First, let's start with example. The beginners exercise routine has those Straight down, behind the cheeks, straight out, straight up exercises that contain different angels and they all have rotaries between them. They have equal amount of time and reps as well. Also you are supposed to do 3 sets of each. So instead of doing all that one after another word for word, what if you just stretch in different directions and angels (straight up out behind the cheeks w.e.) and do 30 or so rotaries every 5 minutes. Won't it amount to the same thing? Or maybe better or worse because you are not doing them for 30 seconds each you are doing 10 seconds now then some other direction of stretch for 10 seconds and then coming back to the one you were doing. This is not an actual routine I am just asking a question. Won't it be better or the same if we just basically do stretches in every direction and angles without following an order and do rotaries every 4-5 minutes. You can divide them equally maybe 10 seconds. I just want to know if this is a faster way to gain or not or if you are going to gain the same or less?