conceal in your pants or shorts. Impossible. Back in the day I used to wear an extender sometimes going out, I had to put a pair of underwear, then some swimming shorts, then basketball shorts, then cargo shorts on top very lose and baggy, plus a huge t-shirt hanging way past down my waist line. Very uncomfortable and unnecessary.

In terms of blood supply, the problem is not actually reaching an erection, the problem begins when you have to perform with this erection. Just moving to fuck, will either make the erection subside or feeling very out of breath very fast. All of that is unexplored territory and we will have to see over time what happens.

I got a question:

Lest say one would use caverject to obtain 100% erections and combine it with UT, wouldn't that bring results to BPEL, instead of BPFSL?

Why caverject? Because that would really make us focus on solely Erect length, since we would have our penises at their maximum length possible for the duration of the therapy. And since we should follow a x3 per week routine, we wouldn't desensitize to pge-1.

Let me know what you think

Not necessarily. Just the fact of having an erection with US will not translate into growth. The tunica need in reality a tremendous amount of pressure per square inch to promote elongation. Your natural blood pressure will never be able to provide that internal push.

Kyrpa in fact already researched this method, while clamping. Clamping will really allow you to put extra internal pressure on the tunica. However, there are many risks involved, serious risks. His preliminary results were somewhat promising, but nothing that could lead to an established protocol with measurable daily progress.
Yes that is how a foot of extender looks like. But even before that, let us say just using an extender for a 9 inch penis is too big to conceal in your pants or shorts. Impossible. Back in the day I used to wear an extender sometimes going out, I had to put a pair of underwear, then some swimming shorts, then basketball shorts, then cargo shorts on top very lose and baggy, plus a huge t-shirt hanging way past down my waist line. Very uncomfortable and unnecessary.

In terms of blood supply, the problem is not actually reaching an erection, the problem begins when you have to perform with this erection. Just moving to fuck, will either make the erection subside or feeling very out of breath very fast. All of that is unexplored territory and we will have to see over time what happens.
True, and extender is noticeable in shorts, and it isn't entirely easy to move around with. I wear one though from time to time. I'm also on a 350 acre farm in Vermont, in the mountains, so I'm not coming into contact with others very often in this remote area, though if I was, I wouldn't find the extender convenient to wear otherwise. The SS2 also creates a bulge, though thankfully the design is streamlined especially to wear comfortably, and much more discreetly, imo.
Nope, that is not how it is done. Nowhere it is indicated to stretch with a static weight and then jump up 300-400% in weight and stretch with that static weight. Please learn about how to perform stress relaxation, and I would advise to you to work based on kg and centimeters. It is way more accurate for our purpose.

Hi Jackxx thanks for your help .
I got a thermometer and a proper m assuring in cm I also got a noose hanger to have more of my shaft exposed I figured if my shaft is not exposed enough it’s not good what do you think?

I will go back to the original protocol of slowly adding weights and hopefully I can gain like that

I’m suppose to have everything set up this week I will keep a log and write everything down I hope to gain…

jackxxx what do you do for actual BPEL?
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Kyrpa in fact already researched this method, while clamping. Clamping will really allow you to put extra internal pressure on the tunica. However, there are many risks involved, serious risks. His preliminary results were somewhat promising, but nothing that could lead to an established protocol with measurable daily progress.

That's why I had that thought. Mainly because I Thought about combining caverject + clamping + 2 UT devices (
Since my BFPSL is above 15cm)

I am really intrigued about it. IR HEAT + UT + Clamp + Caverject [Maximum expansion] What if we combined all that with a modified pump?

Couple of questions:

Is the two month rest periods imperative to be waited? Would something happen if for example one individual decides to rest more between phases?

Like for example:

2 phases per year of 6 weeks each, total of 12 weeks, focusing only on BPFSL.


40 weeks focusing on BPEL

  • Would that be a wrong approach?


Isn't using a clamp on the rope basically a creep setup? Since its a static weight ramping up.
Hi Jackxx thanks for your help .
I got a thermometer and a proper m assuring in cm I also got a noose hanger to have more of my shaft exposed I figured if my shaft is not exposed enough it’s not good what do you think?

I will go back to the original protocol of slowly adding weights and hopefully I can gain like that

I’m suppose to have everything set up this week I will keep a log and write everything down I hope to gain…

jackxxx what do you do for actual BPEL?

Remember to also measure tension. Weight. You have to know how much you are putting and how much you have in total.

For BPEL, nothing right now. Only BPFSL.
That's why I had that thought. Mainly because I Thought about combining caverject + clamping + 2 UT devices (Since my BFPSL is above 15cm)

I am really intrigued about it. IR HEAT + UT + Clamp + Caverject [Maximum expansion] What if we combined all that with a modified pump?

Couple of questions:

Is the two month rest periods imperative to be waited? Would something happen if for example one individual decides to rest more between phases?

Like for example:

2 phases per year of 6 weeks each, total of 12 weeks, focusing only on BPFSL.


40 weeks focusing on BPEL

  • Would that be a wrong approach?


Isn't using a clamp on the rope basically a creep setup? Since its a static weight ramping up.

If you decide to rest more in between periods of US, even better. The more you rest, the more decoditioning you allow to happen. The 2 months is kinda the minimum. But more is even better.

The clamp in the top does the opposite: Strain. Because it allows for the tissues to relax and reduce the tension as they elongate. When you remove the clamp, then the tension stays there continuously. That is creep.
The clamp in the top does the opposite: Strain. Because it allows for the tissues to relax and reduce the tension as they elongate. When you remove the clamp, then the tension stays there continuously. That is creep.
AHHH got it, thank you!
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  • What if we used it while the penis is submerged underwater? Water is a good conductor. Better than depending on ultrasound gel that dries fast.
We could combine it with the UT device since it has IPX7 rating, but just only the head of the transducer and use like a condom wrapped, since it will penetrate anyways right?
  • Could an extender be used? Instead of hanging, even though I have all the setup(weight, pulley, clamp, thermocoupler, 5l ultrasound gel, rope + ruler + Ir lamp) for when I get home.
  • Why couldnt an extender be used? The hole setup with an extender will result in Creep, instead of strain?

On a side note:

I would like to replicate your caverject experiment, since i have found sooo many patents about penis girth enlargement induced by pge1 injections that I really want to try them, and since you tried it and your girth went up to 6.25" if has left me intrigued.

As I stated on other post, I got a prescription for caverject by my doctor.
  • What would be more cost effective:
    • Buying a vial of 20mcg = I would have 8 doses of 2.5mcg. (If backfilled and injected with an insulin needle)
    • Buying a vial of 10mcg = I would have 4 doses of 2.5mcg. (If backfilled and injected with an insulin needle)
Since 2.5mcg made me pop a boner when the doctor tested it. The price is the same for both, 14.95€ each box.
  • Did you inject before bed, in order to aid with your nocturnal erections?
  • What pinning protocol did you follow? EoD? or ED injections?
  • Did you find any resistance? Like needing to use more overtime?

US under water is the best possible scenario. In water all the sound waves pass flawlessly without any resistance or interference. The problem is how to do it. If you put a condom on it, the sound waves get distorted. And I am not aware of a transducer that is water resistant.

Extender is one of the ways to do it. In fact, an extender provides a more accurate strain since the apparatus is fixed against the body and tension is determined by the rods.

The PGE-1, you cant really determine how many doses you have because it all depends on how much you will need. Of course you can start with a 2.5mcg dose and count the time the erection last and that will give you an initial reference.

I did my protocol at night, and that assisted my natural erections throughout the night.
Every day.
No resistance, it is my experience and knowledge that all those factors like tolerance or scar tissue are directly linked to chronic essential nutrient deficiency and poor nutrition.

I have been reading kyrpas approach to target girth, he was just using viagra + UT + clamps

  • What if we clamped + injected pge1 to sustain a FULL 100% erection + heat with with two devices?

I am only worried about ischemia in the tissues, due to the oxygen uptake being higher while under heat.

  • What I don't seem to understand is how he approached it, did he target width or girth?

Also what I don't understand why pumping with limited length brings better expansion? Did I get that wrong?

I dont know, I wouldn't try US on a clamped dick with PGE-1. Not until I see enough research studies.

I dont understand that about pumping with limited length. Who said that?
Quick update,

I have been unable once again to follow protocol these days, extremely busy with work and business. However, I have been measuring daily and I am staying at 25.3-25.4. I believe once I measure consistently for some 2-3 days at 25.5, I will declare 10 inches in BPFSL reached and the end of Period 2 which would have provided a full 1.4cm on BPFSL.

Since I have received my water trap, I will soon (time provided) start tests for a BPEL protocol.
Are there any ways to measure temp inside the tube?

Yes but it depends. If you are water pumping, then you can just guide a thermocouple inside the tube. Since its a thin wire it wont affect seal or vacuum.

But if you're using an IR lamp for example, it gets more tricky. If you lead the wire to the side of the tube where the lamp is heating, temp will be higher. If you put the wire on the side of the shade, it will be lower. And even more tricky. That will not represent real internal penile temp, in that case you need to guide the thermocouple inside the tube and then down the urethra to get a real internal temp.

With water as explained is easier. The water will be evenly heated around, and from using US experience we might be able to predict how long it will take for the internal penis to reach that target temperature.
Yes but it depends. If you are water pumping, then you can just guide a thermocouple inside the tube. Since its a thin wire it wont affect seal or vacuum.

But if you're using an IR lamp for example, it gets more tricky. If you lead the wire to the side of the tube where the lamp is heating, temp will be higher. If you put the wire on the side of the shade, it will be lower. And even more tricky. That will not represent real internal penile temp, in that case you need to guide the thermocouple inside the tube and then down the urethra to get a real internal temp.

With water as explained is easier. The water will be evenly heated around, and from using US experience we might be able to predict how long it will take for the internal penis to reach that target temperature.
Ok, got it. Until now I’ve been air pumping with a heat pad on (around 45-50 C) and this gave me great results in girth and bpel. Unfortunately I can’t water pump right now so I’ll see if I figure out a way to measure the temp even without water...
A quick update.

I have succeeded in keeping the target goal of 25.4cm of BPFSL. Which equals 10 inches in length. This marks the end of Period number 2 with success, marking a 1.4cm of net gain in BPFSL. This is 3.4cm combined between Period 1 and Period 2, 1.33” in BPFSL which is absolutely remarkable, and the future looks very promising.

Although I have very little time lately due to businesses, I will focus now on BPEL until the time comes for Period 3, with the hopes that this bridge and experimentation lead to successful BPEL gains. Current BPEL stays at 23.5cm which equals 9.25”. The ideal scenario would be to close the gap and bring BPEL up to 10 inches before putting full power towards the foot or 12 inches.
A quick update.

I have succeeded in keeping the target goal of 25.4cm of BPFSL. Which equals 10 inches in length. This marks the end of Period number 2 with success, marking a 1.4cm of net gain in BPFSL. This is 3.4cm combined between Period 1 and Period 2, 1.33” in BPFSL which is absolutely remarkable, and the future looks very promising.

Although I have very little time lately due to businesses, I will focus now on BPEL until the time comes for Period 3, with the hopes that this bridge and experimentation lead to successful BPEL gains. Current BPEL stays at 23.5cm which equals 9.25”. The ideal scenario would be to close the gap and bring BPEL up to 10 inches before putting full power towards the foot or 12 inches.
Thats crazy Jack! Keep it going man i remember seeing your progression a while ago with the TP roll test lol good job! What is your girth like as of now, does it increase as your length increases? Also i replied to your question on my post about BPEL to BPFSL, didn't get a response. I dont know if your getting my notifications or tags.
Thats crazy Jack! Keep it going man i remember seeing your progression a while ago with the TP roll test LOL good job! What is your girth like as of now, does it increase as your length increases? Also i replied to your question on my post about BPEL to BPFSL, didn't get a response. I dont know if your getting my notifications or tags.

Funny you mention my TP roll test, I remember that being back in 2018-2019. At that time, I was still stuck on a dead end. I was trying, wrongly, stretching with supernatural forces in an attempt to grow my BPFSL. Did not work. I was more than convinced from years before that I had reached a total dead end, a limiting factor called septum. It was a little after that that I found these guys experimenting an approach with US, and since then Started carefully following their experiments and progress, until the evidence was enough to carbon copy what they did. And it worked.

I did not get your notification bro. I will check it out.
Funny you mention my TP roll test, I remember that being back in 2018-2019. At that time, I was still stuck on a dead end. I was trying, wrongly, stretching with supernatural forces in an attempt to grow my BPFSL. Did not work. I was more than convinced from years before that I had reached a total dead end, a limiting factor called septum. It was a little after that that I found these guys experimenting an approach with US, and since then Started carefully following their experiments and progress, until the evidence was enough to carbon copy what they did. And it worked.

I did not get your notification bro. I will check it out.
Congrats Jackxxx for your achievement! Anyway I'm curious too If you've planned to work on your girth and if so how will you do it...
Funny you mention my TP roll test, I remember that being back in 2018-2019. At that time, I was still stuck on a dead end. I was trying, wrongly, stretching with supernatural forces in an attempt to grow my BPFSL. Did not work. I was more than convinced from years before that I had reached a total dead end, a limiting factor called septum. It was a little after that that I found these guys experimenting an approach with US, and since then Started carefully following their experiments and progress, until the evidence was enough to carbon copy what they did. And it worked.

I did not get your notification bro. I will check it out.
Yes i remember bro! i would read your post and threads where you would say that you really felt like you reached your maximum gains. That you couldn't grow anymore, im so glad that you crushed your early mindset and never gave up! and succeeded at more gains! That makes me hopeful that i can do that same.

Whats your girth like these days, also does that balloon theory hold true? When we do length solely, does it affect our girth also?

And lastly, hopefully someone can fix that notification problem, thanks in advanced for helping when you can Jack, i believe with the right guidance i will grow surely to 9 by 6. Or at-least the right/ best damn routine for length for Vets.
Starting water trials.

As proposed before, as an experimental approach to develop BPEL after increasing BPFSL through US method, the idea consist in taking advantage of the therapeutic benefits of temperature. As we have proven through a variety of setups based on stress relaxation, constant tension and UltraSound, there is a remarkable response from tissues when the correct temperature is applied under tension. Based on previous anecdotal evidence and existing literature in regard to tissue remodeling after long term exposure to Prostaglandin E1, this experiment will induce an erection while inside the pumping tube with water heated at 42 degrees under 5hg of vacuum for a period of time still pending to determine.


Purpose: To assess wether the use of an IR lamp can efficiently keep the water temperature inside pumping tube at steady therapeutic levels of 40-42 degrees celsius.

Materials and Methods: The internal water temperature in the tube was monitored by a “perfect prime” device with a thermocouple installed inside the tube. The tube was completely filled with water heated at +-45 degrees celsius. The tube was placed upside down (valve down, opening up) to rest for water to cool down to 42 degrees. Cooldown was recorded at a loss of 0.1 degree celsius every +-28 seconds. The opening was sealed with “Glad cling wrap” to hold the thermocouple and delay heat loss. The IR used is a generic red lamp. It was placed initially at around 10 inches of distance from the tube which caused the temperature to slowly increase approximately 0.1 degrees celsius every 35-40 seconds. The distance between the lamp and the tube was increased in increments of 1 inch while monitoring temperature inside the tube.

Results: At a distance of 17.5 inches (44.45cm) the Infrared lamp successfully kept the temperature at 42 degrees celsius for a recorded time of 5 minutes. Initially, while the IR lamp was place at the first position, temperature kept increasing while retracting by 1 inch. This is due to temperature rise of surrounding areas around the tube. In the case of real use with the penis, a similar phenomenon will occur as the surrounding tissues of the body warm up and contribute to the environment providing the heat. Ultimately, the distance of 17 inches was optimal to keep the water at the therapeutic target.

Conclusions: The use of an IR lamp to keep water temperature inside the pumping tube offers an excellent option since the distance needed in this first trial is perfectly comfortable for use. One concern was having the need to keep the lamp too close to the body, or simply ineffective at all to keep the water warm. Now, a different situation will be on the next trial with a penis inside, since the penis itself will provide a “cooling” effect on the water due to blood circulating at an average of 37 degrees celsius.

Next trial will be an assessment of temperature control with a penis inside the tube and water at 42 degrees celsius.
Great, thank you! I've been using basically an equal approach where the only different thing is that I'm using an IR heat pad at 45° degrees instead of a lamp. The only thing is after passing the treshold of 45minutes of constant pumping, even at a low pressure and a sleeve on, edema starts to kick in pretty badly... how are you gonna deal with it? We can obviously take the tube off and remove the edema with some manual exerecises but we're gonna lose the temp and the expansion....
Last edited:
Great, thank you! I've been using basically an equal approach where the only different thing is that I'm using an IR heat pad at 45° degrees instead of a lamp. The only thing is after passing the treshold of 40minutes of constant pumping, even at a low pressure and a sleeve on, edema starts to kick in pretty badly... how are you gonna deal with it? We can obviously take the tube off and remove the edema with some manual exerecises but we're gonna lose the temp and the expansion....
Starting water trials.

As proposed before, as an experimental approach to develop BPEL after increasing BPFSL through US method, the idea consist in taking advantage of the therapeutic benefits of temperature. As we have proven through a variety of setups based on stress relaxation, constant tension and UltraSound, there is a remarkable response from tissues when the correct temperature is applied under tension. Based on previous anecdotal evidence and existing literature in regard to tissue remodeling after long term exposure to Prostaglandin E1, this experiment will induce an erection while inside the pumping tube with water heated at 42 degrees under 5hg of vacuum for a period of time still pending to determine.


Purpose: To assess wether the use of an IR lamp can efficiently keep the water temperature inside pumping tube at steady therapeutic levels of 40-42 degrees celsius.

Materials and Methods: The internal water temperature in the tube was monitored by a “perfect prime” device with a thermocouple installed inside the tube. The tube was completely filled with water heated at +-45 degrees celsius. The tube was placed upside down (valve down, opening up) to rest for water to cool down to 42 degrees. Cooldown was recorded at a loss of 0.1 degree celsius every +-28 seconds. The opening was sealed with “Glad cling wrap” to hold the thermocouple and delay heat loss. The IR used is a generic red lamp. It was placed initially at around 10 inches of distance from the tube which caused the temperature to slowly increase approximately 0.1 degrees celsius every 35-40 seconds. The distance between the lamp and the tube was increased in increments of 1 inch while monitoring temperature inside the tube.

Results: At a distance of 17.5 inches (44.45cm) the Infrared lamp successfully kept the temperature at 42 degrees celsius for a recorded time of 5 minutes. Initially, while the IR lamp was place at the first position, temperature kept increasing while retracting by 1 inch. This is due to temperature rise of surrounding areas around the tube. In the case of real use with the penis, a similar phenomenon will occur as the surrounding tissues of the body warm up and contribute to the environment providing the heat. Ultimately, the distance of 17 inches was optimal to keep the water at the therapeutic target.

Conclusions: The use of an IR lamp to keep water temperature inside the pumping tube offers an excellent option since the distance needed in this first trial is perfectly comfortable for use. One concern was having the need to keep the lamp too close to the body, or simply ineffective at all to keep the water warm. Now, a different situation will be on the next trial with a penis inside, since the penis itself will provide a “cooling” effect on the water due to blood circulating at an average of 37 degrees celsius.

Next trial will be an assessment of temperature control with a penis inside the tube and water at 42 degrees celsius.
Hi Jackxx

so if this is working do you think it would work on gains for BPEL without US?
A quick update.

I have succeeded in keeping the target goal of 25.4cm of BPFSL. Which equals 10 inches in length. This marks the end of Period number 2 with success, marking a 1.4cm of net gain in BPFSL. This is 3.4cm combined between Period 1 and Period 2, 1.33” in BPFSL which is absolutely remarkable, and the future looks very promising.

Although I have very little time lately due to businesses, I will focus now on BPEL until the time comes for Period 3, with the hopes that this bridge and experimentation lead to successful BPEL gains. Current BPEL stays at 23.5cm which equals 9.25”. The ideal scenario would be to close the gap and bring BPEL up to 10 inches before putting full power towards the foot or 12 inches.
This is Awesome!
Great, thank you! I've been using basically an equal approach where the only different thing is that I'm using an IR heat pad at 45° degrees instead of a lamp. The only thing is after passing the treshold of 45minutes of constant pumping, even at a low pressure and a sleeve on, edema starts to kick in pretty badly... how are you gonna deal with it? We can obviously take the tube off and remove the edema with some manual exerecises but we're gonna lose the temp and the expansion....

How much pressure?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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